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Big Business Got Greedy

Where the hell did I even comment on the financial crisis at all? Are you purposselly being obtuse? The little you choose to comment on is just more evidence that you aren't even close to getting it yet.

The argument applies regardless of the state of the economy. I am well aware that things are not fine for an awful lot of people. There are people that become motivated to do something about it and there are people who whine about it and are apparently content to simply be passengers. there are people that get that there position was not dictated by which President was in office or which policies were past. You obviously don't get that. You are obviously the later. That you continue with your incessant blaming of everything not you is only helping to further prove our point.

I'm not unemployed. I didn't lose a home. I got a damn good job. Lucky to have it. My boss says, "our industry is immune from this recession". So I could very easily be arrogant like you guys.

You are just defending Bush and the GOP because you are Republicans/Conservatives. That's the fact. And I'm busting your balls because the conservatives/gop/republicans fucked all this up. And you know it. Expect decades of this baby!

And are you listening to Obama's press conference! He's going to do it!!! Mark my words. This government now works for the people. That's a good thing whether you understand that or not.

He said he hired that Peter guy and some other guy because they know wher the bodies are buried. He said, "mark my words, just because some bullshit is buried in this years budget, doesn't mean it will survive next year."

All you nay sayers, I hope you all apologize when you finally figure out this guys is for real. I worry about his safety.

Literally, as far as politics are concerned, the Messiah has arrived. Finally someone with the courage to change the system. Will they kill him? Depends on how far he tries to go.

But one things for sure, he isn't ignoring/avoiding his campaign promises. He's going head on with his agenda. And he'll fix this mess.

You don't realize how lucky you/we all are. Not yet.

no industry is immune to recession.

I am in insurance, and it is suppose to be "recession proof" as well, it's not.

There are soft markets and hard markets. It's a soft market right now

no industry is immune to recession.

I am in insurance, and it is suppose to be "recession proof" as well, it's not.

There are soft markets and hard markets. It's a soft market right now

I know, but in my industry, I work for one of the Big 2, and companies need what we sell. Taxes, Sarbanes Oxley, SEC Guidelines, State taxes, Estate Planning.

Sales might be down, but CPA's and Attorneys will always need to keep up on the tax laws.

And he's the Director. He runs my office. Probably makes over $100k. Doesn't realize that back in the 90's that job paid $200. LOL. He wants to be a Republican, but more of a Rudy Republican because he hates the GOP's social positions.

He's gay. And he and his husband adopted a boy from Guatamala. He is a great person. I hope your heads explode from hearing that.
I'm not unemployed. I didn't lose a home. I got a damn good job. Lucky to have it. My boss says, "our industry is immune from this recession". So I could very easily be arrogant like you guys.

You are just defending Bush and the GOP because you are Republicans/Conservatives. That's the fact. And I'm busting your balls because the conservatives/gop/republicans fucked all this up. And you know it. Expect decades of this baby!

More proof that you aren't listening at all. Where did I defend Bush? In fact this will be the third time I have told you that your wealth HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHO THE PRESIDENT IS.

I am not debating politics here bobo. And I am not arrogant. I'm simply a person who acknowledges what he has control over and is responsible for.

And are you listening to Obama's press conference! He's going to do it!!! Mark my words. This government now works for the people. That's a good thing whether you understand that or not.

He said he hired that Peter guy and some other guy because they know wher the bodies are buried. He said, "mark my words, just because some bullshit is buried in this years budget, doesn't mean it will survive next year."

All you nay sayers, I hope you all apologize when you finally figure out this guys is for real. I worry about his safety.

Literally, as far as politics are concerned, the Messiah has arrived. Finally someone with the courage to change the system. Will they kill him? Depends on how far he tries to go.

But one things for sure, he isn't ignoring/avoiding his campaign promises. He's going head on with his agenda. And he'll fix this mess.

You don't realize how lucky you/we all are. Not yet.

WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR MALFUNCTION? What in god's name does this have anything at all do with what I posted back in #102 (which you have been avoiding the substance of like the plague)?

If you want to quote me respond to that. But what the hell this rant has to do with or how it is somehow an accurate reflection on what I said is beyond me and thus didn't require you quoting me at all.
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my head is fine, I am sure your head hurts after the afternoon blowjobs you probably give him.

Also, when the guy they adopted from Guatamala is 22 year old fruit picker, thats not their son. It's their Friday night entairtainment
More proof that you aren't listening at all. Where did I defend Bush? In fact this will be the third time I have told you that your wealth HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHO THE PRESIDENT IS.

I am not debating politics here bobo. And I am not arrogant. I'm simply a person who acknowledges what he has control over and is responsible for.

WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR MALFUNCTION? What in god's name does this have anything at all do with what I posted back in #102 (which you have been avoiding the substance of like the plague)?

If you want to quote me respond to that. But what the hell this rant has to do with or how it is somehow an accurate reflection on what I said is beyond me and thus didn't require you quoting me at all.

Oh I'm sorry. I wanted to ask you that question I asked way back, so I found the last time we spoke.

Did I not answer a question? My bad. What was the question again? Why when we dance do you always lead? :lol:
my head is fine, I am sure your head hurts after the afternoon blowjobs you probably give him.

Also, when the guy they adopted from Guatamala is 22 year old fruit picker, thats not their son. It's their Friday night entairtainment

Oh! Snap! That was cold!!! Damn Andy! :eek:

He'll go to the best schools in Ann Arbor, probably go to UofM and become a very successful hetero man.

Just like straight parents have a horrible time turning their gay kids straight, I doubt those two will make their son gay.

He just won't be as judgemental as you.
And I am defending that? That was a stupid move, I remember it and was totally against it then and am still against it now. Sorry, but to buy a home, there should be 3 qualifications, credit, steady income, downpayment. End of Story. However it doesn't change the fact he also tried to reform the GSE and have a regulatory body oversee fannie and freddy which got blocked by cocksuckers (no pun intended) barney frank.
It's good to know that you at least support some regulation.
For the record the Bush tax cuts were across the board tax cuts. EVERYBODY got them. So what are you really complaining about?

And if you can show he is the exception rather than the rule you might have the semblance of a case.

To have a real discussion about this we obviously have to determine what is accurate or not. Some of what I'm getting from you is that you don't really have a problem with Skull or his views if you believed the majority of business owners were like him. Well what makes you think they aren't? Our wonderfully biased media?

The real differences between the haves and have nots isn't government policies or corporate policies. It is the behavior of individuals. Most of the rich figured out that, one, they probably weren't going to get rich working for someone else. Most of the rich take proactive measures to insulate themselves from haveing their futures dictated to them. Read some books on the rich sometime. You will find most of them are completely void of any political perspective at all and focus mainly on the behaviors of people.

And at the end of the day whether you are actually right or not about people being somehow held down by this mysterious force, it makes no difference to the argument that your position is based on your behavior, because quite clearly even if some barrier does exist many, many people have overcome it. Those people essentially decided to say fuck this system, i'm doing it my way, I'm taking the risk. When that's the case is it any wonder what the real reason is for the few haves and many have nots? Do you think risk like that is something many people would want to take on or few?

I got Bush tax cuts? HA! Yea, when you let Republicans do the math, I even got more back than the top 1% :cuckoo:

It's hard to even read on after that first comment. Probably why I didn't.

Add up the 45,000 people that lost their jobs at a company and then add up the CEO bonus' and often times those amounts are equal.

I'm talking about corporate America, fortune 1000 companies and even a lot of what are considered "small business".

Tax break/bullshit loopholes. It would take too much to explain to you if you don't already understand. Or if you don't understand, it's because you don't want to understand.

A lot of what you says suggests you are on the other side of the coin. I'm a worker bee. I don't consider myself a "have". I see it as us vs them, and I don't see the rich as part of us/me. And I know many a former republican who thought they belonged to the have's. No longer. Now they are struggling too. Now they have to go back and get a job, even though they've been retired for 5 years.

Maybe it's because we had it so good in Michigan for so long I'm spoiled. Don't worry, they'll lower your value too eventually, if not already.

No, many people have not beat this system, they got beat. I think you are arrogant and those are the people who fall the hardest.

Not government or corporate policies. Ok dude. Just watch. Just wait until you have a government that actually works for you and not against you. And now your government isn't in cohoots with Corporate America, turning a blind eye everytime they break the rules/law.

I read your entire post, and it's a lot of garbage. I can't disagree with what you are saying because yea, sure a couple of people in the right industies made out under Bushanomics. I'd say about 10% of us fall into that bracket. Congrats that you were part of the 10%.

Sorry, I'm part of the 90%ers who are just surviving it.

And I would be the Jimmy Hoffa. YOU would be the sheep that worked next to him and didn't want to strike because you were a pussy to tell the man that he was working you too hard.

Most likely you are what I consider a house slave. You got it good, but not that good. But better than us.

So yea, I can go out and make millions! And after I do, I won't stop caring about the rest of the people. The masses. I'd be like a John Kerry or John Edwards or JFK.

We love having the money, but that doesn't make us greedy selfish pricks.
I got Bush tax cuts? HA! Yea, when you let Republicans do the math, I even got more back than the top 1% :cuckoo:

It's hard to even read on after that first comment. Probably why I didn't.

Not familiar with something called a tax bracket I guess. You have no business talking about math when you can't understand it. Every tax bracket received a percentage decrease and the middle class receieved the largest decrease as a percentage. Okay smart ass, how should the tax cuts have worked? What's fair in your new math world? That you receive a larger dollar amount tax cut?

I'm talking about corporate America, fortune 1000 companies and even a lot of what are considered "small business".

Tax break/bullshit loopholes. It would take too much to explain to you if you don't already understand. Or if you don't understand, it's because you don't want to understand.

I understand that the more capital and resources a business has the more benefits in the tax code they can take advantage. i woudl prefer those be done away with for something simpler.

A lot of what you says suggests you are on the other side of the coin. I'm a worker bee. I don't consider myself a "have". I see it as us vs them, and I don't see the rich as part of us/me. And I know many a former republican who thought they belonged to the have's. No longer. Now they are struggling too. Now they have to go back and get a job, even though they've been retired for 5 years.

I promise I make less than you so my ideals don't change with my financial standing. To suggest that someone's position and indeed integrity on the issue of personal responsibility changed when their financial status changes says more about your character then any flaw in the system.

No, many people have not beat this system, they got beat. I think you are arrogant and those are the people who fall the hardest.

i don't have that far to fall buddy. It has nothing to do with arrogance. YOU STILL DON'T WANT TO LISTEN. Your one and only problem is your refusal to admit the control you have in the financial situation you are in.

Not government or corporate policies. Ok dude. Just watch. Just wait until you have a government that actually works for you and not against you. And now your government isn't in cohoots with Corporate America, turning a blind eye everytime they break the rules/law.

it isn't government job to provide for my standard of living. AGAIN you miss the point. The rich don't succeed because of government. they succeed in spite of it.

I read your entire post, and it's a lot of garbage. I can't disagree with what you are saying because yea, sure a couple of people in the right industies made out under Bushanomics. I'd say about 10% of us fall into that bracket. Congrats that you were part of the 10%.

Sorry, I'm part of the 90%ers who are just surviving it.

Do you notice how you're argument only works when you make unfounded, baseless and in this incorrect assumptions about people? You are simply wrong to think that people do or don't succeed based on who is in office. You will find for that many of the rich, who the President is, is pretty irrelevant.

And I would be the Jimmy Hoffa. YOU would be the sheep that worked next to him and didn't want to strike because you were a pussy to tell the man that he was working you too hard.

Whether the boss is working me 'too hard' is based on the contract i signed with my company. If what is being asked of me exceeds what is detailed in my job description then I have grounds to ask for more pay from my boss. YOU are the moron who seems to think the purpose of a business is to provide for whatever standard of living you choose.

Most likely you are what I consider a house slave. You got it good, but not that good. But better than us.

So yea, I can go out and make millions! And after I do, I won't stop caring about the rest of the people. The masses. I'd be like a John Kerry or John Edwards or JFK.

We love having the money, but that doesn't make us greedy selfish pricks.

Again incorrect and baseless assumptions. Again your argument only works when you assume these ridiculous, unfounded and untrue characteristics about the rich. Most of them are quite giving. They just give to those that are deserving. What they don't like are whiners like you who through some fucked up view of the world think they are entitled to something that someone else earned.
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Not familiar with something called a tax bracket I guess. You have no business talking about math when you can't understand it. Every tax bracket received a percentage decrease and the middle class receieved the largest decrease as a percentage. Okay smart ass, how should the tax cuts have worked? What's fair in your new math world? That you receive a larger dollar amount tax cut?

I understand that the more capital and resources a business has the more benefits in the tax code they can take advantage. i woudl prefer those be done away with for something simpler.

I promise I make less than you so my ideals don't change with my financial standing. To suggest that someone's position and indeed integrity on the issue of personal responsibility changed when their financial status changes says more about your character then any flaw in the system.

i don't have that far to fall buddy. It has nothing to do with arrogance. YOU STILL DON'T WANT TO LISTEN. Your one and only problem is your refusal to admit the control you have in the financial situation you are in.

it isn't government job to provide for my standard of living. AGAIN you miss the point. The rich don't succeed because of government. they succeed in spite of it.

Do you notice how you're argument only works when you make unfounded, baseless and in this incorrect assumptions about people? You are simply wrong to think that people do or don't succeed based on who is in office. You will find for that many of the rich, who the President is, is pretty irrelevant.

Whether the boss is working me 'too hard' is based on the contract i signed with my company. If what is being asked of me exceeds what is detailed in my job description then I have grounds to ask for more pay from my boss. YOU are the moron who seems to think the purpose of a business is to provide for whatever standard of living you choose.

Again incorrect and baseless assumptions. Again your argument only works when you assume these ridiculous, unfounded and untrue characteristics about the rich. Most of them are quite giving. They just give to those that are deserving. What they don't like are whiners like you who through some fucked up view of the world think they are entitled to something that someone else earned.

If you want to know my plan or what I think is the right way to govern? Watch Obama or read up on how Clinton managed to get er done. Because let's face it, he got er did.

And I can go back to 2000, 01, 02, 03, 04-08 and point out exactly when and how the GOP fucked the middle class.

Trying to explain to you any more at this point would be futile. You are hearing me say things I am not saying. And you are totally missing my points.

But let me do some math for you. If I had a choice between taxing everyone the same percentage, or if I could tax the people that make $40k NOTHING and tax the guy who makes a million dollars a year 50%, I'd rather tax the rich guy 50%.

Then he takes home $500K and the middle class take home ALL OF THEIR PAY.

But that's probably unfair in your opinion. Not mine. :eusa_shhh:
If you want to know my plan or what I think is the right way to govern? Watch Obama or read up on how Clinton managed to get er done. Because let's face it, he got er did.

And I can go back to 2000, 01, 02, 03, 04-08 and point out exactly when and how the GOP fucked the middle class.

Trying to explain to you any more at this point would be futile. You are hearing me say things I am not saying. And you are totally missing my points.

Make all the excuses to exit the debate you want. I have given no indication that i am unwilling or unable to listen. You say I have failed to see your point. Undoublty that is true. You would be required to admit however that you have also completely missed and ignored mine.

But let me do some math for you. If I had a choice between taxing everyone the same percentage, or if I could tax the people that make $40k NOTHING and tax the guy who makes a million dollars a year 50%, I'd rather tax the rich guy 50%.

Then he takes home $500K and the middle class take home ALL OF THEIR PAY.

But that's probably unfair in your opinion. Not mine. :eusa_shhh:

Explain how this is fair. Why, when presumabley both parties get some benefit from those taxes, should one be required to fund the benefits for himself AND the other person, while the other person should pays nothing towards reaping those benefits. How crazy of me to think that isn't fair.
If you want to know my plan or what I think is the right way to govern? Watch Obama or read up on how Clinton managed to get er done. Because let's face it, he got er did.

And I can go back to 2000, 01, 02, 03, 04-08 and point out exactly when and how the GOP fucked the middle class.

Trying to explain to you any more at this point would be futile. You are hearing me say things I am not saying. And you are totally missing my points.

But let me do some math for you. If I had a choice between taxing everyone the same percentage, or if I could tax the people that make $40k NOTHING and tax the guy who makes a million dollars a year 50%, I'd rather tax the rich guy 50%.

Then he takes home $500K and the middle class take home ALL OF THEIR PAY.

But that's probably unfair in your opinion. Not mine. :eusa_shhh:

yep! it fits like a hand and glove,, you are the beautiful picture of the gimme gimme crowd.. except the guy with a million dollars is way smarter than you, that's why he makes a million and you don't,, he knows how to shelter it away from greedy people like you.. oh well.
Make all the excuses to exit the debate you want. I have given no indication that i am unwilling or unable to listen. You say I have failed to see your point. Undoublty that is true. You would be required to admit however that you have also completely missed and ignored mine.

Explain how this is fair. Why, when presumabley both parties get some benefit from those taxes, should one be required to fund the benefits for himself AND the other person, while the other person should pays nothing towards reaping those benefits. How crazy of me to think that isn't fair.

No, I do get all of your points. I have probably said all of the things you have said, sometime in my past, to someone else.

Only difference is, I finish by saying, BUT.......

Yes the rich pay too much in taxes, but...

Sure the rich pay more than the poor into the system, BUT........

Sure we got a tax break too under Bush, but......

I even agree that they should not be taxing any man's income, BUT....

It's all the stuff after BUT that you don't understand.

And why is it fair? The guy takes home $500k and the other people take home $40k. If you don't see why, then we'll never see eye to eye. And thank gosh my party is back in charge, because it was sheeple like you that let Bush do what ever he wanted. He spent as much as he wanted to in the name of free markets and defense.

He tugged at your emotion that says someone wants to take what you worked for and give it to other people. Meanwhile, the man did that to us for 8 years.

Then you guys deny the government has any power. Or you think I want the government to have more power, but the fact is, you have given Corporate America too much power.

You don't even know who the enemy is. That's why we voted the people you voted for out of office. You didn't know any better. You still don't. You were so brainwashed and confused. Luckily, enough people woke up. So relax, we have it from here.

When your quality of life goes back up, they'll tell you government had nothing to do with it.

When they fuck you, they say they didn't have anything to do with it.

But then they'll tell you Clinton had everythign to do with it.

And you'll assume that I want bigger government, when in reality, I just want a government that works in my best interest.

And then you'll suggest that class warfare didn't occur over the past 8 years? Hell, it's been going on since reagan.
because in Clinton's days everyone made the same and people didn't make 40 k while others made 500k
unfucking believeable bobo,, you quoted yerself then commenced to arguing with yerself... time for a rest buddy boy! but not before you go back and fix that. :lol:
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No, I do get all of your points. I have probably said all of the things you have said, sometime in my past, to someone else.

Only difference is, I finish by saying, BUT.......

Yes the rich pay too much in taxes, but...

Sure the rich pay more than the poor into the system, BUT........

Sure we got a tax break too under Bush, but......

I even agree that they should not be taxing any man's income, BUT....

It's all the stuff after BUT that you don't understand.

Those are typically referred to as excuses.

And why is it fair? The guy takes home $500k and the other people take home $40k. If you don't see why, then we'll never see eye to eye. And thank gosh my party is back in charge, because it was sheeple like you that let Bush do what ever he wanted. He spent as much as he wanted to in the name of free markets and defense.

That can not in any way shape or form be defined as fair. That simply isn't the definition of the word. What your definition boils down to is that whoever has the most should pay for everything. Is that really how fucked up you are? By that definition if you and I go to dinner and i have more money on me than you then not only should I pay for both of us simply because i have more money, but you should have the right to expect that I pay for it? In what fucked up world can you say that is fair?

He tugged at your emotion that says someone wants to take what you worked for and give it to other people. Meanwhile, the man did that to us for 8 years.

Then you guys deny the government has any power. Or you think I want the government to have more power, but the fact is, you have given Corporate America too much power.

No YOU have given them too much power. When you label yourself a victim, which admit it or not you have, that is the definition of giving power away.

And get off the I'm a Bush supporter schtick. I have said nothing to indicate that i am one.

You don't even know who the enemy is. That's why we voted the people you voted for out of office. You didn't know any better. You still don't. You were so brainwashed and confused. Luckily, enough people woke up. So relax, we have it from here.

You don't have shit from here. What you propose historically has failed every single time it has been tried, because it completely ignores human nature. William Bradford tried it with the pilgirms and it failed. A whole fucking country tried it and collapsed.

When your quality of life goes back up, they'll tell you government had nothing to do with it.

When they fuck you, they say they didn't have anything to do with it.

But then they'll tell you Clinton had everythign to do with it.

WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GET THIS PART THROUGH YOUR THICK FUCKING SKULL. I AM NOT CONCERNED WITH WHAT SOME POLITICIAN SAYS HE HAS DONE FOR ME. I don't care if they are left, right, black or white. it isn't anybody's job but mine to provide for my standard of living.

And you'll assume that I want bigger government, when in reality, I just want a government that works in my best interest.

And then you'll suggest that class warfare didn't occur over the past 8 years? Hell, it's been going on since reagan.

Your position requires bigger government so whether you WANT it or not is irrelevant. Of course class warfare is going on. You're just wrong about the context of the fight. Many in your class grew up with this fucked up entitlement, void of accountablity atitude which is the singular reason you are in the position you are in.
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yep! it fits like a hand and glove,, you are the beautiful picture of the gimme gimme crowd.. except the guy with a million dollars is way smarter than you, that's why he makes a million and you don't,, he knows how to shelter it away from greedy people like you.. oh well.

A lot of my rich friends aren't smarter than the rest of us. They just went to work for their daddies business after highschool.

Some of them are fucked, because their jobs went away with manufacturing.

I guess they were stupid 20 years ago to not realize the GOP would send all manufacuting to 3rd world countries that pay slave labor.

I give my brother credit. We came from nothing. Greek immigrant parents. And he graduated from Michigan State University with a Masters and he worked his way up to VP. And he STILL isn't as greedy as you dumb bastards. LOL. JK.

And just like that he could lose his job to overseas too, so he's not arrogant and ignorant enough to think it can't happen to him. So even though he makes $400k, he knows that he is not a Republican.

Only the mega rich are. And you suckers still don't get it. I suspect you never will.
because in Clinton's days everyone made the same and people didn't make 40 k while others made 500k

$40k was worth $40k back then. Don't forget that.

And yes, it is fair for the poor to pay next to nothing in taxes because they make next to nothing. And that means the rich have to pay a little more.

Now when Obama cuts spending, then come back to me about giving you a bigger tax break. Then maybe we can talk. Because I am not in favor of the government overtaxing you so they can overspend. But I'm also not for giving the rich a tax break and shifting more of the burden on the middle class and/or debt.

Anyways, don't worry. Master will win or steal power back someday down the road and then he'll start throwing you the fat from his steak again. And I understand it is us greedy field slaves that caused this crisis.
40k was worth 40k?


so your premise is that 40k doesn't take you as far as it did 10 years ago?

well no shit, thats what happens.

40k in Clintons time wasn't what it was during Reagens either

Also, I understand the rich pay mor ein taxes, where I have a problem i sgiving people who already don't pay taxes more free money by taking it away from people that work for it

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