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Big Business Got Greedy

Why would they be loyal to a country that just demonizes them like Hitler did with the Jews? The main reason they come is to make money.

Sometimes I think the majority of Americans are idiots and you don't help dissuade me, Kitty.

The shit they want to argue about is amazing. It's like they tune in to Rush before we wake up and he tells them what shit to say and how to spin it. They always control the conversation.

And it isn't like these foot soldiers know what's going on or benefit from it. Much like the soldiers Bush sent into harms way. Eventually you think they'd realize they're all fighting for a bullshit cause. Or someone else's cause.

Did you see the special on Hilter on the History channel last night? It was about the 5 guys who tried to kill Hitler. And they talked about how Hitler came into power and made himself the almighty. People swore allegence to him, not Germany. Sort of reminds me of those partisan girls from Regency U that slipped up and said they swore allegance to the president when they testified for congress. Was that a slip of the tongue or a Freudian slip?

But to even challange or question Bush, I mean Hitler, was treason. Sound familiar? Reminds me of 2002-2006.
If you go out and make $20 million, i don't want to penalize that. I'm more talking about the CEO who got $20 million from Home Depot when he retired. He didn't earn that. That money should have gone to the employees and sharholders.

Yes, i do see how parts of me are libertarian and the other parts don't like their every man for themselves approach.

And we already do what you are saying. We tax the rich more and don't tax the poor at all. You do realize that we already do that, right?

And I just think that from Reagan to Bush they took too much away from us and gave too much to the rich.

For the record the Bush tax cuts were across the board tax cuts. EVERYBODY got them. So what are you really complaining about?

This is based on a faulty assumption. You are essentially complaining about the reverse that we are. Do the math for god's sake bobo. taking from the poor and giving to the rich? What miniscule dent is that going to make for the rich? Whatever money you think got taken from the poor and given to the rich is going to be pretty minimal. It's pretty hard to take something from almost nothing. It certainly wouldn't be enough to make a difference to the rich.

You would also have to actually show this perceived transfer of wealth in some measureable. Other then the poor buying goods from the rich of course.

And I called you Joe the Plumber because it seemed like you were painting a perfect picture for me. Like Joe just happened to be making $250, and he just happened to be on the edge of who would get penalized if Obama won.

But I do beleive you are a business owner and you sound like a great business owner. If they were all like you, I don't think we'd be having this discussion to be honest with you.

And if you can show he is the exception rather than the rule you might have the semblance of a case.

My boss at New Horizons used to say, "you aren't going to find many companies that pay as well as we do", and he was right. 16% commission, STRAIGHT commission.

By the way, I worked there back in the 90's. They have since cut down on how much they pay too. Increased quotas, asking more and paying less. No one buying like they used to.

One of the guys I worked with back then now works here at the company I'm with now. He made over $500K a year at New Horizons. Now I make more than him. But, he's in a new department and if it takes off, he started at the ground level, so he is hoping to make it back to where he use to be. Our company just started a payroll service to compete with ADP & Paychecks.

Listen to yourself bobo. There isn't a more quintessential example of the type of people that piss people like me and skull of then you. We look at the tone of your posts and just as I said 99% percent of the reasons you give for where you are external to you. Your boss this, your boss that, my friends comapny. And that is the big differentiator between the haves and have nots. It all boils down to the fact that you are letting someone else dictate your future and use it as the excuse for where you are in the present.

To have a real discussion about this we obviously have to determine what is accurate or not. Some of what I'm getting from you is that you don't really have a problem with Skull or his views if you believed the majority of business owners were like him. Well what makes you think they aren't? Our wonderfully biased media?

The real differences between the haves and have nots isn't government policies or corporate policies. It is the behavior of individuals. Most of the rich figured out that, one, they probably weren't going to get rich working for someone else. Most of the rich take proactive measures to insulate themselves from haveing their futures dictated to them. Read some books on the rich sometime. You will find most of them are completely void of any political perspective at all and focus mainly on the behaviors of people.

And at the end of the day whether you are actually right or not about people being somehow held down by this mysterious force, it makes no difference to the argument that your position is based on your behavior, because quite clearly even if some barrier does exist many, many people have overcome it. Those people essentially decided to say fuck this system, i'm doing it my way, I'm taking the risk. When that's the case is it any wonder what the real reason is for the few haves and many have nots? Do you think risk like that is something many people would want to take on or few?
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Why would they be loyal to a country that just demonizes them like Hitler did with the Jews? The main reason they come is to make money.

Sometimes I think the majority of Americans are idiots and you don't help dissuade me, Kitty.

you convinced a large part of the population just now!
Fine! It was all Clinton's doing. So if that's true, what did Bush and Tom Delay do in 6 years to fix what Clinton did?

What are you even quoting here? It's a little annoying (and a little telling) when you pick one sentance out of a post to respond to.
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What are you even quoting here? It's a little annoying (and a little telling) when you pick one sentance out of a post to respond to.

I didn't pick any sentence. Just assume you guys are right about EVERYTHING. Please tell me what Bush and Tom Delay did from 2000-2006 to avoid the financial mess we are in right now.

Or is the economy STRONG again. Now that the election is over, you can go back to pretending everything is alright again.

Because that's what you guys are doing. You're arguing as if everything is fine and I'm just a whiner looking for a hand out.
admiting it is the first step

I think my question backs you bullshitters into a corner you can't argue your way out of.

You would love to argue with me all day that I'm where I am in life because of choices I made, because that allows you to avoid the question, what the fuck happened to this economy.

If we talk about that, then you guys say it was Clinton/Freddy.

So if that's true, then I want you to show me that from 2000-2006, the GOP tried everything they could to fix this problem, only the obstructionist Democrats would not allow/permit them to fix this problem. I follow the news faithfully. To be honest, I don't remember them even admitting this might be a problem.

But Obama went to Wallstreet in 2006/07 and warned them, but they told them to fuck off. Free trade bitch.

This isn't about me, or you guys. Skull sounds like a great business owner who treats his employees right. That doesn't mean every other company in America is doing the same. They are asking us to work more and make less. It's class warfare. And many of you think you are on the other side when in fact you are one of us. And it's only a matter of time before it happens to you clowns too. Then who will you turn to?

And all the small business' that are struggling right now because of Bushanomics, it isn't your fault either.
I think my question backs you bullshitters into a corner you can't argue your way out of.

You would love to argue with me all day that I'm where I am in life because of choices I made, because that allows you to avoid the question, what the fuck happened to this economy.

If we talk about that, then you guys say it was Clinton/Freddy.

So if that's true, then I want you to show me that from 2000-2006, the GOP tried everything they could to fix this problem, only the obstructionist Democrats would not allow/permit them to fix this problem. I follow the news faithfully. To be honest, I don't remember them even admitting this might be a problem.

But Obama went to Wallstreet in 2006/07 and warned them, but they told them to fuck off. Free trade bitch.

This isn't about me, or you guys. Skull sounds like a great business owner who treats his employees right. That doesn't mean every other company in America is doing the same. They are asking us to work more and make less. It's class warfare. And many of you think you are on the other side when in fact you are one of us. And it's only a matter of time before it happens to you clowns too. Then who will you turn to?

And all the small business' that are struggling right now because of Bushanomics, it isn't your fault either.

America and Americans were given a credit card with no maximum. They went out and spent it all on shit they didn't need and couldn't afford. ooops.
Now what ?
plus, everyone desevres a beautiful home to live in even though they couldn't afford it.

Don't worry banks, hand out those mortgages, we will guarantee them, this is the pitch we got from pricks like frank and dodd

ie- read my sig
plus, everyone desevres a beautiful home to live in even though they couldn't afford it.

Don't worry banks, hand out those mortgages, we will guarantee them, this is the pitch we got from pricks like frank and dodd

ie- read my sig

What did Bush and Delay do in return?
For many years the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of financial turmoil at a housing government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties. President Bush publicly called for GSE reform 17 times in 2008 alone before Congress acted. Unfortunately, these warnings went unheeded, as the President's repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems.

Just the Facts: The Administration's Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs
For many years the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of financial turmoil at a housing government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties. President Bush publicly called for GSE reform 17 times in 2008 alone before Congress acted. Unfortunately, these warnings went unheeded, as the President's repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems.

Just the Facts: The Administration's Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs

So Bush failed? I thought he had nothing to do with this or the economy?
I didn't pick any sentence. Just assume you guys are right about EVERYTHING. Please tell me what Bush and Tom Delay did from 2000-2006 to avoid the financial mess we are in right now.

Where the hell did I even comment on the financial crisis at all? Are you purposselly being obtuse? The little you choose to comment on is just more evidence that you aren't even close to getting it yet.

Or is the economy STRONG again. Now that the election is over, you can go back to pretending everything is alright again.

Because that's what you guys are doing. You're arguing as if everything is fine and I'm just a whiner looking for a hand out.

The argument applies regardless of the state of the economy. I am well aware that things are not fine for an awful lot of people. There are people that become motivated to do something about it and there are people who whine about it and are apparently content to simply be passengers. there are people that get that there position was not dictated by which President was in office or which policies were past. You obviously don't get that. You are obviously the later. That you continue with your incessant blaming of everything not you is only helping to further prove our point.
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plus, everyone desevres a beautiful home to live in even though they couldn't afford it.

Don't worry banks, hand out those mortgages, we will guarantee them, this is the pitch we got from pricks like frank and dodd

ie- read my sig
How's the koolaid chugging going? I hadn't realized how stupid you really are.

In a bid to boost minority homeownership, President Bush will ask Congress for authority to eliminate the down-payment requirement for Federal Housing Administration loans.

In announcing the plan Monday at a home builders show in Las Vegas, Federal Housing Commissioner John Weicher called the proposal the "most significant FHA initiative in more than a decade." It would lead to 150,000 first-time owners annually, he said.

Nothing-down options are available on the private mortgage market, but, in general, they require the borrower to have pristine credit. Bush's proposed change would extend the nothing-down option to borrowers with blemished credit.
USATODAY.com - Bush seeks to increase minority homeownership
And I am defending that? That was a stupid move, I remember it and was totally against it then and am still against it now. Sorry, but to buy a home, there should be 3 qualifications, credit, steady income, downpayment. End of Story. However it doesn't change the fact he also tried to reform the GSE and have a regulatory body oversee fannie and freddy which got blocked by cocksuckers (no pun intended) barney frank.
Why would they be loyal to a country that just demonizes them like Hitler did with the Jews? The main reason they come is to make money.

Sometimes I think the majority of Americans are idiots and you don't help dissuade me, Kitty.

I never assumed they were loyal. If they were, they would repect our immigration laws, which clearly, they do not.

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