Big changes "could" be happening at the DOE


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
This was posted in the other DOE thread, but i think it needs its own thread. This blog post breaks down all the questions Trump's team has issued to the DOE. The media is all lit up about a question wanting to know who at the DOE was involved with climate change stuff. But the questionnaire is much, much more interesting than that.

Here's a double Tl;dr of it:
-Someone/s on Trump's team is very well educated on the state of the DOE and its involvement in Climate change and the energy market.
-Trump plans to completely gut the DOE and refocus it on Nuclear energy
-He plans to end all crony loan programs to non-nuclear energy private institutions
-Everything Obama related is gone
-Everything CC or GW is gone
-They plan to keep open and open more nuclear power plants
-They plan to re-open Yucca Mountain (a nuclear waste storage facility)

Heres a great run down of the questionnaire presented. Its a long read but very detailed. Drain the Swamp, indeed...

The DOE vs. Ugly Reality
Ironic the media cares since they publish gun owners addresses....chicken are coming home to roost
Nuclear needs to be stopped by the people as it will never be safe.
This was posted in the other DOE thread, but i think it needs its own thread. This blog post breaks down all the questions Trump's team has issued to the DOE. The media is all lit up about a question wanting to know who at the DOE was involved with climate change stuff. But the questionnaire is much, much more interesting than that.

Here's a double Tl;dr of it:
-Someone/s on Trump's team is very well educated on the state of the DOE and its involvement in Climate change and the energy market.
-Trump plans to completely gut the DOE and refocus it on Nuclear energy
-He plans to end all crony loan programs to non-nuclear energy private institutions
-Everything Obama related is gone
-Everything CC or GW is gone
-They plan to keep open and open more nuclear power plants
-They plan to re-open Yucca Mountain (a nuclear waste storage facility)

Heres a great run down of the questionnaire presented. Its a long read but very detailed. Drain the Swamp, indeed...

The DOE vs. Ugly Reality

Not sure about the denial of global climate change. The problem with the republicans on this is 2 fold.

First, if you can’t tell the climate has changed over the last 20-30 years…you’re an idiot. It’s much warmer now than it used to be in the evenings. When we went out as kids, jackets, coats, and even caps were a given. This was in Houston!!!! Incidentally, this is why the stereotypical gangs made famous in Grease wore jackets. They did their carousing at night and needed them. Thugs now-a-days wear wife-beaters because the climate is much warmer now. Secondly, it goes back to the internet laziness associated with conservatives. Calculating global climate change is something that has thousands (if not millions) of variables. While it’s true that those who endorse the fact of climate change should not be making definite statements like if/then or giving certain dates of change (due to these variables), it’s just as silly for the right wing to expect such answers which was probably why they were given in the first place. Nobody has ever had the tools to measure climate change before and they are imperfect. Its very much like Apollo. Nobody had ever built a moon vehicle before so when asked to give estimates for budgeting…the figures were always lower than what it actually costs. Both are inexact sciences.

Anyway, I take right wing posts worth a grain of salt but I am hopeful that Trump will develop Nuke energy. It’s loooooooooong past time for that to happen. We’ve had nuclear ships for, I think 3 generations now. They operate in the coldest climates, harsh climates, arid climates; 24/7/365. There has rarely been a major accident attributable to the reactor on any of the ships and those accidents are in the far past.

My only concern is that when you let the local utility run the show, they are tied to pleasing their investors; not running a tight ship. Combine that with the idiotic “we’re getting rid of job killing regulations” and you have a disaster waiting to happen. We need to take whatever training and operations the US Navy has and install them in every nuke plant. I’d frankly not feel 100% safe unless the department of the Navy were running the plants themselves with military grade men and women at the controls. These are professionals who put duty way above profit and if they are not able to do the job, they are removed without remorse or as much as a tear being shed.

There is no reason except fear to not use nuclear power going forward.
This was posted in the other DOE thread, but i think it needs its own thread. This blog post breaks down all the questions Trump's team has issued to the DOE. The media is all lit up about a question wanting to know who at the DOE was involved with climate change stuff. But the questionnaire is much, much more interesting than that.

Here's a double Tl;dr of it:
-Someone/s on Trump's team is very well educated on the state of the DOE and its involvement in Climate change and the energy market.
-Trump plans to completely gut the DOE and refocus it on Nuclear energy
-He plans to end all crony loan programs to non-nuclear energy private institutions
-Everything Obama related is gone
-Everything CC or GW is gone
-They plan to keep open and open more nuclear power plants
-They plan to re-open Yucca Mountain (a nuclear waste storage facility)

Heres a great run down of the questionnaire presented. Its a long read but very detailed. Drain the Swamp, indeed...

The DOE vs. Ugly Reality

Not sure about the denial of global climate change. The problem with the republicans on this is 2 fold.

First, if you can’t tell the climate has changed over the last 20-30 years…you’re an idiot. It’s much warmer now than it used to be in the evenings. When we went out as kids, jackets, coats, and even caps were a given. This was in Houston!!!! Incidentally, this is why the stereotypical gangs made famous in Grease wore jackets. They did their carousing at night and needed them. Thugs now-a-days wear wife-beaters because the climate is much warmer now. Secondly, it goes back to the internet laziness associated with conservatives. Calculating global climate change is something that has thousands (if not millions) of variables. While it’s true that those who endorse the fact of climate change should not be making definite statements like if/then or giving certain dates of change (due to these variables), it’s just as silly for the right wing to expect such answers which was probably why they were given in the first place. Nobody has ever had the tools to measure climate change before and they are imperfect. Its very much like Apollo. Nobody had ever built a moon vehicle before so when asked to give estimates for budgeting…the figures were always lower than what it actually costs. Both are inexact sciences.

Anyway, I take right wing posts worth a grain of salt but I am hopeful that Trump will develop Nuke energy. It’s loooooooooong past time for that to happen. We’ve had nuclear ships for, I think 3 generations now. They operate in the coldest climates, harsh climates, arid climates; 24/7/365. There has rarely been a major accident attributable to the reactor on any of the ships and those accidents are in the far past.

My only concern is that when you let the local utility run the show, they are tied to pleasing their investors; not running a tight ship. Combine that with the idiotic “we’re getting rid of job killing regulations” and you have a disaster waiting to happen. We need to take whatever training and operations the US Navy has and install them in every nuke plant. I’d frankly not feel 100% safe unless the department of the Navy were running the plants themselves with military grade men and women at the controls. These are professionals who put duty way above profit and if they are not able to do the job, they are removed without remorse or as much as a tear being shed.

There is no reason except fear to not use nuclear power going forward.
There is a difference between climate change and AGW
This was posted in the other DOE thread, but i think it needs its own thread. This blog post breaks down all the questions Trump's team has issued to the DOE. The media is all lit up about a question wanting to know who at the DOE was involved with climate change stuff. But the questionnaire is much, much more interesting than that.

Here's a double Tl;dr of it:
-Someone/s on Trump's team is very well educated on the state of the DOE and its involvement in Climate change and the energy market.
-Trump plans to completely gut the DOE and refocus it on Nuclear energy
-He plans to end all crony loan programs to non-nuclear energy private institutions
-Everything Obama related is gone
-Everything CC or GW is gone
-They plan to keep open and open more nuclear power plants
-They plan to re-open Yucca Mountain (a nuclear waste storage facility)

Heres a great run down of the questionnaire presented. Its a long read but very detailed. Drain the Swamp, indeed...

The DOE vs. Ugly Reality

Not sure about the denial of global climate change. The problem with the republicans on this is 2 fold.

First, if you can’t tell the climate has changed over the last 20-30 years…you’re an idiot. It’s much warmer now than it used to be in the evenings. When we went out as kids, jackets, coats, and even caps were a given. This was in Houston!!!! Incidentally, this is why the stereotypical gangs made famous in Grease wore jackets. They did their carousing at night and needed them. Thugs now-a-days wear wife-beaters because the climate is much warmer now. Secondly, it goes back to the internet laziness associated with conservatives. Calculating global climate change is something that has thousands (if not millions) of variables. While it’s true that those who endorse the fact of climate change should not be making definite statements like if/then or giving certain dates of change (due to these variables), it’s just as silly for the right wing to expect such answers which was probably why they were given in the first place. Nobody has ever had the tools to measure climate change before and they are imperfect. Its very much like Apollo. Nobody had ever built a moon vehicle before so when asked to give estimates for budgeting…the figures were always lower than what it actually costs. Both are inexact sciences.

Anyway, I take right wing posts worth a grain of salt but I am hopeful that Trump will develop Nuke energy. It’s loooooooooong past time for that to happen. We’ve had nuclear ships for, I think 3 generations now. They operate in the coldest climates, harsh climates, arid climates; 24/7/365. There has rarely been a major accident attributable to the reactor on any of the ships and those accidents are in the far past.

My only concern is that when you let the local utility run the show, they are tied to pleasing their investors; not running a tight ship. Combine that with the idiotic “we’re getting rid of job killing regulations” and you have a disaster waiting to happen. We need to take whatever training and operations the US Navy has and install them in every nuke plant. I’d frankly not feel 100% safe unless the department of the Navy were running the plants themselves with military grade men and women at the controls. These are professionals who put duty way above profit and if they are not able to do the job, they are removed without remorse or as much as a tear being shed.

There is no reason except fear to not use nuclear power going forward.
There is a difference between climate change and AGW

What’s AGW?
This was posted in the other DOE thread, but i think it needs its own thread. This blog post breaks down all the questions Trump's team has issued to the DOE. The media is all lit up about a question wanting to know who at the DOE was involved with climate change stuff. But the questionnaire is much, much more interesting than that.

Here's a double Tl;dr of it:
-Someone/s on Trump's team is very well educated on the state of the DOE and its involvement in Climate change and the energy market.
-Trump plans to completely gut the DOE and refocus it on Nuclear energy
-He plans to end all crony loan programs to non-nuclear energy private institutions
-Everything Obama related is gone
-Everything CC or GW is gone
-They plan to keep open and open more nuclear power plants
-They plan to re-open Yucca Mountain (a nuclear waste storage facility)

Heres a great run down of the questionnaire presented. Its a long read but very detailed. Drain the Swamp, indeed...

The DOE vs. Ugly Reality

Not sure about the denial of global climate change. The problem with the republicans on this is 2 fold.

First, if you can’t tell the climate has changed over the last 20-30 years…you’re an idiot. It’s much warmer now than it used to be in the evenings. When we went out as kids, jackets, coats, and even caps were a given. This was in Houston!!!! Incidentally, this is why the stereotypical gangs made famous in Grease wore jackets. They did their carousing at night and needed them. Thugs now-a-days wear wife-beaters because the climate is much warmer now. Secondly, it goes back to the internet laziness associated with conservatives. Calculating global climate change is something that has thousands (if not millions) of variables. While it’s true that those who endorse the fact of climate change should not be making definite statements like if/then or giving certain dates of change (due to these variables), it’s just as silly for the right wing to expect such answers which was probably why they were given in the first place. Nobody has ever had the tools to measure climate change before and they are imperfect. Its very much like Apollo. Nobody had ever built a moon vehicle before so when asked to give estimates for budgeting…the figures were always lower than what it actually costs. Both are inexact sciences.

Anyway, I take right wing posts worth a grain of salt but I am hopeful that Trump will develop Nuke energy. It’s loooooooooong past time for that to happen. We’ve had nuclear ships for, I think 3 generations now. They operate in the coldest climates, harsh climates, arid climates; 24/7/365. There has rarely been a major accident attributable to the reactor on any of the ships and those accidents are in the far past.

My only concern is that when you let the local utility run the show, they are tied to pleasing their investors; not running a tight ship. Combine that with the idiotic “we’re getting rid of job killing regulations” and you have a disaster waiting to happen. We need to take whatever training and operations the US Navy has and install them in every nuke plant. I’d frankly not feel 100% safe unless the department of the Navy were running the plants themselves with military grade men and women at the controls. These are professionals who put duty way above profit and if they are not able to do the job, they are removed without remorse or as much as a tear being shed.

There is no reason except fear to not use nuclear power going forward.
There is a difference between climate change and AGW

What’s AGW?
anthro global warming
Since man is anthropomorphic.
It would be man made global warming.
I guess???
Nuclear needs to be stopped by the people as it will never be safe.

The 2 accidents that resulted in actual release to the environment were caused by an inept communist test plan of a bad design, and a 40ft high wall of water.

Of the 2, only the first has shown so far large scale damage over a wide area.
Unless these changes involve completely eliminating the DOE, I'm not impressed
AGW is as much a certainty as any scientific theory with an almost total scientific consensus. Where the uncertainty is in the details - how much it will affect us, the time scale involved and what can or can't be done. It's really time to put "denial" behind us and focus on realistic policy based on the best available info. It doesn't have to be alarmist, but it can't be ostrich-head-in-the-sand either. I'm guessing that is what we will see with this administration though.
This was posted in the other DOE thread, but i think it needs its own thread. This blog post breaks down all the questions Trump's team has issued to the DOE. The media is all lit up about a question wanting to know who at the DOE was involved with climate change stuff. But the questionnaire is much, much more interesting than that.

Here's a double Tl;dr of it:
-Someone/s on Trump's team is very well educated on the state of the DOE and its involvement in Climate change and the energy market.
-Trump plans to completely gut the DOE and refocus it on Nuclear energy
-He plans to end all crony loan programs to non-nuclear energy private institutions
-Everything Obama related is gone
-Everything CC or GW is gone
-They plan to keep open and open more nuclear power plants
-They plan to re-open Yucca Mountain (a nuclear waste storage facility)

Heres a great run down of the questionnaire presented. Its a long read but very detailed. Drain the Swamp, indeed...

The DOE vs. Ugly Reality
I think Exxon Mobile is now the DOE.
Nuclear needs to be stopped by the people as it will never be safe.

The 2 accidents that resulted in actual release to the environment were caused by an inept communist test plan of a bad design, and a 40ft high wall of water.

Of the 2, only the first has shown so far large scale damage over a wide area.
Friends of mine....
Fukushima - RadCast

Nice source there.....

Laugh all you like. Thousands of people just like my friends have been trying to keep the serpents at bay that are consuming the people and the heart of this nation and others while promoting their lies and deceptions for profits. The health of the people of this nation should never be degraded for the profit of a few. You won't be able to keep everyone ignorant enough to keep passing off crap that is destroying their and their families health.
Nuclear needs to be stopped by the people as it will never be safe.

The 2 accidents that resulted in actual release to the environment were caused by an inept communist test plan of a bad design, and a 40ft high wall of water.

Of the 2, only the first has shown so far large scale damage over a wide area.
Friends of mine....
Fukushima - RadCast

Nice source there.....

Laugh all you like. Thousands of people just like my friends have been trying to keep the serpents at bay that are consuming the people and the heart of this nation and others while promoting their lies and deceptions for profits. The health of the people of this nation should never be degraded for the profit of a few. You won't be able to keep everyone ignorant enough to keep passing off crap that is destroying their and their families health.

Nuclear needs to be stopped by the people as it will never be safe.
This was posted in the other DOE thread, but i think it needs its own thread. This blog post breaks down all the questions Trump's team has issued to the DOE. The media is all lit up about a question wanting to know who at the DOE was involved with climate change stuff. But the questionnaire is much, much more interesting than that.

Here's a double Tl;dr of it:
-Someone/s on Trump's team is very well educated on the state of the DOE and its involvement in Climate change and the energy market.
-Trump plans to completely gut the DOE and refocus it on Nuclear energy
-He plans to end all crony loan programs to non-nuclear energy private institutions
-Everything Obama related is gone
-Everything CC or GW is gone
-They plan to keep open and open more nuclear power plants
-They plan to re-open Yucca Mountain (a nuclear waste storage facility)

Heres a great run down of the questionnaire presented. Its a long read but very detailed. Drain the Swamp, indeed...

The DOE vs. Ugly Reality

Not sure about the denial of global climate change. The problem with the republicans on this is 2 fold.

First, if you can’t tell the climate has changed over the last 20-30 years…you’re an idiot. It’s much warmer now than it used to be in the evenings. When we went out as kids, jackets, coats, and even caps were a given. This was in Houston!!!! Incidentally, this is why the stereotypical gangs made famous in Grease wore jackets. They did their carousing at night and needed them. Thugs now-a-days wear wife-beaters because the climate is much warmer now. Secondly, it goes back to the internet laziness associated with conservatives. Calculating global climate change is something that has thousands (if not millions) of variables. While it’s true that those who endorse the fact of climate change should not be making definite statements like if/then or giving certain dates of change (due to these variables), it’s just as silly for the right wing to expect such answers which was probably why they were given in the first place. Nobody has ever had the tools to measure climate change before and they are imperfect. Its very much like Apollo. Nobody had ever built a moon vehicle before so when asked to give estimates for budgeting…the figures were always lower than what it actually costs. Both are inexact sciences.

Anyway, I take right wing posts worth a grain of salt but I am hopeful that Trump will develop Nuke energy. It’s loooooooooong past time for that to happen. We’ve had nuclear ships for, I think 3 generations now. They operate in the coldest climates, harsh climates, arid climates; 24/7/365. There has rarely been a major accident attributable to the reactor on any of the ships and those accidents are in the far past.

My only concern is that when you let the local utility run the show, they are tied to pleasing their investors; not running a tight ship. Combine that with the idiotic “we’re getting rid of job killing regulations” and you have a disaster waiting to happen. We need to take whatever training and operations the US Navy has and install them in every nuke plant. I’d frankly not feel 100% safe unless the department of the Navy were running the plants themselves with military grade men and women at the controls. These are professionals who put duty way above profit and if they are not able to do the job, they are removed without remorse or as much as a tear being shed.

There is no reason except fear to not use nuclear power going forward.
There's climate change… It's just not man-made

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