Big changes "could" be happening at the DOE

AGW is as much a certainty as any scientific theory with an almost total scientific consensus. Where the uncertainty is in the details - how much it will affect us, the time scale involved and what can or can't be done. It's really time to put "denial" behind us and focus on realistic policy based on the best available info. It doesn't have to be alarmist, but it can't be ostrich-head-in-the-sand either. I'm guessing that is what we will see with this administration though.

Do facts normally bother you so much you are reduced to memes?
Sorry, unlike you I don't believe in pseudoscience

Neither do I.
I have seen nothing that shows there such a thing as man-made global warming/cooling/climate change or whatever it is allied this week.
You can go ahead and believe those theories if you want, leave the rest of us out of it. Walk your talk.
It should be no concern of your type of everyone else does not believe your theory

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