Big contributing problem with violence in the US - slow justice


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Referencing China's knife attacks a few years ago, I noticed the in one of the incidents they caught, tried, and executed the assailant with 30 days of his crime.

"On March 23, 2010, Zheng Minsheng (郑民生)[7] 41, murdered eight children with a knife in an elementary school in Nanping,[8] Fujian province;[9] The attack was widely reported in Chinese media (called 南平实验小学重大凶杀案),[7] sparking fears of copycat crimes.[9] Following a quick trial, Zheng Minsheng was executed about one month later on April 28.[8] Media reported a history of mental health issues, but police stated that Zheng had no history of mental illness, contradicting earlier reports. Zheng said that he performed the attack after being turned down by a girl and suffering "unfair treatment" from the girl's wealthy family."

Another incident,

"April 2010[edit]

Just a few hours after the execution of Zheng Minsheng in neighboring Fujian Province,[10] in Leizhou,[11] Guangdong another knife-wielding man named Chen Kangbing, 33 (陈康炳)[12] at Hongfu Primary School wounded 16 students and a teacher.[9] Chen Kangbing had been a teacher at a different primary school in Leizhou, but was on sick leave due to mental illness[12][13] He was sentenced to death by a court in Zhanjiang in June."

2 months or so for justice.

Many of the murderers in the US either aren't executed at all or exist for an average of 15+ years before justice is meted out. Then there's those who had run-ins with law enforcement prior to their murderous rampages when justice could have prevented it as with early releases, slaps on the wrist, and other underwhelming measures.

We need to revamp our justice system. Streamline it even at the cost of some historical rights and freedoms. A society where criminals have the advantage beginning to end as with gun-free zones which only effect the victims, lengthy trials and unsuitable prison terms for serious crimes is no society that places any value on justice when communist countries make us look like Keystone Cops.
Most (if not all) professional behaviorists agree that homicide, especially mass homicide, often is suicide turned outward. So there really isn't much the criminal justice system can do to deter someone who is ready to die and is committed to taking his perceived antagonist(s) along. Regrettably the suicidal perpetrators of most mass homicides are no longer subject to psychoanalytic study.

One notable exception was Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City Bomber. But all we were able to learn from him before he was hurriedly put to death is it was government's actions, the Iraq invasion and, ultimately, the Waco massacre, which provoked him to do what he did.

McVeigh struck at a government facility. Most other mass killers strike at their peer group, typically in schools, which clearly suggests the source of their antagonism resides there. But all we can do is guess about more specific details of the torment that drove them.
I leave a Metropolitan EMS to work for a Defense Contractor......which is where I work now.

My cousin marries a woman ( Pam = First name ), whom try's to get me to go back to the area where I worked Metro EMS, and go to work for Mary Kay Cosmetics. In a few months, to a year......I can have enough sales for Mary Kay to give me a car.....with their logo of course.

Pam also hints.....I should leave my current job and go back to EMS work, which is about the time I seen one of my former co-workers......driving a passenger van ( ambulatory patients for doctors appointments ) at a truck stop.....near where I bought my current vehicle. She also makes similar statements, insinuations, AND suggestions......similar to that of a blonde haired nurse I use to work with......whom drove a red ford sedan and left a psyche ward in a major come to my current location and work in the industrial medical department. And she wants ( hints ) that I leave my current job and go back to Metro EMS----- Just like a dark haired blonde nurse did whom I use to work with......and drove a white Ford sedan ; or a white Ford pickup to work.

All three people insinuate, suggest, hint and "Lead" that I need to leave my current job. All three, supposedly do not associate with each other, and the nurse with the dark blonde hair ( white Ford Sedan ) dislikes greatly the nurse with the light and sand colored blonde hair ( whom drives a red ford Sedan to work ). See what I am getting at. If the three do not associate with each other, and one nurse greatly dispises and does not talk to one nurse ; but all three talk the same topics of discussion, routinely make the same...if not the exact statements----> then they must be associated with other, and/or work with each other.......right?

My cousins first wife, repeats back to me topics and conversations I had when I worked at the Metropolitan EMS. At times, she trys desperately to embarrass me and/or make me angry. She comes to my residence that I currently live in, and looks at curtains to replace in the kitchen, standing on a wood chair. She shows off her butt - bends over in tight jeans - and sports her short blonde haircut like she is someone special. she repeats to me, past work at the Metro EMS south of where I am at now,

She and my cousin, argue on the front porch of their trailer - arguing loudly....and cussing very loudly. At times, I believe - she has a "Model" ( look-a-like ) of my cousin with her. He is a model, as I noticed.....a different gait, different walk, NOTICEABLY different facial cheeks, his neck is not a reddish tan and somewhat wrinkled in the back.....but very white = An imposter.

I take her daughter to a restaurant to eat a meal, breakfast I believe it was. While me and Pams daughter was eating, their was a guy to my left ( Booths across me to the left ) and one table behind.......watching me and her. Yes, I was under surveillance......AS I HAVE BEEN for many years.

Pam ( my cousins now ex-wife ) tries to get me to go into debt. She says I ought to get a new vehicle, and insinuates me to spend money.

Shadow 355
Referencing China's knife attacks a few years ago, I noticed the in one of the incidents they caught, tried, and executed the assailant with 30 days of his crime.

"On March 23, 2010, Zheng Minsheng (郑民生)[7] 41, murdered eight children with a knife in an elementary school in Nanping,[8] Fujian province;[9] The attack was widely reported in Chinese media (called 南平实验小学重大凶杀案),[7] sparking fears of copycat crimes.[9] Following a quick trial, Zheng Minsheng was executed about one month later on April 28.[8] Media reported a history of mental health issues, but police stated that Zheng had no history of mental illness, contradicting earlier reports. Zheng said that he performed the attack after being turned down by a girl and suffering "unfair treatment" from the girl's wealthy family."

Another incident,

"April 2010[edit]

Just a few hours after the execution of Zheng Minsheng in neighboring Fujian Province,[10] in Leizhou,[11] Guangdong another knife-wielding man named Chen Kangbing, 33 (陈康炳)[12] at Hongfu Primary School wounded 16 students and a teacher.[9] Chen Kangbing had been a teacher at a different primary school in Leizhou, but was on sick leave due to mental illness[12][13] He was sentenced to death by a court in Zhanjiang in June."

2 months or so for justice.

Many of the murderers in the US either aren't executed at all or exist for an average of 15+ years before justice is meted out. Then there's those who had run-ins with law enforcement prior to their murderous rampages when justice could have prevented it as with early releases, slaps on the wrist, and other underwhelming measures.

We need to revamp our justice system. Streamline it even at the cost of some historical rights and freedoms. A society where criminals have the advantage beginning to end as with gun-free zones which only effect the victims, lengthy trials and unsuitable prison terms for serious crimes is no society that places any value on justice when communist countries make us look like Keystone Cops.
We need the death penalty in Michigan and yes we need to streamline the process. Every day I see murders committed in Detroit. Today they are showing videos of 4 young men walking up to people in their cars at gas station, opening fire then stealing the cars. If they catch these guys, why let them live? Why feed house and protect them? And why ever let them out? And why does killing them cost more? That's insane. The justice system is a joke. Similar to our tax code. Probably for the same reason. Probably loopholes to protect the rich and not good for the rabble.

But those guys who shot those people in their cars. Should animals who care so little about life ever be let go free? No. I don't think we should even waste a piece of bread on them.

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