“Big F*cking Deal”: 10 Huge Things Obama Did To Fix America You Never Hear About

thank god the repubs held him up so much. It could have been ALOT worse
Great president? Or our greatest president?
ill take bill clinton any day over obama...thats just me though....

Clinton was an excellent president but he wasn't fighting an entire political party intent on destroying the United States.

Obama has been a great president - in spite of the open treason on the right.

thats your opinion ludd.....MANY think your party is destroying the country.....i feel both parties are bringing this country to its knees....

No, its not an "opinion". Its documented fact. Even the Repubs have said they set out to destroy Obama and the country.
your opinion was that the republicans are out to destroy the country and obama is a great president.....the other side would say just the opposite, that obama sucks and the democrats are the ones destroying the country,thats their opinion....my opinion is that both parties are fucking the country over,the difference is the republicans tell you they are fucking you while the democrats tell you what you want to hear and when you leave the room the laughing starts.....
No where near. GW Bush the worst or nearly the worst president we've had. Obama is way, way above GW in performance. Honest people agree to that. Presidential historians agree to that.

Funnily enough he ranks one spot lower than Bush....

And neither are low enough in my opinion.

Measuring Obama against the great presidents
He does not rank lower than Bush.

According to the experts he does....Sorry...

A survey with only self selected respondents isn't even accurate enough to figure a percentage of accuracy. Nothing more than political masturbation.

Two of our worst presidents - W and Ronnie - judged better than almost anyone is a joke.
i was no fan of the man,but how come reagan does so good with many historical ranking polls?.....
Funnily enough he ranks one spot lower than Bush....

And neither are low enough in my opinion.

Measuring Obama against the great presidents
He does not rank lower than Bush.

According to the experts he does....Sorry...

A survey with only self selected respondents isn't even accurate enough to figure a percentage of accuracy. Nothing more than political masturbation.

Two of our worst presidents - W and Ronnie - judged better than almost anyone is a joke.
i was no fan of the man,but how come reagan does so good with many historical ranking polls?.....

Because people don't remember Reagan. They remember the Reagan myth.
Treason would be blaming the murder of your ambassador and four Americans on a YouTube video, and continually lying to the American people and the victim's family about it. Obama and Hillary belong behind bars for that.
Still waiting for a wingnut - like yourself - to prove it wasn't because of the video.

Especially after one of the attackers admitted it was because of the video.
The fact that it wasn't a video isn't even up for debate. The liars and criminals are now claiming that "they didn't know until way after" which is totally false, since Hillary's own emails to her daughter and Egyptian Ambassador disproves that.
He does not rank lower than Bush.

According to the experts he does....Sorry...

A survey with only self selected respondents isn't even accurate enough to figure a percentage of accuracy. Nothing more than political masturbation.

Two of our worst presidents - W and Ronnie - judged better than almost anyone is a joke.
i was no fan of the man,but how come reagan does so good with many historical ranking polls?.....

Because people don't remember Reagan. They remember the Reagan myth.
Reagan wasn't a myth. He lifted the nation and the world back up on it's feet, after the disaster that was the Carter presidency.

Hopefully the next president we have will do the same after the epic failure that was the Obama presidency, which is basically a left wing experiment that went terribly wrong.
He does not rank lower than Bush.

According to the experts he does....Sorry...

A survey with only self selected respondents isn't even accurate enough to figure a percentage of accuracy. Nothing more than political masturbation.

Two of our worst presidents - W and Ronnie - judged better than almost anyone is a joke.
i was no fan of the man,but how come reagan does so good with many historical ranking polls?.....

Because people don't remember Reagan. They remember the Reagan myth.
you can say that about any president in those polls.....Lincoln rates high,was it his myth too?..
According to the experts he does....Sorry...

A survey with only self selected respondents isn't even accurate enough to figure a percentage of accuracy. Nothing more than political masturbation.

Two of our worst presidents - W and Ronnie - judged better than almost anyone is a joke.
i was no fan of the man,but how come reagan does so good with many historical ranking polls?.....

Because people don't remember Reagan. They remember the Reagan myth.
you can say that about any president in those polls.....Lincoln rates high,was it his myth too?..

I suspect Lincoln is seen as perhaps a little better than he might have been, but the myth of reagan and what reagan actually did are completely different things.
Funnily enough he ranks one spot lower than Bush....

And neither are low enough in my opinion.

Measuring Obama against the great presidents
He does not rank lower than Bush.

According to the experts he does....Sorry...

A survey with only self selected respondents isn't even accurate enough to figure a percentage of accuracy. Nothing more than political masturbation.

Two of our worst presidents - W and Ronnie - judged better than almost anyone is a joke.
i was no fan of the man,but how come reagan does so good with many historical ranking polls?.....
Reagan is slipping...
The long term impacts of his policies are catching up with him
A survey with only self selected respondents isn't even accurate enough to figure a percentage of accuracy. Nothing more than political masturbation.

Two of our worst presidents - W and Ronnie - judged better than almost anyone is a joke.
i was no fan of the man,but how come reagan does so good with many historical ranking polls?.....

Because people don't remember Reagan. They remember the Reagan myth.
you can say that about any president in those polls.....Lincoln rates high,was it his myth too?..

I suspect Lincoln is seen as perhaps a little better than he might have been, but the myth of reagan and what reagan actually did are completely different things.
Lincoln has survived the test of time
Reagan will slip to around 18-20
4, 7 and 8 are MAJOR in a weak economy where most new jobs are low wage blue collar.
The rich are STILL getting richer.
Thank you President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

“Big F*cking Deal”: 10 Huge Things Obama Did To Fix America You Never Hear About

Here are 10 of the things (and there are a LOT more) President Obama did:
  1. 70 Straight Months Of Job Growth. Obama inherited an economy in massive decline, as THOUSANDS of jobs were being lost every single month. Since February of 2010, the second month of his second year, America has added jobs every month.
  2. 18 Million People Got Health Insurance. The Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, expanded health insurance coverage to 18 million people who didn’t have it before this president. Not a single Republican voted for it.
  3. Ending Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Gays can now openly serve in the U.S. military
  4. Banning The Pre-Existing Condition. Insurers can no longer deny health insurance coverage for adults and children with pre-existing conditions.
  5. Tobacco Is Now Regulated By The FDA. President Clinton tried to get legislation passed that would regulate tobacco, but was unable to do so. Under President Obama, the industry that contributed so much to cancer is under government scrutiny.
  6. Remade Student Loans, Helping Poor People To Go To College. The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act was “a revolution in how America finances higher education.” The law transferred student loans from Sallie Mae and private lenders, resulting in a $36 billion expansion of Pell Grants which will send low-income undergraduates to college.
  7. Hidden Credit Card Fees Are Dead. Credit card companies are no longer allowed to impose hidden fees on their customers.
  8. Busted Diploma Mills. The Obama administration engineered a crackdown on unscrupulous for-profit diploma mills at a time when more and more people need alternative education venues.
  9. Reduced Energy Use. A little noticed piece of regulation ruling the process behind commercial air conditioners will reduce U.S. energy use by 1 percent, all on its own.
  10. Gas Prices Down, Oil Imports Down, Coal Plants Shutting Down. America’s importation of oil from foreign sources is down 60% from what it was in 2008, and a third of polluting coal plants are closing – yet gas prices have collapsed as America has gotten cleaner. U.S wind power is up 400% while 400,000 electric cars are now on our roads.
Don't ask don't tell was Clinton's law.
The biggest pre-existing condition now is poverty......nobody can afford the dammed thing without subsidies paying most of it.
6 million people signed up for Obamacare. Many stopped paying premiums soon after or never paid them.
Now the federal government controls student loans....which means it will be sure to fail this year or next year.
Obama had nothing to so with any decrease in energy use.
Obama had nothing to do with the cost of gas.....but he did have everything to do with massive energy costs to businesses and consumers thanks his attempts to shut down the coal industry.
70 straight months of little or no job growth you mean. Usually growth after a recession is around 3 percent. Obama has never even come close to that. Usually growth was around zero or 1.3 percent. Million more are either unemployed or under-employed. 94 million working age Americans no-longer work. 45 million on food stamps.
He does not rank lower than Bush.

According to the experts he does....Sorry...

A survey with only self selected respondents isn't even accurate enough to figure a percentage of accuracy. Nothing more than political masturbation.

Two of our worst presidents - W and Ronnie - judged better than almost anyone is a joke.
i was no fan of the man,but how come reagan does so good with many historical ranking polls?.....
Reagan is slipping...
The long term impacts of his policies are catching up with him
i just looked at 10 historical polls.....the guy is in the top 10 of just about all of them....some top 5....
11. iran nuclear deal
12.save american people

Amazing...the amount of head burying you are engaging in to say the Iran giveaway as an accomplishment is unprecedented. Even Democrats in Washington do not agree with this head bowing "give them everything they want and call it a deal" - deal[/QUOTE]

Except the Iranians didn't get everything they wanted and they gave up quite a bit. They gave up much of their nuclear infrastructure in exchange for assets being returned that should have been returned years ago and sanctions being lifted more slowly than not only they would have wanted but the rest of the world as well.
Treason would be blaming the murder of your ambassador and four Americans on a YouTube video, and continually lying to the American people and the victim's family about it. Obama and Hillary belong behind bars for that.

Besides your math problems (no, the ambassador was ONE of four Americans who died), the guy who launched the attack said the attack was about the video. Was he in on it, too?

So let me get this straight. Saying an attack MIGHT have been about a video (as opposed to the hundreds of other things we do in that part of the world to piss them off) is bad, but lying about weapons that don't exist to start a war is kind of a-okay with you? Really?
Reagan wasn't a myth. He lifted the nation and the world back up on it's feet, after the disaster that was the Carter presidency.

Actually, Reagan IS a myth now.

The real Reagan, the one who raised taxes, gave weapons to terrorists, amnesty to illegals, tripled the National Debt - that Reagan isn't the one who conservatives want to talk about.

Nor do you want to talk about the Reagan who blew wet kisses to Dead Nazis at Bittburg and sold the Saudis AWACS planes over the screaming objections of the Jews.

No, no, you want to believe in the MYTHICAL Reagan, who ended the Cold War and loved him some Israel.
The fact that it wasn't a video isn't even up for debate.

No, actually, it is.


As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.
Is JoeHammad at it again? Idiot!

"We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack, not a protest," Clinton wrote to the Egyptian prime minister the night of September 11, 2012."

Lets take a look back at what Clinton said in front of the flag draped caskets of the four Americans killed in Benghazi.

And another:

Not only did Clinton blame the attack on a video "offensive" to Islam, the Obama administration and the State Department purchased $80,000 worth of commercial airtime in Pakistan apologizing for the video.

It also should be noted that the person who made the video was hauled off to jail in the middle of the night.
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