Big Gun Reform Idea From 2020 Democrats

It's constitutional because you can still bear arms without carrying a gun. What's being discussed here is whether those same requirements can be instituted simply to own a gun.

The right to keep arms and to bear arms are linked. They are one and the same. If it is constitutional to require permits to bear them, it's constitutional to require permits to keep them.
So, what do we get in exchange for changing the right into a privilege, issuing a license, and charging a fee? ANYTHING?

If I am licensed to drive a huge, dangerous 18-wheel truck, should I be prevented from driving it, just because you're scared?

What restrictions will be relaxed in exchange for this licensing? Should it open the door for any and all types of weapons. I mean, we would be licensed, right?

And, you answers to these questions demonstrates your real intent. So, go on.


No need to relax or GIVE anything. It's legal to do. As always, you are still free to whine all you want if your unearned privileges aren't as all encompassing as they once were.
And THIS is the answer I expected.

It's all give and no take for gun owners.

This is why we will fight this all the way. We know there is not real interest in safety. It's all about controlling the subjects.


What a dumb thing to say. There is no reason for an armed conflict with our government and military to start with. That's what elections are for, and even if there were a reason, your guns are a pathetic joke compared to what our military has. You're just enamored with the exciting stories you have heard about the old west. Those stories have nothing to do with the reality of today's world.
If safety is the concern, you demonstrated that you don't believe those proposed actions will have an effect.

This is one of many reasons why gun-grabbers are not trustworthy.

Did the gun-grabbers not force us to fight the issue of whether we actually have an individual right to keep and bear arms all the way to the SCOTUS?

That alone should get you NOTHING!!! That is UNFORGIVABLE!!!

Our entire form of government is predicated on the idea that the government does not and cannot grant rights but rather all rights reside within the individual and thus cannot be given nor taken away by anyone

Actually, there are no rights. There are privileges that everyone else agrees you should have.. Any fool who thinks he has "Rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".... soon to be joined by "Hispanics, 2019", the way Trump is going.

So, as they apply to guns... your Privilege to own a gun is offsetting my privilege to walk down the street, in a Wal-Mart, at a bar on a saturday night or in my workplace without a fear that some fucking maniac showing up with an Assault Rifle and shooting the place up.

Since you guys show no interest in disarming the maniacs, why should we care if you get to enjoy your gun fetish?
So I’m in a store and armed robbers come in. One puts all the customers and workers in the milk cooler while the other is out with the employee at the cash register or safe. As he looks away, I pull my gun from my back holster and kill the lowlife. The other guy runs out of the store empty handed.

Ray, no one wants to hear your wank fantasies.

The police come out and rule my actions as justified. Later, the family of the robber I killed files a wrongful death suit against me and the company that owns the store. They are less likely to get anything out of me, but the company would likely settle out of court to avoid the legal costs and publicity.

That’s the problem.

No, the problem is that those bad guys had guns to start with... not that you didn't shoot some black kid who looked at you funny.
In a licensing — or “permit to purchase” — system, nobody could buy a gun without first getting some kind of card or certificate (in other words, a license) from local or state authorities. And to get that license, a potential buyer would have to satisfy a few conditions, like completing a firearms safety course and submitting fingerprints.


Here's The Big Gun Reform Idea Getting Attention From 2020 Democrats | HuffPost
Like in San Diego to get a concealed permit. File your paperwork and we’ll get back to you in three years. Maybe.

Dems running on grabbing guns. It’s Trumps election to lose.
Our entire form of government is predicated on the idea that the government does not and cannot grant rights but rather all rights reside within the individual and thus cannot be given nor taken away by anyone

Actually, there are no rights. There are privileges that everyone else agrees you should have.. Any fool who thinks he has "Rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".... soon to be joined by "Hispanics, 2019", the way Trump is going.

So, as they apply to guns... your Privilege to own a gun is offsetting my privilege to walk down the street, in a Wal-Mart, at a bar on a saturday night or in my workplace without a fear that some fucking maniac showing up with an Assault Rifle and shooting the place up.

Since you guys show no interest in disarming the maniacs, why should we care if you get to enjoy your gun fetish?
Again our entire form of government is based on the idea that the government cannot grant rights to anyone because all rights reside within the person.

I'm not afraid of getting shot because I know I have a 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person using a gun

It seems you're that afraid and paranoid person here
Again our entire form of government is based on the idea that the government cannot grant rights to anyone because all rights reside within the person.

I'm sure when Tommy Jefferson wrote that, he went right home and fucked Sally Hemmings, proving the silliness of that thought.

I'm not afraid of getting shot because I know I have a 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person using a gun

It seems you're that afraid and paranoid person here

Actually, 70% of murders are committed with guns.. so not so much. It's the great length we take to protect ourselves from the nuts with guns... The prisons, the security state, militarized police... Our solutions are worse than the problem.
Our entire form of government is predicated on the idea that the government does not and cannot grant rights but rather all rights reside within the individual and thus cannot be given nor taken away by anyone

Actually, there are no rights. There are privileges that everyone else agrees you should have.. Any fool who thinks he has "Rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".... soon to be joined by "Hispanics, 2019", the way Trump is going.

So, as they apply to guns... your Privilege to own a gun is offsetting my privilege to walk down the street, in a Wal-Mart, at a bar on a saturday night or in my workplace without a fear that some fucking maniac showing up with an Assault Rifle and shooting the place up.

Since you guys show no interest in disarming the maniacs, why should we care if you get to enjoy your gun fetish?
never saw you give a shitflickstick when obama had kids in cages.

selective morality isn't morality at all.
Again our entire form of government is based on the idea that the government cannot grant rights to anyone because all rights reside within the person.

I'm sure when Tommy Jefferson wrote that, he went right home and fucked Sally Hemmings, proving the silliness of that thought.

I'm not afraid of getting shot because I know I have a 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person using a gun

It seems you're that afraid and paranoid person here

Actually, 70% of murders are committed with guns.. so not so much. It's the great length we take to protect ourselves from the nuts with guns... The prisons, the security state, militarized police... Our solutions are worse than the problem.
72.589%, to be more accurate, but either way, it's enough to be pretty scary.
Again our entire form of government is based on the idea that the government cannot grant rights to anyone because all rights reside within the person.

I'm sure when Tommy Jefferson wrote that, he went right home and fucked Sally Hemmings, proving the silliness of that thought.

I'm not afraid of getting shot because I know I have a 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person using a gun

It seems you're that afraid and paranoid person here

Actually, 70% of murders are committed with guns.. so not so much. It's the great length we take to protect ourselves from the nuts with guns... The prisons, the security state, militarized police... Our solutions are worse than the problem.

Our government philosophy transcends the fallibility of men
Again our entire form of government is based on the idea that the government cannot grant rights to anyone because all rights reside within the person.

I'm sure when Tommy Jefferson wrote that, he went right home and fucked Sally Hemmings, proving the silliness of that thought.

I'm not afraid of getting shot because I know I have a 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person using a gun

It seems you're that afraid and paranoid person here

Actually, 70% of murders are committed with guns.. so not so much. It's the great length we take to protect ourselves from the nuts with guns... The prisons, the security state, militarized police... Our solutions are worse than the problem.
And I still only have a .003% chance of getting murdered by a person using a gun.

Sounds pretty fucking safe to me
Again our entire form of government is based on the idea that the government cannot grant rights to anyone because all rights reside within the person.

I'm sure when Tommy Jefferson wrote that, he went right home and fucked Sally Hemmings, proving the silliness of that thought.

I'm not afraid of getting shot because I know I have a 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person using a gun

It seems you're that afraid and paranoid person here

Actually, 70% of murders are committed with guns.. so not so much. It's the great length we take to protect ourselves from the nuts with guns... The prisons, the security state, militarized police... Our solutions are worse than the problem.
72.589%, to be more accurate, but either way, it's enough to be pretty scary.

11000 people murdered by someone with a gun

330000000 people in the country

.003% chance of getting murdered by a person with a gun

99.997% chance of not getting murdered by a person with a gun

Sounds pretty fucking safe to me
Again our entire form of government is based on the idea that the government cannot grant rights to anyone because all rights reside within the person.

I'm sure when Tommy Jefferson wrote that, he went right home and fucked Sally Hemmings, proving the silliness of that thought.

I'm not afraid of getting shot because I know I have a 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person using a gun

It seems you're that afraid and paranoid person here

Actually, 70% of murders are committed with guns.. so not so much. It's the great length we take to protect ourselves from the nuts with guns... The prisons, the security state, militarized police... Our solutions are worse than the problem.
72.589%, to be more accurate, but either way, it's enough to be pretty scary.

11000 people murdered by someone with a gun

330000000 people in the country

.003% chance of getting murdered by a person with a gun

99.997% chance of not getting murdered by a person with a gun

Sounds pretty fucking safe to me

If you think it's that safe, why do gun nuts feel the need to be armed 24-7?
Again our entire form of government is based on the idea that the government cannot grant rights to anyone because all rights reside within the person.

I'm sure when Tommy Jefferson wrote that, he went right home and fucked Sally Hemmings, proving the silliness of that thought.

I'm not afraid of getting shot because I know I have a 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person using a gun

It seems you're that afraid and paranoid person here

Actually, 70% of murders are committed with guns.. so not so much. It's the great length we take to protect ourselves from the nuts with guns... The prisons, the security state, militarized police... Our solutions are worse than the problem.
72.589%, to be more accurate, but either way, it's enough to be pretty scary.

11000 people murdered by someone with a gun

330000000 people in the country

.003% chance of getting murdered by a person with a gun

99.997% chance of not getting murdered by a person with a gun

Sounds pretty fucking safe to me

If you think it's that safe, why do gun nuts feel the need to be armed 24-7?

Because that only applies to being murdered with a gun and not stabbed, or beaten with a bat etc etc etc

And I know what it's like to be the victim of a violent crime where guns were not used.I still ended up in the hospital with cracked ribs, a grade 3 concussion, a fractured eye orbital that was almost bad enough for me to lose my left eye and permanently affected my vision and a lacerated spleen that had to be removed

All that damage and no gun was used just one thug with a bike chain wrapped around his fist and two other thugs kicking me with steel toed boots

There is real violence in this world and that has nothing to do with the unlikelihood of getting murdered by a person with a gun
Again our entire form of government is based on the idea that the government cannot grant rights to anyone because all rights reside within the person.

I'm sure when Tommy Jefferson wrote that, he went right home and fucked Sally Hemmings, proving the silliness of that thought.

I'm not afraid of getting shot because I know I have a 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person using a gun

It seems you're that afraid and paranoid person here

Actually, 70% of murders are committed with guns.. so not so much. It's the great length we take to protect ourselves from the nuts with guns... The prisons, the security state, militarized police... Our solutions are worse than the problem.
72.589%, to be more accurate, but either way, it's enough to be pretty scary.

11000 people murdered by someone with a gun

330000000 people in the country

.003% chance of getting murdered by a person with a gun

99.997% chance of not getting murdered by a person with a gun

Sounds pretty fucking safe to me

If you think it's that safe, why do gun nuts feel the need to be armed 24-7?

Because that only applies to being murdered with a gun and not stabbed, or beaten with a bat etc etc etc

And I know what it's like to be the victim of a violent crime where guns were not used.I still ended up in the hospital with cracked ribs, a grade 3 concussion, a fractured eye orbital that was almost bad enough for me to lose my left eye and permanently affected my vision and a lacerated spleen that had to be removed

All that damage and no gun was used just one thug with a bike chain wrapped around his fist and two other thugs kicking me with steel toed boots

There is real violence in this world and that has nothing to do with the unlikelihood of getting murdered by a person with a gun

I'll bet you didn't run your head nearly as often after that, did you? If you think you are safe from guns when 72.5% use guns, then you should feel really safe with the 27.5% that's left over.
Ray, no one wants to hear your wank fantasies.

You don't know the difference between a fantasy and a scenario. This "fantasy" as you call it happens every day in this country. If not a store, a gas station. If not a gas station, a restaurant. Even with compliance, criminals still shoot and sometimes kill the victims involved. That's why you need to be ready for such a situation.

No, the problem is that those bad guys had guns to start with... not that you didn't shoot some black kid who looked at you funny.

Yes, the problem is that they had guns in the first place, and there is no law in this country that will stop them from getting guns. Making more laws only affect the non-criminal element.
Again our entire form of government is based on the idea that the government cannot grant rights to anyone because all rights reside within the person.

I'm sure when Tommy Jefferson wrote that, he went right home and fucked Sally Hemmings, proving the silliness of that thought.

I'm not afraid of getting shot because I know I have a 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person using a gun

It seems you're that afraid and paranoid person here

Actually, 70% of murders are committed with guns.. so not so much. It's the great length we take to protect ourselves from the nuts with guns... The prisons, the security state, militarized police... Our solutions are worse than the problem.
72.589%, to be more accurate, but either way, it's enough to be pretty scary.

11000 people murdered by someone with a gun

330000000 people in the country

.003% chance of getting murdered by a person with a gun

99.997% chance of not getting murdered by a person with a gun

Sounds pretty fucking safe to me

If you think it's that safe, why do gun nuts feel the need to be armed 24-7?
Wby do you feel the need to make false sweeping generalizations just to stay in the discussion...?
After the drug raid gone bad in which 6 policemen were shot, Kamala Harris declared if elected President she would give Congress 10p days to put legislation on her desk to sign or she would take action herself to solve 'this' problem...

She completely ignored / skipped over the fact that almost any / all legislation that came to her desk to sign would only be heeded by law-abiding citizens...that she could sign no Executive Order to stop 'THIS'.

The gunman who shot 6 policeman and forced the SWAT team trying to breach the room back out because of the amount of gunfire they faced was a criminal with a long record & multiple times in prison.

It was already illegal for him to have a gun...I guess he was unaware of the laws Congress had passed, otherwise he would not have had any weapons...right, snowflakes?

This past weekend some deranged copycat freak in body armor and a rifle made his way through the parking lot towards the front door of a Wal Mart....he never made it. An off-duty fireman and an off-duty policemen, both with CCPs and weapons, drew their firearms and held him until the police arrived and took him away.

If Democrats had their way there would have been another mass shooting, and law-abiding citizens would have been defenseless.
Again our entire form of government is based on the idea that the government cannot grant rights to anyone because all rights reside within the person.

I'm sure when Tommy Jefferson wrote that, he went right home and fucked Sally Hemmings, proving the silliness of that thought.

I'm not afraid of getting shot because I know I have a 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person using a gun

It seems you're that afraid and paranoid person here

Actually, 70% of murders are committed with guns.. so not so much. It's the great length we take to protect ourselves from the nuts with guns... The prisons, the security state, militarized police... Our solutions are worse than the problem.
72.589%, to be more accurate, but either way, it's enough to be pretty scary.

11000 people murdered by someone with a gun

330000000 people in the country

.003% chance of getting murdered by a person with a gun

99.997% chance of not getting murdered by a person with a gun

Sounds pretty fucking safe to me

If you think it's that safe, why do gun nuts feel the need to be armed 24-7?
Wby do you feel the need to make false sweeping generalizations just to stay in the discussion...?

So you think gun nuts don't claim they need to be armed 24-7? Don't you read their posts here?
never saw you give a shitflickstick when obama had kids in cages.

Because he never did, despite whatever revisionist history you saw on Fox.

Our government philosophy transcends the fallibility of men

No, it really doesn't. Our constitution is an anachronistic relic... which is why no one else has adopted anything like it with a faulty militia amendment or an electoral college.

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