BIG inflation numbers just posted

LMAO, you're trying to make out like prices don't rise on EVERYTHING. Every time there's a price increase in something, milks, eggs, houses, cars, everything, the new prices are higher than ever before.
Oil bust cycles always bring record high prices.
oh no…xiden’s inflation impacts everything
i don’t think it’s. a “somehow”

We don't export enough stuff for the US president to affect so many other countries. Some countries inflation is higher than the US's.
So maybe, just MAAAAAYBE, there's more to it than just Biden. Don't cha think?
We don't export enough stuff for the US president to affect so many other countries. Some countries inflation is higher than the US's.
So maybe, just MAAAAAYBE, there's more to it than just Biden. Don't cha think?
sure we do, but we also buy a lot of stuff. until xiden and his three qtrs of negative growth
sure we do, but we also buy a lot of stuff. until xiden and his three qtrs of negative growth

Economic downturns don't just fall from the sky. This one is caused by presidents before Biden, mostly. A new presidents policies can't even start showing up in the economy for over a year. We haven't even hit Biden's actual 2nd year yet.
Not that it matters, because Biden's policies aren't really any different than Trumps, when you get right down to it.
People like you will always blame the democrats because you just don't know any better. It's just easier for you to do that, than to learn what actually caused the problem.

If Biden was the real reason for the economic downturn, then why are most of the other countries going through what we're going through. And many of them worse off than us?

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