Big Is Beautiful. #Stop Body Shaming...

I wouldn't go that far. The thing I am against is trying to re-write supposed standards of view on beauty and health, but I don't go for actually using government to "Crack down" on food manufacturers.

It's a person's right to eat poorly, but it's also my right to call them out for it when they claim it's normal to be a 600lb landwhale.

Travel outside the country for a bit. With a few exceptions, like the similarly fat UK, you'll be shocked at how much less obesity you see.
England leads the way -- as usual .

Who is the Heaviest Person in the World ? --------- Paul Mason.
He was born in England and currently weighs 1,360 pounds. He has been diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome, which is a rare genetic disorder that affects the hypothalamus.

Oink , oink .

My brothers and I have always been able to eat anything we want and not gain a pound... I still wear the same pant size I wore in college... But my sister has struggled her whole life with weight gain... she runs and rides bikes and goes on long hikes but still she gains weight...
She stays under the obese limit due to hard work not blaming others for her weight....
Get off your ass and move around... do things like yard work wash your own car clean your own home and go on a walk every day... if you do that you can control your weight.... and your shame will diminish....
I wouldn't go that far. The thing I am against is trying to re-write supposed standards of view on beauty and health, but I don't go for actually using government to "Crack down" on food manufacturers.

It's a person's right to eat poorly, but it's also my right to call them out for it when they claim it's normal to be a 600lb landwhale.

In the last few years, I've traveled to Ireland, Italy and Scotland. One of the most noticeable things to me was the lack of people who were obese. Sure, there were some there but, for the most part, obesity doesn't seem to be a problem. And, at least in Italy, when weight was a problem it seemed to be the women who were more likely to be fat than the men...
Till you get seated next to one on the plane..
I got on a flight from LA to NY one day and my seat was right next to a man that must have weighed 400 pounds... 4 hours of hell....
When the dinner was served I passed on it but he didn't... he inhaled his meal... lol

Actually no... It's not beautiful. It's a clear indication of poor physical health, and an indicator of probable mental health issues.

As this woman, her fans, and those close to her just found out...
That's just ridiculous. She was eating 4-5x what normal people do a day, every day.

That's not sexy or beautiful. She had BO in fat rolls n shit. There's naturally fat girls that can still be beautiful, but that is NOT.
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Actually no... It's not beautiful. It's a clear indication of poor physical health, and an indicator of probable mental health issues.

As this woman, her fans, and those close to her just found out...

Fat people don't like being fat. None of them enjoy the stress and strain it takes to be fat, they don't like feeling fat, they don't like the wear and tear it puts on their bodies, they don't like sore knee and feet from holding up all that weight, they don't like not being comfortable in a average sized chair at a restaurant. Fat people don't like being fat.

But fat people are mostly fat because they are lazy as shit. So instead of actually doing something about being fat it's easy to convince yourself fat is great. And if you get others to tell your beautiful then you don't actually have to do anything about it. You can go on being lazy and fat and not feel guilty because you have others telling you that you're beautiful.

BBW is a term. Big beautiful woman. Well that's bullshit because just because you're big doesn't mean you're beautiful. Just like being skinny doesn't mean you're ugly.

Anyone else notice how we have to artificially praise and lie to so many groups of people in recent years? We have to defy our own opinions, defy reality and truth, and we have to lie to other people? We have to tell fat people they are beautiful, we have to tell trannies they really are the opposite sex, we have to say drag fags are amazing, we have to tell blacks they are equal while also telling them they deserve special treatment, we have to praise gays and the alphabet people. In fact, it seems like the only people who don't get, or are even asking, for special attention and praise are straight white people and Asian people.
Anyone else notice how we have to artificially praise and lie to so many groups of people in recent years? We have to defy our own opinions, defy reality and truth, and we have to lie to other people?

It almost seems like the Father of Lies is running this world. ;) But yeah, it does seem to be getting more Orwellian than ever, recently.

Actually no... It's not beautiful. It's a clear indication of poor physical health, and an indicator of probable mental health issues.

As this woman, her fans, and those close to her just found out...
Big is beautiful....Women with a little meat on their bones remain attractive....If you can keep it at or below a size 12, I say you're good to go.

Overweight by more than about 20# and obese are both gross and extremely unhealthy....Though musically talented, Lizzo is a fucking disgusting sow.

The "body positivity" crap is just another way that the cultural Marxists are obliterating any standards at all.

In the greatest Country in the world you can be what ever you want to be and eat (within reason) whatever you want. You can be morbidly obese but don't expect me to pay for your burgers and fries or respect you for your unhealthy lifestyle.
Anything that has fake emotion attached to it is all World Liberal. Get the shot for us and call this whale gorgeous for us.

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