Big Sis: White Middle Class Most Likely Terrorists


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
A new promotional video released by the Department of Homeland Security characterizes white middle class Americans as the most likely terrorists, as Big Sis continues its relentless drive to cement the myth that mad bombers are hiding around every corner, when in reality Americans are just as likely to be killed by lightning strikes or peanut allergies.

The video is part of Homeland Security’s $10 million dollar “See Something, Say Something” program that encourages Americans to report “suspicious activity,” which in every case throughout history has been a trait of oppressive, dictatorial regimes.

Despite encouraging viewers not to pay attention to a person’s race in determining whether or not they may be a terrorist, almost all of the scenarios in the clip proceed to portray white people as the most likely terrorists. Bizarrely, nearly every single one of the “patriotic” Americans who reports on their fellow citizen is either black, Asian or Arab.

» DHS Video Characterizes White Americans as Most Likely Terrorists Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Anyone surprised?
Why am I getting images of Stalinist Russia in my head?

You wanna see unAmerican activities? Look at the Department of Homeland Security.
Not surprising in the least.

Was only inevitable, when we already have an ONDCP that has been encouraging kids to rat out their parents for years now.
Not surprising in the least.

Was only inevitable, when we already have an ONDCP that has been encouraging kids to rat out their parents for years now.

Which is a slight improvement from the left wing's previous strategy of telling kids to 'go home and kill your parents'.
Hey it worked for the Veitnamese. They only had to kill 2 million undesirables, instead of 4 or 5 million.
I guess that y'all have forgotten Oklahoma City and some of the ALF terror attacks.

Of course, 90% of the cops in the video are white (and presumably, middle class).
I wonder how they have so many terrorist attacks in the middle east without any white people there?
It sure would be refreshing if this Administration's loyalty were to the nation instead of the leftist agenda.
As a general rule, this is closer to the truth than we would like to think. the most prominent terrorist organizations before Al Quaida became the big bad (The Weathermen, Baider Meinhoff, Red Brigades, etc ) were made up of groups of upper class liberal arts majors The profile is:

Wealthy, higher than normal intelligence but from an early age seen as not trustworthy, so while there is usually a family firm involved the would be terrorist is frozen out.

usually between 21 and 30

usually very disagreeable personality and unable to get or maintain a personal relationship.

The very first big name in terrorism was Alexander Ulyanov, who killed off Aexander II in 1886. Things have not changed much since his time. The face of terrorism is stil egotistical, lonely, despised, wealthy, envious, brighter than average but not as smart as they think they are. Very few american muslims fit that profile. Most of Obama's cabinet did at one time or another.
I guess that y'all have forgotten Oklahoma City and some of the ALF terror attacks.

Of course, 90% of the cops in the video are white (and presumably, middle class).

Don't forget Bill Ayers, he's white too. ALF/ELF, two of the most wanted domestic terrorists are white females. could be a terrorist too.

Who commits more terrorist attacks, middle age white guys or Muslims?
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the mistake is to assume that politics or religion are the prime motivators of terrorism. The prime motivators are ego, envy, boredom and spite. There is usually a pile of cash and emotional starvation. The terrorist is usually someone like Leopold and Leob, or Raskolinkov from Crime and Punishment. Or the Castro brothers. Or Reinhard Heidrich or Ernst Rhoem. Ideology is just window dressing and comes far after blood thirst.
I wonder how they have so many terrorist attacks in the middle east without any white people there?

The video isn't directed at homeland security in Israel. it's directed at homeland security IN THE U.S. Most of our terror attacks here have been from homegrown terror groups, and many of those were white folks.
That video is another example of the stupid WASTE of TAXPAYERS MONEY.

They could of just POSTED something that said, if you see something suspicious, report it.

But then we are told, WE DON'T NEED TO CUT any Government PROGRAMS..

And did ya catch the music..:muahaha:

these people in Government make me sick sometimes.
why not terrorist....white males seem to be everything else, can't wait to see what we are next week.
Here's what this recalled for me - the government killings at Ruby Ridge and Waco. Bubba Clinton, early in his adminstration, decided to "send a message" to white "extremist" groups. He sicced his attorney general, Janet Reno (imo the only absolutely genuine fascist ever to hold high office in the US) on them.

Most of the men killing women and children at the two incidents were probably white guys, so I guess there's truth in it after all.
Great 4 posts and not well like.Well never been liked anyway.I have a problem with calling a spade a spade.What I want to know is why blacks are racist but won't admit to it. This must be a liberal forum not just a black supremacist forum.or members of the democrat party of racists.
I wonder how they have so many terrorist attacks in the middle east without any white people there?

The video isn't directed at homeland security in Israel. it's directed at homeland security IN THE U.S. Most of our terror attacks here have been from homegrown terror groups, and many of those were white folks.

Attacks, yes. But when you compare body counts, radical Islam wins hands down.
As a general rule, this is closer to the truth than we would like to think. the most prominent terrorist organizations before Al Quaida became the big bad (The Weathermen, Baider Meinhoff, Red Brigades, etc ) were made up of groups of upper class liberal arts majors The profile is:

Wealthy, higher than normal intelligence but from an early age seen as not trustworthy, so while there is usually a family firm involved the would be terrorist is frozen out.

usually between 21 and 30

usually very disagreeable personality and unable to get or maintain a personal relationship.

The very first big name in terrorism was Alexander Ulyanov, who killed off Aexander II in 1886. Things have not changed much since his time. The face of terrorism is stil egotistical, lonely, despised, wealthy, envious, brighter than average but not as smart as they think they are. Very few american muslims fit that profile. Most of Obama's cabinet did at one time or another.

yes and if I recall a balance of the 19 9-11 Terrorists were college or attendees middle class or higher folks(?)

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