Big Trouble With Russia And China Right Now

WASHINGTON — The American military is warning that China is probably accelerating its timetable for capturing control of Taiwan, the island democracy that has been the chief source of tension between Washington and Beijing for decades and is widely seen as the most likely trigger for a potentially catastrophic U.S.-China war.”

Let’s jump to Putin’s Russia — maybe a more immediate concern.

Russia is definitely massing force on the eastern border of Ukraine. No doubt about it. The thing that really bothers me — the Russians were doing war maneuvers in Belarus (the west) maybe two years ago — and our intelligence picked up the fact that those 10,000 participants left behind enough equipment for 100,000 soldiers. Really. Why?

Now — Gary Kasparov — super genius and ex-USSR chess master — is very clear about what we need to do right now. I do, and you may want to read his twitter feed. He is very direct about what we need to do right now. Here is a good quote summarizing his point of view —

Kasparov is right. Biden is going to have to make some very bold moves, that will make anything that has happened in the middle east look like a playground fight.

If Russia wanted Ukraine they would had taken it during the Hussein Regime.

But you lefties seem to want war with Russia. I guess we can draft a bunch of black kids and send them there to die for some Ukrainian Nazis.

China knows they can take Taiwan anytime they want now. Xiden is bought and paid for by China.
This is happening because of Biden. Putin, Xi, and the little fat man in North Korea are laughing at Biden for whom they have no respect.

They have even less respect for the POTUS in waiting, Commie-la (people think they are impressed that she is a female and one of Jamaican-Indian heritage? They ain't playing that foolish game).

Natch, those three (Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong-un) all loved Trump - why do you suppose that is true? Oh, Hell, eazy peazy: Trump was easily manipulated by them and all three of them knew it and Trump did not even suspect it - he thought he had them in the palm of his small hands.


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