Big win for Civil Rights...and from left wing 9th Circuit Court of Appeals no less....

The body of the baby is not their body......cancer actually is their body and cancer is not a human being...twit.

That's the losing side of the argument.

Yes....and so was the humanity of the Jews in socialist Germany......
False comparison!

Nope...completely accurate.......humans denied their humanity on the whim of another person...
Just like conservatives have always done.

Nope...the Rights of the individual are the basic tenet of American Conservatism....not so much with the democrats or any of the other left wing groups them people are unviable tissue masses in different stages of unviability........
And again.....let us celebrate a victory for one of our basic Rights.........the gun grabbers keep trying, and hopefully they will keep failing....
Everything you need to know about guns...

17 MAY , 2016

I really could care less, at the end of the day we all,have different beliefs,morals, and values. But one thing is a fact immorality is immorality no matter how u spread it.
Obviously it matters a lot to you. Why else would you say it without prompting?
What matters to me is how the gov. Uses abortion n other tactics to target native americans. I luv my people, we r dying off n rapid numbers.
So you really do care but thought you had to impress me?
Explain to me how u can care about blacks n be for the killing of 1900 black babies a day
Who told you I was for killing off any Black babies?
1900 a day, when will that number b high enough before black males stand up n fight
That's the losing side of the argument.

Yes....and so was the humanity of the Jews in socialist Germany......
False comparison!

Nope...completely accurate.......humans denied their humanity on the whim of another person...
Just like conservatives have always done.

Nope...the Rights of the individual are the basic tenet of American Conservatism....not so much with the democrats or any of the other left wing groups them people are unviable tissue masses in different stages of unviability........
Only in theory. in practice almost never,conservatism is the main cause of countless tragedies.
Obviously it matters a lot to you. Why else would you say it without prompting?
What matters to me is how the gov. Uses abortion n other tactics to target native americans. I luv my people, we r dying off n rapid numbers.
So you really do care but thought you had to impress me?
Explain to me how u can care about blacks n be for the killing of 1900 black babies a day
Who told you I was for killing off any Black babies?
1900 a day, when will that number b high enough before black males stand up n fight
What matters to me is how the gov. Uses abortion n other tactics to target native americans. I luv my people, we r dying off n rapid numbers.
So you really do care but thought you had to impress me?
Explain to me how u can care about blacks n be for the killing of 1900 black babies a day
Who told you I was for killing off any Black babies?
1900 a day, when will that number b high enough before black males stand up n fight
Link? hell ur smarter than me Google that shit.
Obviously it matters a lot to you. Why else would you say it without prompting?
What matters to me is how the gov. Uses abortion n other tactics to target native americans. I luv my people, we r dying off n rapid numbers.
So you really do care but thought you had to impress me?
Explain to me how u can care about blacks n be for the killing of 1900 black babies a day
Who told you I was for killing off any Black babies?
1900 a day, when will that number b high enough before black males stand up n fight
When will you tell me who told you i was for killing off any Black babies.
So you really do care but thought you had to impress me?
Explain to me how u can care about blacks n be for the killing of 1900 black babies a day
Who told you I was for killing off any Black babies?
1900 a day, when will that number b high enough before black males stand up n fight
Link? hell ur smarter than me Google that shit.
Everyone already knew he was smarter than you. You made a claim so provide something to back it up.
The 9th Circuit, at one time one of the most overturned courts in the country, and may still be.....ruled that the 2nd Amendment is not a second class right....and that democrats can't use their usual tactics of fake regulations to prohibit it's practice by American citizens...

Ninth Circuit Court rules that Second Amendment is “not a second class right” - Hot Air

The Ninth Circuit Court was asked to rule on a “zoning ordinance” in Alameda County which would have placed severe restrictions on the opening of any new gun shop if it was within 500 feet of a wide variety of other types of structures. As Kerry Picket reports at The Daily Caller, the wording of the majority opinion drew a line in the sand regarding the sanctity of the Second Amendment. (Emphasis added)


Writing for the majority, Judge Diarmuid O’Scannlain said that the “right of law-abiding citizens to keep and to bear arms is not a second-class right, subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of Rights guarantees…”

And this is why we do not trust anti gun nut jobs when they say they don't want to ban guns........they are lying.....

The tactic being employed by anti-Second Amendment forces in Alameda County was in keeping with many others we’ve seen around the country, but the gun grabbers are clearly getting more clever in their efforts to undermine gun rights.

This scheme was cloaked in the mundane sounding guise of a typical zoning ordinance, but they had done their homework to create a lethally poisonous pill in the details.

Restricting the licensing of a gun shop in close proximity to a school is nothing new, but this one layered on many more boundaries.

Under the new rule, gun merchants would be forbidden from opening their doors within 500 feet of anyresidentially-zoned district (i.e. anyplace with a house or an apartment building), a school, pre-school, day care center or anyplace where alcohol was sold.

That last one included not just bars, but any convenience store or other outlet where you could purchase a six-pack of beer.

So no, we don't trust you or any of your new attempts to create new gun control laws.......
Fuckin' WOW! I guess the 9th) suddenly became a Court of racist homophobes.
Explain to me how u can care about blacks n be for the killing of 1900 black babies a day
Who told you I was for killing off any Black babies?
1900 a day, when will that number b high enough before black males stand up n fight
Link? hell ur smarter than me Google that shit.
Everyone already knew he was smarter than you. You made a claim so provide something to back it up.
Fake ass brothas. U two r a disgrace
Who told you I was for killing off any Black babies?
1900 a day, when will that number b high enough before black males stand up n fight
Link? hell ur smarter than me Google that shit.
Everyone already knew he was smarter than you. You made a claim so provide something to back it up.
Fake ass brothas. U two r a disgrace
If you think we are a disgrace we definitely are living right.
I have two main problems with abortion.

1. How can it be murder if I kill a woman's fetus at X months old, but if she kills the same fetus at the same age it's choice? This isn't logical because the entire pro abortion movement is based on the belief that before Y a fetus isn't a human, and as we discussed earlier murder is the illegal killing of a human being, well if in the case of abortion you can declare that a fetus under X is NOT a human then later on you can't just change your mind and say "okay in this case it IS a human , so we're charging murder" laws are supposed to be consistent.

Of course both sides just agreeing that at X a fetus becomes a baby would end that debate right there, but no one in any position of power wants to end debates, that would leave the rest of us time to investigate THEIR activities.

2. I think it's completely unfair that men are put in the position of not having ANY choice about whether they would like their fetus to grow up to be a baby, but on the other hand if they do NOT want a baby they also have no choice but to support said child should the mother decide to allow it to become a baby.

Notice that neither of my arguments stems from morality.

1. You stopped the life the woman wished to have.

2. It may seem unfair but until you carry the child in your womb an equal amount of time it really isnt unfair.

1. Oops you admit it is a life, therefor that life should have rights.

2. It certainly is unfair. No man alive who's ever had kids would believe otherwise. Oh his political persuasion might demand that he deny that, but no man think it's fair that he has no choice in whether he becomes a father or not.
1. Why do you say oops? I never said it wasnt a life. It just doesnt have any rights since its literally living off of someone elses body.

2. I have 4 kids and I am under no illusions about fairness. Since I am not carrying the child I really dont have a say until the child is born.

1. If it's a human life it should of course have rights. Or are you suggesting that welfare recipients should have no rights since they live off of someone else?

2. The law is supposed to blind and fair. ALWAYS
1. I disagree with your "should" statement. So does the law of the land.

2. The law should never be blind. Yes it should be fair.

Of course the law is supposed to be blind, that's the entire point.
1900 a day, when will that number b high enough before black males stand up n fight
Link? hell ur smarter than me Google that shit.
Everyone already knew he was smarter than you. You made a claim so provide something to back it up.
Fake ass brothas. U two r a disgrace
If you think we are a disgrace we definitely are living right.
Most fatherless black males have relied on gov. Like a father figure. Grasping to the very thing that enslaves them. I doubt ur even black.
Link? hell ur smarter than me Google that shit.
Everyone already knew he was smarter than you. You made a claim so provide something to back it up.
Fake ass brothas. U two r a disgrace
If you think we are a disgrace we definitely are living right.
Most fatherless black males have relied on gov. Like a father figure. Grasping to the very thing that enslaves them. I doubt ur even black.
Most fatherless white males have relied on the gov like a father figure. Grasping the very thing that enslaves them. I dont doubt for a moment you are poor white boy.
Yes....and so was the humanity of the Jews in socialist Germany......
False comparison!

Nope...completely accurate.......humans denied their humanity on the whim of another person...
Just like conservatives have always done.

Nope...the Rights of the individual are the basic tenet of American Conservatism....not so much with the democrats or any of the other left wing groups them people are unviable tissue masses in different stages of unviability........
Only in theory. in practice almost never,conservatism is the main cause of countless tragedies.

Wrong...socialism and statism....those have murdered far more people.....the desire to concentrate governmental power through history is what has caused death and destruction....American Conservatives seek to put checks and limits on that power, to elevate the individual over the collective, and to fight to help everyone be guys...worship the state.
Link? hell ur smarter than me Google that shit.
Everyone already knew he was smarter than you. You made a claim so provide something to back it up.
Fake ass brothas. U two r a disgrace
If you think we are a disgrace we definitely are living right.
Most fatherless black males have relied on gov. Like a father figure. Grasping to the very thing that enslaves them. I doubt ur even black.
Most fatherless white males have relied on the gov like a father figure. Grasping the very thing that enslaves them. I dont doubt for a moment you are poor white boy.

Except out of wedlock birth is higher among black Americans.......which is one of the big reasons they have so much crime...
Everyone already knew he was smarter than you. You made a claim so provide something to back it up.
Fake ass brothas. U two r a disgrace
If you think we are a disgrace we definitely are living right.
Most fatherless black males have relied on gov. Like a father figure. Grasping to the very thing that enslaves them. I doubt ur even black.
Most fatherless white males have relied on the gov like a father figure. Grasping the very thing that enslaves them. I dont doubt for a moment you are poor white boy.

Except out of wedlock birth is higher among black Americans.......which is one of the big reasons they have so much crime...
Whites have more crime than anyone. They are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners.
Fake ass brothas. U two r a disgrace
If you think we are a disgrace we definitely are living right.
Most fatherless black males have relied on gov. Like a father figure. Grasping to the very thing that enslaves them. I doubt ur even black.
Most fatherless white males have relied on the gov like a father figure. Grasping the very thing that enslaves them. I dont doubt for a moment you are poor white boy.

Except out of wedlock birth is higher among black Americans.......which is one of the big reasons they have so much crime...
Whites have more crime than anyone. They are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners.

Only because there are more of a percentage of our respective populations....blacks are about 13% of the population and about 43% or more of all violent crime....hitting way above their weight...nice try though.

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