Big win for Civil Rights...and from left wing 9th Circuit Court of Appeals no less....

Fake ass brothas. U two r a disgrace
If you think we are a disgrace we definitely are living right.
Most fatherless black males have relied on gov. Like a father figure. Grasping to the very thing that enslaves them. I doubt ur even black.
Most fatherless white males have relied on the gov like a father figure. Grasping the very thing that enslaves them. I dont doubt for a moment you are poor white boy.

Except out of wedlock birth is higher among black Americans.......which is one of the big reasons they have so much crime...
Whites have more crime than anyone. They are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners.

As a whole yes, however as I PROVED to you in another thread 13% of the general population accounts for fully 33% of all arrests. Why you're afraid to admit that blacks are more likely to commit crimes than whites is beyond reason. I mean it is what it is. That certainly doesn't mean ALL blacks commit crimes, in fact even with their higher crime rate the overwhelming majority of blacks are NOT committing crimes, but facts are facts 2.7M out 9M arrests per year are blacks. Whites, on the other hand make up a lower percentage of the prison population than they do the general population (76% of the general pop is white, 66% of the prison population is white)
If you think we are a disgrace we definitely are living right.
Most fatherless black males have relied on gov. Like a father figure. Grasping to the very thing that enslaves them. I doubt ur even black.
Most fatherless white males have relied on the gov like a father figure. Grasping the very thing that enslaves them. I dont doubt for a moment you are poor white boy.

Except out of wedlock birth is higher among black Americans.......which is one of the big reasons they have so much crime...
Whites have more crime than anyone. They are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners.

As a whole yes, however as I PROVED to you in another thread 13% of the general population accounts for fully 33% of all arrests. Why you're afraid to admit that blacks are more likely to commit crimes than whites is beyond reason. I mean it is what it is. That certainly doesn't mean ALL blacks commit crimes, in fact even with their higher crime rate the overwhelming majority of blacks are NOT committing crimes, but facts are facts 2.7M out 9M arrests per year are blacks. Whites, on the other hand make up a lower percentage of the prison population than they do the general population (76% of the general pop is white, 66% of the prison population is white)

And sadly, the victims of violent crime are also blacks.
If you think we are a disgrace we definitely are living right.
Most fatherless black males have relied on gov. Like a father figure. Grasping to the very thing that enslaves them. I doubt ur even black.
Most fatherless white males have relied on the gov like a father figure. Grasping the very thing that enslaves them. I dont doubt for a moment you are poor white boy.

Except out of wedlock birth is higher among black Americans.......which is one of the big reasons they have so much crime...
Whites have more crime than anyone. They are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners.

Only because there are more of a percentage of our respective populations....blacks are about 13% of the population and about 43% or more of all violent crime....hitting way above their weight...nice try though.
Stop with your excuses. You are criminals and your representation in prison reflects that. Face the facts.
Most fatherless black males have relied on gov. Like a father figure. Grasping to the very thing that enslaves them. I doubt ur even black.
Most fatherless white males have relied on the gov like a father figure. Grasping the very thing that enslaves them. I dont doubt for a moment you are poor white boy.

Except out of wedlock birth is higher among black Americans.......which is one of the big reasons they have so much crime...
Whites have more crime than anyone. They are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners.

Only because there are more of a percentage of our respective populations....blacks are about 13% of the population and about 43% or more of all violent crime....hitting way above their weight...nice try though.
Stop with your excuses. You are criminals and your representation in prison reflects that. Face the facts.

Our representation? You fucking idiot. Whites make up 77% of the general population and 66% of the prison population, meaning whites are UNDER represented in prison LOL what a fucking idiot.
Most fatherless white males have relied on the gov like a father figure. Grasping the very thing that enslaves them. I dont doubt for a moment you are poor white boy.

Except out of wedlock birth is higher among black Americans.......which is one of the big reasons they have so much crime...
Whites have more crime than anyone. They are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners.

Only because there are more of a percentage of our respective populations....blacks are about 13% of the population and about 43% or more of all violent crime....hitting way above their weight...nice try though.
Stop with your excuses. You are criminals and your representation in prison reflects that. Face the facts.

Our representation? You fucking idiot. Whites make up 77% of the general population and 66% of the prison population, meaning whites are UNDER represented in prison LOL what a fucking idiot.
Yes your representation cave chimp. You are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners in a nation that attempts to imprison Blacks as fast as possible.
Most fatherless black males have relied on gov. Like a father figure. Grasping to the very thing that enslaves them. I doubt ur even black.
Most fatherless white males have relied on the gov like a father figure. Grasping the very thing that enslaves them. I dont doubt for a moment you are poor white boy.

Except out of wedlock birth is higher among black Americans.......which is one of the big reasons they have so much crime...
Whites have more crime than anyone. They are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners.

Only because there are more of a percentage of our respective populations....blacks are about 13% of the population and about 43% or more of all violent crime....hitting way above their weight...nice try though.
Stop with your excuses. You are criminals and your representation in prison reflects that. Face the facts.

And this is why democrats keep getting elected with large majorities of black votes..........
Except out of wedlock birth is higher among black Americans.......which is one of the big reasons they have so much crime...
Whites have more crime than anyone. They are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners.

Only because there are more of a percentage of our respective populations....blacks are about 13% of the population and about 43% or more of all violent crime....hitting way above their weight...nice try though.
Stop with your excuses. You are criminals and your representation in prison reflects that. Face the facts.

Our representation? You fucking idiot. Whites make up 77% of the general population and 66% of the prison population, meaning whites are UNDER represented in prison LOL what a fucking idiot.
Yes your representation cave chimp. You are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners in a nation that attempts to imprison Blacks as fast as possible.

Wow....if you don't break the law you don't go to jail.........not a hard concept....
Most fatherless white males have relied on the gov like a father figure. Grasping the very thing that enslaves them. I dont doubt for a moment you are poor white boy.

Except out of wedlock birth is higher among black Americans.......which is one of the big reasons they have so much crime...
Whites have more crime than anyone. They are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners.

Only because there are more of a percentage of our respective populations....blacks are about 13% of the population and about 43% or more of all violent crime....hitting way above their weight...nice try though.
Stop with your excuses. You are criminals and your representation in prison reflects that. Face the facts.

And this is why democrats keep getting elected with large majorities of black votes..........
Thats a good thing.
Except out of wedlock birth is higher among black Americans.......which is one of the big reasons they have so much crime...
Whites have more crime than anyone. They are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners.

Only because there are more of a percentage of our respective populations....blacks are about 13% of the population and about 43% or more of all violent crime....hitting way above their weight...nice try though.
Stop with your excuses. You are criminals and your representation in prison reflects that. Face the facts.

And this is why democrats keep getting elected with large majorities of black votes..........
Thats a good thing.

Yes...tell it to the generations of lost black children who will never get out of democrat created poverty and crime.....
Whites have more crime than anyone. They are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners.

Only because there are more of a percentage of our respective populations....blacks are about 13% of the population and about 43% or more of all violent crime....hitting way above their weight...nice try though.
Stop with your excuses. You are criminals and your representation in prison reflects that. Face the facts.

Our representation? You fucking idiot. Whites make up 77% of the general population and 66% of the prison population, meaning whites are UNDER represented in prison LOL what a fucking idiot.
Yes your representation cave chimp. You are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners in a nation that attempts to imprison Blacks as fast as possible.

Wow....if you don't break the law you don't go to jail.........not a hard concept....
Then tell your white compadres to stop breaking the law.
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Whites have more crime than anyone. They are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners.

Only because there are more of a percentage of our respective populations....blacks are about 13% of the population and about 43% or more of all violent crime....hitting way above their weight...nice try though.
Stop with your excuses. You are criminals and your representation in prison reflects that. Face the facts.

And this is why democrats keep getting elected with large majorities of black votes..........
Thats a good thing.

Yes...tell it to the generations of lost black children who will never get out of democrat created poverty and crime.....
i dont know anyone like that so you will need to tell them for me if you can find them.
Except out of wedlock birth is higher among black Americans.......which is one of the big reasons they have so much crime...
Whites have more crime than anyone. They are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners.

Only because there are more of a percentage of our respective populations....blacks are about 13% of the population and about 43% or more of all violent crime....hitting way above their weight...nice try though.
Stop with your excuses. You are criminals and your representation in prison reflects that. Face the facts.

Our representation? You fucking idiot. Whites make up 77% of the general population and 66% of the prison population, meaning whites are UNDER represented in prison LOL what a fucking idiot.
Yes your representation cave chimp. You are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners in a nation that attempts to imprison Blacks as fast as possible.

Oh , here you go with the racist terms again when you get frustrated.

Meanwhile those people capable of thinking understand that 77% of the population committing 66% of the crime means that group is UNDER represented by criminals and that 13% of the people committing 33% of the crimes means those people are OVER represented by criminals.

Whole numbers mean NOTHING in the context you are trying to make them mean something in.

Now, call me a cave chimp again b/c your argument got destroyed.
Whites have more crime than anyone. They are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners.

Only because there are more of a percentage of our respective populations....blacks are about 13% of the population and about 43% or more of all violent crime....hitting way above their weight...nice try though.
Stop with your excuses. You are criminals and your representation in prison reflects that. Face the facts.

Our representation? You fucking idiot. Whites make up 77% of the general population and 66% of the prison population, meaning whites are UNDER represented in prison LOL what a fucking idiot.
Yes your representation cave chimp. You are the largest demographic of incarcerated prisoners in a nation that attempts to imprison Blacks as fast as possible.

Oh , here you go with the racist terms again when you get frustrated.

Meanwhile those people capable of thinking understand that 77% of the population committing 66% of the crime means that group is UNDER represented by criminals and that 13% of the people committing 33% of the crimes means those people are OVER represented by criminals.

Whole numbers mean NOTHING in the context you are trying to make them mean something in.

Now, call me a cave chimp again b/c your argument got destroyed.
I'm not frustrated. You were the one that called me an idiot out of frustration. I just called you cave chimp to see how angry you would get.

My argument was never destroyed cave chimp. Are whites the largest demographic of prisoners in the US or not?
So you really do care but thought you had to impress me?
Explain to me how u can care about blacks n be for the killing of 1900 black babies a day
Who told you I was for killing off any Black babies?
1900 a day, when will that number b high enough before black males stand up n fight
Link? hell ur smarter than me Google that shit.
I'll take that as a no .
You have no evidence to backup your bullshit.
Who told you I was for killing off any Black babies?
1900 a day, when will that number b high enough before black males stand up n fight
Link? hell ur smarter than me Google that shit.
Everyone already knew he was smarter than you. You made a claim so provide something to back it up.
Fake ass brothas. U two r a disgrace
Oh so now I'm black ?
I'm not but l have been given the title of HNIC.
1. You stopped the life the woman wished to have.

2. It may seem unfair but until you carry the child in your womb an equal amount of time it really isnt unfair.

1. Oops you admit it is a life, therefor that life should have rights.

2. It certainly is unfair. No man alive who's ever had kids would believe otherwise. Oh his political persuasion might demand that he deny that, but no man think it's fair that he has no choice in whether he becomes a father or not.
1. Why do you say oops? I never said it wasnt a life. It just doesnt have any rights since its literally living off of someone elses body.

2. I have 4 kids and I am under no illusions about fairness. Since I am not carrying the child I really dont have a say until the child is born.

1. If it's a human life it should of course have rights. Or are you suggesting that welfare recipients should have no rights since they live off of someone else?

2. The law is supposed to blind and fair. ALWAYS
1. I disagree with your "should" statement. So does the law of the land.

2. The law should never be blind. Yes it should be fair.

Of course the law is supposed to be blind, that's the entire point.
Too bad it's not.
1900 black babies are being killed a day? LOL that's as ridiculous of a claim as the claim that having 77% of the general population but 66% of the prison population is somehow worse than having 13% of the general population but 33% of the prison population.

Trump has it wrong. We don't need to build a wall and kick the Mexicans out.

We need to build a wall and kick stupid people out.
There is a life at the moment of conception. No timeframe or law changes the fact u r murdering a baby.
If that were true why dont they imprison moms that have abortions like Trump wants to do?

Trump didn't say any such thing. his answer to that stupid hypothetical was "some sort of punishment"
False! the implication was so apparent only willful ignorance could keep anyone from seeing it.
There is a life at the moment of conception. No timeframe or law changes the fact u r murdering a baby.
If that were true why dont they imprison moms that have abortions like Trump wants to do?

Trump didn't say any such thing. his answer to that stupid hypothetical was "some sort of punishment"
False! the implication was so apparent only willful ignorance could keep anyone from seeing it.

Oh , but I bet you argue that Hillary didn't mean she was going to put coal miners out of work.

LOL partisan morons make me laugh.
False comparison!

Nope...completely accurate.......humans denied their humanity on the whim of another person...
Just like conservatives have always done.

Nope...the Rights of the individual are the basic tenet of American Conservatism....not so much with the democrats or any of the other left wing groups them people are unviable tissue masses in different stages of unviability........
Only in theory. in practice almost never,conservatism is the main cause of countless tragedies.

Wrong...socialism and statism....those have murdered far more people.....the desire to concentrate governmental power through history is what has caused death and destruction....American Conservatives seek to put checks and limits on that power, to elevate the individual over the collective, and to fight to help everyone be guys...worship the state.
Not in practice they don't.
The rest is total bullshit.

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