Biggest Issue Facing the US Today?

Reagan was great.
Obama is more than naive, he's downright ignorant. Clueless.
Reagan was great only because of the "Reagan Legacy Project" started in the late 90's. His career was completely and falsely rewritten. Do you want examples? The number is legion.

Reagan was great long before the 90s.

So what was "great" about Reagan? Give us some examples of what makes him Saint Ronnie?

He was a man. He was a leader. He brought the country together. He broke the back of the USSR. He took no shit from China. He won 49 states over Mondale.

no one has made him a saint, but you fools are sure to try to confer sainthood on obama-------------do muslims have saints? Maybe you could declare him Mohammed's illegitimate son.
Reagan was great.
Obama is more than naive, he's downright ignorant. Clueless.
Reagan was great only because of the "Reagan Legacy Project" started in the late 90's. His career was completely and falsely rewritten. Do you want examples? The number is legion.

Reagan was great long before the 90s.

So what was "great" about Reagan? Give us some examples of what makes him Saint Ronnie?

He was a man. He was a leader. He brought the country together. He broke the back of the USSR. He took no shit from China. He won 49 states over Mondale.

no one has made him a saint, but you fools are sure to try to confer sainthood on obama-------------do muslims have saints? Maybe you could declare him Mohammed's illegitimate son.

Reagan broke the back of the USSR ?

Reagan was great.
Obama is more than naive, he's downright ignorant. Clueless.
Reagan was great only because of the "Reagan Legacy Project" started in the late 90's. His career was completely and falsely rewritten. Do you want examples? The number is legion.

Reagan was great long before the 90s.

So what was "great" about Reagan? Give us some examples of what makes him Saint Ronnie?

He was a man. He was a leader. He brought the country together. He broke the back of the USSR. He took no shit from China. He won 49 states over Mondale.

no one has made him a saint, but you fools are sure to try to confer sainthood on obama-------------do muslims have saints? Maybe you could declare him Mohammed's illegitimate son.

Reagan broke the back of the USSR ?


Yep, and brought down the Berlin wall. The soviet union, USSR, was broken up by the pressure applied by Reagan.

deny it if it somehow makes you feel good. but history is what it is.
Reagan was great only because of the "Reagan Legacy Project" started in the late 90's. His career was completely and falsely rewritten. Do you want examples? The number is legion.

Reagan was great long before the 90s.

So what was "great" about Reagan? Give us some examples of what makes him Saint Ronnie?

He was a man. He was a leader. He brought the country together. He broke the back of the USSR. He took no shit from China. He won 49 states over Mondale.

no one has made him a saint, but you fools are sure to try to confer sainthood on obama-------------do muslims have saints? Maybe you could declare him Mohammed's illegitimate son.

Reagan broke the back of the USSR ?


Yep, and brought down the Berlin wall. The soviet union, USSR, was broken up by the pressure applied by Reagan.

deny it if it somehow makes you feel good. but history is what it is.


The End of the Cold War
Reagan was great only because of the "Reagan Legacy Project" started in the late 90's. His career was completely and falsely rewritten. Do you want examples? The number is legion.

I lived and served under Ronald Reagan. I don't need some project I have never heard of to tell me how great Reagan was.
When Reagan took office, America had just been through Vietnam, Watergate, the disastrous Carter Administration, 444 days of the Iranian hostage crisis, the near nuclear meltdown of Three Mile Island, and was experiencing double digit inflation. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union had a death grip on Eastern Europe and had invaded Afghanistan.

Then along came Reagan. Cheery, optimistic, bursting with solutions to our problems. He would be crucified by the GOP of today for not being a hateful whiner and for his willingness to work with Democrats.

When Reagan took office in January 1981, unemployment was 7.5%. At the end of his first term, in January 1985, it was 7.3% and falling. At the end of his second term in January 1989, it was 5.4%.

In the aggregate, Reagan's tax cuts were greater than his tax increases. He had the courage to admit his tax cuts were too deep, and he rolled them back a little.

Reagan also worked with his political opponents to reform the tax code and to reform welfare. He eliminated a great many tax expenditures that benefited the wealthy.

He also had the guts to stand firm on raising interest rates to end the runaway inflation he inherited, even though he was being attacked from all sides for doing so. But he was right and he saved the economy.

In January 1981, inflation stood at 11.8 percent. In January 1989, inflation was at 4.7 percent.

Reagan had balls. Huge balls of steel. He ramped up our defense posture in a big way. "Peace through strength."

This ramping up scared the bejeesus out of the obsequious lefties who felt we should suck the USSR's dick so as not to piss them off. There were protests all over Western Europer by the longhairs.

One of my favorite bands, Genesis, made a video called "Land of Confusion" which encapsulates the pants wetting of the liberals. The video portrayed Reagan as a guy who was going to get us all killed.

The libbies were wrong.

By esclating the arms race, Reagan broke the USSR's bank. They couldn't keep up.

You see, Reagan knew something. He knew the USSR's defense posture was all a huge sham. They were nowhere near the big badass they had the commie symps in the West believing they were.

Reagan had inside information to the contrary, and he had the balls to act on it.

So, yeah, Reagan spent money like crazy. Yes he did. But he did it to break the USSR. And it worked.

No retard will ever convince me Reagan was nothing other than one of our greatest Presidents.

Reagan was great long before the 90s.

So what was "great" about Reagan? Give us some examples of what makes him Saint Ronnie?

He was a man. He was a leader. He brought the country together. He broke the back of the USSR. He took no shit from China. He won 49 states over Mondale.

no one has made him a saint, but you fools are sure to try to confer sainthood on obama-------------do muslims have saints? Maybe you could declare him Mohammed's illegitimate son.

Reagan broke the back of the USSR ?


Yep, and brought down the Berlin wall. The soviet union, USSR, was broken up by the pressure applied by Reagan.

deny it if it somehow makes you feel good. but history is what it is.


The End of the Cold War

I was there. I lived through it. I know what Reagan did for this country and the world.

Anyone can write lies and call it history. You probably think we won the war in viet nam too, right?
We went from a country that couldn't defeat a swamp to one which beat the shit out of the third largest military in the world without breaking a sweat.

That was all Reagan.

It's no coincidence the USSR threw in the towel right after that.

Reagan was great long before the 90s.

So what was "great" about Reagan? Give us some examples of what makes him Saint Ronnie?

He was a man. He was a leader. He brought the country together. He broke the back of the USSR. He took no shit from China. He won 49 states over Mondale.

no one has made him a saint, but you fools are sure to try to confer sainthood on obama-------------do muslims have saints? Maybe you could declare him Mohammed's illegitimate son.

Reagan broke the back of the USSR ?


Yep, and brought down the Berlin wall. The soviet union, USSR, was broken up by the pressure applied by Reagan.

deny it if it somehow makes you feel good. but history is what it is.


The End of the Cold War

From your source:

The IHA owns the website, which supports our mission to educate the public about the Revolutionary and Colonial eras of American history, as well as Philadelphia generally.

Seems a bit outside of their mandate.
From your source:

The IHA owns the website, which supports our mission to educate the public about the Revolutionary and Colonial eras of American history, as well as Philadelphia generally.

Seems a bit outside of their mandate.

Their banner:

From your source:

The IHA owns the website, which supports our mission to educate the public about the Revolutionary and Colonial eras of American history, as well as Philadelphia generally.

Seems a bit outside of their mandate.

Their banner:


Yes, they have articles on all of US history, however using them as a source for anything beyond their own declared mandate seems a bit suspect.
From your source:

The IHA owns the website, which supports our mission to educate the public about the Revolutionary and Colonial eras of American history, as well as Philadelphia generally.

Seems a bit outside of their mandate.

Their banner:


Yes, they have articles on all of US history, however using them as a source for anything beyond their own declared mandate seems a bit suspect.

well, why not. Who knows History any better than RW's. Their History trumps all History. Anything other than THEIR History is suspect.

They have their own set of facts too.
From your source:

The IHA owns the website, which supports our mission to educate the public about the Revolutionary and Colonial eras of American history, as well as Philadelphia generally.

Seems a bit outside of their mandate.

Their banner:


Yes, they have articles on all of US history, however using them as a source for anything beyond their own declared mandate seems a bit suspect.

well, why not. Who knows History any better than RW's. Their History trumps all History. Anything other than THEIR History is suspect.

They have their own set of facts too.

There us only one set of facts, try as you may, you libs can never rewrite history.
Biggest issue facing all of us is the environment.

Unless we stop the killing of our planet, none of the other issues will matter.
I agree it is the economy and the fact the government must subsidize the pay of workers because the corporations refuse to pay livable wages. :)
It's actualluy corporations subsidizing government by paying wages to people who otherwise would be unemployed. As usual you have it backwards.
LOL...I forgot its the CORPORATIONS paying foodstamps,TANF,medicaid! Damn I should have known.

Its a very simple concept really.

Should government or corporations be making sure workers have a wage high enough to take care of themselves? Republicans in their obviously ignorant wisdom are OK with the government using their taxes to make sure people are able to live and have food to eat. Its baffling at how ANYONE would rather have the government pay for this instead of making the corporations pay higher wages which they OBVIOUSLY can afford.

You've covered that, Tedium. What you haven't covered is when you get the low end workers fired that will save taxpayers money
Biggest issue facing all of us is the environment.

Unless we stop the killing of our planet, none of the other issues will matter.

how do you propose that we do that? Kill all of the chinese and indians?

for the record, we are not killing the planet. We are polluting many parts of it, but we are a long way from killing it.

Earth has been here for millions of years and will be here millions of years after man leaves. Man is not capable of killing planet earth.

but your chicken little call is noted. :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:
Biggest issue facing all of us is the environment.

Unless we stop the killing of our planet, none of the other issues will matter.

Yet you support the Democratic party which is completely disingenuine about dealing with actual environmental issues, so this is a lie, it's not the biggest issue to you.
I agree it is the economy and the fact the government must subsidize the pay of workers because the corporations refuse to pay livable wages. :)

Exactly! Corporations shouldn't employ anyone who needs to be subsidized.
That'll save the government a ton of dough.

The top management shouldn't be stealing all the profits, while giving their workers so little. We know this because for the past 35 years the profits have been going more to the very top...

How is this right? And you want to make it even worse by allowing these corporations to pay even less to their workers. wow.

Yes, Comrade, the proletariat is being oppressed by the bourgeois. Workers of the world unite and overthrow your evil masters!

Not sure how one group being paid market wages is stealing from another group being paid market wages, but I don't mindlessly advocate Karl Marx so I guess I wouldn't.

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