Biggest Issue Facing the US Today?

He dropped the top tax rate from 70% to 28% and won the Cold War.

Oh, you mean he helped bankrupt the Soviets by forcing the Soviets to prepare for Star Wars? While he was increasing our spending to outrageous amounts. So he could bankrupt the Soviets.

If you are gonna give him credit, at least explain how he did it. Spend spend spend.

Yes, his military build up won the Cold War.
Reagan was great.
Obama is more than naive, he's downright ignorant. Clueless.
Reagan was great only because of the "Reagan Legacy Project" started in the late 90's. His career was completely and falsely rewritten. Do you want examples? The number is legion.

Reagan was great long before the 90s.

So what was "great" about Reagan? Give us some examples of what makes him Saint Ronnie?

He dropped the top tax rate from 70% to 28% and won the Cold War.

So he's great for the "trickle down economics" we know have hurt our country...and for outspending the Russians, creating deficits we're still trying to dig out of. Yeah...totally awesome.

As for ending the Cold War, Reagan had a lot of help from his Russian counterpart.

Ron and Mikhail's Excellent Adventure

So he's great for the "trickle down economics"

You'll have to explain what that is.

and for outspending the Russians, creating deficits we're still trying to dig out of.

After Reagan's $1.6 trillion in deficit spending, we were the sole superpower, hundreds of millions of people around the world were finally free from Communist oppression. Things were better.

After Obama's $7.4 trillion, and counting, in deficit spending, our economy is still sluggish and Islamist thugs terrorize an ever greater portion of the globe. Looks like Reagan's deficits were worth it, Obama's, not so much.
It cannot be the economy, the loons from the left assure me the economy is doing wonderful.

I think the biggest issue is that we have two extremist parties that don't believe in getting along to promote America. One works to tar it down socially and the other economically.

This is absolutely the biggest issue facing the US.

As long as these two parties continue to work harder to defeat the other party than they work to be the voice of their constituents, we will get no where.
So he's great for the "trickle down economics" we know have hurt our country...and for outspending the Russians, creating deficits we're still trying to dig out of. Yeah...totally awesome.

As for ending the Cold War, Reagan had a lot of help from his Russian counterpart.
I did great during the Reagan years, along with most folks. Your head was stuffed too far up your ass and apparently you never had an exit plan. Economists tend disagree with your mindless talking points and since I was there paying attention I'll agree with them, not the revisionists.

The funny thing about libturds is that obama's spending doesn't bother them, in fact they want more, but Reagan's still does. Go figure.
Reagan was great.
Obama is more than naive, he's downright ignorant. Clueless.
Reagan was great only because of the "Reagan Legacy Project" started in the late 90's. His career was completely and falsely rewritten. Do you want examples? The number is legion.

Reagan was great long before the 90s.

So what was "great" about Reagan? Give us some examples of what makes him Saint Ronnie?

He dropped the top tax rate from 70% to 28% and won the Cold War.

The funny thing about libturds is that obama's spending

Why don't you explain just what Obama is "spending" all of your money ON.
He's has never had one of his budgets pass. Republicans have fought tooth and nail against any of his proposed budgets.

And the government has been running on "continuing resolutions for the entire Obama Presidency as well as CR's during the Bush Presidency. Do you know what a "continuing resolution" is?

So what has Obama been responsible FOR in the spending of the government?
I did great during the Reagan years, along with most folks.

Yes sir, with the amount of money Reagan was pumping into the economy, the hiring of government workers and the huge defense industry spending, if you didn't do OK during Reagan's terms, you just didn't want to work.
And all the manufacturing hadn't yet been sent out of the country by Republicans.

To bad Obama didn't have the government spending programs that Reagan had, isn't it? The economy would be much stronger had Obama been able to spend like a Reagan.
The biggest issue is overall government spending, and the impending pension bomb facing our States and municipalities.
The stewards of our pensions here have not done a good job.

If the payments ever stop, all bets are off.

I won't EVEN get into the Social Security payments stolen because I went into a state retirement system short of enough quarters to ever qualify.

All that money was just stolen, but, I am over it.
I think the biggest issue is the economy. The terrible recovery has led to stagnant wages and lack of opportunity across the board. Income inequality has increased due to people in the middle and lower strata failing to get better paying jobs. This has also led to strains in the federal budget, as well as state budgets. Constraints on the miltary budget impede our efforts to win even diplomatically, as other countries perceive our weakness.
The way to reverse this decline is:
-Enact serious tax reform, lowering corporate taxes to competitive levels worldwide
-Simplify the tax code so less is spent on accontants and lawyers figuring out how to game the system
-Roll back the volume of regulations coming out of Washington
-Enact tort reform so honest mistakes do not bankrupt companies.
-Roll back the min wage so lower skilled workers can get hired and gain experience.
No, it's climate change.
Reagan was great only because of the "Reagan Legacy Project" started in the late 90's. His career was completely and falsely rewritten. Do you want examples? The number is legion.

Reagan was great long before the 90s.

So what was "great" about Reagan? Give us some examples of what makes him Saint Ronnie?

He dropped the top tax rate from 70% to 28% and won the Cold War.

So he's great for the "trickle down economics" we know have hurt our country...and for outspending the Russians, creating deficits we're still trying to dig out of. Yeah...totally awesome.

As for ending the Cold War, Reagan had a lot of help from his Russian counterpart.

Ron and Mikhail's Excellent Adventure

So he's great for the "trickle down economics"

You'll have to explain what that is.

and for outspending the Russians, creating deficits we're still trying to dig out of.

After Reagan's $1.6 trillion in deficit spending, we were the sole superpower, hundreds of millions of people around the world were finally free from Communist oppression. Things were better.

After Obama's $7.4 trillion, and counting, in deficit spending, our economy is still sluggish and Islamist thugs terrorize an ever greater portion of the globe. Looks like Reagan's deficits were worth it, Obama's, not so much.

There you go with Hate Facts.
The funny thing about libturds is that obama's spending
Why don't you explain just what Obama is "spending" all of your money ON.
He's has never had one of his budgets pass. Republicans have fought tooth and nail against any of his proposed budgets.

And the government has been running on "continuing resolutions for the entire Obama Presidency as well as CR's during the Bush Presidency. Do you know what a "continuing resolution" is?

So what has Obama been responsible FOR in the spending of the government?
There have been many conversation here, do you read the board or just post? Entitlement, stimulus, bailouts, etc.

I think the biggest issue is the economy. The terrible recovery has led to stagnant wages and lack of opportunity across the board. Income inequality has increased due to people in the middle and lower strata failing to get better paying jobs. This has also led to strains in the federal budget, as well as state budgets. Constraints on the miltary budget impede our efforts to win even diplomatically, as other countries perceive our weakness.
The way to reverse this decline is:
-Enact serious tax reform, lowering corporate taxes to competitive levels worldwide
-Simplify the tax code so less is spent on accontants and lawyers figuring out how to game the system
-Roll back the volume of regulations coming out of Washington
-Enact tort reform so honest mistakes do not bankrupt companies.
-Roll back the min wage so lower skilled workers can get hired and gain experience.
No, it's climate change.
I thought it was raising the self-esteem of Muslims world-wide.
I did great during the Reagan years, along with most folks.
Yes sir, with the amount of money Reagan was pumping into the economy, the hiring of government workers and the huge defense industry spending, if you didn't do OK during Reagan's terms, you just didn't want to work.
And all the manufacturing hadn't yet been sent out of the country by Republicans.

To bad Obama didn't have the government spending programs that Reagan had, isn't it? The economy would be much stronger had Obama been able to spend like a Reagan.
See the above.
Reagan was great only because of the "Reagan Legacy Project" started in the late 90's. His career was completely and falsely rewritten. Do you want examples? The number is legion.

Reagan was great long before the 90s.

So what was "great" about Reagan? Give us some examples of what makes him Saint Ronnie?

He dropped the top tax rate from 70% to 28% and won the Cold War.

So he's great for the "trickle down economics" we know have hurt our country...and for outspending the Russians, creating deficits we're still trying to dig out of. Yeah...totally awesome.

As for ending the Cold War, Reagan had a lot of help from his Russian counterpart.

Ron and Mikhail's Excellent Adventure

So he's great for the "trickle down economics"

You'll have to explain what that is.

and for outspending the Russians, creating deficits we're still trying to dig out of.

After Reagan's $1.6 trillion in deficit spending, we were the sole superpower, hundreds of millions of people around the world were finally free from Communist oppression. Things were better.

After Obama's $7.4 trillion, and counting, in deficit spending, our economy is still sluggish and Islamist thugs terrorize an ever greater portion of the globe. Looks like Reagan's deficits were worth it, Obama's, not so much.
Never mind Reagan's spending on defense defeated the Soviets and allowed Clinton to cut defense spending (the "peace dividend") and reduce deficit spending.
Reagan's policies worked
Obama's policies have failed.

Reagan was great long before the 90s.

So what was "great" about Reagan? Give us some examples of what makes him Saint Ronnie?

He dropped the top tax rate from 70% to 28% and won the Cold War.

So he's great for the "trickle down economics" we know have hurt our country...and for outspending the Russians, creating deficits we're still trying to dig out of. Yeah...totally awesome.

As for ending the Cold War, Reagan had a lot of help from his Russian counterpart.

Ron and Mikhail's Excellent Adventure

So he's great for the "trickle down economics"

You'll have to explain what that is.

and for outspending the Russians, creating deficits we're still trying to dig out of.

After Reagan's $1.6 trillion in deficit spending, we were the sole superpower, hundreds of millions of people around the world were finally free from Communist oppression. Things were better.

After Obama's $7.4 trillion, and counting, in deficit spending, our economy is still sluggish and Islamist thugs terrorize an ever greater portion of the globe. Looks like Reagan's deficits were worth it, Obama's, not so much.
Never mind Reagan's spending on defense defeated the Soviets and allowed Clinton to cut defense spending (the "peace dividend") and reduce deficit spending.
Reagan's policies worked
Obama's policies have failed.

Cause and effect isn't clear. Please post the facts to prove your supposition. posting putative reasons isn't sufficient or probative.

If there was a "peace dividend" your boy Bush sure squandered it. How many of our soldiers and sailors, marines and airmen died under Obama's watch, and how many died under Bush's watch?
I agree it is the economy and the fact the government must subsidize the pay of workers because the corporations refuse to pay livable wages. :)
Funny, people with life skills are doing just fine.

Want a liveable wage, learn a marketable skill.

Video game champs really are not in much demand.
Funny. We don't own ANY gaming system in our home. Both me and my wife have skills we had to train to get and then pass a test to get licensed to do. Thing is we live in a solid red state so higher wages is a joke here... Oh and you want to whine about 47% not contributing well that there is a perfect example of WHY with higher wages u get more people OFF welfare and paying taxes. Fixed!
I agree it is the economy and the fact the government must subsidize the pay of workers because the corporations refuse to pay livable wages. :)
Funny, people with life skills are doing just fine.

Want a liveable wage, learn a marketable skill.

Video game champs really are not in much demand.
Funny. We don't own ANY gaming system in our home. Both me and my wife have skills we had to train to get and then pass a test to get licensed to do. Thing is we live in a solid red state so higher wages is a joke here... Oh and you want to whine about 47% not contributing well that there is a perfect example of WHY with higher wages u get more people OFF welfare and paying taxes. Fixed!

You're new here, be warned, common sense isn't valued by some. Some still believe the working poor are lazy and don't pay their fair share, and that the very wealthy create the jobs and thus deserve millions of dollars and a tax cut too. Some are those President Lincoln believed could be fooled all of the time.

Rabbi is Some
There have been many conversation here, do you read the board or just post? Entitlement, stimulus, bailouts, etc.

Of those three categories you mentioned, which one, or is it all three, that Obama "created"? And when did he create those? There has to be legislation passed to fund these programs. What was the bill Congress passed?

You ain't looking good on this ice. How you gonna weasel out of it? Just not respond?
I agree it is the economy and the fact the government must subsidize the pay of workers because the corporations refuse to pay livable wages. :)
Funny, people with life skills are doing just fine.

Want a liveable wage, learn a marketable skill.

Video game champs really are not in much demand.
Funny. We don't own ANY gaming system in our home. Both me and my wife have skills we had to train to get and then pass a test to get licensed to do. Thing is we live in a solid red state so higher wages is a joke here... Oh and you want to whine about 47% not contributing well that there is a perfect example of WHY with higher wages u get more people OFF welfare and paying taxes. Fixed!

You're new here, be warned, common sense isn't valued by some. Some still believe the working poor are lazy and don't pay their fair share, and that the very wealthy create the jobs and thus deserve millions of dollars and a tax cut too. Some are those President Lincoln believed could be fooled all of the time.

Rabbi is Some
Rabbi wasn't fooled. He's willfully propagating this bullshit because he fancies himself as one of the movers and shakers.

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