Biggest Issue Facing the US Today?

Biggest issue facing america?

We have a black president and many are still stuck in the 60's and can't accept it.

When Obama beat McCain, I honestly thought that his administration would signal a "we've arrived" moment...much in the same way a man's mother accepts his wife as her own daughter. Or when a woman's kids accepts her new boyfriend as a father figure. If the last 6 years has taught us anything its not just the backwards folks in the South, members of Congress have revealed themselves to be just as brain dead and racist.

Save the argument that there are just policy differences.

Before Obama nobody demanded to see a President's birth certificate. Before Obama, nobody (in modern times) shouted "you lie" at the President during the State of the Union. This isn't policy; it's personal.

We have a black president and many are still stuck in the 60's and can't accept it.

We have a terrible president, I don't care what color he is.

When Obama beat McCain, I honestly thought that his administration would signal a "we've arrived" moment...

It did. And then he opened his mouth and ruined it. That's what happens when you elect an inexperienced, community organizer.

If he is terrible, I would be most interested in seeing whom you claim is a "good" president let alone a great one. Care to give us names as to whom was good or great?

I think Obama was incredibly naive when he took office and you still see some of that today even. Every President in my lifetime has had some moments of "what was he thinking" I don't see more from Obama than the others.

Reagan was great.
Obama is more than naive, he's downright ignorant. Clueless.
Obama, not trying to be a snarky smartass. He is a closeted muslim and doesn't understand our country one bit.
Don't worry, you aren't a smartass. You're a dumbass. Obama is one of the best American success stories we will ever see. From food stamps to president. What could be more American?
Biggest issue facing america?

We have a black president and many are still stuck in the 60's and can't accept it.

When Obama beat McCain, I honestly thought that his administration would signal a "we've arrived" moment...much in the same way a man's mother accepts his wife as her own daughter. Or when a woman's kids accepts her new boyfriend as a father figure. If the last 6 years has taught us anything its not just the backwards folks in the South, members of Congress have revealed themselves to be just as brain dead and racist.

Save the argument that there are just policy differences.

Before Obama nobody demanded to see a President's birth certificate. Before Obama, nobody (in modern times) shouted "you lie" at the President during the State of the Union. This isn't policy; it's personal.

We have a black president and many are still stuck in the 60's and can't accept it.

We have a terrible president, I don't care what color he is.

When Obama beat McCain, I honestly thought that his administration would signal a "we've arrived" moment...

It did. And then he opened his mouth and ruined it. That's what happens when you elect an inexperienced, community organizer.

If he is terrible, I would be most interested in seeing whom you claim is a "good" president let alone a great one. Care to give us names as to whom was good or great?

I think Obama was incredibly naive when he took office and you still see some of that today even. Every President in my lifetime has had some moments of "what was he thinking" I don't see more from Obama than the others.

Reagan was great.
Obama is more than naive, he's downright ignorant. Clueless.
Reagan was great only because of the "Reagan Legacy Project" started in the late 90's. His career was completely and falsely rewritten. Do you want examples? The number is legion.
Obama, not trying to be a snarky smartass. He is a closeted muslim and doesn't understand our country one bit.
Don't worry, you aren't a smartass. You're a dumbass. Obama is one of the best American success stories we will ever see. From food stamps to president. What could be more American?
Really? What color is the sky where you live? Where I come from.....never mind.
ok, dingleberry. list the subsidies that the oil companies get.

before you do it, look up the word subsidy.

here ya go redfishbrain

Broadly speaking, a fossil fuel subsidy is

any government action that lowers the

cost of production, lowers the cost of

consumption, or raises the price received

by producers. Types of fossil fuel subsidies

include financial contributions or support

from the government or private bodies

funded by governments, including direct

transfers of funds, transfer of risk such

as loan guarantees, foregone revenue

including through tax breaks, and provision

of goods and services aside from general


Oil Change International groups fossil fuel

subsidies according to three categories:

1. Exploration: support for expanding fossil

fuel reserves, including the discovery of

new resources;

2. Production: support to fossil fuel

companies for producing oil, gas, and

coal, usually in the form of special

tax deductions, low-cost access to

government land, and infrastructure

support; and

3. Consumption: support to consumers

to lower the cost of fossil fuel use. (U.S.

fossil fuel consumption subsidies are

listed in Appendix II but are not included

in the total subsidy estimates in this


more? or do you feel stupid enough as it is?
You plagiarized some crap out of context and think you feel smart??

with you on the thread, hell yes.
LOL! You post crap you can't even source and then strut around like you've done something other than show how stupid you are.

remember in 2013 when Obama wanted to repeal the tax cuts for oil companies ?

tax cuts = government breaks = subsidies

and if you weren't a dumbass the c/p I posted came from an article bashing Obama.

but you ARE a dumbass soooooo

the things you listed are not subsidies. Please look up 'subsidy' before you continue to make a fool of youself.

they do not get tax cuts, they pay the same tax rate as any corporation(the highest in the world). Tax exemptions for exploration and development are not subsidies

as most liberals prove every day--------------YOU are the dumbass.
slobbering Rabid quips .....
LOL! You post crap you can't even source and then strut around like you've done something other than show how stupid you are.

there is an entire thread about people getting tax breaks for health insurance and those tax breaks are described by RW's as SUBSIDIES, which they are TOTALLY against.

Joe Twojobs, hell NO.

12$billion a quarter Exxon, hell yes,

Please feel free to climb a ladder and take a flying kiss at my ass.

when the govt pays your healthcare premium, it is a subsidy. When govt pays farmers to not plant crops, it is a subsidy. when an oil company gets a tax deduction for exploration and development expenses that they actuallly paid, it is not a subsidy.

damn, you are one ignorant libtard.
I think the biggest issue is the economy. The terrible recovery has led to stagnant wages and lack of opportunity across the board. Income inequality has increased due to people in the middle and lower strata failing to get better paying jobs. This has also led to strains in the federal budget, as well as state budgets. Constraints on the miltary budget impede our efforts to win even diplomatically, as other countries perceive our weakness.
The way to reverse this decline is:
-Enact serious tax reform, lowering corporate taxes to competitive levels worldwide
-Simplify the tax code so less is spent on accontants and lawyers figuring out how to game the system
-Roll back the volume of regulations coming out of Washington
-Enact tort reform so honest mistakes do not bankrupt companies.
-Roll back the min wage so lower skilled workers can get hired and gain experience.
The biggest issue is the idiocy of the American public.

When a president as worthless as Obama can send out children like Harf and Psaki, to lecture America on what we can do for the poor, disenfranchised boys in ISIL/ISIS, and mobs don't besiege the White House and Congress calling for resignation or impeachment, then it is all over.

America elected this assclown and apparently does not even care what he does or says as long as the welfare flows.

It's all over but the shouting.
Expert debunks claim U.S. corporate taxes are too high - CBS News

Funny the corporate tax is 35% yet on average corporations only paid 12%!

Other tax experts have made the same point as Kleinbard. A report by the advocacy group Citizens for Tax Justice noted that 111 of the 288 companies it examined paid zero or less in federal taxes in at least one year from 2008 and 2012.
Funny, 47% of Americans have no skin in the Federal Personal Income tax game, except if they get the EIC.
Expert debunks claim U.S. corporate taxes are too high - CBS News

Funny the corporate tax is 35% yet on average corporations only paid 12%!

Other tax experts have made the same point as Kleinbard. A report by the advocacy group Citizens for Tax Justice noted that 111 of the 288 companies it examined paid zero or less in federal taxes in at least one year from 2008 and 2012.

The truth...

Close this loop hole and then I wouldn't have a problem with going down to 30% for the corporate. Paying zero is just cheating our fucking country out of money that is owed.
And 47% of the country does just that.
I agree it is the economy and the fact the government must subsidize the pay of workers because the corporations refuse to pay livable wages. :)

Exactly! Corporations shouldn't employ anyone who needs to be subsidized.
That'll save the government a ton of dough.

The top management shouldn't be stealing all the profits, while giving their workers so little. We know this because for the past 35 years the profits have been going more to the very top...

How is this right? And you want to make it even worse by allowing these corporations to pay even less to their workers. wow.

And you want to make it even worse by allowing these corporations to pay even less to their workers. wow.

There oughta be a law. We can call it the minimum wage.
And we should make it $30 an hour.
That'll fix things. Get those corporations thinkin' right, yo!

Will the ISIL boys get $30 an hour too, and Obamacare subsidies?
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Reagan was great.
Obama is more than naive, he's downright ignorant. Clueless.
Reagan was great only because of the "Reagan Legacy Project" started in the late 90's. His career was completely and falsely rewritten. Do you want examples? The number is legion.

Reagan was great long before the 90s.

So what was "great" about Reagan? Give us some examples of what makes him Saint Ronnie?
if RW were any dumber they'd have gills and fins.

Hey now, I like creatures with gills and fins. You can eat them.
Republicans though? Tough and stringy with no taste. As well as being dumb. But they will bite on the dumbest bait. Swallow just about anything anti American and anti Obama hook, line and sinker. Strange creatures from the rethug lagoon. You ever see Mitch the Turtle McConnell? Fish eyes.
Reagan was great.
Obama is more than naive, he's downright ignorant. Clueless.
Reagan was great only because of the "Reagan Legacy Project" started in the late 90's. His career was completely and falsely rewritten. Do you want examples? The number is legion.

Reagan was great long before the 90s.

So what was "great" about Reagan? Give us some examples of what makes him Saint Ronnie?

He dropped the top tax rate from 70% to 28% and won the Cold War.
He dropped the top tax rate from 70% to 28% and won the Cold War.

Oh, you mean he helped bankrupt the Soviets by forcing the Soviets to prepare for Star Wars? While he was increasing our spending to outrageous amounts. So he could bankrupt the Soviets.

If you are gonna give him credit, at least explain how he did it. Spend spend spend.
Reagan was great.
Obama is more than naive, he's downright ignorant. Clueless.
Reagan was great only because of the "Reagan Legacy Project" started in the late 90's. His career was completely and falsely rewritten. Do you want examples? The number is legion.

Reagan was great long before the 90s.

So what was "great" about Reagan? Give us some examples of what makes him Saint Ronnie?

He dropped the top tax rate from 70% to 28% and won the Cold War.

So he's great for the "trickle down economics" we know have hurt our country...and for outspending the Russians, creating deficits we're still trying to dig out of. Yeah...totally awesome.

As for ending the Cold War, Reagan had a lot of help from his Russian counterpart.

Ron and Mikhail's Excellent Adventure
He dropped the top tax rate from 70% to 28% and won the Cold War.

Oh, you mean he helped bankrupt the Soviets by forcing the Soviets to prepare for Star Wars? While he was increasing our spending to outrageous amounts. So he could bankrupt the Soviets.

If you are gonna give him credit, at least explain how he did it. Spend spend spend.

it was overall military spending, as well as the perceived increase in quality of american equipment, in particular the M1 Abrams tank. Before the Abrams the Soviets actually were leading in Tank technology.

Reagan didn't kill the soviets himself, he just twisted the blade in their back. Their own system was their downfall, mostly the lying it did to itself with regards to the economy and the happiness of its own people.
The biggest issue is overall government spending, and the impending pension bomb facing our States and municipalities.

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