Bilderberg Group Meeting This Weekend

:clap2::clap2: exactly.well said.

agents slackass and candyfag get paid a lot of money for their hysterical ramblings.they do the same thing with the Kennedy assassination as well,they ignore evidence,facts,the laws of physics and witness testimonys since it doesnt go along with their version of events.:lol: they sprout off insults like that when they know they are defeated.

Candycornhole has already been proven to be a Jew shill. Are you still playing with that? You're better than that scum.

Fuck you!

Quick simple and to the point.

No-No...FUCK YOU...
if they are violating the Logan act..they are criminals and none of your rhetoric explains the mass media black out of such a gathering of well known and powerful people..
That's a mighty big if you have there without any evidence to support this hypothesis.

Shhh! You know it's the Illuminati.....
Or is it the Hidden Hand?

The incident happened on Thursday when Mario Borghezio and another unnamed Italian citizen were stopped by employees of a private security service at the official entrance to the Suvretta House luxury hotel in the Swiss resort of St Moritz, where the conference is being held.

He showed his deputy’s card, but since he did not have an invitation the cantonal police were called. He was held at the police station before being expelled from the canton and forbidden to return until after the end of the conference on Sunday.
Who does that guy think he is? Just because he is a government official he thinks he can charge into a private organizations meeting? He was not invited and had no authority to try and barge in. If you were entertaining guests at your place would you want those not invited or wanted to show up and demand entry? I know I wouldn't.

I see why your nervous as there are highly influential people meeting, but they are still free citizens and entitled to privacy. You seem to favor government intrusion only when it suits your purpose.
Well I hope we all enjoy the new policy and overall global geopolitical changes that will come about from this meeting
Well, you let us know what changes.

I was invited to the Bilderberg meeting this weekend. We tell our wives that we meet to plan world domination but really just drink beer, play cards and have strippers

We do the same thing at my college fraternity!! :clap2::razz:

I'm pretty sure that you guys give them credit for much more power than they actually have. But such is life.
Paranoia and fear do that. What's funny is if they put as much effort into a PRIVATE organization as they did the government, I'm sure we'd have more proactive citizens than nosy parkers.

you mean like how it is unproven OJ killed Nicole ?
Actually he was proven not guilty, not that he didn't do it.
if they are violating the Logan act..they are criminals and none of your rhetoric explains the mass media black out of such a gathering of well known and powerful people..
That's a mighty big if you have there without any evidence to support this hypothesis.

Shhh! You know it's the Illuminati.....
Or is it the Hidden Hand?

The incident happened on Thursday when Mario Borghezio and another unnamed Italian citizen were stopped by employees of a private security service at the official entrance to the Suvretta House luxury hotel in the Swiss resort of St Moritz, where the conference is being held.

He showed his deputy’s card, but since he did not have an invitation the cantonal police were called. He was held at the police station before being expelled from the canton and forbidden to return until after the end of the conference on Sunday.
Who does that guy think he is? Just because he is a government official he thinks he can charge into a private organizations meeting? He was not invited and had no authority to try and barge in. If you were entertaining guests at your place would you want those not invited or wanted to show up and demand entry? I know I wouldn't.

I see why your nervous as there are highly influential people meeting, but they are still free citizens and entitled to privacy. You seem to favor government intrusion only when it suits your purpose.

major corporate leaders and foreign political leaders do not gather with U.S government policy makers as private citizens
major corporate leaders and foreign political leaders do not gather with U.S government policy makers as private citizens
Did they sign their rights away?

they took on responsibility's,they took oaths,they are supposed to be our agents acting on our behalf and accountable to us, not in secrete meetings with corporate elite and foreign governments, under media blackout
they took on responsibility's,they took oaths,they are supposed to be our agents acting on our behalf and accountable to us, not in secrete meetings with corporate elite and foreign governments, under media blackout
So which of the American attendees did you vote for?
Well I hope we all enjoy the new policy and overall global geopolitical changes that will come about from this meeting
Well, you let us know what changes.

I was invited to the Bilderberg meeting this weekend. We tell our wives that we meet to plan world domination but really just drink beer, play cards and have strippers

We do the same thing at my college fraternity!! :clap2::razz:

I'm pretty sure that you guys give them credit for much more power than they actually have. But such is life.
Paranoia and fear do that. What's funny is if they put as much effort into a PRIVATE organization as they did the government, I'm sure we'd have more proactive citizens than nosy parkers.

you mean like how it is unproven OJ killed Nicole ?
Actually he was proven not guilty, not that he didn't do it.

U.S. government officials attending secret policy meetings with foreign corporate and government leaders is going to lead to U.S. policy changes

Paranoia and fear have nothing to do with the fact that there was a successful 50 + year effort to keep this meeting absolutely secret while our government officials engaged in setting policy in a completely covert manner without any input whatsoever from the people they "serve", its very existence was denied for years.

Now that the group has been exposed the group has been forced to acknowledge its existence and has taken a nonchalant stance about it including releasing their brand new website to produce the effect that its no big deal, just some good old fashioned people getting together discussing things.
There is too much faith in humanity and the power structures of humanity.

Human beings have slaughtered each other throughout human existence.

Just 70 years ago entire families were shoved into ovens, melted with acid, and gassed in showers by the Nazis.

The Cultural Revolution and Stalinist Russia was literally a slaughter fest, millions and millions of people killed, most for nothing more than dissident thinking from the power structure's prevailing views.

1% of the population are full blown psychopaths who have no consciense, feel no remorse, and who basically mimic emotional responses almost always for their own benefit, then you have lesser degrees of psychopathy along the full spectrum of human psychology.

Religious fundamentalist continue to slaughter people in the name of God.

There is genocide going on today throughout the world, the U.S. government itself has been involved with genocide and the suppression of individual groups of people throughout its history.

But anyone who is concerned over the wheelings and dealings of the global elite is just insane and paranoid
Candycornhole has already been proven to be a Jew shill. Are you still playing with that? You're better than that scum.

Fuck you!

Quick simple and to the point.

No-No...FUCK YOU...

thats what the troll always says when he gets frustrated because he cant counter the truth and cant think up any lies anymore to propagate when he's losing a debate which is all the time.:lol::lol: thats his sign of defeat.:lol:
:clap2::clap2: exactly.well said.

agents slackass and candyfag get paid a lot of money for their hysterical ramblings.they do the same thing with the Kennedy assassination as well,they ignore evidence,facts,the laws of physics and witness testimonys since it doesnt go along with their version of events.:lol: they sprout off insults like that when they know they are defeated.

Candycornhole has already been proven to be a Jew shill. Are you still playing with that? You're better than that scum.

cacacorn is a godless Zionist puppet, So let's not blame all Jews for what international gangsters are doing to the world. That's an important policy to follow if you ever hope for any real change. Many other races play a huge part in this worldwide scam as well. ;) ~BH

very well said.thats what i dont like about some truthers is just because there are zionest agents like candyfag out there,thats doesnt mean ALL jews are bad.In fact there are many jews in Isreal that are trying to reform their government.
Just like people who believe sporadic fires and debris damage caused the total symmetrical (near, feel better?) free fall collapse of WTC 7 into its own footprint 8 hours following the collapse of WTC 1 and 2.

Lunacy :cuckoo:
:clap2::clap2: exactly.well said.

agents slackass and candyfag get paid a lot of money for their hysterical ramblings.they do the same thing with the Kennedy assassination as well,they ignore evidence,facts,the laws of physics and witness testimonys since it doesnt go along with their version of events.:lol: they sprout off insults like that when they know they are defeated.

Candycornhole has already been proven to be a Jew shill. Are you still playing with that? You're better than that scum.

thats why i was advising you earlier to put the troll on ignore.the WORST thing you can do is take his bait and reply to his posts which sadly,many veteran truthers who should know better,STILL do that.He is just seeking attention from people because his life is so pitiful so why people ignorantly take his bait and give the idiot troll the attention he seeks is beyond me.sadly though,quite a few veteran truthers here who should know better,STILL give him the attention he seeks by replying to him and the other troll agents on 9/11.Just look at the victems family thread and how the veteran truthers there are ignorantly replying to him.Gamolon on that thread is obviously a paid government agent troll as well working for us intelliegence and a few truthers are taking his bait just like he wants them to.Not very smart.

Best thing in the world to do is put him on ignore so he can show off what an attention seeking troll he is and how he is so desperate for it,the fact that he addresses peoples posts that have told him many time they have him on ignore,thats the sign of someone who needs help the fact that he has to talk to himself all the time like that with someone who has him on
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agent slackjawed rothschild here, our meeting is nothing to laugh about, twoofers are a legit group to ridicule. Right up until the time they goes postal and start shooting people that is.

The entire Country is gonna go "postal". Then what will idiots like you say.

He is hoping his handlers are going to protect him and keep paying him since he has been doing what they want him to do,come here and try to derail 9/11 and other government corruption threads but the idiot troll is going to find out soon enough,that they wont have any use for him anymore and they will turn against him also like they have against us.
same thing wil happen to you Gomer Pyle.I only regret that the day when that comes I wont be able to see the shock on you shills faces when your handlers turn on you and you will then realise all that money they were paying you was never worth it and you will realise what a complete dumbass you were for not heeding this warning and redeeming yourself while you can,that all that money they paid you wont do you any good anymore.
agent slackjawed rothschild here, our meeting is nothing to laugh about, twoofers are a legit group to ridicule. Right up until the time they goes postal and start shooting people that is.

The entire Country is gonna go "postal". Then what will idiots like you say.

He is hoping his handlers are going to protect him and keep paying him since he has been doing what they want him to do,come here and try to derail 9/11 and other government corruption threads but the idiot troll is going to find out soon enough,that they wont have any use for him anymore and they will turn against him also like they have against us.

I havn't collected anything and never met my handlers, but I am quite sure you know your attendants.
The entire Country is gonna go "postal". Then what will idiots like you say.

He is hoping his handlers are going to protect him and keep paying him since he has been doing what they want him to do,come here and try to derail 9/11 and other government corruption threads but the idiot troll is going to find out soon enough,that they wont have any use for him anymore and they will turn against him also like they have against us.

I havn't collected anything and never met my handlers, but I am quite sure you know your attendants.
Yes he greets them each meal time when those clean young men in their clean white coats check his straps before the nurses aids feed him.

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