Bill Barr: Biden Administration is a Totalitarian Regime. He is supporting for Trump for President

Obama wasn't a career criminal or a crazy person, like Trump was.

Barr knows Trump is garbage, but supports him anyway. That's a lack of integrity.
He might think he is personally garbage, but he knows he is still a better choice then the Dems. He made that clear in the video. The Demafascsit are a clear and present danger to our freedom and Republic
He might think he is personally garbage, but he knows he is still a better choice then the Dems. He made that clear in the video. The Demafascsit are a clear and present danger to our freedom and Republic

"Better than" is why we keep getting such bad candidates.
We knew that when the 2020 election was never investigated. He told the people under him to stand down. We can prove that now.
Barr is a politician and knows how to lose but come back swinging. Unlike the Manbaby Benedict Donald, who acts like a political 5 year old.

Benedict Donald "had a right, like every American, to speak publicly about the election and even to claim, falsely, that there had been outcome-determinative fraud during the election and that he had won. He was also entitled to formally challenge the results of the election through lawful and appropriate means, such as by seeking recounts or audits of the popular vote in states or filing lawsuits challenging ballots and procedures. Indeed, in many cases, the" Donald "did pursue these methods of contesting the election results. His efforts to change the outcome in any state through recounts, audits, or legal challenges were uniformly unsuccessful."

Barr is a politician and knows how to lose but come back swinging. Unlike the Manbaby Benedict Donald, who acts like a political 5 year old.

Benedict Donald "had a right, like every American, to speak publicly about the election and even to claim, falsely, that there had been outcome-determinative fraud during the election and that he had won. He was also entitled to formally challenge the results of the election through lawful and appropriate means, such as by seeking recounts or audits of the popular vote in states or filing lawsuits challenging ballots and procedures. Indeed, in many cases, the" Donald "did pursue these methods of contesting the election results. His efforts to change the outcome in any state through recounts, audits, or legal challenges were uniformly unsuccessful."

Barr is not a politician. He never ran for any office. Delete your post and start again.
Comment: Never Trumpers should listen to this. Bill Barr doesn't like Trump...but he is telling those of you who also don't like Trump the pragmatic truth.

Good for him. At least somebody doesn't allow personal prejudices or dislikes or their stupid TDS to cause them to vote to continue the horrendous destructive Marxist regime we have endured for the last 3-1/2 years.
Comment: Never Trumpers should listen to this. Bill Barr doesn't like Trump...but he is telling those of you who also don't like Trump the pragmatic truth.

Bill Barr will probably change his mind by Friday.
Trump supporters now praising Barr. When it wasn't long ago, he was a traitor and all sorts of other childish names. Funny how one only needs to kiss the ring of Trump, to become OK with Trump supporters.

You people would be praising Romney if he was still in Trumps corner.

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