Bill Barr: Biden Administration is a Totalitarian Regime. He is supporting for Trump for President

He loses me at "We HAVE to choose." Um, no we don't. That's the propaganda both parties have been selling us for a century now. The real choice is that we don't have to choose between evils.
We can simply stop playing their rigged game by their rigged rules.

There's nothing that says we have to choose between two old democrats.

If neither the Democrat or the Republican are president in 2025 I'll leave USMB forever.

If either the Democrat or the Republican are president in leave fovever.

Since it's not a binary are a shoe-in to win...right?
Trump supporters now praising Barr. When it wasn't long ago, he was a traitor and all sorts of other childish names. Funny how one only needs to kiss the ring of Trump, to become OK with Trump supporters.

You people would be praising Romney if he was still in Trumps corner.
Provide a link to the traitor comment…

Everyone knew he was going to support trump when it came down to it. He wasn’t going to support the demafasict as they are clearly the biggest threat to the republic
Trump supporters now praising Barr. When it wasn't long ago, he was a traitor and all sorts of other childish names. Funny how one only needs to kiss the ring of Trump, to become OK with Trump supporters.

You people would be praising Romney if he was still in Trumps corner.
I'm not praising him. I like him about as much as he likes Trump.

But anyone with eyes, ears and two firing neurons understand that the choice is clear. Donald Trump is a far superior candidate for President compared to Joe Biden.
this is no big news item

I mean, only a moron would vote against Trump. But then there are plenty of morons in the country, unfortunately. People who never watch anything but cnn or msnbc are morons who not only do not care about the corruption going on (assuming they even hear about it, which they will not, watching those stations) but overlook it when it is done by leftists.

Well, as has been noted by historians, democracies never last very long. If Trump is not elected, we are done.
Barr reluctantly stating the obvious. The Biden regime flagrantly ignores congress, the courts and the law.
Barf will never get the stink of Trump's ass off his breath. He's a no good lying shitbag which is why you defend him.
You sound pretty unhinged today.

TDS flare up?

It's the same Trump as from 4 years ago, right? The same one that said he was going to cut spending, zero out the national debt, brings jobs back, fix the economy, end the wars?

That same one that gave us
Did you miss the $8 trillion in 4 years?
Using the Federal Reserve like it was unlimited?
The 12 CR's?
The debt ceiling increases?
The Platinum Plan and all the money he gave to HBC's?
The bombs he dropped in the middle east?
The wars he didn't get us out of?
All the support and commendation he gave Fauci?
The covid mandates?
Letting Hillary off?
The National healthcare BS he tried to push on us?

^^ The short list

You're supporting a democrat, and you don't even realize it.
this is no big news item

I mean, only a moron would vote against Trump. But then there are plenty of morons in the country, unfortunately. People who never watch anything but cnn or msnbc are morons who not only do not care about the corruption going on (assuming they even hear about it, which they will not, watching those stations) but overlook it when it is done by leftists.

Well, as has been noted by historians, democracies never last very long. If Trump is not elected, we are done.

Only a Republican moron would vote FOR Trump. Democrats should be recruiting him.

$8 trillion in in new money in just 4 years?
Using the Federal Reserve like it was unlimited?
The 12 CR's?
The debt ceiling increases?
The Platinum Plan and all the money he gave to HBC's?
The bombs he dropped in the middle east?
The wars he didn't get us out of?
All the support and commendation he gave Fauci?
The covid mandates?
Letting Hillary off?
The National healthcare BS he tried to push on us?
Only a Republican moron would vote FOR Trump. Democrats should be recruiting him.

$8 trillion in in new money in just 4 years?
Using the Federal Reserve like it was unlimited?
The 12 CR's?
The debt ceiling increases?
The Platinum Plan and all the money he gave to HBC's?
The bombs he dropped in the middle east?
The wars he didn't get us out of?
All the support and commendation he gave Fauci?
The covid mandates?
Letting Hillary off?
The National healthcare BS he tried to push on us?
How did he use the Federal Reserve like it was "unlimited" what is it limited of?
Only a Republican moron would vote FOR Trump. Democrats should be recruiting him.

$8 trillion in in new money in just 4 years?
Using the Federal Reserve like it was unlimited?
The 12 CR's?
The debt ceiling increases?
The Platinum Plan and all the money he gave to HBC's?
The bombs he dropped in the middle east?
The wars he didn't get us out of?
All the support and commendation he gave Fauci?
The covid mandates?
Letting Hillary off?
The National healthcare BS he tried to push on us?
Meanwhile back in reality the Neo-Marxist Democrats are hell bent on turning this country into a STALINIST MARXIST LENINIST SHIT HOLE.
If you can't see that you are BLIND!!!!
Meanwhile back in reality the Neo-Marxist Democrats are hell bent on turning this country into a STALINIST MARXIST LENINIST SHIT HOLE.
If you can't see that you are BLIND!!!!

How's the list I posted not something a democrat would do? FFS, every single one of those are things Trump did. And if Biden had done, you'd be calling him a neo marxist democrat. And I would agree. But since Trump did it, then you're OK with them all.
How did he use the Federal Reserve like it was "unlimited" what is it limited of?

$8 trillion in new money spent. 3 debt ceiling increases. And a 2 year suspension of the debt ceiling.

Do you get it now?

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