Bill Barr: Judge Cannon's appointment of a Special Master was wrong

Barr is no RINO

In fact he probably kept Trump from getting impeached and convicted
IQ's as low as the above are a menace to human civilization! I will offer one explanation and one only for edification of the room temperature IQ crowd, pay attention les enfants! You can hate America as most fascist democrat infections do, you can hate Trump and his voters as most fascist democrat infections do, but you cannot lie your lips off about the scope and breadth of the conspiracy against Trump, and America, that I will not allow you morons to do!

Do we have our little listening caps affixed to our little heads les enfants, it was NOT fascist democrats who launched the take down of Trump, first his campaign, and then his presidency, can you remember back that far, it was not launched by by fascist democrats because fascist democrats controlled nothing, the fascist rinos did, both houses of the congress were locked down by fascist rinos, and it was their mole in Trump's campaign, "Jeff Sessions," who succeeded in getting self named Trump's first Attorney General, who launched the first serious salvo, specifically the Special Councilship of Mueller!

The conspiracy you little tiny brains, includes all of them, both party's leadership, along with the permanent federal bureaucracy, its all of them you little tadpoles, and believe every word of this last, there is nothing they want more on earth, absolutely nothing, than convincing your pea-brains that your enemy is your fellow Americans, that there are two political party's when in reality there is only fucking one, and you never ever get a vote in its agenda, Bill Barr was NEVER Trump's man, he was, and is CIA to this day, once CIA as we say, always CIA, Barr was a "Bush" man and a far greater mistake for Trump than Jeff Sessions ever was, period!

Checkmate...... :wink:
First of all, invading a former President's home has never happened so there is no precedent on how to handle it.

Second, the FBI admitted they have privileged info and refused to return it even thought they know they aren't even suppose to look at it.

Third, their investigation isn't "enjoined". They are free to continue, but can't use these docs until things are sorted out.

Three strikes and you are OUT!

BTW If the alleged secret stuff at MAL is such a serious issue then why, as required, didn't the intelligence community inform the Gang of 8? :eusa_think:
First of all, invading a former President's home has never happened so there is no precedent on how to handle it.

Second, the FBI admitted they have privileged info and refused to return it even thought they know they aren't even suppose to look at it.

Third, their investigation isn't "enjoined". They are free to continue, but can't use these docs until things are sorted out.

Three strikes and you are OUT!
First, presidents don’t squirrel away classified documents in their house and refuse to return them.

Second, that’s a lie. Privileged material is going to be returned. The filter team is looking at it.

Third, the investigation needs the documents to continue since they’re what the investigation is all about.
BTW If the alleged secret stuff at MAL is such a serious issue then why, as required, didn't the intelligence community inform the Gang of 8? :eusa_think:
The ODNI evaluation is just getting started. They haven’t assessed the damage yet.
Now we know why Barr has been dragging his feet on prosecuting the bad actors is 'Russia gate.'
First, presidents don’t squirrel away classified documents in their house and refuse to return them.

Second, that’s a lie. Privileged material is going to be returned. The filter team is looking at it.

Third, the investigation needs the documents to continue since they’re what the investigation is all about.
First, Trump didn't do that. He was cooperating with them as evidenced by the meeting in June, Simp.

Second, it's not a lie. Why have they not returned the privileged documents? They have no right to look at them, Simp.

Third, they can still conduct interviews etc. Are you saying there was no investigation until the invasion of MAL, Simp?
First, presidents don’t squirrel away classified documents in their house and refuse to return them.

Second, that’s a lie. Privileged material is going to be returned. The filter team is looking at it.

Third, the investigation needs the documents to continue since they’re what the investigation is all about.
So...There is this....

"The Obama administration in its final year in office spent a record $36.2 million on legal costs defending its refusal to turn over federal records under the Freedom of Information Act, according to an Associated Press analysis of new U.S. data that also showed poor performance in other categories measuring transparency in government."
Obama documents, there's more:

The Barack Obama Presidential Library will be the first fully digital presidential library. NARA and the Obama Foundation had intended to work together to digitize the unclassified textual Presidential records to create a digital archive. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted these plans.

Under the Presidential Libraries Act of 1955, amended in 1986, the Obama Foundation is not required to provide NARA with a building for the records and our staff.

Are there exhibits open to the public at the Barack Obama Presidential Library site?

No. At this time, there are no plans to exhibit items at the Barack Obama Presidential Library site in Hoffman Estates, Illinois.

So 30 million documents are floating somewhere in the ethernet?
First, Trump didn't do that. He was cooperating with them as evidenced by the meeting in June, Simp.

Second, it's not a lie. Why have they not returned the privileged documents? They have no right to look at them, Simp.

Third, they can still conduct interviews etc. Are you saying there was no investigation until the invasion of MAL, Simp?
He wasn’t cooperating. If he was cooperating they would have turned in all the documents when NARA asked instead of dragging their feet for a year. If he was cooperating they would have turned in all the documents when he was subpoenaed for them. The FBI was forbidden in looking in Trump’s boxes at that meeting in June. That’s not cooperating. That’s obstruction.

Law enforcement doesn’t have the time to look through every individual document during the search. It would take way too long. They review documents after the search. The filter team would return them when they’re done. Appointing a special master only makes it longer for him to get his precious documents back.

They need to analyze the documents to trace their lineage. Fingerprint them. Understand how the documents got to Mar a Lago. Without them, they don’t have anything to work on.
He wasn’t cooperating. If he was cooperating they would have turned in all the documents when NARA asked instead of dragging their feet for a year. If he was cooperating they would have turned in all the documents when he was subpoenaed for them. The FBI was forbidden in looking in Trump’s boxes at that meeting in June. That’s not cooperating. That’s obstruction.

Law enforcement doesn’t have the time to look through every individual document during the search. It would take way too long. They review documents after the search. The filter team would return them when they’re done. Appointing a special master only makes it longer for him to get his precious documents back.

They need to analyze the documents to trace their lineage. Fingerprint them. Understand how the documents got to Mar a Lago. Without them, they don’t have anything to work on.
First, he was cooperating. Subpoena was issued in April, so I don't know where you get your year figure. Link us up to where they were forbidden from looking in Trump's boxes. May be hard to find one since they took about a dozen boxes in June, Dumbass.

FBI has had them for weeks. They have know for weeks it's privileged info, so why have they not returned them? It is illegal for them to "review" privileged docs.

Your opinion on how and what the FBI has to look is meaningless.
First, he was cooperating. Subpoena was issued in April, so I don't know where you get your year figure. Link us up to where they were forbidden from looking in Trump's boxes. May be hard to find one since they took about a dozen boxes in June, Dumbass.

FBI has had them for weeks. They have know for weeks it's privileged info, so why have they not returned them? It is illegal for them to "review" privileged docs.

Your opinion on how and what the FBI has to look is meaningless.
You can’t even get basic facts right. The subpoena was issued May 11th. It was supposed to be fulfilled May 24th. Trump dragged his feet and asked for an extension because he’s been dragging his feet the entire time.

The year long back and forth was between Trump and NARA, not the DoJ.

They didn’t take a dozen boxes in June, moron. Trump’s lawyers gave them an envelope with a few dozen documents.

The DoJ lawyers were forbidden from looking for themselves.

It’s all in here.

Don’t be such a moron next time.
Yes, this is “significant “ because not long ago Barr was Satan……now you are worshipping him.
Barr also said he hopes that Trump isn't charged. Trump must have only shoved it in half way when Barr bent over.
Barr's opinion is nearly as irrelevant as yours.

It is very relevant. Barr defended Trump when he was AG. He claimed that Mueller's report exonerated Trump. He sent a memo to US Attorneys to look out for election fraud which was unprecedented.
It is very relevant. Barr defended Trump when he was AG. He claimed that Mueller's report exonerated Trump. He sent a memo to US Attorneys to look out for election fraud which was unprecedented.
Barr cannot afford to lose his career.

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