Bill Clinton had 'nightmares' about future of country after leaving office


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Does he mean he knew that China was going to crush the West? Exactly what is he referring to?

It's been generally suggested that Clinton was the beginning of the decline of American influence around the globe. He also blamed the GOP for Cancel Culture.

Former President Bill Clinton said he had "nightmares" about what could happen to the future of the U.S. after he left office.

Clinton said while in office he was "often kept up late at night worrying" about things like Russia’s potential to slip back into communism.

"After I left office when I had more free time I had more nightmares thinking about what else could go wrong in our country," Clinton, who was succeeded by President George W. Bush, said.

The 42nd president appeared on ITV’s show Lorraine with author James Patterson to promote their new book "The President’s Daughter."

"By and large I think I have been really happy. I think it’s a foolish thing to spend a day wishing you could do something you can’t do anymore. I made a promise to myself when I was president I wouldn’t do that. It’s been an eventful 20 years since I left office," he said. "I’ve been very fortunate because under President Bush and President Obama I was given a lot of chances to help."

Though he didn’t mention helping the Biden administration, Clinton heaped praise on the White House’s current occupant. "I’m happy for President Biden because I think he’s fortunate to be serving at a time when the challenges meet his skill set and his state of mind."

Clinton then turned to cancel culture, which he blamed on Republicans.
Does he mean he knew that China was going to crush the West? Exactly what is he referring to?

It's been generally suggested that Clinton was the beginning of the decline of American influence around the globe. He also blamed the GOP for Cancel Culture.

Former President Bill Clinton said he had "nightmares" about what could happen to the future of the U.S. after he left office.

Clinton said while in office he was "often kept up late at night worrying" about things like Russia’s potential to slip back into communism.

"After I left office when I had more free time I had more nightmares thinking about what else could go wrong in our country," Clinton, who was succeeded by President George W. Bush, said.

The 42nd president appeared on ITV’s show Lorraine with author James Patterson to promote their new book "The President’s Daughter."

"By and large I think I have been really happy. I think it’s a foolish thing to spend a day wishing you could do something you can’t do anymore. I made a promise to myself when I was president I wouldn’t do that. It’s been an eventful 20 years since I left office," he said. "I’ve been very fortunate because under President Bush and President Obama I was given a lot of chances to help."

Though he didn’t mention helping the Biden administration, Clinton heaped praise on the White House’s current occupant. "I’m happy for President Biden because I think he’s fortunate to be serving at a time when the challenges meet his skill set and his state of mind."

Clinton then turned to cancel culture, which he blamed on Republicans.
He was worrried about Bush Jr, and he has every right to be worried. A war that last 20 years and Obama had to pick up the pieces of a ruined economy.
Does he mean he knew that China was going to crush the West? Exactly what is he referring to?

It's been generally suggested that Clinton was the beginning of the decline of American influence around the globe. He also blamed the GOP for Cancel Culture.

Former President Bill Clinton said he had "nightmares" about what could happen to the future of the U.S. after he left office.

Clinton said while in office he was "often kept up late at night worrying" about things like Russia’s potential to slip back into communism.

"After I left office when I had more free time I had more nightmares thinking about what else could go wrong in our country," Clinton, who was succeeded by President George W. Bush, said.

The 42nd president appeared on ITV’s show Lorraine with author James Patterson to promote their new book "The President’s Daughter."

"By and large I think I have been really happy. I think it’s a foolish thing to spend a day wishing you could do something you can’t do anymore. I made a promise to myself when I was president I wouldn’t do that. It’s been an eventful 20 years since I left office," he said. "I’ve been very fortunate because under President Bush and President Obama I was given a lot of chances to help."

Though he didn’t mention helping the Biden administration, Clinton heaped praise on the White House’s current occupant. "I’m happy for President Biden because I think he’s fortunate to be serving at a time when the challenges meet his skill set and his state of mind."

Clinton then turned to cancel culture, which he blamed on Republicans.

"I’m happy for President Biden because I think he’s fortunate to be serving at a time when the challenges meet his skill set and his state of mind."

Well he nailed that. In fact, it almost reads like an overt back handed compliment when you consider that the leftist agenda is precisely suited for braindead vegetables.
It was his conscious, thinking about how he let Bin Laden slip away in 1998.
(He even said this in an Australia speech on
Sept 10, 2001 a day before it would have really bothered him and kept him up at night)
Now knowing through Hillary's emails that they took Saudis money (pay to play schemes), the million dollar question no reporter is brave enough to ask-
1)"what were those Saudis favors?"

2)"did one of those favors include letting
Bin Laden go?"

3)"was Jamal Khashoggi one of those reporters who asked those questions?"
I wonder if it was because he gave North Korea nukes?
Bill Clinton also gave China missile technology which may have been a “pay for play” scheme. The Clintons were good at such games and likely taught other democrats the tricks of the trade.

Does he mean he knew that China was going to crush the West? Exactly what is he referring to?

It's been generally suggested that Clinton was the beginning of the decline of American influence around the globe. He also blamed the GOP for Cancel Culture.

Former President Bill Clinton said he had "nightmares" about what could happen to the future of the U.S. after he left office.

Clinton said while in office he was "often kept up late at night worrying" about things like Russia’s potential to slip back into communism.

"After I left office when I had more free time I had more nightmares thinking about what else could go wrong in our country," Clinton, who was succeeded by President George W. Bush, said.

The 42nd president appeared on ITV’s show Lorraine with author James Patterson to promote their new book "The President’s Daughter."

"By and large I think I have been really happy. I think it’s a foolish thing to spend a day wishing you could do something you can’t do anymore. I made a promise to myself when I was president I wouldn’t do that. It’s been an eventful 20 years since I left office," he said. "I’ve been very fortunate because under President Bush and President Obama I was given a lot of chances to help."

Though he didn’t mention helping the Biden administration, Clinton heaped praise on the White House’s current occupant. "I’m happy for President Biden because I think he’s fortunate to be serving at a time when the challenges meet his skill set and his state of mind."

Clinton then turned to cancel culture, which he blamed on Republicans.
The last thing I want to think about is that pedophiles dreams...
Though he didn’t mention helping the Biden administration, Clinton heaped praise on the White House’s current occupant. "I’m happy for President Biden because I think he’s fortunate to be serving at a time when the challenges meet his skill set and his state of mind."
He's a darn funny political comedian. I've noticed several of these in the past.
Does he mean he knew that China was going to crush the West? Exactly what is he referring to?

It's been generally suggested that Clinton was the beginning of the decline of American influence around the globe. He also blamed the GOP for Cancel Culture.

Former President Bill Clinton said he had "nightmares" about what could happen to the future of the U.S. after he left office.

Clinton said while in office he was "often kept up late at night worrying" about things like Russia’s potential to slip back into communism.

"After I left office when I had more free time I had more nightmares thinking about what else could go wrong in our country," Clinton, who was succeeded by President George W. Bush, said.

The 42nd president appeared on ITV’s show Lorraine with author James Patterson to promote their new book "The President’s Daughter."

"By and large I think I have been really happy. I think it’s a foolish thing to spend a day wishing you could do something you can’t do anymore. I made a promise to myself when I was president I wouldn’t do that. It’s been an eventful 20 years since I left office," he said. "I’ve been very fortunate because under President Bush and President Obama I was given a lot of chances to help."

Though he didn’t mention helping the Biden administration, Clinton heaped praise on the White House’s current occupant. "I’m happy for President Biden because I think he’s fortunate to be serving at a time when the challenges meet his skill set and his state of mind."

Clinton then turned to cancel culture, which he blamed on Republicans.
He was worrried about Bush Jr, and he has every right to be worried. A war that last 20 years and Obama had to pick up the pieces of a ruined economy.
The article doesn't say that. Were you in the meeting?
I wonder if it was because he gave North Korea nukes?
Funny because NK developed nukes on Bush's watch...
After Bush canceled the deal with Nk and didn't replace it...
Just how Trump canceled the deal with Iran...

Just more idiot Trumpers trying to rewrite history.

Funny how facts and history are very unkind to the GOP, the party of failure.

Bill Clinton had 'nightmares' about future of country after leaving office​

DEAR BILL, you were one fucking nightmare about the future of the country while you were still IN office!

And we have been paying for that mistake ever since.
Yet all the fuck ups occured under Bush and Trump.

Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus and turned that into total economic collapse through his stupidity. And let not forget the GOP's war in Iraq. Then trump fucked up covid and left the country in shambles.

Clinton, Obama, and Biden all had to fix GOP fuck ups, and all inherited a GOP devastated country.
None of them inherited a good country at all, it was gutted by GOP policy failure, and the results and numbers prove this.
I wonder if it was because he gave North Korea nukes?
Funny because NK developed nukes on Bush's watch...
After Bush canceled the deal with Nk and didn't replace it...
Just how Trump canceled the deal with Iran...
North Korea always had the ability to make dozens of nukes, but the Clinton treaty kept all the spent fuel under IAEA control and inspection.

North Korea was experimenting with enriching Uranium, and was "cheating" to the extent that they could have clandestinely produced a nuke after about 20-30 years of enriching Uranium in secret.

Because of the breach, Bush cancelled the deal, which allowed N. Korea to reprocess its spent fuel.

Bill Clinton had 'nightmares' about future of country after leaving office​

DEAR BILL, you were one fucking nightmare about the future of the country while you were still IN office!

And we have been paying for that mistake ever since.

What the fuck are you talking about. Bill Clinton was the most popular president of the last 40 years. He left office with nearly 70% approval rating.

Despite being attacked and vilified by Republicans, having every aspect of his life investigated for the past 30 years, you have NOTHING, but a lie about a blow job.

Watching what the republican party did to the Clintons over the past 30 years has made me realize what a lousy bunch of slime balls Republicans truly are. The only reason they attacked Clinton was because he was a good president and a popular president and they couldn’t have that.

The only reason they attacked Hillary was they didn’t want her to be a good president either.

The world has watched the Republican party unravel going after Democrats for doing their jobs well.

Clinton recovered from the Reagan Bush economic mess, raised wages, balance the budget, and saw the economy thrive.

So of course the moment a Republican got into office he cut taxes, blew up the deficit, started 2 wars, and crashed the economy. W didn’t just crash the American economy though. He nearly took down the entire world economy.

Nothing fucks up like a Republican.

Bill Clinton had 'nightmares' about future of country after leaving office​

DEAR BILL, you were one fucking nightmare about the future of the country while you were still IN office!

And we have been paying for that mistake ever since.

What the fuck are you talking about. Bill Clinton was the most popular president of the last 40 years. He left office with nearly 70% approval rating.

Despite being attacked and vilified by Republicans, having every aspect of his life investigated for the past 30 years, you have NOTHING, but a lie about a blow job.

Watching what the republican party did to the Clintons over the past 30 years has made me realize what a lousy bunch of slime balls Republicans truly are. The only reason they attacked Clinton was because he was a good president and a popular president and they couldn’t have that.

The only reason they attacked Hillary was they didn’t want her to be a good president either.

The world has watched the Republican party unravel going after Democrats for doing their jobs well.

Clinton recovered from the Reagan Bush economic mess, raised wages, balance the budget, and saw the economy thrive.

So of course the moment a Republican got into office he cut taxes, blew up the deficit, started 2 wars, and crashed the economy. W didn’t just crash the American economy though. He nearly took down the entire world economy.

Nothing fucks up like a Republican.

Clinton is the reason China is in the WTO and the reason they are going to take over the world while crushing the West. Barring a REAL shift from America back to an eagle rather than a sparrow, they will also go the way of the DoDo Bird as Canada has.

Here is all you need to know, read and understand. For all Clinton did domestically, he absolutely set the world up for a century of losses against China.

It's peculiar that Clintons legacy was propping up a foreign Communist nation while Trumps legacy will be looking out for America First and confronting and stifling this same communist nation.

China and the WTO: The Politics Behind the Agreement

"the Clinton Administration had finally concluded that getting China into the WTO would anchor its China policy and leave a lasting legacy for the President."

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