Bill Clinton Meets Surreptitiously with the Attorney General

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Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Obama's Lackey Attorney General (who last week, after the slaughter in Orlando, said we need to deal with the Muslim Terrorists with Love)...well, she is in charge of the Federal "The Fix is In" Investigation of Crooked Hillary.

So what does this Lackey do as an Encore to the Love a Terrorist Comment?

She meets furtively with Bill Clinton in a private plane off in a surreptitious and sequestered area of the country...well, this hardly descriptive....The Establishment AssHoles (Democrat and Republican) think everything outside of New York and Washington is sequestered.

She meets for half an hour with one of the worst Crooks in the Country whose Crooked Wife this Dumb-Ass Attorney General is investigating...and then tells us exasperated rustics that all they talked about was grand children and golf.

I say Bill went there to Guaranty this Obama Lackey that she will get to keep her job as Attorney General when Crooked Hillary is elected...this could not be done on the phone...a face-to-face was necessary, and it took place this week in Arizona.

They didn't have to discuss the Case; they merely had to offer the Crooked Attorney General a job as Attorney General...and she will have accepted. It went like this:

Crooked Bill: "My Grand-children say you are doing a great job as Attorney General and they want you to stay."

Crooked Attorney General: "I do love the Job, maybe Supreme Court in a few years?"

Crooked Bill: "Why not? Your perfect actually. Black. Female. As Corrupt as we are. If Hillary gets elected, I'll be in Washington more and we can play some Golf."

Crooked Bill and the Crooked Obama Lackey Attorney General didn't mean to get caught, but they at least have it where only they know what was said. They have their story and will no doubt stick with it.

But, this kind of unlawful conduct...unethical certainly...leaves the Citizen to draw his/her own conclusions.

I have my story too, and I think it is more plausible.

Beware your rights when a Crooked President has a Crooked Attorney General corrupting the Justice Department.

These people belong in Jail.
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