Bill Clinton: Republicans 'trying To Get You To Check Your Brain At The Door'


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
How lovely from a Former President of our United States. and Pelosi say civilization as we know will END if they lose the Senate.
these people are disgusting and has lost all sense of decency and civility, all for WHAT? power and politics
wake up people

Former President Bill Clinton railed against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Sunday and framed the midterm elections as more broadly about defining “the terms in which we will relate to each other and relate to the rest of the world.”

Speaking at Sen. Tom Harkin’s (D-Iowa) annual steak fry fundraiser, Clinton said while much had improved in America, one problem still prevailed: “We don’t want to be around anyone that disagrees with us.”

"We’ve got to pull this country together to push this country forward,” he went on to declare.

Speaking directly after Hillary Clinton, the former president's contrast in style with his wife was stark. He spoke for a shorter time, extemporaneously, and spoke mostly of his time in office and the need for Democrats to vote this fall; she gave a more sweeping speech, from written notes, peppered with joking references to her potential presidential run.
In his speech, Bill Clinton decried Republicans for spending “all their time dissing the president and dumping on the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.”

“Half the time they’re not even running against their opponents. They’re trying to get you to check your brain at the door, start foaming at the mouth,” he said. “The last thing they want you to do is think.”

And in comments reminiscent of those he’s made on the campaign trail for Kentucky Democratic Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes, he went into a fierce attack of McConnell.
Clinton lambasted McConnell for comments he made during a private conference of conservative donors and strategists organized by the billionaire Koch brothers that the “worst day” of his political career was when the McCain-Feingold bill was signed into law, which was meant to bring greater transparency to campaign financing.

Clinton said that made him “profoundly sad.”

all of it here: and COMMETS oh
Bill Clinton Republicans trying to get you to check your brain at the door TheHill
if anyone has checked their brain at the door of the outhouse, it most definitely are the fucking libercrats.., or they dumped it once inside. :lmao:

Bubba Cliton is an :asshole:
Did Clinton apologize for preying on a young intern and cheating on his wife and lying to the American people while he was POTUS?
How lovely from a Former President of our United States. and Pelosi say civilization as we know will END if they lose the Senate.
these people are disgusting and has lost all sense of decency and civility, all for WHAT? power and politics
wake up people

Former President Bill Clinton railed against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Sunday and framed the midterm elections as more broadly about defining “the terms in which we will relate to each other and relate to the rest of the world.”

Speaking at Sen. Tom Harkin’s (D-Iowa) annual steak fry fundraiser, Clinton said while much had improved in America, one problem still prevailed: “We don’t want to be around anyone that disagrees with us.”

"We’ve got to pull this country together to push this country forward,” he went on to declare.

Speaking directly after Hillary Clinton, the former president's contrast in style with his wife was stark. He spoke for a shorter time, extemporaneously, and spoke mostly of his time in office and the need for Democrats to vote this fall; she gave a more sweeping speech, from written notes, peppered with joking references to her potential presidential run.
In his speech, Bill Clinton decried Republicans for spending “all their time dissing the president and dumping on the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.”

“Half the time they’re not even running against their opponents. They’re trying to get you to check your brain at the door, start foaming at the mouth,” he said. “The last thing they want you to do is think.”

And in comments reminiscent of those he’s made on the campaign trail for Kentucky Democratic Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes, he went into a fierce attack of McConnell.
Clinton lambasted McConnell for comments he made during a private conference of conservative donors and strategists organized by the billionaire Koch brothers that the “worst day” of his political career was when the McCain-Feingold bill was signed into law, which was meant to bring greater transparency to campaign financing.

Clinton said that made him “profoundly sad.”

all of it here: and COMMETS oh
Bill Clinton Republicans trying to get you to check your brain at the door TheHill

they checked their brains at the door along time ago

i mean really

a mass of zombied individuals

bought "hope and change"


Bob Hope knew it years ago

"you mean like Democrats "


still rings true to today

Did Clinton apologize for preying on a young intern and cheating on his wife and lying to the American people while he was POTUS?
No, he defended it..

“This is about, we are going to define the terms in which we will relate to each other and relate to the rest of the world…we are interdependent, we are in this together. Are we going to build a future together ..." :)
They’re trying to get you to check your brain at the door, start foaming at the mouth

Bill Clinton describing Stephanie
How lovely from a Former President of our United States. and Pelosi say civilization as we know will END if they lose the Senate.
these people are disgusting and has lost all sense of decency and civility, all for WHAT? power and politics
wake up people

Former President Bill Clinton railed against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Sunday and framed the midterm elections as more broadly about defining “the terms in which we will relate to each other and relate to the rest of the world.”

Speaking at Sen. Tom Harkin’s (D-Iowa) annual steak fry fundraiser, Clinton said while much had improved in America, one problem still prevailed: “We don’t want to be around anyone that disagrees with us.”

"We’ve got to pull this country together to push this country forward,” he went on to declare.

Speaking directly after Hillary Clinton, the former president's contrast in style with his wife was stark. He spoke for a shorter time, extemporaneously, and spoke mostly of his time in office and the need for Democrats to vote this fall; she gave a more sweeping speech, from written notes, peppered with joking references to her potential presidential run.
In his speech, Bill Clinton decried Republicans for spending “all their time dissing the president and dumping on the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.”

“Half the time they’re not even running against their opponents. They’re trying to get you to check your brain at the door, start foaming at the mouth,” he said. “The last thing they want you to do is think.”

And in comments reminiscent of those he’s made on the campaign trail for Kentucky Democratic Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes, he went into a fierce attack of McConnell.
Clinton lambasted McConnell for comments he made during a private conference of conservative donors and strategists organized by the billionaire Koch brothers that the “worst day” of his political career was when the McCain-Feingold bill was signed into law, which was meant to bring greater transparency to campaign financing.

Clinton said that made him “profoundly sad.”

all of it here: and COMMETS oh
Bill Clinton Republicans trying to get you to check your brain at the door TheHill
This from the man who lied to America and under oath while thinking with his little head. Still a libtard idiot.
This coming from a guy who NEVER checked his bent, peyronie diseased, d*ck at the door.

Monica: "Bill, are you fooling around with Eleanor Mondale"?
Bubba: "Oh you know I don't like women with small breasts!"

- Starr Report
One of our best presidents and he's anything but sad about it.

The Clinton Record - Clinton s Accomplishments

I dare you low info types to post W's accomplishments.

Yes, Nuttlry, and if he was a Republican, you'd be posting what the OP did!.... But I only remember him and the other Democrats for their WAR ON WOMEM

They’re trying to get you to check your brain at the door, start foaming at the mouth

Bill Clinton describing Stephanie
Not just Stoopid Steff.

The low-info RWs really do think sex between consenting adults is their business and is more important than causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands and causing the near bankruptcy of the US.

Notice that not one of them ever takes my challenge to post the accomplishments of the Repubs or of W.

Can't blame them though.

If pushed to show even one good thing the Repubs have done, they'll start screeching BenghaziBenghaziBenghazi.

Wanna bet?

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