Bill Clinton speaks at DNC

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How can Billy keep a straight face?

that in itself is an accomplishment...;)
Calling Bill "living" is a technicality.

He looks terrible, like he doesn't have long to live.
Lots of butthurt republicans on this thread.
You know I'm a democrat right? Poor bill misses those 1 hour state of the union speeches. He used to be great.

Listen, Bills a great asset. You never heard bush or bush 2 at a convention. No one cares about McCain Romney or Palin or rubio or jeb or Cruz or kasich. All losers.

Is Obama gonna speak?
His politics aside, it's hard to deny that Bill Clinton is one of the best public speakers in the world.

I'm a DTM at Toastmasters International. I have evaluated and judged thousands of speakers, and speech contests over the years. . Bill Clinton is at best a slightly above average speaker.

That being said, after watching the endless parade of truly lousy speakers we are seeing at both these conventions, Bill Clinton does stand out from the crowd. But one of the best in the world? Not even close!! :rofl:
That's fine. All that's expected from him is the role of a First Gentleman(?). In that context, at the very least we can be happy he didn't steal the speech that he's giving right now.
His politics aside, it's hard to deny that Bill Clinton is one of the best public speakers in the world.

I'm a DTM at Toastmasters International. I have evaluated and judged thousands of speakers, and speech contests over the years. . Bill Clinton is at best a slightly above average speaker.

That being said, after watching the endless parade of truly lousy speakers we are seeing at both these conventions, Bill Clinton does stand out from the crowd. But one of the best in the world? Not even close!! :rofl:

He is light years beyond Barack Obama, who is soporific at best.

Oratory is a lost art in the modern world.
So, you don't believe that Bill "drop trou" wasn't working "hand in hand" with the CIA to fly cocaine into Mena Airport during the Iran/Contra scandal? Shall we debate this because I have overwhelming evidence that he did........put up or shut up. Familiar with BCCI? Don't be a pussy...."man-up"...that is, if your testicles have finally dropped.

I bet you have tons of "overwhelming evidence" that never made it into a courtroom. I'm sure you've watched over 100 youtube conspiracy videos about it. You are the ultimate gullible twat. Never seen anything like it, actually.
Dale's a lunatic. Ask him about the Illuminati.

He's a clown. He couldn't even articulate what the Illuminati is or who is allegedly a part of it. He's know-nothing loser. A waste of bandwidth.
Lots of butthurt republicans on this thread.
You know I'm a democrat right? Poor bill misses those 1 hour state of the union speeches. He used to be great.

Listen, Bills a great asset. You never heard bush or bush 2 at a convention. No one cares about McCain Romney or Palin or rubio or jeb or Cruz or kasich. All losers.

Is Obama gonna speak?
Yes he is. It's probably going to be one hell of a speech.
About to start now
Cringe-worthy watching a sexual misogynist who cheated on his wife, come on stage to speak for her and get women voters. Weird and creepy. You demorats are a bunch of nasty immoral sons of bitches. No dignity or integrity. You librat Dexter's don't have a conscious. You're the worst role models for America.
I had no idea that Bill Clinton was 2 months younger than Donald Trump. No offense but he could pass for Trump's father. It's a good lesson for young viewers. Trump never took drugs, drank liquor or smoked (anything). He's living proof that living a clean lifestyle will keep a person looking youthful when they are older.
Quite the intro. "There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America."

Greatest President of my lifetime.
Bill looks tired and old. His voice is hoarse as he rambles aimlessly with his story. He has lost it; the charm is gone. I can't wait for the fact checks on Hillary's amazing life that seems to be part of American history as Forest Gump was.

the whole party looks tired and old
Calling Bill "living" is a technicality.

He looks terrible, like he doesn't have long to live.

Why are conservatives always so disrespectful to older folks? Show some god damn respect. He's on a stage giving a speech at 70, you're stuffing your fat fucking face with twinkies behind a computer.
His politics aside, it's hard to deny that Bill Clinton is one of the best public speakers in the world.

I'm a DTM at Toastmasters International. I have evaluated and judged thousands of speakers, and speech contests over the years. . Bill Clinton is at best a slightly above average speaker.

That being said, after watching the endless parade of truly lousy speakers we are seeing at both these conventions, Bill Clinton does stand out from the crowd. But one of the best in the world? Not even close!! :rofl:

He is light years beyond Barack Obama, who is soporific at best.

Oratory is a lost art in the modern world.
True but luckily the candidate from the opposing party speaks at a 4th grade level: Donald Trump speaks like a fourth-grader | New York Post
I had no idea that Bill Clinton was 2 months younger than Donald Trump. No offense but he could pass for Trump's father. It's a good lesson for young viewers. Trump never took drugs, drank liquor or smoked (anything). He's living proof that living a clean lifestyle will keep a person looking youthful when they are older.
Is President Obama scheduled to introduce Hillary Clinton when she addresses the DNC convention audience? Does anyone know?
His politics aside, it's hard to deny that Bill Clinton is one of the best public speakers in the world.

I'm a DTM at Toastmasters International. I have evaluated and judged thousands of speakers, and speech contests over the years. . Bill Clinton is at best a slightly above average speaker.

That being said, after watching the endless parade of truly lousy speakers we are seeing at both these conventions, Bill Clinton does stand out from the crowd. But one of the best in the world? Not even close!! :rofl:
That's fine. All that's expected from him is the role of a First Gentleman(?). In that context, at the very least we can be happy he didn't steal the speech that he's giving right now.
Sure he did. He stole it form a book...oh here it is..


I look forward to Hillary, Bill, Chelsea and kids roaming the White House for the next EIGHT years.
Bubba ain't gonna live another eight years.
He's two months younger than Trump, and nowhere near as fat. Trump will be getting around with an electric scooter in a couple years.

Oh poor little far left drone and Hilary voter!
Can you imagine that poor Loretta Lynch trapped on a plane listening to Bill go on and on. You wonder what they talked about? You are hearing the ramblings now

Yes we know you far left drones will never hold your own accountable!

Just like George Bush held back from speaking because the RNC thinks..out of sight, out of mind..:biggrin:
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