Bill Clinton's sex life was for public record but not Mitt's tax returns!

What's this guy hiding I wonder?

Romney slams Obama

I thought RETHUGlicans were all for full disclosure and all that?

Remember Kenn Starr and his circus of an "independent council?"

We learned then that NOTHING is truly off limits in politics even though most of us would kinda prefer that they were!

Come on Mittens.....

There is a slight difference then getting your dick sucked on government time.

But you dont seem very smart

So it was okay when Newt got his dick sucked on government time (By his new trophy wife, no less) but not Clinton?

Got it.

It must be as I have never heard of the incident.

Meaning your desperation is beginning to peak.
Time to come clean you CROOK!!!![/qu
What's this guy hiding I wonder?

Romney slams Obama

I thought RETHUGlicans were all for full disclosure and all that?

Remember Kenn Starr and his circus of an "independent council?"

We learned then that NOTHING is truly off limits in politics even though most of us would kinda prefer that they were!

Come on Mittens.....

Time to come clean you CROOK!!!!

Son? Clinton LIED to a Grand Jury under OATH.
What's this guy hiding I wonder?

Romney slams Obama

I thought RETHUGlicans were all for full disclosure and all that?

Remember Kenn Starr and his circus of an "independent council?"

We learned then that NOTHING is truly off limits in politics even though most of us would kinda prefer that they were!

Come on Mittens.....

Time to come clean you CROOK!!!!

So what are you going to charge him with?

Seriously. All you left wing nutbars are saying Mitt broke a law. Well then charge him with fucking something.

We need to see the evidence of his tax evasion first and of course he's refusing to release that evidence.
What's this guy hiding I wonder?

Romney slams Obama

I thought RETHUGlicans were all for full disclosure and all that?

Remember Kenn Starr and his circus of an "independent council?"

We learned then that NOTHING is truly off limits in politics even though most of us would kinda prefer that they were!

Come on Mittens.....

Time to come clean you CROOK!!!!

Why? so you can sit there and bitch how he is too successful and "rich" to be president?

Really so losers should be president... People who fail at everything in life should be president?

No, we can't possibly have a successful individual be our president now can we??

Progressives would rather have an illiterate homeless guy be our next president than Romney....

And progressives are dumb enough to actually believe Obamafuck is going to win??? after he has attacked everyone except for the gay illegal alien homeless person preaching the Q'uran on the street corner??
What's this guy hiding I wonder?

Romney slams Obama

I thought RETHUGlicans were all for full disclosure and all that?

Remember Kenn Starr and his circus of an "independent council?"

We learned then that NOTHING is truly off limits in politics even though most of us would kinda prefer that they were!

Come on Mittens.....

Time to come clean you CROOK!!!!

And come on, Obama, unseal those college transcripts so "we can find out what's in them." ( sound familiar )

Yeah....make a public show of releasing those records but don't forget to redact anything embarrassing with a big ol magic marker.

Just like G.W. Bush did with his military record!

But back to Mittens.....

It's not a good sign for him when even members of his own party are saying he should release his records and he still won't

This is just the tip of the iceberg too.

He's gonna have a lot of embarrassing "splaining" to do before November! :eusa_boohoo:
Now who's hiding WHAT??!!


That fucking kenyan shit stain ain't got JACK SHIT to say about HIDING THINGS... HE'S THE FUCKING MASTER!!



So you DO hate him just because he's black!
What's this guy hiding I wonder?

"Bill Clinton's sex life was for public record but not Mitt's tax returns!"

Romney slams Obama

I thought RETHUGlicans were all for full disclosure and all that?

Remember Kenn Starr and his circus of an "independent council?"

We learned then that NOTHING is truly off limits in politics even though most of us would kinda prefer that they were!

Come on Mittens.....

Time to come clean you CROOK!!!!
Sorry. Democrats refuse to discipline their mebers, so when the commit obstruction of justice, others take the lead.

My recollection of the Clinton fiasco is that he was disbarred, lost lawsuits to women he had offended, and his wrist slapped for using State Police he ordered to detain Paula Jones and have her brought to his Hotel Room where she was very uncooperative. He was fined for his crimes several times.

The only help he got was from Rev. Jesse Jackson, who was shown to have been cuckolding his wife of many years for a paramour who bore his child, complete with messy divorce. Some freaking help.

Perjury, obstruction, disbarment. That's a far cry from private tax returns released for screwing the pooch by hateful goons. The same ones who are screaming transparency defended Obama from releasing all his school records claiming him to be an Indonesian citizen, his grandmother's testimony of birthing him in Kenya, 3 reprinted birth certificates with differing information in Hawaii, the concealment of his facts a confused morass, not to mention his social security number controversy. His books have been shown to be a figment of imagination and the indefensible argument of his apologists is that he used information from a lot of other people to describe a named girlfriend who does not have even a resemblant memory of his bullshit.

Democrats are dangerous people who want the ball always to roll downhill toward their groove and stay in it. Other Americans are sick of the game.
Last time I checked, Romney was not involved in litigation that makes his tax returns discoverable....
What's this guy hiding I wonder?

Romney slams Obama

I thought RETHUGlicans were all for full disclosure and all that?

Remember Kenn Starr and his circus of an "independent council?"

We learned then that NOTHING is truly off limits in politics even though most of us would kinda prefer that they were!

Come on Mittens.....

Time to come clean you CROOK!!!!

Son? Clinton LIED to a Grand Jury under OATH.
Well said, The T. I regret being out of rep right now. :(
What's this guy hiding I wonder?

Romney slams Obama

I thought RETHUGlicans were all for full disclosure and all that?

Remember Kenn Starr and his circus of an "independent council?"

We learned then that NOTHING is truly off limits in politics even though most of us would kinda prefer that they were!

Come on Mittens.....

Time to come clean you CROOK!!!!

So what are you going to charge him with?

Seriously. All you left wing nutbars are saying Mitt broke a law. Well then charge him with fucking something.

We need to see the evidence of his tax evasion first and of course he's refusing to release that evidence.

No, you have to have a reasonable suspicion of it, and let the legal system do it's job. Just claiming he's evading taxes with no proof or even hint of proof, and demanding he produce tax returns, is harassment at the least.
What's this guy hiding I wonder?

Romney slams Obama

I thought RETHUGlicans were all for full disclosure and all that?

Remember Kenn Starr and his circus of an "independent council?"

We learned then that NOTHING is truly off limits in politics even though most of us would kinda prefer that they were!

Come on Mittens.....

Time to come clean you CROOK!!!!

So what are you going to charge him with?

Seriously. All you left wing nutbars are saying Mitt broke a law. Well then charge him with fucking something.

We need to see the evidence of his tax evasion first and of course he's refusing to release that evidence.

That would be under the IRS who have the original tax returns, they seem to be happy. So the government has the "evidence" and it amounts to "evidence" of nothing.
What's this guy hiding I wonder?

Romney slams Obama

I thought RETHUGlicans were all for full disclosure and all that?

Remember Kenn Starr and his circus of an "independent council?"

We learned then that NOTHING is truly off limits in politics even though most of us would kinda prefer that they were!

Come on Mittens.....

Time to come clean you CROOK!!!!

Son? Clinton LIED to a Grand Jury under OATH.
Well said, The T. I regret being out of rep right now. :(

No problem :) These people have to be reminded of real history that they forget when they think it will help them.

The OP is a stooge.
Clinton - adulterer, child molester, lied under oath, impeached, disbarred - Liberals Love Him.

Romney - gave a kid a wedgy in middle school, dressed up like a cop once, won't show his tax form - Liberals want him strung up by his gonads.
What's this guy hiding I wonder?

Romney slams Obama

I thought RETHUGlicans were all for full disclosure and all that?

Remember Kenn Starr and his circus of an "independent council?"

We learned then that NOTHING is truly off limits in politics even though most of us would kinda prefer that they were!

Come on Mittens.....

Time to come clean you CROOK!!!!

he shudda bought back dat blue dress. don'tyathink?

He shouldn't even have been questioned about it in the first place!

Millions of taxpayer dollars were spent on a conspiracy.

Bill Clinton was looking too good and turning out to be one of the most successful presidents America has ever had.

This just didn't fit in with the neoconservative plans (and the Project for a New American Century crowd) so they used a peon White House insider (Linda Tripp) to launch a witch hunt in order to find something.....ANYTHING to tarnish his legacy and pave the way for the puppet G.W. Bush to be installed in the White House.

We all know now how that turned out don't we?

That's just history now......

Today though Mitt Romney's "blue dress" appears to be his secret financial info!

If we can't see how he REALLY manages his own affairs how can we trust him to manage this country?
What's this guy hiding I wonder?

Romney slams Obama

I thought RETHUGlicans were all for full disclosure and all that?

Remember Kenn Starr and his circus of an "independent council?"

We learned then that NOTHING is truly off limits in politics even though most of us would kinda prefer that they were!

Come on Mittens.....

Time to come clean you CROOK!!!!

he shudda bought back dat blue dress. don'tyathink?

He shouldn't even have been questioned about it in the first place!

Millions of taxpayer dollars were spent on a conspiracy.

Bill Clinton was looking too good and turning out to be one of the most successful presidents America has ever had.

This just didn't fit in with the neoconservative plans (and the Project for a New American Century crowd) so they used a peon White House insider (Linda Tripp) to launch a witch hunt in order to find something.....ANYTHING to tarnish his legacy and pave the way for the puppet G.W. Bush to be installed in the White House.

We all know now how that turned out don't we?

That's just history now......

Today though Mitt Romney's "blue dress" appears to be his secret financial info!

If we can't see how he REALLY manages his own affairs how can we trust him to manage this country?

He lied in the Paula Jones case, and a bill HE signed into law, is what got him into trouble.

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