Bill Clinton's sex life was for public record but not Mitt's tax returns!

If we can't see how he REALLY manages his own affairs how can we trust him to manage this country?

Well, we can see how well Barry Hussein is managing things. That dolt couldn't balance a checkbook or manage a yard sale.

But write in 'Dreams From My father' that working for private company was like "being behind enemy lines".
Bill Clinton was sued in a court of law for sexual harassment. Romney has been sued no where. To say that Clinton should not have been questioned about it would have put him above the law denying Paula Jones and Juanita Broderick their day in court. Are we still a nation that believes that no one is above the law? Or is the president free to take whatever woman he desires for the moment he desires them and those women have no recourse? Saddam Hussein's sons were just democrats.

Had Clinton not lied under oath, there would have been no further proceedings, he would not have been impeached nor would he have been disbarred. He would have lost the case, as he did, paid off the judgment and gone on.

It is disturbing that democrats really want democrat presidents to have rights, including sexual rights, that no one else in the nation has. Democrats possess the divine right of Kings.
What's this guy hiding I wonder?

Romney slams Obama

I thought RETHUGlicans were all for full disclosure and all that?

Remember Kenn Starr and his circus of an "independent council?"

We learned then that NOTHING is truly off limits in politics even though most of us would kinda prefer that they were!

Come on Mittens.....

Time to come clean you CROOK!!!!

So what are you going to charge him with?

Seriously. All you left wing nutbars are saying Mitt broke a law. Well then charge him with fucking something.

We need to see the evidence of his tax evasion first and of course he's refusing to release that evidence.

Why are you entitled?
So what are you going to charge him with?

Seriously. All you left wing nutbars are saying Mitt broke a law. Well then charge him with fucking something.

We need to see the evidence of his tax evasion first and of course he's refusing to release that evidence.

Why are you entitled?

I find it hilarious that the left assumes tax evasion with zero evidence. I guess anyone who does not release their tax returns to the public is guilty of tax evasion, huh.

That would be about 99.999% of the population, dumb asses.
What's this guy hiding I wonder?

Romney slams Obama

I thought RETHUGlicans were all for full disclosure and all that?

Remember Kenn Starr and his circus of an "independent council?"

We learned then that NOTHING is truly off limits in politics even though most of us would kinda prefer that they were!

Come on Mittens.....

Time to come clean you CROOK!!!!

he shudda bought back dat blue dress. don'tyathink?

He shouldn't even have been questioned about it in the first place!

Millions of taxpayer dollars were spent on a conspiracy.

Bill Clinton was looking too good and turning out to be one of the most successful presidents America has ever had.

This just didn't fit in with the neoconservative plans (and the Project for a New American Century crowd) so they used a peon White House insider (Linda Tripp) to launch a witch hunt in order to find something.....ANYTHING to tarnish his legacy and pave the way for the puppet G.W. Bush to be installed in the White House.

We all know now how that turned out don't we?

That's just history now......

Today though Mitt Romney's "blue dress" appears to be his secret financial info!

If we can't see how he REALLY manages his own affairs how can we trust him to manage this country?
Um....Clinton was actively being sued by Paula jones in a sexual harassment lawsuit. It was in that context that Linda Tripp came forward with damaging evidence. And you think no questions should have been asked of Clinton regarding that new evidence? What should Paula jones have done with that information? Just sat on it? What should Linda Tripp have done with that evidence? Conceal it? Why do you feel as though Paula jones did not deserve equal consideration under the rules of evidence?
All we know for certain is that Obama is a lying scumbag and that he and Holder had an involvement in the murder of Brian Terry

Why is it you care more for a single border agent then the lives of 4000 troops who were lost in Iraq?

Is Brian Terry's life worth more then all those lives?

Not sure here..maybe you can clear it up.

How did "Fast and Furious" get ahead of the illegal invasion of Iraq?

Why no investigation?

Exactly how is the invasion of Iraq illegal? If I remember correctly, Congress authorized President Bush to use the military to force Sadam to comply with UN resolutions.
What's this guy hiding I wonder?

Romney slams Obama

I thought RETHUGlicans were all for full disclosure and all that?

Remember Kenn Starr and his circus of an "independent council?"

We learned then that NOTHING is truly off limits in politics even though most of us would kinda prefer that they were!

Come on Mittens.....

Time to come clean you CROOK!!!!

Why? so you can sit there and bitch how he is too successful and "rich" to be president?

Really so losers should be president... People who fail at everything in life should be president?

No, we can't possibly have a successful individual be our president now can we??

Progressives would rather have an illiterate homeless guy be our next president than Romney....

And progressives are dumb enough to actually believe Obamafuck is going to win??? after he has attacked everyone except for the gay illegal alien homeless person preaching the Q'uran on the street corner??

Maybe we need to know if his "success" came about 100% legally?
What's this guy hiding I wonder?

Romney slams Obama

I thought RETHUGlicans were all for full disclosure and all that?

Remember Kenn Starr and his circus of an "independent council?"

We learned then that NOTHING is truly off limits in politics even though most of us would kinda prefer that they were!

Come on Mittens.....

Time to come clean you CROOK!!!!

So what are you going to charge him with?

Seriously. All you left wing nutbars are saying Mitt broke a law. Well then charge him with fucking something.

We need to see the evidence of his tax evasion first and of course he's refusing to release that evidence.

Are you going to demand the DOJ release all info on fast and furious too?
he shudda bought back dat blue dress. don'tyathink?

He shouldn't even have been questioned about it in the first place!

Millions of taxpayer dollars were spent on a conspiracy.

Bill Clinton was looking too good and turning out to be one of the most successful presidents America has ever had.

This just didn't fit in with the neoconservative plans (and the Project for a New American Century crowd) so they used a peon White House insider (Linda Tripp) to launch a witch hunt in order to find something.....ANYTHING to tarnish his legacy and pave the way for the puppet G.W. Bush to be installed in the White House.

We all know now how that turned out don't we?

That's just history now......

Today though Mitt Romney's "blue dress" appears to be his secret financial info!

If we can't see how he REALLY manages his own affairs how can we trust him to manage this country?
Um....Clinton was actively being sued by Paula jones in a sexual harassment lawsuit. It was in that context that Linda Tripp came forward with damaging evidence. And you think no questions should have been asked of Clinton regarding that new evidence? What should Paula jones have done with that information? Just sat on it? What should Linda Tripp have done with that evidence? Conceal it? Why do you feel as though Paula jones did not deserve equal consideration under the rules of evidence?

“Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.” ~James Carville, after Paula Jones made a sexual harassment allegation against Bill Clinton:eusa_clap:
I never minded Clinton as a president but he deserved to be impeached. I don't hold one of the most powerful positions in the world, but if I was caught having sexual relations with anybody at work I would be fired immediately, and rightfully so. Most people would be unless they owned the company.

That said, there is a big difference between a candidate releasing tax returns and releasing college transcripts. Candidates are never asked to release college transcripts. On the other hand it has been a regular tradition since the 70s to release tax records when running for POTUS. The far right is on nothing more than a witch hunt. First it was his birth certificate. Now it's his college transcripts. If he releases that information they will either call the records fake or drag up some other faux conspiracy.
I never minded Clinton as a president but he deserved to be impeached. I don't hold one of the most powerful positions in the world, but if I was caught having sexual relations with anybody at work I would be fired immediately, and rightfully so. Most people would be unless they owned the company.

That said, there is a big difference between a candidate releasing tax returns and releasing college transcripts. Candidates are never asked to release college transcripts. On the other hand it has been a regular tradition since the 70s to release tax records when running for POTUS. The far right is on nothing more than a witch hunt. First it was his birth certificate. Now it's his college transcripts. If he releases that information they will either call the records fake or drag up some other faux conspiracy.

I agree with you on Clinton.

I also agree on the birth certificate.

On the college transcript, it goes back at least Clinton that college transcripts are released, I remember in the primaries Gore and Clinton bantering about it. To me it's a non-issue, I feel the same with the Tax BS. It really doesn't matter to me, it wouldn't change my vote either way.
What's this guy hiding I wonder?

Romney slams Obama

I thought RETHUGlicans were all for full disclosure and all that?

Remember Kenn Starr and his circus of an "independent council?"

We learned then that NOTHING is truly off limits in politics even though most of us would kinda prefer that they were!

Come on Mittens.....

Time to come clean you CROOK!!!!


My Gawd... better get ya some Xanbars there sonny...
All we know for certain is that Obama is a lying scumbag and that he and Holder had an involvement in the murder of Brian Terry

Why is it you care more for a single border agent then the lives of 4000 troops who were lost in Iraq?

Is Brian Terry's life worth more then all those lives?

Not sure here..maybe you can clear it up.

How did "Fast and Furious" get ahead of the illegal invasion of Iraq?

Why no investigation?

Exactly how is the invasion of Iraq illegal? If I remember correctly, Congress authorized President Bush to use the military to force Sadam to comply with UN resolutions.

Swallow has opened his old playbook. He wasn't told to use the other.
Why is it you care more for a single border agent then the lives of 4000 troops who were lost in Iraq?

Is Brian Terry's life worth more then all those lives?

Not sure here..maybe you can clear it up.

How did "Fast and Furious" get ahead of the illegal invasion of Iraq?

Why no investigation?

Exactly how is the invasion of Iraq illegal? If I remember correctly, Congress authorized President Bush to use the military to force Sadam to comply with UN resolutions.

Swallow has opened his old playbook. He wasn't told to use the other.

Swallow's borderline mentally retarded.
What's this guy hiding I wonder?

Romney slams Obama

I thought RETHUGlicans were all for full disclosure and all that?

Remember Kenn Starr and his circus of an "independent council?"

We learned then that NOTHING is truly off limits in politics even though most of us would kinda prefer that they were!

Come on Mittens.....

Time to come clean you CROOK!!!!

Why? so you can sit there and bitch how he is too successful and "rich" to be president?

Really so losers should be president... People who fail at everything in life should be president?

No, we can't possibly have a successful individual be our president now can we??

Progressives would rather have an illiterate homeless guy be our next president than Romney....

And progressives are dumb enough to actually believe Obamafuck is going to win??? after he has attacked everyone except for the gay illegal alien homeless person preaching the Q'uran on the street corner??

Maybe we need to know if his "success" came about 100% legally?

actually, that's not really any of your business. It's between law enforcement and him. All you have to 'prove' Romney did something illegal, is his refusal to release tax returns he is not legally obligated to release. By that libtard logic, 99.999% of the country is guilty of whatever you think Romney is guilty of.

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