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Bill Cosby Admits Under Oath Drugging Women So He Could Rape Them

Since Cosby is a closet Republican pedophile he has to put on the public face of a decent patriotic American. Cosby's image of America's dad was an illusion and since Cosby is highly intelligent he knows that 99.9% of Republicans are pedophile so to draw attention away from himself he presented in public as a Dem. He's very much like that hypocrite Lance Armstrong.

Had Cosby been a honest and admitted he was really a Republican you cons would be defending this serial rapist with even more fervor. As you can see It's only you CONS who are defending him because he is acting like a typical Republican e.g. lying and committing sex crimes.
Oh for the good old days when being black would get you a liberal pass on that shit. These days you gotta be Latino and in America illegally to qualify.
Oh for the good old days when being black would get you a liberal pass on that shit. These days you gotta be Latino and in America illegally to qualify.

The only Hispanics who get a pass and the criminal Cubans who wrecked Miami. The reason they get a pass is because 60% of them vote Republican.
Political Views
Cosby is a Democrat and is very outspoken about the plight of the African-American community--but is more inclined to blame black people for their problems than anyone else."

From here...
Bill Cosby s Religion and Political Views The Hollowverse


Cosby is a DIMO and a rapist and a pedophile. One of his victims was 15. Cosby was a Dem because most of Hollywood is and lacked the courage of his conviction to be a Republican unlike Gary Sinese and Patrica Heaton.

Cosby would make an excellent Republican. He's a filthy rich hypocrite who rapes children and then lies about it.
Democrats BUILT Cosby and democrats can keep him. Cosby IS a DIRECT reflection of Democrat values and social agenda.
I don't know he used to sound a lot like a conservative when he was bashing the black community. And I wish you would explain how he a reflection of democratic values?
Oh for the good old days when being black would get you a liberal pass on that shit. These days you gotta be Latino and in America illegally to qualify.

The only Hispanics who get a pass and the criminal Cubans who wrecked Miami. The reason they get a pass is because 60% of them vote Republican.
At least they vote. How many people who cry about illegal immigrants won't even vote this coming election?
It was not long ago that the Right was praising Cosby, remember that?

Uh...yeah...moron...then we found out he was raping women and like decent people we rejected him....you assholes know bill clinton is a violent rapist and sexual assaulter...and you embrace him........just as long as he targets the right kind of women....then it is okay.....right?
Today on WIND 560 am, the Amy and Dan show....Amy Jacobson related a story about bill cosby...she had been a reporter for local news channels for a long time before going on the radio......one year, many years ago, bill cosby came to her station, channel 5 in Chicago I think.....and did some publicity stuff.....Warner Saundes was a black male reporter, he went to each female reporter at the station and told them under no circumstances should they be alone with him or go out with him to eat or drink....that he wasn't the man they thought he was....and this was a long time ago...so people knew..way back we
Political Views
Cosby is a Democrat and is very outspoken about the plight of the African-American community--but is more inclined to blame black people for their problems than anyone else."

From here...
Bill Cosby s Religion and Political Views The Hollowverse


Cosby is a DIMO and a rapist and a pedophile. One of his victims was 15. Cosby was a Dem because most of Hollywood is and lacked the courage of his conviction to be a Republican unlike Gary Sinese and Patrica Heaton.

Cosby would make an excellent Republican. He's a filthy rich hypocrite who rapes children and then lies about it.
Democrats BUILT Cosby and democrats can keep him. Cosby IS a DIRECT reflection of Democrat values and social agenda.

That is not true because most pedophile are Republicans as are most liars and Cosby is both a pedophile and a liar same as many Republicans.

No...many school teachers are pedophiles and they are democrats..and they have access to everyone's children.........
It was not long ago that the Right was praising Cosby, remember that?

Uh...yeah...moron...then we found out he was raping women and like decent people we rejected him....you assholes know bill clinton is a violent rapist and sexual assaulter...and you embrace him........just as long as he targets the right kind of women....then it is okay.....right?
Actually I heard the other day - in a study they found it was quite conservative older women who tended to let rapists off, not liberals like you probably assume. It has to do with the conservative old bitch thinking that the girl asked for it or she wasn't being a good girl. God damn losers don't even know how stupid you are
Political Views
Cosby is a Democrat and is very outspoken about the plight of the African-American community--but is more inclined to blame black people for their problems than anyone else."

From here...
Bill Cosby s Religion and Political Views The Hollowverse


Cosby is a DIMO and a rapist and a pedophile. One of his victims was 15. Cosby was a Dem because most of Hollywood is and lacked the courage of his conviction to be a Republican unlike Gary Sinese and Patrica Heaton.

Cosby would make an excellent Republican. He's a filthy rich hypocrite who rapes children and then lies about it.
Democrats BUILT Cosby and democrats can keep him. Cosby IS a DIRECT reflection of Democrat values and social agenda.

That is not true because most pedophile are Republicans as are most liars and Cosby is both a pedophile and a liar same as many Republicans.

No...many school teachers are pedophiles and they are democrats..and they have access to everyone's children.........
Liberals may just be in for a bad week. Check this out.
It s Time For A Good Dust-up US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Political Views
Cosby is a Democrat and is very outspoken about the plight of the African-American community--but is more inclined to blame black people for their problems than anyone else."

From here...
Bill Cosby s Religion and Political Views The Hollowverse


Cosby is a DIMO and a rapist and a pedophile. One of his victims was 15. Cosby was a Dem because most of Hollywood is and lacked the courage of his conviction to be a Republican unlike Gary Sinese and Patrica Heaton.

Cosby would make an excellent Republican. He's a filthy rich hypocrite who rapes children and then lies about it.
Democrats BUILT Cosby and democrats can keep him. Cosby IS a DIRECT reflection of Democrat values and social agenda.

That is not true because most pedophile are Republicans as are most liars and Cosby is both a pedophile and a liar same as many Republicans.

No...many school teachers are pedophiles and they are democrats..and they have access to everyone's children.........
Liberals may just be in for a bad week. Check this out.
It s Time For A Good Dust-up US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You thread wrecking dumb fuck, just because the CONslime in Oklahoma is getting a way with violating separation of church and state you seriously think normal people will give those Christly fascists much thought?

The hellish Jesus drives you.
I don't know what movie I'm looking more forward to the Bill Cosby movie or the Areal Castro story.
Like so many filthy rich people America's dad Bill Cosby is a Liar and a hypocrite.

Read it and weep Cosby defender and try to think of a way to blame the liberal media for bringing down this pathetic Uncle Tom and token N-word.

APNewsBreak Cosby said he got drugs to give women for sex - Yahoo News

Put this creep in jail for the rest of his life or castrate him!



Cosby has been convicted of being human. He shamed and dishonored himself. And it's terrible to learn that he succumbed to his lower self.

Of course, that in NO WAY discredits his well publicized points regarding the degeneracy common to the Black Culture and the unprincipled behavior that the Ideological Left has imparted upon them.

Which is all that this gossip is designed to establish.

And now that THAT has been discredited, let's move on to something worthy of discussion.
Cosby is a DIMO and a rapist and a pedophile. One of his victims was 15. Cosby was a Dem because most of Hollywood is and lacked the courage of his conviction to be a Republican unlike Gary Sinese and Patrica Heaton.

Cosby would make an excellent Republican. He's a filthy rich hypocrite who rapes children and then lies about it.
Democrats BUILT Cosby and democrats can keep him. Cosby IS a DIRECT reflection of Democrat values and social agenda.

That is not true because most pedophile are Republicans as are most liars and Cosby is both a pedophile and a liar same as many Republicans.

No...many school teachers are pedophiles and they are democrats..and they have access to everyone's children.........
Liberals may just be in for a bad week. Check this out.
It s Time For A Good Dust-up US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You thread wrecking dumb fuck, just because the CONslime in Oklahoma is getting a way with violating separation of church and state you seriously think normal people will give those Christly fascists much thought?

The hellish Jesus drives you.
It was not long ago that the Right was praising Cosby, remember that?

Uh...yeah...moron...then we found out he was raping women and like decent people we rejected him....you assholes know bill clinton is a violent rapist and sexual assaulter...and you embrace him........just as long as he targets the right kind of women....then it is okay.....right?
Actually I heard the other day - in a study they found it was quite conservative older women who tended to let rapists off, not liberals like you probably assume. It has to do with the conservative old bitch thinking that the girl asked for it or she wasn't being a good girl. God damn losers don't even know how stupid you are

Yeah.....the way you guys fall on your knees to the violent rapist bill clinton......you are truly the stupid ones....
.... The hellish Jesus drives you.

Hellish Jesus?

Let's Review what Jesus disciple Paul had to say about these creatures:

"Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they arewhisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them."

Now THAT was 2000 years ago... and it could have been written yesterday, as it absolutely NAILS the demonic Left... down to the evil DNA.
It was not long ago that the Right was praising Cosby, remember that?

Uh...yeah...moron...then we found out he was raping women and like decent people we rejected him....you assholes know bill clinton is a violent rapist and sexual assaulter...and you embrace him........just as long as he targets the right kind of women....then it is okay.....right?
Actually I heard the other day - in a study they found it was quite conservative older women who tended to let rapists off, not liberals like you probably assume. It has to do with the conservative old bitch thinking that the girl asked for it or she wasn't being a good girl. God damn losers don't even know how stupid you are

And the key term is women....they tend to let everyone off, not just rapists....that is why defense attorney's want women jurors.......moron....

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