Bill Cosby Sentencing Thread

why should anybody be surprised A BLACK MAN IS GOING TO JAIL...LIKE DUH!!

Given that Cosby spent the last 30 years scolding black people and trying to suck up to white folks, his claims of martyrdom ring about as hollow as OJ's.

He's going to jail because he did it. Personally, given his age, sending him to jail is cruel, IMO, but it's not because he doesn't deserve it.

The fact he was able to avoid detection for so long says a lot about the deference his celebrity bought him. An unknown white guy who pulled this sort of shit would have went to jail a long time ago.
Do USMB Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives wish Cosby to be let off too? You know, being as how these allegations are 30+ year old and everything.

Allegations were made by multiple adults while Cosby was an adult. False equivalency. At least you're consistently stupid. I recommend a college education.

Crimes, aka criminal acts, are crimes no matter what age. Just under 18 years old they
get a pass. Or should they for sex crimes?
Stealing a car for a joyride. The car is not going to be emotionally damaged for life. Or at all.

Adults are more credible. A drunk kid at 15 is not credible.

The Left is insane. They aren't asking for jail time but want him off the SC. NO ONE on these boards has even mentioned jail time. Because they know this is bogus BS.
3-10 years. He’ll get out in 18 months
How about when they are adults?

Okay. Kavanaugh was an adult when he whacked that lady with his pecker at Yale.

Allegedly showed it not whacked her with it and that is minor stuff and again zero corroboration. We have gone down a very slippery slope in politics. Now only Saints and Virgins will be allowed to serve.
Do USMB Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives wish Cosby to be let off too? You know, being as how these allegations are 30+ year old and everything.

Allegations were made by multiple adults while Cosby was an adult. False equivalency. At least you're consistently stupid. I recommend a college education.

Crimes, aka criminal acts, are crimes no matter what age. Just under 18 years old they
get a pass. Or should they for sex crimes?
Stealing a car for a joyride. The car is not going to be emotionally damaged for life. Or at all.

Adults are more credible. A drunk kid at 15 is not credible.

The Left is insane. They aren't asking for jail time but want him off the SC. NO ONE on these boards has even mentioned jail time. Because they know this is bogus BS.
3-10 years. He’ll get out in 18 months

He is like 1000 yrs old. Too late anyway.
Only 3 Years. What des that say to the victims of his terrible crimes?
That maybe his victims should have said something at the time of the "crime" and not waited till Cosby was 83 years way he even spends a full 3 years...he will be let out when the cameras are gone...

Where do you get the idea they "waited"?

Rambo is doing his best Trumpian no-nothing shoutout. The one where you haven't looked at science, psychology, or peer reviewed research. Sadly, this has become the Party of Trump - shout soundbites ungrounded in thought, science and reality itself.
Cosby deserves prison just for being a lifelong public eyesore; that nose of his is so revolting to look at, it resembles an upside-down-wheelbarrow attached to his face - the opposite extreme of the Jacksons' alien noses. You'd think with all his millions Cosby could have done something surgically to make his nose less heinous to look at. Why does a human nose even need to be that massively spread-out? It's main purpose is simply an oxygen conduit.

Yeah, let's put everyone with a nose you don't like in prison.
That should take most of those pesky blacks from shithole countries off the street. :rolleyes:
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Allegedly showed it not whacked her with it and that is minor stuff and again zero corroboration. We have gone down a very slippery slope in politics. Now only Saints and Virgins will be allowed to serve.

I'm okay with that. But here's the real problem. Even assuming these three women are lying, and willing to ruin their own lives with these lies, it's because they think Kananaugh is a real threat to the rights of women. That's kind of the issue here.

If they are all telling the truth, then this is a guy we don't want on the court.
Do USMB Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives wish Cosby to be let off too? You know, being as how these allegations are 30+ year old and everything.

Cosby was found guilty in a court of law, by a unanimous vote of 12 Angry Men.

There were actually witnesses as to day, time, place.
What really affected the guilty verdict was less from witnesses and far more from a contemporaneous deposition where Cosby admitted giving women quaaludes, alcohol and having sex with them.

Giving them qualudes, and alcohol with knowingly and willingly took, and then had sex with him.
He didn't tell them they were ludes. lol

Did they ask? Did he lie?
Do USMB Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives wish Cosby to be let off too? You know, being as how these allegations are 30+ year old and everything.

I do. I consider it a complete miscarriage of justice.

Translation ^ He was critical of black youth and Democrats. Therefore he cannot be guilty of anything.

Sort of the other way around. He was untouchable UNTIL he started being critical of black youth and Democrats.

Then you people turned on him, like the jackals you are.
Rambo is doing his best Trumpian no-nothing shoutout. The one where you haven't looked at science, psychology, or peer reviewed research. Sadly, this has become the Party of Trump - shout soundbites ungrounded in thought, science and reality itself
I'd rather be hitched to Trump than some old hag like you have running around in the deprecated democrat libs have attached yourselves to the old standard....your ancestor hippy's are rolling over in their all look like lying say anything fools....and I love it...just seen a poll that showed approval for republicans is up across the political spectrum...get ready to lose again....#walkaway.....
Sort of the other way around. He was untouchable UNTIL he started being critical of black youth and Democrats.

Then you people turned on him, like the jackals you are.

Naw, man, he was untouchable because he was a celebrity... until people started talking about it.
Plus he is black, and you guys cant ever be critical of black people, unless they leave the plantation like Cosby did. Thats when you pounced on him. Like Correl said, youre jackals.
Plus he is black, and you guys cant ever be critical of black people, unless they leave the plantation like Cosby did. Thats when you pounced on him. Like Correl said, youre jackals.

Oh, please.

If anything, his "leaving the plantation" consisted of sucking up to stupid white people like you.

"Sho, enough, boss, them other negroes shure be shiftless!"

And surprise, surprise, that's when the women he molested got fed up with his moralistic hypocrisy and outed him.

and even then, it took years to bring him down, because we don't go after our celebrities.
Plus he is black, and you guys cant ever be critical of black people, unless they leave the plantation like Cosby did. Thats when you pounced on him. Like Correl said, youre jackals.

Oh, please.

If anything, his "leaving the plantation" consisted of sucking up to stupid white people like you.

"Sho, enough, boss, them other negroes shure be shiftless!"

And surprise, surprise, that's when the women he molested got fed up with his moralistic hypocrisy and outed him.

and even then, it took years to bring him down, because we don't go after our celebrities.
I think it's funny when you mock how black people speak. That was a good one! :laugh:
Most of Cosby's accusers had their claims dismissed due to lying. One woman made a particularly nasty claim of violent rape. She was stupid and actually made up a date. Cos and wife were out of the country. Out of all those women, there are now three.

Bet he gets house arrest.

would be interested in a link on that.
Do USMB Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives wish Cosby to be let off too? You know, being as how these allegations are 30+ year old and everything.
The difference her is, there is evidence. Leave your partisan blinders in the closet.

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