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Bill Cosby

The power of the devil in peoples lives is on display right before our very eyes, and it has been throughout the generations, yet we as a people in this nation are running towards him or to him just as fast as we can go. He is an accuser of the brethren, where as he fools us into believing in something or someone for so long, and just at the right time he pulls the rug out from under them in hopes that he can bring the nation or all that resided around the wounded soul down along with him.

This is his (satan's) game, and Cosby is his bait unto us now, just like so many other icons had been held up in America, yet to then be taken down by the accuser (satan) when the time was just right. Not saying that Cosby is being accused wrongfully, but the way it is being done is typical of the way that that ole devil does things. Look at the time line, and look at how Cosby has turned his life around since I'm thinking, and then look at how positive a figure he had become in so many ways, and in so many peoples lives, yet here he is being taken down right before the nations eyes, and this is perfect in the eyes of satan, because this is how he works. It is his hopes that he destroy as many as he can before the end, and he is sure to get great results in a society who knows not how to be pro-active anymore against him, but instead only to be re-active after it is far to late and the damage is done to so many.

The devil has thrown chum in the water in the form of a human soul once again, and the blood is pouring out of it now, so come all ye sharks to devour your prey, as another one of your icons has fallen. This is what happens when the nation idolizes Hollywood and the federal government over so many other good things this nation once had to offer, but we keep being fooled over and over again don't we by it all ?
Janice stepped forward after the other ones did..I think. But Janice has a mouth on her that would put a sailor to shame and she is NOT a timid woman. Why now? After all this time? I think her claim is bogus. But like I said...not sure about the other women claiming this. Problem is, I have a problem with those who speak up 18 years later. Makes me suspicious of motives and agendas.
Groceries are getting expensive and the welfare is not keeping up with inflation like it should. Maybe they just need money and this is their "kaching" moment?

One of the women was offered a lot of money to tell her story to a tabloid years ago and declined. Money is not the problem, Cosby is the problem.

He joins the likes of Joe Paterno as the honored who fell quickly.
So she SAYS. Again...her word against his.
Can we see the result of the physical exams these women had performed after the assaults took place?

Also, you all realize many of these "attacks" occurred at the height of both the feminist movement and the sexual revolution. Right?
One reason not to come forward would be that nobody would believe a single alleged victim. Cosby was one of the most respected and loved men in the country during the time when these events would have taken place. But once the accusations started, women who earlier felt intimidated felt like they might be believed.

And again I say, PLEASE SPARE ME THE QUOTES FROM HIS FUCKING LAWYER! He is paid to lie. Who the fuck cares what he says? Was here there in the rooms where these assaults took place? Please. If Cosby is willing to look into the camera and deny the fuck out of these allegations, then I'll watch. Otherwise, we have allegations on one side and NO MEANINGFUL DENIAL on his side.

I very sincerely hope that this ends up NOT being true. I grew up with Bill, I really do hope it's a scam, but I have to say, this is not looking very good for Mr. Cosby.
I agree with you, I always like Mr. Cosby and don't want this to be true but we can't ignore all these women coming forward. I want to hear if from the man himself also. All he has to say is I didn't do it or it was consensual.

Some of these stories I'm having problems with as well. Angelia Leslie he forced her to masturbate him? That man wouldn't have a dick and balls left if he did that to me. J/S.
Louisa Moritz said he forced his penis in her mouth. If it were me I would have bit the bastard. I get why they may not have reported it but I don't get why some didn't fight back.

I have never been raped, I have no idea what I would do. To say I what I would do or how, would be impossible.

Thus, I think we need to try and understand what actually happened and go from there.
Well I know what I would do. Someone attacked me and held a knife to my throat. I was only 19. I talked my way out of it and was not raped or hurt. I can't imagine someone just submitting to such an attack. You don't have to fight back physically; if you use your brains, it is possible to get out of it, especially when it is someone who is not a violent rapist--I mean I think it would be even easier with someone who was not holding a gun or knife on you or beating you.

SHE WAS DRUGGED! That is his MO.
One reason not to come forward would be that nobody would believe a single alleged victim. Cosby was one of the most respected and loved men in the country during the time when these events would have taken place. But once the accusations started, women who earlier felt intimidated felt like they might be believed.

And again I say, PLEASE SPARE ME THE QUOTES FROM HIS FUCKING LAWYER! He is paid to lie. Who the fuck cares what he says? Was here there in the rooms where these assaults took place? Please. If Cosby is willing to look into the camera and deny the fuck out of these allegations, then I'll watch. Otherwise, we have allegations on one side and NO MEANINGFUL DENIAL on his side.

I very sincerely hope that this ends up NOT being true. I grew up with Bill, I really do hope it's a scam, but I have to say, this is not looking very good for Mr. Cosby.
I agree with you, I always like Mr. Cosby and don't want this to be true but we can't ignore all these women coming forward. I want to hear if from the man himself also. All he has to say is I didn't do it or it was consensual.

Some of these stories I'm having problems with as well. Angelia Leslie he forced her to masturbate him? That man wouldn't have a dick and balls left if he did that to me. J/S.
Louisa Moritz said he forced his penis in her mouth. If it were me I would have bit the bastard. I get why they may not have reported it but I don't get why some didn't fight back.

I have never been raped, I have no idea what I would do. To say I what I would do or how, would be impossible.

Thus, I think we need to try and understand what actually happened and go from there.
Well I know what I would do. Someone attacked me and held a knife to my throat. I was only 19. I talked my way out of it and was not raped or hurt. I can't imagine someone just submitting to such an attack. You don't have to fight back physically; if you use your brains, it is possible to get out of it, especially when it is someone who is not a violent rapist--I mean I think it would be even easier with someone who was not holding a gun or knife on you or beating you.

SHE WAS DRUGGED! That is his MO.
Yes it seems to be a pattern but not all of them were drugged.

Angelia Leslie didn't drink the drink Cosby allegedly gave her.

Louisa Moritz was in the green room of The Tonight Show when her attack allegedly happened.

Carla Ferrigno makes no mention of any drug.

Therese Serignese and Janice Dickinson were given a drink and a pill/s and told by Cosby to take them? IDK what did they think they were? Tylenol Maybe, they don't say.
I don't know if it's true or not but why do you say none of them felt they would be believed? I think it had more to do with hush money.

Because they could have been in a situation where they felt that if they didn't take the money to keep quiet, their reputations would be destroyed. They could have been threatened, who knows?
Y'all have no idea why women keep quiet about these things. I have quiet about a sexual abuse that occurred 20 years ago. Why? Because the person who abused me was an adult and I was a child, and who would believe a child?
I was assaulted at 17 by a man two years older and in 13 years I have kept quiet. Why? Because he made me believe it was my own fault and I was messed up at the time, suffering from depression, and if I reported it, who is to say they would believe me knowing I was on medication?

So don't fucking judge. Y'all have no idea why these women kept quiet, but I can tell you there in safety in numbers and that is what I am seeing here.
Y'all have no idea why women keep quiet about these things. I have quiet about a sexual abuse that occurred 20 years ago. Why? Because the person who abused me was an adult and I was a child, and who would believe a child?
I was assaulted at 17 by a man two years older and in 13 years I have kept quiet. Why? Because he made me believe it was my own fault and I was messed up at the time, suffering from depression, and if I reported it, who is to say they would believe me knowing I was on medication?

So don't fucking judge. Y'all have no idea why these women kept quiet, but I can tell you there in safety in numbers and that is what I am seeing here.


Y'all have no idea why women keep quiet about these things. I have quiet about a sexual abuse that occurred 20 years ago. Why? Because the person who abused me was an adult and I was a child, and who would believe a child?
I was assaulted at 17 by a man two years older and in 13 years I have kept quiet. Why? Because he made me believe it was my own fault and I was messed up at the time, suffering from depression, and if I reported it, who is to say they would believe me knowing I was on medication?

So don't fucking judge. Y'all have no idea why these women kept quiet, but I can tell you there in safety in numbers and that is what I am seeing here.


It was not one that did not report the assault

It was not two that did not report the assault

It was not three that did not report the assault

It was not four that did not report the assault

This goes on and on

Are we to believe that none of these women thought it best not to report they were raped?????

When does logic come into play?


What are the odds?
I think the major problem with this new witch hunt is the women waiting so long to say something. Anything. Yet, none did until some schmuck comedian brings it forth. Why did even this guy do that NOW? What does he get out of it?

Too many loose ends. Too much time passing. Sorry, but this newest thing of trial by social media and tv media is going way overboard. How many people are truly innocent and are forever harmed due to stories that may not be true? Until they can PROVE it, many will just go with info being spread depending on who is doing the spreading.
Another problem for me is that they are all failed actresses/models or others in entertainment. I think they are looking for a way to get money out of this. Maybe a civil suit, maybe attention, paid interviews, etc. I can believe some women not going to the police, but ALL of them? Not realistic.

Again, if someone raped or assaulted me, I'd go directly to the police. I'd not change or shower or anything. I'd report it and submit to an exam. I would want the rapist to be arrested and charged and spend time in prison. It was the 80s. We knew in the 80s the authorities would support women who were raped. We went through all of that in the early 60s. Before that women had a hard time reporting rapes, but now, especially if they have evidence, physical evidence, they are given support and credibility. Plus, every community has a rape hotline. Why didn't any of these women call a rape hotline? Why did NONE of them reach out to anyone?

The comedian doesn't like Cosby criticizing blacks and he also is a loser, no way near the fame and fortune Cosby has: jealousy.
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I think the major problem with this new witch hunt is the women waiting so long to say something. Anything. Yet, none did until some schmuck comedian brings it forth. Why did even this guy do that NOW? What does he get out of it?

Too many loose ends. Too much time passing. Sorry, but this newest thing of trial by social media and tv media is going way overboard. How many people are truly innocent and are forever harmed due to stories that may not be true? Until they can PROVE it, many will just go with info being spread depending on who is doing the spreading.
Another problem for me is that they are all failed actresses/models or others in entertainment. I think they are looking for a way to get money out of this. Maybe a civil suit, maybe attention, paid interviews, etc. I can believe some women not going to the police, but ALL of them? Not realistic.

The comedian doesn't like Cosby criticizing blacks and he also is a loser, no way near the fame and fortune Cosby has: jealousy.

Hey stupid...The staute of limitation is up on his crimes. There is no purpose in going to the police.
Y'all have no idea why women keep quiet about these things. I have quiet about a sexual abuse that occurred 20 years ago. Why? Because the person who abused me was an adult and I was a child, and who would believe a child?
I was assaulted at 17 by a man two years older and in 13 years I have kept quiet. Why? Because he made me believe it was my own fault and I was messed up at the time, suffering from depression, and if I reported it, who is to say they would believe me knowing I was on medication?

So don't fucking judge. Y'all have no idea why these women kept quiet, but I can tell you there in safety in numbers and that is what I am seeing here.
So what happened to Herman Cains accusers ? Was that just to derail his presidency, because the timing sure was suspect wasn't it ? Funny how when he didn't get the nomination, they just faded away isn't it ?

Has Bill been up to a lot of political activity lately ? Hmm.

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