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Bill Cosby

Why are you being so annoying? Watergate and Nixon, no matter who brought it to our attention, were dealt with by Congress, according to the law of the land. Your posting is childish and annoying, and extremely tiresome. I will no longer respond to any of your posts. Grow the fuck up.
Thank you, I hate wasting my time on bloviators.
Ps it was the freedom of speech and the press that brought watergate to the publics attention.
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The ignorance here is astounding.

Why would Cosby have to rape, he was a good-looking wealthy man and surely could get plenty of women to have sex with him. (I'm paraphrasing, but that's the essence.)

What an idiotic statement, from someone who clearly has no grasp of what rape is about - hint, it's not about sex.

The three of you are a circle jerk of idiots.
The ignorance here is astounding.

Why would Cosby have to rape, he was a good-looking wealthy man and surely could get plenty of women to have sex with him. (I'm paraphrasing, but that's the essence.)

What an idiotic statement, from someone who clearly has no grasp of what rape is about - hint, it's not about sex.

The three of you are a circle jerk of idiots.
I don't know who you are talking to but I don't agree that rape isn't about sex, I hear that often and don't understand it. It isn't ALL about sex but sex is definitely a bit part of the motivation. A guy wants something so they take it. Like stealing your money, the money is a big part of the equation.

If Cosby did give that gal a sleeping pill it isn't really about power is it?
Sorry gang, Cosby is going down with this one, I think.

There are going to be some people coming forward who are going to lie about this to get money, but some of these women are telling the truth.

Anyone see the footage of Cosby starring down the reporter, DEMANDING to not replay the tape of him refusing to answer the allegations?

Bill Cosby refuses to answer rape accusations questions - NY Daily News

He looked guilty as hell to me.

I have been a victim of being lied about in court; even I see this for what it might be.

I was a fan of Bill all my life, but something is not right here.
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50 year old allegations should be treated as 50 year old allegations.


Provide proof or STFU

What kind of proof is going to be required?

We are to NEVER listen to someone's testimony and consider any of it as evidence?

Too much smoke here to ignore the fire.

Not that anything will happen to Bill at this point

If the fire exists, thus the reason for solid evidence, not speculation.
So...why did all these women wait so long? Something is very wrong with this. Did Bill piss off enough people telling black folks to pull their pants up, stop cussing, get a job, take care of their baby mama's and children, and this is paybacks or something?

Or..is he guilty as hell? And if so..again..why did they wait so long to report it?
I asked myself the same thing but with all these women coming out of the woodwork it makes you wonder.

Lou Ferrigno's wife Carla Ferrigno latest to accuse Bill Cosby of assault
Published November 21, 2014
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Judge Alex weighs in on Cosby sexual-assault allegation

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That’s the number of women who have come forward to publicly claim Bill Cosby sexually abused them, or attempted to.

They say they are telling their stories after enduring years fearful or embarrassing silence, but Cosby’s lawyer has come out against some of the women, calling them liars and opportunists, and labeling the press coverage a “feeding frenzy.”

Carla Ferrigno, who is now married to bodybuilder Lou Ferrigno, is the latest Cosby accuser. Ferrigno was working as a Playboy Bunny in 1967 when she said she went on a double date with the comedian and his wife. She claims the date ended up at the Cosbys’ house, and when Cosby’s wife Camille retired for the evening, and her companion disappeared, Cosby attacked her.

"He was much bigger than me. Much bigger and he pulled me so hard and so rough. I had never been treated so roughly and he pulled me hard to him so hard,” she told the Daily Mail. “And then kissed me so hard, right in the mouth. No one has ever been that physically violent with me. I was stunned. I was frozen. I took all my body strength and used both of my arms to stop him and push him away from me. He was so forceful."

She said she was speaking out because "I want to be one of those women. One more nail in the coffin."

Former model and actress Angelia Leslie told The Daily News that the comedian forced her to masturbate him in a hotel room in 1992. She said he offered her a drink but she refused.

"I couldn't drink it. I tasted it and put it down,” she said. “Then he asked me to go into the bathroom and wet my hair. I walked back out, and he had removed his clothing and gotten into bed.” She said Cosby poured lotion into her palm and put her hand on him, and his on hers. "He masturbated with my hand. I wasn't pulling back. I was in shock."

Actress Louisa Moritz told TMZ that she was at the NBC studios in 1971 waiting in the green room for an appearance on “The Tonight Show” when Cosby came in and "suddenly approached me and took out his penis, which was now in the line of my face [she's 5' tall] and pressed up against it."

"He took his hands and put them on the back of my head and forced his penis in my mouth, saying, 'have a taste of this. It will do you good in so many ways."

Therese Serignese, now a nurse in Boca Raton, said the television icon raped her in 1976 when she was 19 years old following a show in Las Vegas. She said she went backstage and when the two were alone, Cosby gave her two pills and a glass of water, saying, "Take these."

"My next memory is clearly feeling drugged, being without my clothes, standing up," she said. "Bill Cosby was behind me, having sex with me."

Barbara Bowman, an aspiring actress, said in a Nov. 13 Washington Post column that she was 17 and blacked out after Cosby drugged her, waking up to find herself in panties and a man's T-shirt with the television icon looming over her. She said she was certain she was raped.

Joan Tarshis on Monday said she was a 19-year-old who wanted to be a comedy writer when Cosby gave her a drink and forced her to perform oral sex on him.

Janice Dickinson on Tuesday told "Entertainment Tonight" that Cosby had given her red wine and a pill when they were together in a Lake Tahoe, California, hotel room in 1982. Cosby's lawyer, Martin Singer, said in a letter to the AP that Dickinson's charges were "false and outlandish."

Tamara Green wrote an opinion piece Wednesday for "Entertainment Tonight." In 2005, Green publicly claimed that she was drugged and Cosby attempted to assault her; Cosby's lawyers have previously denied they knew each other.

In addition, Andrea Constand filed a civil suit against Cosby in 2005, which lawyers said would include testimony from 13 unnamed women. The suit was settled out of court.

Cosby's attorney Marty Singer has blasted many of the accounts. "People coming out of nowhere with this sort of inane yarn is what happens in a media-driven feeding frenzy," he said.

Cosby spokesman David Brokaw did not respond to a AP’s for comment. Singer, in a statement released Sunday, criticized previous "decades-old, discredited allegations," stating that "the fact that they are being repeated does not make them true."

Cosby made no mention of the allegations Thursday during a benefit performance in the Bahamas for a women's service organization. He stuck to his routine, including stories about his childhood growing up in the projects of Philadelphia. There were few empty seats in the house and a few people gave him an ovation when he finished his set.

Some in the audience said the allegations against Cosby remain unproven and they added that his performance was a benefit for what they felt was a good cause.

Dozens of Cosby's television and comedy colleagues have either refused to comment or not returned telephone calls from The Associated Press in recent days.

Cosby declined to comment in two recorded interviews by The Associated Press and National Public Radio.

- The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Lou Ferrigno s wife Carla Ferrigno latest to accuse Bill Cosby of assault Fox News
I think the clock has run out for charges. He'll be tried in the court of public opinion though, and for celebrities, it's feast or famine. I think he'll end up fading into obscurity.
Ohh I love blame the victim threads FULL of innuendo

"Why'd they wait so long?" "Why now?" etc etc

Bitch shoulda said something earlier but since she waited it didnt happen!
Don Lemon actually suggested to one woman she should have bit his dick.

She said it never occurred to her.

Now, if I had a dick in my mouth, the first thing that would occur to me would be to bite it off and bleed the son of a bitch to death.
I'm beginning to. Smoke=Fire. But...I still think it chickenshit to wait so long to speak up. I woulda been picketing his shows out front with a HUGE sign...I would have approached every news source I could find..and I would have hired a lawyer to make damn sure he was busted. I would NOT have waited 30 fucking years...alone or not.
My whole problem with the waiting thing is that assholes get away with it for years, and silence means more and more victims.
I think the clock has run out for charges. He'll be tried in the court of public opinion though, and for celebrities, it's feast or famine. I think he'll end up fading into obscurity.

No statute on a crime like that - only federally. States will differ, I know that in Maryland, that there isn't.
Don Lemon actually suggested to one woman she should have bit his dick.

She said it never occurred to her.

Now, if I had a dick in my mouth, the first thing that would occur to me would be to bite it off and bleed the son of a bitch to death.

Hopefully, I would just avoid getting a dick in my mouth, altogether.
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He either is guilty or not. We can't let the fact that he is a big star convolute our thinking over this.

Because he's a big star is the only reason this is even being discussed.




  1. make (an argument, story, etc.) complex and difficult to follow.

If he were not a big star, he would have not had the opportunity to abuse his status as a celebrity.

I agree that no one would care about this case if Bill were not famous. If he indeed did this, I Sincerely hope that justice is served.
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