Bill Gates: Trump told me he doesn't believe in vaccines

This is very dangerous. Many Trump supporters are now going to choose to avoid a vaccine, because they will think it's inefficient as their leader said.

Sure he did. Next lie.
Contrary to the facts Gates claimed, “a variety of early missteps by the US” and “the political atmosphere” prevented the country from creating nationwide lockdown measures and starting testing that helped other countries fare better in battling the coronavirus pandemic.



Wouldn't it be better if Gates tells the American people HOW he slipped Fauci, his partner in the Gates Foundation's operations, who deliberately tried to disorient the administration, to President Trump?

And I have another question for Gates and his accomplices from Good Club: WHY are the consequences of COVID-19 disease so ABSOLUTELY similar to the effects of coronavirus, created at the Institute of Virology, owned by Gates and located in England, in poultry ???
This is very dangerous. Many Trump supporters are now going to choose to avoid a vaccine, because they will think it's inefficient as their leader said.

How many threads are you liars gonna start over this crap?

The Communist Democrats are desperate because they know deep inside that Senile Joe and the Communist Democrats are going to take a bad beating on November 3rd losing the Presidential Election and the Republicans also win control of Congress. :D
Contrary to the facts Gates claimed, “a variety of early missteps by the US” and “the political atmosphere” prevented the country from creating nationwide lockdown measures and starting testing that helped other countries fare better in battling the coronavirus pandemic.

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Wouldn't it be better if Gates tells the American people HOW he slipped Fauci, his partner in the Gates Foundation's operations, who deliberately tried to disorient the administration, to President Trump?

And I have another question for Gates and his accomplices from Good Club: WHY are the consequences of COVID-19 disease so ABSOLUTELY similar to the effects of coronavirus, created at the Institute of Virology, owned by Gates and located in England, in poultry ???

Did he have anything to say about China's actions?
Why didn't Gates know what was going on...shit isn't this what event 201 was all about
This is very dangerous. Many Trump supporters are now going to choose to avoid a vaccine, because they will think it's inefficient as their leader said.

Wow you must be a lover of mass murderer Obama the fact that RFK unlike Gates has credibility and not a liar as he is.only a fool would take the vaccine the FACT that RFK as well as many others including expert doctors,have exposed Gates for the mass murderer he is murdering thousands if not millions of People in Africa who all died after his vaccine was administrated to them.

the fact the government toots his horn and his name is constantly being mentioned in being a major player in this vaccine,the fact that Sheep like YOU are eager to line up,and go into the slaughterhouse and take Gates vaccine he gives you is what’s scary and dangerous to YOU and the other thousands of sheep in America.

you will have made the elite very happy campers so eager to line up in their slaughterhouse to take their poison they put into your body.nice well done,congrats on doing thier bidding making them happy to fulfill their Agenda they have had planned for decades against us which they finally got the ball rolling on it and started this year.

Nice,well done being their good little obedient sheep.thumbs up.
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This is very dangerous. Many Trump supporters are now going to choose to avoid a vaccine, because they will think it's inefficient as their leader said.

You fools are getting desperate. When you see the election slipping away you idiots will resort to anything.

This is very dangerous. Many Trump supporters are now going to choose to avoid a vaccine, because they will think it's inefficient as their leader said.

Hmmm, well India stopped using Gates polio vaccine...and guess what

Well, do your own homework and find out

Exactly,well done,unlike him,you HAVE done your homework.He no doubt is clueless about event 201 I comedy gold.

The first person that replied to the op said it so perfectly well,these fools indeed ARE getting so desperate that when they see that the election is slipping away,they indeed WILL get so desperate they will resort to
This is very dangerous. Many Trump supporters are now going to choose to avoid a vaccine, because they will think it's inefficient as their leader said.

If Gates really said that, it is clear Gates is no longer playing with a full deck. The President has spent billions of dollars around the world buying up contracts on the most promising vaccines so that every American will be able to be vaccinated, but WHO and Fauci have recently said they don't have a lot of confidence that vaccines will solve the problem. Maybe in his old age, Gates got their names confused with Trump's.
This is very dangerous. Many Trump supporters are now going to choose to avoid a vaccine, because they will think it's inefficient as their leader said.

LMAO ...

Only the MOST STUPIDEST among us would believe ANYTHING that Communist POS has to say ....

Fuckin' Leftist ....

Go Figure !!!!

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