Bill introduced that would stop the pay of those in congress in the event of a shutdown

Hopefully that back pay goes away completely. But in any case? This had zero chance of making through either the Senate or the House.
Progress on bill to avoid gov't shutdown...

Bill to avoid government shutdown moves in Congress
Thu Sep 24, 2015: Republican leaders in the U.S. Congress on Thursday began advancing bills urgently needed to avoid federal agency shutdowns on Oct. 1 while navigating conservatives' demands to punish Planned Parenthood over an abortion controversy.
The Senate defeated Republican efforts to use a funding extension bill to cut off money to Planned Parenthood, clearing the way for a version without that provision that extends all previous funding through Dec. 11. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky has set the first procedural vote on that measure for Monday, two days before the federal fiscal year ends on Sept. 30. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner, meanwhile, laid out similar options in a closed-door meeting with Republican conservatives, who oppose any spending bill allowing federal funds to go to Planned Parenthood amid allegations that it improperly sold tissue harvested from aborted fetuses. The nonprofit women's healthcare group has denied any wrongdoing.

Lawmakers leaving the meeting declined to say whether Boehner would defy their demands and hold a vote on a "clean" funding bill. House Republican leadership aides said that the Ohio congressman is considering alternatives, including a separate Planned Parenthood defunding bill using special procedures to ease passage through both chambers of Congress. President Barack Obama would likely veto it. While no final decisions were made, Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana, a member of the House Republican leadership, told reporters: "We're going to keep attacking this (abortion) on many fronts." He said possibilities included bills for a moratorium on Planned Parenthood funds and effectively banning late-term abortions. House Republicans will discuss the plans again on Friday morning.


Boston police officers stand in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Boston, Massachusetts

Before Thursday's Senate vote, the White House warned that Obama would veto legislation to continue funding the government if it strips away federal money for Planned Parenthood, setting up the showdown with anti-abortion advocates. For weeks, many Republicans have vowed to punish the organization following the release of secretly taped videos in which Planned Parenthood officials discussed harvesting tissue from aborted fetuses for medical research. The group receives over $500 million in government funds annually for non-abortion activities. Republican aides also said lawmakers were considering ramping up congressional investigations of Planned Parenthood.

The effort to defund Planned Parenthood is also being waged in states. On Thursday, the Republican-led Wisconsin Assembly approved a bill banning the state from using federal family planning money from going to Planned Parenthood and other organizations that perform abortions. The bill needs state Senate approval and Governor Scott Walker's signature before becoming law.

Bill to avoid government shutdown moves in Congress

How about you include cutting the presidents pay at the same time?

Otherwise it's a completely unbalanced bill.

Not that anyone in congress would vote for it. It would be like that bring back the draft bill Biden wrote so he could try to scare kids by claiming there was a bill in congress to bring back the draft and imply it was republicans who wanted it.

Congress gets paid by lobbyist.
Why is only considered a "clean" bill if it makes the mulatto messiah happy? Fuck that slimy piece of chicago gutter trash.
Why is only considered a "clean" bill if it makes the mulatto messiah happy? Fuck that slimy piece of chicago gutter trash.

A clean bill to the democrats is one so full of earmarks that Hillary's donors will be extremely happy.

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