Bill is back


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
The head hunting liberals Can't keep a good man down;

Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News - O'Reilly's Back: Trump's Poll Numbers, Ann Coulter's Safety, and More

"So, the Top Story that I want to tell you about, that I think is very interesting, is there are a couple of polls about President Trump today. One is the Washington Post, and they basically have Trump’s approval rating around 40%, 42%. His disapproval rating in the low 50s.

All of the polls say the same thing: well, this is unprecedented, no president in his first hundred days polled this low.

But then they deceive, as the mainstream media does, on a daily basis.

No president has ever entered office with as much negative publicity and hatred directed toward him as Donald Trump. In the history of our republic, no president has come under that kind of withering criticism, particularly by the press that wanted Hillary Clinton to win.

So, we expect it from the Democratic Party, and if the roles were reversed, the Republican Party would be slaughtering Hillary Clinton.

That’s what parties do.

But the press is supposed to be objective and certainly, certainly, they are not. They want to destroy Trump’s presidency. So, for him to poll in the low 40s favorable isn’t that bad!

But here’s the kicker: in the Washington Post poll, it says that if an election were held tomorrow, Donald Trump would still beat Hillary Clinton 43% to 40% in a hypothetical rematch tomorrow."

Chop off his head and he will become stronger. Hasn't any liberal head hunter media slime watched Star Wars?
You can follow Bill on his web page. Make the Fox regret their thoughtless action.
From prime time television, to podcasts and youtube :laugh:

The world is now a better place
TV is old news for old dudes like you. TV news is over. Cable is being cut more and more everyday. Welcome to 2017 Old dude. Turn off the brainwashing tube!

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