Bill Kristol Prediction Likely Means Hillary Landslide in 2016

There's a whole lot I dislike about her, but that is also true about every candidate I've been presented with. I was mostly satisfied last time they were in office, so I would consider them again. I just hope Bill doesn't embarass us again with his lack of impulse control.

If she runs and wins it'll be sort of like Ike. Nobody was really sure if he was really a republican, but we were looking for an adult to clean up the mess.

Ike turned out to be a pretty good President.
I don't think Hilary will end up running at all.

But Bill Kristol does have quite the history of being wrong about nearly everything.

It's not just his being wrong that's the problem.

It's his inability to admit he was wrong.

I don't mean harmless political predictions, but this clown was one of the biggest cheerleaders for the Iraq War. And a trillion dollars lost and a million dead, and the guy really can't admit it was a screwup.
Yup. Bill Crystal.

Guess I'll give that all the consideration its due.


Duh....Better read a little more closely.
Don't you know your leading Republicans?

Yes. How else would we know he isnt one of them?

Are you saying that he's not a "leading Republican"? Or that he's not a "Republican"?

I'll admit he's not as much of leading light as he was during Bush's term, but he's still most certainly a Republican.
I don't think Hilary will end up running at all.

But Bill Kristol does have quite the history of being wrong about nearly everything.

It's not just his being wrong that's the problem.

It's his inability to admit he was wrong.

I don't mean harmless political predictions, but this clown was one of the biggest cheerleaders for the Iraq War. And a trillion dollars lost and a million dead, and the guy really can't admit it was a screwup.

No one in politics admits any mistakes until decades later.
Pretty much anyone who calls himself a pundit is wrong almost by definition. The only guy I trust is Joe Trippi who used to be Howard Dean's former campaign manager. The guy is uncanny. Everyone else....meh.
Pretty much anyone who calls himself a pundit is wrong almost by definition. The only guy I trust is Joe Trippi who used to be Howard Dean's former campaign manager. The guy is uncanny. Everyone else....meh.

If only Bill Kristol was just a pundit.

He's actually a policy guy. He was the founder of PNAC.
Sounds about right. Who better to pound the last nail into this once great country's coffin.
Pretty much anyone who calls himself a pundit is wrong almost by definition. The only guy I trust is Joe Trippi who used to be Howard Dean's former campaign manager. The guy is uncanny. Everyone else....meh.

If only Bill Kristol was just a pundit.

He's actually a policy guy. He was the founder of PNAC.

I always thought he was a doofus who was overly fond of himself. But maybe that is just me.
Pundit Who's Often Wrong Thinks Hillary Is Toast In 2016, If She Even Runs

Because he is so often wrong, we can assume that the opposite will come true.

If Hillary Clinton had any doubts about her chances in 2016, she might be reassured by Bill Kristol's latest column.

Undeterred by his famously spotty track record — and by every public poll showing Clinton miles ahead of her prospective Democratic rivals — Kristol is skeptical of the former secretary of state's prospects in her party's primary.

Hillary is very likely to be out of step with the Democratic primary electorate in 2016—too close to Wall Street, too establishment, a prominent part of an administration that employed drone strikes and used the NSA in all sorts of dastardly ways. For Democrats in 2016, Hillary Clinton might be too much of a .  .  . Clinton Democrat. She’ll have a tougher nomination fight than everyone now expects.

Punditry is a great job if you can get it. No credentials. No track record. No nothing to prove you know what you're talking about.

America: What a country -- you can get paid to talk out of your ass.

He's going the way of Karl Rove with some serious credibility issues. As I recall Kristol "discovered" Sarah Palin and started dragging his fellow GOP leaders to Alaska to meet her when she had just assumed office as governor. That's reason enough to blow the guy off a long time ago.

that, and he was the founder of the Project for a New American Century (group that goaded President's into occupying Iraq until one did.)
Pundit Who's Often Wrong Thinks Hillary Is Toast In 2016, If She Even Runs

Because he is so often wrong, we can assume that the opposite will come true.

If Hillary Clinton had any doubts about her chances in 2016, she might be reassured by Bill Kristol's latest column.

Undeterred by his famously spotty track record — and by every public poll showing Clinton miles ahead of her prospective Democratic rivals — Kristol is skeptical of the former secretary of state's prospects in her party's primary.

Hillary is very likely to be out of step with the Democratic primary electorate in 2016—too close to Wall Street, too establishment, a prominent part of an administration that employed drone strikes and used the NSA in all sorts of dastardly ways. For Democrats in 2016, Hillary Clinton might be too much of a .  .  . Clinton Democrat. She’ll have a tougher nomination fight than everyone now expects.

Punditry is a great job if you can get it. No credentials. No track record. No nothing to prove you know what you're talking about.

America: What a country -- you can get paid to talk out of your ass.

I get it, Kristol has a spotty track record so when he sez Hillary might not even win a primary the radical left thinks it's good news because Kristol is sometimes wrong. That's a slim thing to hang your hat on but when the radical left is plumb out of good news they grasp at any straw.

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