Bill Kristol, RINO

He is why most Republican voters identify as "independent."

These are the Swamp Creatures we are praying Trump marginalizes.

“I’m no fan of Obama and intend to vote for a non-Trump Republican in 2020, but even I’ll admit in light of Trump’s tweet that it would be kind of great if Michelle Obama ran in 2020 and crushed Trump.”

Bill Cristol, Steve Schmidt, Rick Wilson, David Frum, Nicole Wallace and even Joe Walsh have been working overtime cultivating the sane GOP base while introducing themselves to liberals like me who want to hear what they have to say.

Some of them, ( Wilson and Frum, especially ) will never forgive Ryan and McConnell. In fact, they are actually coming clean on some of the times they PERSONALLY played loose with the facts in order to gin up the dopey "Tea Party" base.

If they go the extra step and condemn supply side economics and announce their desire to save SS and Medicare, they might even be allowed in our tent.

You idiots have lost the people on your side who actually know stuff and can't be bought. All you have is morons and opportunitists.
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rush limbaugh oct. 1995:

"Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be
convicted and they ought to be sent up."

rush limbaugh april 2006


'nuff said.
/——-/ Yes Rush broke the law and bought illegal drugs. And I only hope you or a member of your family is in such excruciating pain and becomes addicted to doctor prescribed OxyContin and resorts to buying it on the street when the doctors cut them off.
Love excuse and curse all rolled into one post...:71:
/———/ No excuses. He broke the law and paid a dear price. Oxy left him 100% deaf. He needs cochlear implants.

he had his housekeeper do it, didn't he's a hypocrite AND a coward in more ways than one.
/——/ Yes drug addiction makes people do bad things. I wonder how you’d act if you got hooked on Rx pain killers and the doctor cut you off.
rush limbaugh oct. 1995:

"Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be
convicted and they ought to be sent up."

rush limbaugh april 2006


'nuff said.
/——-/ Yes Rush broke the law and bought illegal drugs. And I only hope you or a member of your family is in such excruciating pain and becomes addicted to doctor prescribed OxyContin and resorts to buying it on the street when the doctors cut them off.
Love excuse and curse all rolled into one post...:71:
/———/ No excuses. He broke the law and paid a dear price. Oxy left him 100% deaf. He needs cochlear implants.

he had his housekeeper do it, didn't he's a hypocrite AND a coward in more ways than one.
/——/ Yes drug addiction makes people do bad things. I wonder how you’d act if you got hooked on Rx pain killers and the doctor cut you off.
rush limbaugh oct. 1995:

"Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be
convicted and they ought to be sent up."

rush limbaugh april 2006


'nuff said.
/——-/ Yes Rush broke the law and bought illegal drugs. And I only hope you or a member of your family is in such excruciating pain and becomes addicted to doctor prescribed OxyContin and resorts to buying it on the street when the doctors cut them off.

i certainly do have empathy. but your pimple on his ass draft dodging hypocrite is just THAT. a hypocrite & btw- a lot of people that are heroin addicts NOW were once oxy & vicodin addicts until their doctors cut them off. but that fat fuck certainly wouldn't have cared about them because ' that's different '. so save it dittohead.
/——/ You have nothing but contempt for Rush because he doesn’t carry democrats water.
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He is why most Republican voters identify as "independent."

These are the Swamp Creatures we are praying Trump marginalizes.

“I’m no fan of Obama and intend to vote for a non-Trump Republican in 2020, but even I’ll admit in light of Trump’s tweet that it would be kind of great if Michelle Obama ran in 2020 and crushed Trump.”
Donald Trump is the only Republican in the whooooooooole world.
rush limbaugh oct. 1995:

"Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be
convicted and they ought to be sent up."

rush limbaugh april 2006


'nuff said.
/——-/ Yes Rush broke the law and bought illegal drugs. And I only hope you or a member of your family is in such excruciating pain and becomes addicted to doctor prescribed OxyContin and resorts to buying it on the street when the doctors cut them off.
Love excuse and curse all rolled into one post...:71:
/———/ No excuses. He broke the law and paid a dear price. Oxy left him 100% deaf. He needs cochlear implants.

he had his housekeeper do it, didn't he's a hypocrite AND a coward in more ways than one.
/——/ Yes drug addiction makes people do bad things. I wonder how you’d act if you got hooked on Rx pain killers and the doctor cut you off.

he's a hypocrite. your crocodile tears aren't CONvincing anybody. i listen enough to rush to see him for what he is. megadildo!
He is why most Republican voters identify as "independent."

These are the Swamp Creatures we are praying Trump marginalizes.

“I’m no fan of Obama and intend to vote for a non-Trump Republican in 2020, but even I’ll admit in light of Trump’s tweet that it would be kind of great if Michelle Obama ran in 2020 and crushed Trump.”

He is a neocon. His father founded the movement.
He is why most Republican voters identify as "independent."

These are the Swamp Creatures we are praying Trump marginalizes.

“I’m no fan of Obama and intend to vote for a non-Trump Republican in 2020, but even I’ll admit in light of Trump’s tweet that it would be kind of great if Michelle Obama ran in 2020 and crushed Trump.”

you trumpscum are the RINOS. he is a real conservative.

he's just not insane.... or a freak internet troll

Yur a hawt princess lawyer internet troll, though, amirite?

She's a better lawyer than Barack Obama

My Shih Tzu is a better lawyer than Obama.

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