Bill Maher Challenges PC Leftist Cultural Communist With the TRUTH!


May 23, 2014
Hey Democrats! Wake-up! If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a fucking duck. This is a CHINESE VIRUS it started in China, it spread because the rat bastards wouldn't admit to having the outbreak in their perfect communist society (aka the same Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Acasio Cortez, society they want for the United States) because a state without a Bill of Rights cannot own up to its mistakes.
Always good when Maher slams the PC zealots. A liberal who isn't afraid to hold his side accountable for its idiocy.

I wish there were more like him.

The Right sure could use them too, holy crap.
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"perfect communist society (aka the same Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Acasio Cortez, society they want for the United States) "

Welp, bushy is on another one of his commie, pinko, socialist, athiest, antichrist, zero sum trickle down, cut taxes for the rich, economics OPs. Or was it about the Truth...or Bill Maher...or some other socialist communist he wants to comshaw to prove his useless point, but I digress ...
Stop hating on China. This is a FAUCI virus. It is easily curable with currently available, inexpensive things. The governors in the USA and douchebag local politicians and police who usurped the US Constitution are worse than any Commie from the Chinese government.
Bill is just another phony progressive like O. He is a corporatist big government asshole pretending to be independent. He’s made his millions and wants the status quo to continue. He will fully support Biden who is to the right of Dumb Don.

This is most accurate. From Caitlin Johnstone...know the truth!!!

Without being raised in a media environment saturated with establishment propaganda it would never occur to anyone to call a violent authoritarian extremist like Joe Biden a "moderate".

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