Bill Maher explains Hollywood's Racism...It's because Asians are racist!


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
This is funny on so many levels my head is spinning.

From a recent show:

MAHER: Part of it is, and this is the dirty little secret, is that most movies are made now in the eyes of a foreign market. And Asians really are racist.

ALAN GRAYSON: You just called them racist, which makes you racist.

LIZ MAIR: You're going to stoke a ton of outrage now.

MAHER: I'm just honest. They are. They don't want to see black people, generally, in their movies. And Hollywood executives are like, 'we're not racist, we just have to pretend we're racists because we're capitalists.' We want to sell our movie in China, so they don't like Kevin Hart."

And guess what? He's probably right. Asians are notoriously, and to a great extent, proudly, racist, and

the Asian market is HUGE.

lol, money is the root of all evil.

Bill Maher on Liberal Culture: "Donald Trump Is Largely A Result Of A Backlash To Political Correctness"
Will one of Obama's last acts as President be to impose sanctions against Asian countries that
don't go to American movies featuring blacks?
If he can't do sanctions maybe some executive order.
Hitler is good for business? Nice hypothesis.

That would make sense as to why the admin and moderators often let these low post loose cannon storm front flakes hit and run post these forums, it's good for page views.

It's a moment of brilliance on Maher's part because it's factual. It's established fact that Hollywood panders to the Asian market,
and it's common knowledge that Asians are happily racist.
Isn't one of the lead characters in the new Star Wars
And didn't it make like a few hundred bazillion $$$ world wide?
Will one of Obama's last acts as President be to impose sanctions against Asian countries that
don't go to American movies featuring blacks?
If he can't do sanctions maybe some executive order.

Hey...he's got a pen and a phone.

Townsend Cross moved their manufacturing from Rhode Island to that might not work so well.

And almost all phones are made in Asia...but luckily the exception is Obama's forlorn Blackberry. It's made in Mexico.
Isn't the President of the Academy an African American woman?

Academy President.png

On July 30, 2013 she was elected as the 35th president of AMPAS. Boone Isaacs is the first African American to hold this office, and the third woman...

It's a moment of brilliance on Maher's part because it's factual. It's established fact that Hollywood panders to the Asian market,
and it's common knowledge that Asians are happily racist.
and it's common knowledge that Asians are happily racist.

How come I've never heard it.

Gee, I don't know. Go argue with Bill Maher. Maybe he's wrong.

That's probably more likely. He's usually wrong more often than Limbaugh and Beck combined. And generally, that's quite hard to do.

The RW'ers love Maher when he happens to say something they agree with, his rants against political correctness for example.
and it's common knowledge that Asians are happily racist.

How come I've never heard it.

Gee, I don't know. Go argue with Bill Maher. Maybe he's wrong.

That's probably more likely. He's usually wrong more often than Limbaugh and Beck combined. And generally, that's quite hard to do.
Proof? Or was that a sound bite?

Eh, you got me, it was a sound bit. . . from Maher. :badgrin:

I mean, let's face it, one is only on a pea diddly cable channel that requires premium access. He says what ever outrageous bullshit he wants, there are no advertisers to be offended, it is basically what the folks watching and paying for want to hear.

They others are nationally syndicated, have to worry about what hundreds of station managers, ad execs., companies, products and the market will think about what they say, IOW, their speech and their remarks are checked by the reality of the markets. Just wiki Limbaugh, his controversies, how it affected his success and the interaction with the mass markets. The simple fact is, when Maher tried to go mainstream. . . . He FAILED. He just couldn't get away with his bogus POV.

Frankly, I think the Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, and the rest of these conservative talking heads are a bit clown like in their bloviating, but they allow real Americans to get in on their shows with the truth occasionally. That would never happen with those elitist corporate puppets pushing their internationalist cultural Marxist agenda.

The truth is found, right in the left wing MSM.

Bill Maher Distinguishes Himself From Limbaugh’s ‘Slut’ Remark: ‘I Don’t Have Sponsors’

Rush Limbaugh and Bill Maher Are Alike--and Also Very Different
That should be, Bill Maher Distinguishes Himself from Limbaugh. . . 'I Don't Have Supporters' :lmao:
Well, as long there's a good excuse for their racism it must be okay...

Bill Maher & NYcarbineer: Accepting of racism, as long as it's good for business...
This is funny on so many levels my head is spinning.

From a recent show:

MAHER: Part of it is, and this is the dirty little secret, is that most movies are made now in the eyes of a foreign market. And Asians really are racist.

ALAN GRAYSON: You just called them racist, which makes you racist.

LIZ MAIR: You're going to stoke a ton of outrage now.

MAHER: I'm just honest. They are. They don't want to see black people, generally, in their movies. And Hollywood executives are like, 'we're not racist, we just have to pretend we're racists because we're capitalists.' We want to sell our movie in China, so they don't like Kevin Hart."

And guess what? He's probably right. Asians are notoriously, and to a great extent, proudly, racist, and

the Asian market is HUGE.

lol, money is the root of all evil.

Bill Maher on Liberal Culture: "Donald Trump Is Largely A Result Of A Backlash To Political Correctness"

- An Asian Manager I had one time told me not to hire an anglo job applicant for a technical position because Asians were better.

- A Chinese Manager told me not to do business with Indians.

- An Indian Manager told me he was concerned with my immediate manager being Jewish.

- A Chinese Manager told me to be careful of doing business with Koreans.

.....All of this in the shadow of our Nation's Capital.

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