Bill Maher Is The Voice Of Reason When It Comes Political Commentary


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
He is smart, consistent, and has a level of integrity that people like Hannity or O'Reilly will never scratch the surface of. No commentator's ideology is driven more by factual information and critical thinking. Everyone should watch his show which always consists of a panel containing perspectives from both sides of the aisle.
He is smart, consistent, and has a level of integrity that people like Hannity or O'Reilly will never scratch the surface of. No commentator's ideology is driven more by factual information and critical thinking. Everyone should watch his show which always consists of a panel containing perspectives from both sides of the aisle.
No his panels consist of one conservative and several liberals and the entire show is spent tag teaming the Conservative.
He is smart, consistent, and has a level of integrity that people like Hannity or O'Reilly will never scratch the surface of. No commentator's ideology is driven more by factual information and critical thinking. Everyone should watch his show which always consists of a panel containing perspectives from both sides of the aisle.
No his panels consist of one conservative and several liberals and the entire show is spent tag teaming the Conservative.
Apparently you have never even watched the show. He has a panel of 3 to start. Sometimes it is two conservatives, sometimes it is two liberals. It depends on the schedule. A 4th guest joins later which usually doesn't have a strong political affiliation.
He is smart, consistent, and has a level of integrity that people like Hannity or O'Reilly will never scratch the surface of. No commentator's ideology is driven more by factual information and critical thinking. Everyone should watch his show which always consists of a panel containing perspectives from both sides of the aisle.
No his panels consist of one conservative and several liberals and the entire show is spent tag teaming the Conservative.
Apparently you have never even watched the show. He has a panel of 3 to start. Sometimes it is two conservatives, sometimes it is two liberals. It depends on the schedule. A 4th guest joins later which usually doesn't have a strong political affiliation.
None of the shows I EVER saw had 2 conservatives EVER. Further he is a comedian. Do you always get your opinions from Comedians?
I think Maher makes a lot of good points. He's direct and honest, in my opinion. I agree with some of what he says and some I don't.
He is smart, consistent, and has a level of integrity that people like Hannity or O'Reilly will never scratch the surface of. No commentator's ideology is driven more by factual information and critical thinking. Everyone should watch his show which always consists of a panel containing perspectives from both sides of the aisle.
No his panels consist of one conservative and several liberals and the entire show is spent tag teaming the Conservative.
Apparently you have never even watched the show. He has a panel of 3 to start. Sometimes it is two conservatives, sometimes it is two liberals. It depends on the schedule. A 4th guest joins later which usually doesn't have a strong political affiliation.
None of the shows I EVER saw had 2 conservatives EVER. Further he is a comedian. Do you always get your opinions from Comedians?
You are such an idiot. You probably watched his show once in your entire life. Yes god forbid I expect a one track mind righttard like you to understand that a comedian could double as a political commentator.
Come on BillyZero, you've had more than enough time to watch Maher on his rant against Islam, he's, what did you call him..."He is smart, consistent, and has a level of integrity that people like Hannity or O'Reilly will never scratch the surface of.'

Surely you have a few cogent comments about your mentors performance.... Billy????
You get nothing but beat down from this op's threads. and there are 100's of useless ones like this one everyday it seems.

you post a comment on Maher , they say you apparently never watched his show

I'm sorry but it's become ugly.
Come on BillyZero, you've had more than enough time to watch Maher on his rant against Islam, he's, what did you call him..."He is smart, consistent, and has a level of integrity that people like Hannity or O'Reilly will never scratch the surface of.'

Surely you have a few cogent comments about your mentors performance.... Billy????
What the fuck is your point? He shouldn't complain about Islam? That's stupid. I completely agree with his views on Islam. He understands there are millions of peaceful Muslims but he does believe that Islam is by far the most trouble-making religion in the world and extremism in it is completely unparalleled to the rest of the world's religions and that's a serious problem.

Most republicans on the other hand hate ALL Muslims which is what bigotry is.
Come on BillyZero, you've had more than enough time to watch Maher on his rant against Islam, he's, what did you call him..."He is smart, consistent, and has a level of integrity that people like Hannity or O'Reilly will never scratch the surface of.'

Surely you have a few cogent comments about your mentors performance.... Billy????
What the fuck is your point? He shouldn't complain about Islam? That's stupid. I completely agree with his views on Islam. He understands there are millions of peaceful Muslims but he does believe that Islam is by far the most trouble-making religion in the world and extremism in it is completely unparalleled to the rest of the world's religions and that's a serious problem.

Most republicans on the other hand hate ALL Muslims which is what bigotry is.

From the lips of a fucking bigot!
He is smart, consistent, and has a level of integrity that people like Hannity or O'Reilly will never scratch the surface of. No commentator's ideology is driven more by factual information and critical thinking. Everyone should watch his show which always consists of a panel containing perspectives from both sides of the aisle.
No his panels consist of one conservative and several liberals and the entire show is spent tag teaming the Conservative.
Apparently you have never even watched the show. He has a panel of 3 to start. Sometimes it is two conservatives, sometimes it is two liberals. It depends on the schedule. A 4th guest joins later which usually doesn't have a strong political affiliation.
None of the shows I EVER saw had 2 conservatives EVER. Further he is a comedian. Do you always get your opinions from Comedians?
You are wrong. A lot of his shows have two conservatives.

The problem is that when conservative positions are aired out in public, the conservatives get embarrassed over their own positions. It happens all the time right here on the USMB. Example, Republicans blocking this administration from investigating after the BP oil spill where 11 died. How long did USMB Republicans deny it before finally admitting it happened? And when they finally admitted it, they tried to spin it. At least some did. Others still insist it's a lie. The truth is too horrible for them to face.
Come on BillyZero, you've had more than enough time to watch Maher on his rant against Islam, he's, what did you call him..."He is smart, consistent, and has a level of integrity that people like Hannity or O'Reilly will never scratch the surface of.'

Surely you have a few cogent comments about your mentors performance.... Billy????
What the fuck is your point? He shouldn't complain about Islam? That's stupid. I completely agree with his views on Islam. He understands there are millions of peaceful Muslims but he does believe that Islam is by far the most trouble-making religion in the world and extremism in it is completely unparalleled to the rest of the world's religions and that's a serious problem.

Most republicans on the other hand hate ALL Muslims which is what bigotry is.

That's a slight mischaracterization of what he said. Note how he says that liberals boo him for what he say. And what he says, go and listen again, is that Islam is not like other faiths. Liberals believe it is. One could be Baptist or Methodist or Catholic and they're basically interchangeable and, oh yeah, one could substitute Islam in there too. And that's where Maher says hold up - no, you can't treat Islam like the others. There is violence at the core of Islam. Liberals reject that view. Then he goes on to talk about the followers of Islam holding violent beliefs and he makes sure to be clear that these are ordinary folks, not the jihadists.

So when you say most republicans hate all Muslims and Maher says that all Muslims hold violent beliefs, then where exactly is the gap between all republicans and Maher, and by implication you, because you say you agree with Maher?
He is smart, consistent, and has a level of integrity that people like Hannity or O'Reilly will never scratch the surface of. No commentator's ideology is driven more by factual information and critical thinking. Everyone should watch his show which always consists of a panel containing perspectives from both sides of the aisle.


None of the shows I EVER saw had 2 conservatives EVER. Further he is a comedian. Do you always get your opinions from Comedians?
Then you should have watched it last night.

Actually, its a shame that you low-information types don't watch him. You'd be surprised at how conservative he is in on some subjects.

Probably better that you remain "low-information" though cuz I can't imagine some of you actually thinking for yourselves.
He is smart, consistent, and has a level of integrity that people like Hannity or O'Reilly will never scratch the surface of. No commentator's ideology is driven more by factual information and critical thinking. Everyone should watch his show which always consists of a panel containing perspectives from both sides of the aisle.
No his panels consist of one conservative and several liberals and the entire show is spent tag teaming the Conservative.
Apparently you have never even watched the show. He has a panel of 3 to start. Sometimes it is two conservatives, sometimes it is two liberals. It depends on the schedule. A 4th guest joins later which usually doesn't have a strong political affiliation.
None of the shows I EVER saw had 2 conservatives EVER. Further he is a comedian. Do you always get your opinions from Comedians?
You are wrong. A lot of his shows have two conservatives.

The problem is that when conservative positions are aired out in public, the conservatives get embarrassed over their own positions. It happens all the time right here on the USMB. Example, Republicans blocking this administration from investigating after the BP oil spill where 11 died. How long did USMB Republicans deny it before finally admitting it happened? And when they finally admitted it, they tried to spin it. At least some did. Others still insist it's a lie. The truth is too horrible for them to face.

Its what the RWs here do almost every day and on almost every issue.

The past couple of days, they've all been denying that trailer trash $arah and her litter got into a drunken brawl, just as they have so many times in the past. The verifiable facts are there but the RWs don't believe in facts.
You almost gotta laugh. The "political" commentary that the modern radical left seems to depend on is nothing but a stand up yuk yuk routine by freaking comedians. Maher is a comedian who relies on satire rather than news but satire is not commentary no matter what a lifetime of playing video games tells you. The dirty little secret is that O'Reilly, Rush and Hannety take the heat willingly for their news commentary but Maher and the rest of the comedy team is immune from media criticism because it ain't real and it's freaking comedy. You could also call Maher a hypocrite for being a board member of PETA and not raising a single issue about Barry Hussein extending the permit for federal subsidized windmills to kill endangered migratory bird species for the next 30 years..

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