Bill O'Reilly and Tea Party: Hispanics are not traditional Americans


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2010
The Conservative movement was politically in the wilderness during the long postwar period. If a Republican got near office he had to be a centrist like Eisenhower or Nixon. Meaning: he tacitly (if not rhetorically) accepted the New Deal and Big Government. (Remember FDR created a very powerful coalition out of middle class people across the nation, including the South and heartland whom he delivered many favors to)

Barry Goldwater wanted to unmake the great postwar consensus for big government. He wanted to break the New Deal coalition which had Washington in lockdown. He represented a growing movement of conservatives who wanted to rebuild a grand conservative movement - one that did not compromise with the left. Unfortunately for Goldwater, America wasn't quite ready. And one big reason was because the south was solidly blue. (Dixiecrats > "The Solid South")

And then LBJ signed the Civil Rights Bill.

A door opened.

The Conservative Movement created the "Southern Strategy" by capitalizing on white backlash against intrusive federalism. The strategy worked. Reagan flipped the south and the GOP has not looked back since. But the right didn't stop at Civil Rights backlash, rather, they enlarged their appeal to backlash against all "non-traditional" Americans. They blew the dog whistle and called all the bigots home. They gave a home not just to racists, but anyone who hated latinos, jews, blacks, Muslims, gays, etc. They exploited white suburban angst over the sixties social movements (hippies, bra burners, anti-war students, progressive lifestyles). The Right gave a home to any white person who was not happy with non-whites & non-christians & any non-traditional American. They built a party of exclusion and fear-of-the-other. They separated our great country into "Real Americans" and non-Real Americans. They divided people. They instigated fear and manipulated good citizens who did not have the education to question their politics of demonization.

Fast forward to the 2012 election. A ham sandwich could have beaten Obama with this economy. But the Rightwing pundits quietly preached against latinos, and they have for several elections tried to move blacks off the voting rolls. In Arizona they stop people with brown skin as if it were Nazi Germany ...looking for jews. When America was mostly a white nation, this kind of shit worked. The GOP won elections for 30 years on the backs of hateful, scared, bigoted morons. But now, the groups that the GOP has been demonizing are large enough to tilt the outcome of an election. And these groups represent the fastest growing demographics in the nation. And let's not even talk about women and the forced ultra sound. And forcing them to carry their rapist baby to term.

You cannot win a national election by treating large voting blocks like they are not real Americans.

The Conservative Movement cannot win without latinos and blacks. Granted, they lie to old people about their true intentions for medicare, but it's impossible to lie to everybody. Look what happened to Romney? He had to disown the primaries when he accosted Rick Parry for educating and providing medical services to poor latino children.

You can't win a national election any more by praying on the fears of whites. Hate doesn't get it done anymore. This is why Karl Rove and George Bush had a latino outreach program. This is why Bush ran to the Left on immigration. bush and Rover understood that you can't win an election by alienating non-whites.

When is the Right going to kick out the Tea Party and the bigots and the morons? They forced black people in Miami to stand in line over night. This doesn't work anymore.

When are they going to take back their party?

When Bill O'Reilly demonizes latinos before an election, he is losing needed votes. When he accuses latinos of being lazy and voting for any candidate who give them more stuff, he is shitting on real human beings, many of whom work hard.
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Hispanic Population Spreads Throughout US...
Mapping the Latino Population, By State, County and City
August 29, 2013 > The nation’s Hispanic population, while still anchored in its traditional settlement areas, continues to disperse across the U.S., according to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data.
Today, the 100 largest counties by Hispanic population contain 71% of all Hispanics. Los Angeles County, CA alone contains 4.9 million Hispanics, or 9% of the nation’s Hispanic population. But the share of all Hispanics who live in these same counties has fallen from 75% in 2000 and 78% in 1990 (Fry, 2008), reflecting Hispanic population growth outside of these 100 counties. Half (52%) of those counties are in three states—California, Texas and Florida. Along with Arizona, New Mexico, New York, New Jersey and Illinois, these eight states contain three-quarters (74%) of the nation’s Latino population. But with the dispersal of the U.S. Latino population across the country, this share too is down from 79% in 2000 and 84% in 1990.

The geographic settlement patterns are to some degree aligned with the diverse countries of origin of the Hispanic population. For example, Mexican origin Hispanics are the dominant group in the Los Angeles-Long Beach metropolitan area, making up 78% of the area’s Hispanics. They are also the dominant group in many metropolitan areas in the border states of Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas. But along the East Coast the composition of Hispanic origin groups differs. In the New York-New Jersey metropolitan area, Puerto Ricans and Dominicans are the dominant Hispanic origin groups. In Miami-Hialeah, FL, Cubans are the dominant Hispanic group and in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan areas, Salvadorans are the largest Hispanic origin group among that area’s Hispanics. Nationally, Mexicans are the largest Hispanic origin group, making up 64.6% of all Hispanics.


Latinos are the nation’s largest minority group and among its fastest growing populations. According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2013), the Latino population in 2012 was 53 million, making up 17% of the U.S. population.1 Latino population growth between 2000 and 2010 accounted for more than half of the nation’s population growth (Passel, Cohn and Lopez, 2011).

This report examines U.S. Hispanic population rankings in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, the nation’s more than 3,000 counties, and the 60 largest Hispanic metropolitan areas. Accompanying this report are demographic and economic statistical profiles of the Hispanic population in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia and the 60 largest metropolitan areas by Hispanic population. Also accompanying the report is a database of the Hispanic population in the nation’s counties. Along with the demographic and economic profiles is an interactive map showing key Hispanic population characteristics in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, an interactive map, interactive table and interactive graphics showing Hispanic population characteristics in the 60 largest metropolitan areas by Hispanic population, and interactive maps showing the size, share and growth in the Hispanic population in each of the nation’s counties between 1980 and 2011.

About this Report
Well they aren't.

Just like Whites are not traditionally Native Americans.

are facts racist?

Words with Latin and French origin are not traditional Germanic English words? Does that mean I hate French?
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The GOP and "bagger nation" are as racist as the KKK, but lack the balls to be so open and honest about it.
The GOP and "bagger nation" are as racist as the KKK, but lack the balls to be so open and honest about it.

meanwhile the DNC, NAACP, UL, NBPP, CBC, Holder, Obama, Jesse, Al and a host of other reverends are openly racist.

but that's different
So you lost two elections and will lose many more.

well, lets hope your crystal doesn't let you down and with Obama's approval's going down faster than a turd in the toilet, you might not want to a stake your life on that
The Conservative movement was politically in the wilderness during the long postwar period. If a Republican got near office he had to be a centrist like Eisenhower or Nixon. Meaning: he tacitly (if not rhetorically) accepted the New Deal and Big Government. (Remember FDR created a very powerful coalition out of middle class people across the nation, including the South and heartland whom he delivered many favors to)

Barry Goldwater wanted to unmake the great postwar consensus for big government. He wanted to break the New Deal coalition which had Washington in lockdown. He represented a growing movement of conservatives who wanted to rebuild a grand conservative movement - one that did not compromise with the left. Unfortunately for Goldwater, America wasn't quite ready. And one big reason was because the south was solidly blue. (Dixiecrats > "The Solid South")

And then LBJ signed the Civil Rights Bill.

A door opened.

The Conservative Movement created the "Southern Strategy" by capitalizing on white backlash against intrusive federalism. The strategy worked. Reagan flipped the south and the GOP has not looked back since. But the right didn't stop at Civil Rights backlash, rather, they enlarged their appeal to backlash against all "non-traditional" Americans. They blew the dog whistle and called all the bigots home. They gave a home not just to racists, but anyone who hated latinos, jews, blacks, Muslims, gays, etc. They exploited white suburban angst over the sixties social movements (hippies, bra burners, anti-war students, progressive lifestyles). The Right gave a home to any white person who was not happy with non-whites & non-christians & any non-traditional American. They built a party of exclusion and fear-of-the-other. They separated our great country into "Real Americans" and non-Real Americans. They divided people. They instigated fear and manipulated good citizens who did not have the education to question their politics of demonization.

Fast forward to the 2012 election. A ham sandwich could have beaten Obama with this economy. But the Rightwing pundits quietly preached against latinos, and they have for several elections tried to move blacks off the voting rolls. In Arizona they stop people with brown skin as if it were Nazi Germany ...looking for jews. When America was mostly a white nation, this kind of shit worked. The GOP won elections for 30 years on the backs of hateful, scared, bigoted morons. But now, the groups that the GOP has been demonizing are large enough to tilt the outcome of an election. And these groups represent the fastest growing demographics in the nation. And let's not even talk about women and the forced ultra sound. And forcing them to carry their rapist baby to term.

You cannot win a national election by treating large voting blocks like they are not real Americans.

The Conservative Movement cannot win without latinos and blacks. Granted, they lie to old people about their true intentions for medicare, but it's impossible to lie to everybody. Look what happened to Romney? He had to disown the primaries when he accosted Rick Parry for educating and providing medical services to poor latino children.

You can't win a national election any more by praying on the fears of whites. Hate doesn't get it done anymore. This is why Karl Rove and George Bush had a latino outreach program. This is why Bush ran to the Left on immigration. bush and Rover understood that you can't win an election by alienating non-whites.

When is the Right going to kick out the Tea Party and the bigots and the morons? They forced black people in Miami to stand in line over night. This doesn't work anymore.

When are they going to take back their party?

When Bill O'Reilly demonizes latinos before an election, he is losing needed votes. When he accuses latinos of being lazy and voting for any candidate who give them more stuff, he is shitting on real human beings, many of whom work hard.

But it's ok you sit and DEMONIZE others, and we are just suppose to take what you write as the TRUTH.......well golly gee...yuk yuk yuk
There's another party out there and NO ONE is stopping you going Independent..., you should leave Republicans if you are one, you're so miserable anyway
some of you snobs have some nerve talking about conservatives and people of the tea party, and sit whining about OTHERS BEING DEMONIZED
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Saying that Hispanics are not traditional Americans is not demonizing them any more than saying that having faith in the recreation of Aztlan is not patriotic.
So you lost two elections and will lose many more.

well, lets hope your crystal doesn't let you down and with Obama's approval's going down faster than a turd in the toilet, you might not want to a stake your life on that

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval - Economy
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval - Foreign Policy
So you lost two elections and will lose many more.

well, lets hope your crystal doesn't let you down and with Obama's approval's going down faster than a turd in the toilet, you might not want to a stake your life on that

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval - Economy
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval - Foreign Policy

Then let's look at the approval rating for the GOP in Congress, 24% approval and 66% disapproval (Fox News) and that's the best they did with multiple pools.
Both parties are out to lunch, there's no doubt about that. But clearly the GOP has a bad, bad image and a majority of Americans think the GOP is extremist.
Based on all the wild and crazy threads spewing hate, hate, hate, it's not hard to see why the GOP has such a negative image at all.
Hell, I agree with quite a bit by the right but as long as they preach absolute hate and fear, there isn't any way I can vote for them. And I'm just one of the millions of voters who occupy the middle who feel this way.
I'd love to see the GOP get it's act together and I'd love to see the Dems get their act together. Maybe then, America would finally get moving forward instead of standing still or going backwards as the rest of the world passes us by.
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Then let's look at the approval rating for the GOP in Congress, 24% approval and 66% disapproval (Fox News) and that's the best they did with multiple pools.
Congress: Republicans
Both parties are out to lunch, there's no doubt about that. But clearly the GOP has a bad, bad image and a majority of Americans think the GOP is extremist.
Based on all the wild and crazy threads spewing hate, hate, hate, it's not hard to see why the GOP has such a negative image at all.
Hell, I agree with quite a bit by the right but as long as they preach absolute hate and fear, there isn't any way I can vote for them. And I'm just one of the millions of voters who occupy the middle who feel this way.
I'd love to see the GOP get it's act together and I'd love to see the Dems get their act together. Maybe then, America would finally get moving forward instead of standing still or going backwards as the rest of the world passes us by.
The Democrats in Congress don't fare much better with 32/60 and at the end of the day the 2014 midterms and the 2016 election will be decided by how good of a job the country thinks the President is doing.

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