Bill O'Reilly will do live interview with Obama on Super Bowl Sunday....

:thup: And Bill walks that fine line of sucking up to him, just to get those interviews. I refuse to watch, anything containing O's presence. PERIOD!!!

Wait what?

You don't watch the interviews but you comment on them?

I've seen them.

O'Reilly definitely is no "suck up".

We will see, maybe O'Reilly will do a real interview this time.

Laughable. Obama wouldn't commit to something Bill would really like to talk about unless it is something O wants to talk about.

I am a fan of Bill O`Reilly and The Factor,and I don't have to approve of someone 100% to be so. Bill knows what he is doing...which is walking that fine line to please most of the people most of the time. I give him credit for that and so do his viewers. I like his topics on the show and the fact that he stops anyone from I like the guests he has and the events they discuss. Bill attracts the largest cable audience because of his strategy. He will be playing clips forever of his interview with the man who would be king, and I probably will mute those. Why?? Because I don't believe anything Obama says. PERIOD!
Who the fuck cares what Obama has to say?

Will O'Reilly challenge him on the "keep your plan" lie?
Who the fuck cares what Obama has to say?

Will O'Reilly challenge him on the "keep your plan" lie?

No doubt. However O will be ready for that one and have his usual canned response, which will be a lie. :eusa_liar: I won't be listening or watching.
Who the fuck cares what Obama has to say?

Will O'Reilly challenge him on the "keep your plan" lie?

No doubt. However O will be ready for that one and have his usual canned response, which will be a lie. :eusa_liar: I won't be listening or watching.

then what do you think he should ask him????? I somehow doubt there will be questions asked that Bill wont have facts to back up so that leaves a lot of the shit we know Obama has done yet cant prove.
The question is will O'Reilly do another soft ball interview like the last one or will he actually ask some real questions.

Will he allow obozo to pontificate for 20 minutes with a rambling dodge of the question or will he interrupt him and insist on an answer.

If he does a real interview, it should be interesting. If he does a Barbara Waters type interview, it will be a waste of time.

O'Reilly doesn't know how to interview.

He's too busy yelling at his opposition for being different.
I'll turn it off like I do all Obama speech's and interviews...

We can't even enjoy sports without Politics being injected in it
The question is will O'Reilly do another soft ball interview like the last one or will he actually ask some real questions.

Will he allow obozo to pontificate for 20 minutes with a rambling dodge of the question or will he interrupt him and insist on an answer.

If he does a real interview, it should be interesting. If he does a Barbara Waters type interview, it will be a waste of time.

Likely the live interview will be a waste of time.
I am more interested in the "after interview" that will be taped.
Trying to do a serious live interview with Obama is next to impossible. The man is quite capable of giving a 30 minute dissertation on spreading peanut butter.
The live interview will no doubt be maaaaybe two questions.

Yeah its a horrible thing to have an articulate President.

We need more "catch" phrases and interesting pronunciations of words.

I loved it when ever FOX talking head started saying Nuklular! :clap2:

Talking more is not the definition of articulate.

Also, according to FOX, if Obama pronounces it "nuclear", it's actually pronounced "nukular". :eusa_angel:
From Bill O'Reilly?


his last interview with him was softball, why would we expect anything different?
Yep. Bill O'Reilly is NOT the hard core conservative the radical left makes him out to be. He's pretty much a soft-core progressive who likes to tweak everyone in order to gen up book sales.

It has made him rich, so more power to him. But no one should expect him to ask Obama the hard questions.

According to Bill O'Reilly, marijuana and texting are the biggest problems facing our youth today. Progressive my ass.

I've noticed, though, that when he's not doing his show, he becomes a lot more restrained and can contain his anger more often. He's a demagogue of the most dangerous kind.
Second it is fucking funny reading this thread...Do you realize that both the left and the right seem to say Bill sucks???? He must be really down the middle to piss both off so bad.

So because Stalin/Hitler pissed off both left and right they're centrists?

Please, can we have a day if sports without two enormous egos inflicting themselves on us?
Please, can we have a day if sports without two enormous egos inflicting themselves on us?

Eh. I don't see where it matters either way. If you choose to watch the Super Bowl you can watch the interview highlights afterwards. If you choose to watch the interview you can watch the Super Bowl highlights afterwards. The beauty of the interwebs. :cool:


I thought Obama was still denying Fox News was a news network but uh okay I guess

Bill and O will each be preening themselves and using the other, so I won't be watching. It disgusts me that Bill is so gloating, in his way, about this interview. As if it is a feather in his cap, so to speak. Bill acts like his interview with the biggest liar in American politics, is a coup de maî tre. Sickening. :eusa_hand:

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