Bill O'Reilly

American progressives make a big show of demonstrating their tolerance for every culture and religion except Christianity. We have some nut case local politicians in NY outlawing the use of the word Easter and substituting "spring egg hunt". Kids can be expelled for carrying a Bible in school but the Koran is a mandatory subject and little American girls are either forced or "encouraged" to see what it is like to wear a burhka. You can't enjoy a 200 year tradition of a Christmas tree or a Manger scene on public property or risk a costly law suit sponsored by the ironically named ACLU but the hypocrite politicians make a big show of a gigantic Christmas tree in Washington.

No you can't, because the tradition is a lot older than that. Again it goes back to Rome and the sacred pinea silva (pine groves) from which the dendrophori (tree-bearers) would harvest one to bring in a procession to the sanctuary to be decorated. This practice was more associated with Arbor Intrat, the spring equinox (and thus closer to Easter) but the association of evergreens with both the winter solstice and spring equinox is evident (and includes holly and mistletoe). Decorating trees for winter solstice was practiced at least 500 years ago in Baltic Europe (Livonia) and was so pagan that the celebration of Christmas itself was actually illegal in early Massachusetts.

In 1659, a law was passed by the General Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony requiring a five-shilling fine from anyone caught "observing any such day as Christmas or the like, either by forbearing of labor, feasting, or any other way." Christmas Day was deemed by the Puritans to be a time of seasonal excess with no Biblical authority. The law was repealed in 1681 along with several other laws, under pressure from the government in London. It was not until 1856 that Christmas Day became a state holiday in Massachusetts.
It was a very short law, forced by the British Moniarchy for it to be observed again.

God is the Creator of everything.
Pagan worship, worships the objects that he created.
God made the Sun, the Sun is not a God.
American progressives make a big show of demonstrating their tolerance for every culture and religion except Christianity. We have some nut case local politicians in NY outlawing the use of the word Easter and substituting "spring egg hunt". Kids can be expelled for carrying a Bible in school but the Koran is a mandatory subject and little American girls are either forced or "encouraged" to see what it is like to wear a burhka. You can't enjoy a 200 year tradition of a Christmas tree or a Manger scene on public property or risk a costly law suit sponsored by the ironically named ACLU but the hypocrite politicians make a big show of a gigantic Christmas tree in Washington.

No you can't, because the tradition is a lot older than that. Again it goes back to Rome and the sacred pinea silva (pine groves) from which the dendrophori (tree-bearers) would harvest one to bring in a procession to the sanctuary to be decorated. This practice was more associated with Arbor Intrat, the spring equinox (and thus closer to Easter) but the association of evergreens with both the winter solstice and spring equinox is evident (and includes holly and mistletoe). Decorating trees for winter solstice was practiced at least 500 years ago in Baltic Europe (Livonia) and was so pagan that the celebration of Christmas itself was actually illegal in early Massachusetts.

In 1659, a law was passed by the General Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony requiring a five-shilling fine from anyone caught "observing any such day as Christmas or the like, either by forbearing of labor, feasting, or any other way." Christmas Day was deemed by the Puritans to be a time of seasonal excess with no Biblical authority. The law was repealed in 1681 along with several other laws, under pressure from the government in London. It was not until 1856 that Christmas Day became a state holiday in Massachusetts.
It was a very short law, forced by the British Moniarchy for it to be observed again.

God is the Creator of everything.
Pagan worship, worships the objects that he created.
God made the Sun, the Sun is not a God.

That depends on where you're standing in time and space. For our ancient forebears, and indeed for most of human history, the sun was/is very much a god.

Just to clarify something, pagans don't "worship" objects. That would be idolatry, and there's plenty of that to go around for pagans, Christians, Jews and almost everybody on the planet who doesn't live in a cave and subsist on nuts and berries.

Pagans venerate spirits or if you like, energies of the cosmos. Indeed that's how we get the ornaments of Christmas trees and Easter eggs and bunnies -- they're all symbols of the Spirit-energies of the Cosmos.
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never claimed you were. I said marx was a believer in satan and a believer in g-d ( although his avowed enemy ) read wurmbrands book before you condemn it. That would be a good start for making a sound decision. Examine the facts first. A novel idea for you probably.

Karl Marx was an atheist, you dingbat.
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Polkow, insults will get you nowhere. I am immune to them. Answer the evidence presented or forget it.


p.s. Imagine that you could one day be dependent on the kindness of Christians for your surival and know that we have met your kind before and love you in spite of your pig headed stubborn ignorance. You'll be remembering those words one day. Just know in advance we forgive you and would never refuse to rescue a Jew. Even an exceptionally stupid one like you! - Jeremiah
I see the Jerm has turned to the tactic of Thread Death by Asphyxiation. Can't deal with the topic, bury it in a torrent of verbal diarrhea. We've come from Bill O'Reilly and Easter, to Karl Marx, and now on to Hitler.

No wonder we can't get good hallucinogenics any more. Jermy's hogging them all.

Polkow, insults will get you nowhere. I am immune to them. Answer the evidence presented or forget it.


Think I'll go with the rest of the world and take "forget it" for 200, Alex.

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No hallucinations here, Pogo. If the jackboot fits, put it on. Read the article and be amazed at the similarities between Marx and Hitler ( both occultists ) both haters of God and Christianity ( see quotes ) both made war on christian holidays and here comes Obama doing the very same thing. It is a blueprint straight out of Hitlers book. Examine the hate language from haters such as yourself and your liberal comrades......... I'm merely pointing out Hitler did it before Obama. - J.
No hallucinations here, Pogo. If the jackboot fits, put it on. Read the article and be amazed at the similarities between Marx and Hitler ( both occultists ) both haters of God and Christianity ( see quotes ) both made war on christian holidays and here comes Obama doing the very same thing. It is a blueprint straight out of Hitlers book. Examine the hate language from haters such as yourself and your liberal comrades......... I'm merely pointing out Hitler did it before Obama. - J.

-- you do realize the entire internet world is laughing hysterically at you, do you not?
Is that what you want?


Here's a short-but-growing list of topics that are not part of this thread:
  • communism
  • Karl Marx
  • Adolf Hitler
  • Barack Obama
(to be, no doubt, continued)
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xXx WARNING xXx morbid picture of what progressive/liberals did to poor Easter Bunny HERE

Bill O'Reilly: Christian Tradition Under Attack as Schools Ban 'Easter'

By Leonardo Blair , CP Contributor
March 22, 2013

Fox News personality Bill O'Reilly has slammed secular progressives for continuing their attack on Christian traditions through the banning of the word "Easter" in some public schools as students get ready to celebrate the upcoming holiday.
In a video posted on Thursday, O'Reilly named the East Meadow School District in Long Island, N.Y.; Prospect Heights Public Library, Ill.; Manhattan Beach School District, Calif.; Flat Rock Elementary School, S.C.; and West Shore School District, Pa., among public institutions which have banned the use of "Easter."

The institutions, he noted, have replaced the traditional Easter celebration with a more politically correct, "Spring Egg Hunt."


Easter in America and around the world typically celebrates the resurrection of Jesus as found in the New Testament of the Bible.

Read more at Bill O'Reilly: Christian Tradition Under Attack as Schools Ban 'Easter'

Uh, Daily Kos: Pagan roots of Easter

Let's not fool ourselves into thinking that Easter bunnies and eggs have anything to do with Christianity. ahem.

Early Christianity developed in an era of the Roman Empire during which many religions were practiced, that are, due to the lack of a better term, labeled paganism. Paganism, in spite of its etymological meaning of rural, has a number of distinct meanings.

The pic is there to show how violent the left has become to the poor little bunny...:eusa_angel:
xXx WARNING xXx morbid picture of what progressive/liberals did to poor Easter Bunny HERE

Bill O'Reilly: Christian Tradition Under Attack as Schools Ban 'Easter'

By Leonardo Blair , CP Contributor
March 22, 2013

Fox News personality Bill O'Reilly has slammed secular progressives for continuing their attack on Christian traditions through the banning of the word "Easter" in some public schools as students get ready to celebrate the upcoming holiday.
In a video posted on Thursday, O'Reilly named the East Meadow School District in Long Island, N.Y.; Prospect Heights Public Library, Ill.; Manhattan Beach School District, Calif.; Flat Rock Elementary School, S.C.; and West Shore School District, Pa., among public institutions which have banned the use of "Easter."

The institutions, he noted, have replaced the traditional Easter celebration with a more politically correct, "Spring Egg Hunt."


Easter in America and around the world typically celebrates the resurrection of Jesus as found in the New Testament of the Bible.

Read more at Bill O'Reilly: Christian Tradition Under Attack as Schools Ban 'Easter'

Uh, Daily Kos: Pagan roots of Easter

Let's not fool ourselves into thinking that Easter bunnies and eggs have anything to do with Christianity. ahem.

Early Christianity developed in an era of the Roman Empire during which many religions were practiced, that are, due to the lack of a better term, labeled paganism. Paganism, in spite of its etymological meaning of rural, has a number of distinct meanings.

The pic is there to show how violent the left has become to the poor little bunny...:eusa_angel:

No doubt, you're stocked to the rafters with Cadbury chocolate and cream eggs.
this stupid crap again? Some sorts never change

"The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and co-operation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life"
-- Adolf Hitler; from national proclamation (Feb. 1, 1933)
School Bans the Word Easter

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Boys and girls at an Alabama elementary school will still get to hunt for eggs – but they can’t call them ‘Easter Eggs’ have the principal banished the word for the sake of religious diversity.

“We had in the past a parent to question us about some of the things we do here at school,” said Heritage Elementary School principal Lydia Davenport. “So we’re just trying to make sure we respect and honor everybody’s differences.”


Read more: School Bans the Word Easter ? Patriot Update

It's the


The subculture that is destroying this county

[ame=]Crazy For God - Insane Christian Religious Right Thinks Obama Is The Anti-Christ! - YouTube[/ame]

I find it ironic that you point the finger at Christians for "destroying" things, when you have a Che Guevara avatar.
Polkow, insults will get you nowhere. I am immune to them. Answer the evidence presented or forget it.


p.s. Imagine that you could one day be dependent on the kindness of Christians for your surival and know that we have met your kind before and love you in spite of your pig headed stubborn ignorance. You'll be remembering those words one day. Just know in advance we forgive you and would never refuse to rescue a Jew. Even an exceptionally stupid one like you! - Jeremiah

[ame=]Crazy For God - Insane Christian Religious Right Thinks Obama Is The Anti-Christ! - YouTube[/ame]!
Omnipotent and all powerful god needs Bill O Reilly to defend his religion?

You really need faith to believe that!
I believe in god, but don't follow religion. Religion is the tool used to control people who have faith.

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