Bill O'Reilly's Golden Payout From Fox is an Outrage

The O'Reilly derangement is at fevor pitch.

You can't find better comedy.

Poor Bill......25 million richer.

Is that what the number is? $25 fucking million?

Bwahahaha I love it. You idiots don't understand what a contract is. The employer cannot just get out of a contract because of accusations. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

O'Reilly is in Breach of Contract for violating his morals clause.

You have access to his contract? Do share!!!

They wouldn't have given him $25 million if this were the case.

Every entertainment contract has a morals clause. O'Reilly by his actions has lost 100% of his advertisers, and faux has 'paid him out' to eliminate any future lawsuits started by O'Reilly.
The O'Reilly derangement is at fevor pitch.

You can't find better comedy.

Poor Bill......25 million richer.

Is that what the number is? $25 fucking million?

Bwahahaha I love it. You idiots don't understand what a contract is. The employer cannot just get out of a contract because of accusations. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

O'Reilly is in Breach of Contract for violating his morals clause.

Not been proven.

It's not a criminal case....yet, so It doesn't matter. Faux paid O'Reilly out and it's a done deal.
"Waaaahhhh waaaaaahhhhhh but his contract!!! His contract!!!!! Shut up SYTFE you big mean poopie head!!!!!"

Fuck his contract. If Fox had any shred of decency they wouldn't have paid him one dime. The fact that they actually gave him $25 million actually says more about the network than Bill-O the clown's behavior.
(CNN) Bill O'Reilly is reportedly walking away with tens of millions of dollars. How insulting. After being accused of habitual sexual harassment and other lewd acts, causing him and his employer, Fox News, to pay out $13 million in settlements; after costing the network millions when advertisers fled his show; after finally being fired from his job after years — he leaves with a golden payout.

Don't think for one second his firing is a win for women in the workplace. It is far from that.

Had a New York Times story earlier this month not exposed reports of the toxic culture at the network that tolerated and enabled his alleged behavior for years, Fox would likely have kept silencing any women who complained.

Even O'Reilly's book publisher at MacMillian (The Holt List), is standing with the fallen network host, perhaps hoping to cash in on Bill's misogynist ways. He has a new book in the works; it's planned for September.

It seems Fox has a clear corporate strategy in place: reward men who intimidate, berate and harass women at work. Silence the women at all costs. And, no matter what, do not hurt profits. O'Reilly's show reportedly brought in $200 million for Fox. Still, most analysts predict profits won't be hurt much by O'Reilly's ouster.

How do we know about this Fox strategy? We saw it played out last summer, too, when another alleged top predator, former Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes, was forced out amid accusations of sexual harassment. Anchor Gretchen Carlson got $20 million. Ailes' "exit package" from Fox was about $40 million. When a corporate culture is toxic you can bet it starts at the top.

So, when the spotlight shifted to O'Reilly, who reportedly was making $18- to $20-million a year as the host of "The O'Reilly Factor," it was not shocking. Fox likely got a clue that it had to act, since the allegations have kept coming. Only a few days ago, a black woman who was a clerical worker at the network in 2008, alleged she was intimidated by O'Reilly for years.

O'Reilly would come by her desk, leer at the woman and call her "hot chocolate," she alleged. She was scared, her attorney, Lisa Bloom, told the Hollywood Reporter. Bloom, who helped the woman report the harassment to the Fox network's hot line, says her client is not seeking monetary damages.

Rest here: Bill O'Reilly's golden payout from Fox is an outrage -

Rewarding sexual assaulters, it's the conservative way! Republican shitbags rewarded Trump's sexual assault with a presidential win, Fox rewards Bill-O the clown with tens of millions of dollars. Gotta love those Repubican "family values."

This is your weekly reminder to never, EVER vote Republican.

Oh, and before I forget, "But Bill Clintoooooooonnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!"

You are seeing what the Legal Community in cahoots with lawyer/politicians have created in this country. Egomaniac had a contract giving him lots of $$$$ and by terminating that contract - for whatever reason - Fox had no choice but to give him a huge payout.
Why does it matter what the payout is in a private corporation? Hollywood stars make twice that per movie and flaunt their wealth in displays like the Academy Awards.Strangely enough Hollywood decadence and rock-star excesses don't seem to offend the pop-culture educated left as much as a single Fox news analyst. I wonder why.
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Why does it matter what the payout is in a private corporation? Hollywood stars make twice that per movie and flaunt their wealth in displays like the Academy Awards.Strangely enough Hollywood decadence and rock-star excesses don't seem to offend the pop-culture educated left as much as a single Fox news analyst. I wonder why.

Shareholder's might care, it's not a private company it is a public company.
(CNN) Bill O'Reilly is reportedly walking away with tens of millions of dollars. How insulting. After being accused of habitual sexual harassment and other lewd acts, causing him and his employer, Fox News, to pay out $13 million in settlements; after costing the network millions when advertisers fled his show; after finally being fired from his job after years — he leaves with a golden payout.

Don't think for one second his firing is a win for women in the workplace. It is far from that.

Had a New York Times story earlier this month not exposed reports of the toxic culture at the network that tolerated and enabled his alleged behavior for years, Fox would likely have kept silencing any women who complained.

Even O'Reilly's book publisher at MacMillian (The Holt List), is standing with the fallen network host, perhaps hoping to cash in on Bill's misogynist ways. He has a new book in the works; it's planned for September.

It seems Fox has a clear corporate strategy in place: reward men who intimidate, berate and harass women at work. Silence the women at all costs. And, no matter what, do not hurt profits. O'Reilly's show reportedly brought in $200 million for Fox. Still, most analysts predict profits won't be hurt much by O'Reilly's ouster.

How do we know about this Fox strategy? We saw it played out last summer, too, when another alleged top predator, former Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes, was forced out amid accusations of sexual harassment. Anchor Gretchen Carlson got $20 million. Ailes' "exit package" from Fox was about $40 million. When a corporate culture is toxic you can bet it starts at the top.

So, when the spotlight shifted to O'Reilly, who reportedly was making $18- to $20-million a year as the host of "The O'Reilly Factor," it was not shocking. Fox likely got a clue that it had to act, since the allegations have kept coming. Only a few days ago, a black woman who was a clerical worker at the network in 2008, alleged she was intimidated by O'Reilly for years.

O'Reilly would come by her desk, leer at the woman and call her "hot chocolate," she alleged. She was scared, her attorney, Lisa Bloom, told the Hollywood Reporter. Bloom, who helped the woman report the harassment to the Fox network's hot line, says her client is not seeking monetary damages.

Rest here: Bill O'Reilly's golden payout from Fox is an outrage -

Rewarding sexual assaulters, it's the conservative way! Republican shitbags rewarded Trump's sexual assault with a presidential win, Fox rewards Bill-O the clown with tens of millions of dollars. Gotta love those Repubican "family values."

This is your weekly reminder to never, EVER vote Republican.

Oh, and before I forget, "But Bill Clintoooooooonnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!"
It's called a contract dummy. They HAVE TO PAY HIM.

Derp along now idiot
(CNN) Bill O'Reilly is reportedly walking away with tens of millions of dollars. How insulting. After being accused of habitual sexual harassment and other lewd acts, causing him and his employer, Fox News, to pay out $13 million in settlements; after costing the network millions when advertisers fled his show; after finally being fired from his job after years — he leaves with a golden payout.

Don't think for one second his firing is a win for women in the workplace. It is far from that.

Had a New York Times story earlier this month not exposed reports of the toxic culture at the network that tolerated and enabled his alleged behavior for years, Fox would likely have kept silencing any women who complained.

Even O'Reilly's book publisher at MacMillian (The Holt List), is standing with the fallen network host, perhaps hoping to cash in on Bill's misogynist ways. He has a new book in the works; it's planned for September.

It seems Fox has a clear corporate strategy in place: reward men who intimidate, berate and harass women at work. Silence the women at all costs. And, no matter what, do not hurt profits. O'Reilly's show reportedly brought in $200 million for Fox. Still, most analysts predict profits won't be hurt much by O'Reilly's ouster.

How do we know about this Fox strategy? We saw it played out last summer, too, when another alleged top predator, former Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes, was forced out amid accusations of sexual harassment. Anchor Gretchen Carlson got $20 million. Ailes' "exit package" from Fox was about $40 million. When a corporate culture is toxic you can bet it starts at the top.

So, when the spotlight shifted to O'Reilly, who reportedly was making $18- to $20-million a year as the host of "The O'Reilly Factor," it was not shocking. Fox likely got a clue that it had to act, since the allegations have kept coming. Only a few days ago, a black woman who was a clerical worker at the network in 2008, alleged she was intimidated by O'Reilly for years.

O'Reilly would come by her desk, leer at the woman and call her "hot chocolate," she alleged. She was scared, her attorney, Lisa Bloom, told the Hollywood Reporter. Bloom, who helped the woman report the harassment to the Fox network's hot line, says her client is not seeking monetary damages.

Rest here: Bill O'Reilly's golden payout from Fox is an outrage -

Rewarding sexual assaulters, it's the conservative way! Republican shitbags rewarded Trump's sexual assault with a presidential win, Fox rewards Bill-O the clown with tens of millions of dollars. Gotta love those Repubican "family values."

This is your weekly reminder to never, EVER vote Republican.

Oh, and before I forget, "But Bill Clintoooooooonnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!"

glad to see the braindead left is as hypocritical as ever. Democrats can walk away from their sexual misconduct but conservatives are to be punished for their sins. Go screw yourself.
O'Reilly just signed a contract for two years at 20 million per year. The network should have had to buy out the entire contract of 40 million.

Most of the advertisers who "left" were never advertisers to begin with. The advertisers who objected just went to other shows. Worse for Fox, most of their money doesn't come from advertising but from cable fees. Their contract with Spectrum will be up in a few days. With the loss of the ratings powerhouse, Spectrum can drive a harder bargain and COST Fox much more that a few advertisers would TEMPORARILY cause.
The O'Reilly derangement is at fevor pitch.

You can't find better comedy.

Poor Bill......25 million richer.

Is that what the number is? $25 fucking million?

Bwahahaha I love it. You idiots don't understand what a contract is. The employer cannot just get out of a contract because of accusations. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

O'Reilly is in Breach of Contract for violating his morals clause.

You have access to his contract? Do share!!!

They wouldn't have given him $25 million if this were the case.

Every entertainment contract has a morals clause. O'Reilly by his actions has lost 100% of his advertisers, and faux has 'paid him out' to eliminate any future lawsuits started by O'Reilly.

O'Reilly hadn't broken any morals clause. Not looking at someone and saying "you're looking good today" in the elevator doesn't count.
Why should I care how much money he made? It doesn't effect me whatsoever. It doesn't effect you. It doesn't effect a single woman. It's no ones business but the two parties involved
He is under contract. There also isn't any proof he did those things. Therefore, they cant just fire him without paying him off. He has been the number one for show for many years. Ranks in hundreds of millions dollars a year. His contract is in his favor anyways, I would imagine.
Instead of knee jerking, try to think a bit.
I heard he had just signed a 3 year, 20 mil/yr contract. So he left with less than half of what he would have earned.

For doing nothing.

Not a bad deal.

No kidding. I'm in the wrong business
Why does it matter what the payout is in a private corporation? Hollywood stars make twice that per movie and flaunt their wealth in displays like the Academy Awards.Strangely enough Hollywood decadence and rock-star excesses don't seem to offend the pop-culture educated left as much as a single Fox news analyst. I wonder why.

Shareholder's might care, it's not a private company it is a public company.

The shareholders were probably overjoyed to lock down Bill O'Reilly for another two years.
(CNN) Bill O'Reilly is reportedly walking away with tens of millions of dollars. How insulting. After being accused of habitual sexual harassment and other lewd acts, causing him and his employer, Fox News, to pay out $13 million in settlements; after costing the network millions when advertisers fled his show; after finally being fired from his job after years — he leaves with a golden payout.

Don't think for one second his firing is a win for women in the workplace. It is far from that.

Had a New York Times story earlier this month not exposed reports of the toxic culture at the network that tolerated and enabled his alleged behavior for years, Fox would likely have kept silencing any women who complained.

Even O'Reilly's book publisher at MacMillian (The Holt List), is standing with the fallen network host, perhaps hoping to cash in on Bill's misogynist ways. He has a new book in the works; it's planned for September.

It seems Fox has a clear corporate strategy in place: reward men who intimidate, berate and harass women at work. Silence the women at all costs. And, no matter what, do not hurt profits. O'Reilly's show reportedly brought in $200 million for Fox. Still, most analysts predict profits won't be hurt much by O'Reilly's ouster.

How do we know about this Fox strategy? We saw it played out last summer, too, when another alleged top predator, former Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes, was forced out amid accusations of sexual harassment. Anchor Gretchen Carlson got $20 million. Ailes' "exit package" from Fox was about $40 million. When a corporate culture is toxic you can bet it starts at the top.

So, when the spotlight shifted to O'Reilly, who reportedly was making $18- to $20-million a year as the host of "The O'Reilly Factor," it was not shocking. Fox likely got a clue that it had to act, since the allegations have kept coming. Only a few days ago, a black woman who was a clerical worker at the network in 2008, alleged she was intimidated by O'Reilly for years.

O'Reilly would come by her desk, leer at the woman and call her "hot chocolate," she alleged. She was scared, her attorney, Lisa Bloom, told the Hollywood Reporter. Bloom, who helped the woman report the harassment to the Fox network's hot line, says her client is not seeking monetary damages.

Rest here: Bill O'Reilly's golden payout from Fox is an outrage -

Rewarding sexual assaulters, it's the conservative way! Republican shitbags rewarded Trump's sexual assault with a presidential win, Fox rewards Bill-O the clown with tens of millions of dollars. Gotta love those Repubican "family values."

This is your weekly reminder to never, EVER vote Republican.

Oh, and before I forget, "But Bill Clintoooooooonnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!"
His payout is probably based on his contract. Guys like this usually have clauses in their contract to protect them financially from a dismissal. If I get I fired, I get two weeks. If O'Reilly get's fired he get's a year's pay.
(CNN) Bill O'Reilly is reportedly walking away with tens of millions of dollars. How insulting. After being accused of habitual sexual harassment and other lewd acts, causing him and his employer, Fox News, to pay out $13 million in settlements; after costing the network millions when advertisers fled his show; after finally being fired from his job after years — he leaves with a golden payout.

Don't think for one second his firing is a win for women in the workplace. It is far from that.

Had a New York Times story earlier this month not exposed reports of the toxic culture at the network that tolerated and enabled his alleged behavior for years, Fox would likely have kept silencing any women who complained.

Even O'Reilly's book publisher at MacMillian (The Holt List), is standing with the fallen network host, perhaps hoping to cash in on Bill's misogynist ways. He has a new book in the works; it's planned for September.

It seems Fox has a clear corporate strategy in place: reward men who intimidate, berate and harass women at work. Silence the women at all costs. And, no matter what, do not hurt profits. O'Reilly's show reportedly brought in $200 million for Fox. Still, most analysts predict profits won't be hurt much by O'Reilly's ouster.

How do we know about this Fox strategy? We saw it played out last summer, too, when another alleged top predator, former Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes, was forced out amid accusations of sexual harassment. Anchor Gretchen Carlson got $20 million. Ailes' "exit package" from Fox was about $40 million. When a corporate culture is toxic you can bet it starts at the top.

So, when the spotlight shifted to O'Reilly, who reportedly was making $18- to $20-million a year as the host of "The O'Reilly Factor," it was not shocking. Fox likely got a clue that it had to act, since the allegations have kept coming. Only a few days ago, a black woman who was a clerical worker at the network in 2008, alleged she was intimidated by O'Reilly for years.

O'Reilly would come by her desk, leer at the woman and call her "hot chocolate," she alleged. She was scared, her attorney, Lisa Bloom, told the Hollywood Reporter. Bloom, who helped the woman report the harassment to the Fox network's hot line, says her client is not seeking monetary damages.

Rest here: Bill O'Reilly's golden payout from Fox is an outrage -

Rewarding sexual assaulters, it's the conservative way! Republican shitbags rewarded Trump's sexual assault with a presidential win, Fox rewards Bill-O the clown with tens of millions of dollars. Gotta love those Repubican "family values."

This is your weekly reminder to never, EVER vote Republican.

Oh, and before I forget, "But Bill Clintoooooooonnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!"

It's OK. No problem. O'Reilly has been very wealthy for a long time. If it had just been about the money he would have retired years ago.

Console yourself with several obvious realities:
1. No one is going to hire him and put him on the air. This is like DEATH to him.
2. He no longer has a building full of women to chase and insult. This is like DEATH to him.
3. His public persona has been forever stained and reputation irrevocably harmed. This is like DEATH to him...
because these things are ALL he cares about and he's lost all three.

1) he can pretty much get a job anywhere.
2) there is still no evidence supporting these allegations yet so I doubt it is like death to him. Especially since !any women like men with money
3) his reputation has only been harmed among those who thought he sucked already anyways
He is under contract. There also isn't any proof he did those things. Therefore, they cant just fire him without paying him off. He has been the number one for show for many years. Ranks in hundreds of millions dollars a year. His contract is in his favor anyways, I would imagine.
Instead of knee jerking, try to think a bit.
I heard he had just signed a 3 year, 20 mil/yr contract. So he left with less than half of what he would have earned.
Yet twice as much as what his victims were paid.

His victims? Accusation were made, that's it.
The same is true for Bill Clinton, yet I have never seen you point that out!


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