Bill Would Force Obama To Reveal Birth Documents

Maybe the guy is just sick of hearing all the bullshit about the birth certificate and wants to put the issue to bed. Obama is more than happy to keep it going as the "Birthers" are a great way to ridicule and marginalize your opponents....kinda like the 9/11 conspiracy theory freaks did to the left.

Sorry bub... you're ass backwards on this one. It's pretty much working out just the opposite of that theory.

SO the guy brought up the bill to keep the "birthers are crazy" thing going?

If i'm ass backwards just point me to the info so I can STFU :D
OK... I'll explain it to you simple enough so that anyone should understand it...


OK, see how that's backfiring on obama if his intent is to make people look stupid? He's spending GOBS of CASH to KEEP his birth certificate HIDDEN, why would he put all that money and effort in jeopardy? Doesn't make sense. The theory that he's doing it to make people look stupid is fundamentally flawed. There's another reason. Ask yourself what.
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To be hones this is the funniest BS I have heard in a long time. Everything that is going on and people are concentrating on things like this no wonder we can hardly get anything done. Wondering if he is a natural citizen wow to go that far because you are upset is funny.
Sorry bub... you're ass backwards on this one. It's pretty much working out just the opposite of that theory.

SO the guy brought up the bill to keep the "birthers are crazy" thing going?

If i'm ass backwards just point me to the info so I can STFU :D
OK... I'll explain it to you simple enough so that anyone should understand it...


OK, see how that's backfiring on obama if his intent is to make people look stupid? He's spending GOBS of CASH to KEEP his birth certificate HIDDEN, why would he put all that money and effort in jeopardy? Doesn't make sense. The theory that he's doing it to make people look stupid is fundamentally flawed. There's another reason. Ask yourself what.

I think we just view this situation different. You make a valid point but I just think the Birth Certificate is a non-issue that marginalizes those who persue it.

There are 2 seperate newspaper articles from HI in 1961 announcing Barry's birth.
SO the guy brought up the bill to keep the "birthers are crazy" thing going?

If i'm ass backwards just point me to the info so I can STFU :D
OK... I'll explain it to you simple enough so that anyone should understand it...


OK, see how that's backfiring on obama if his intent is to make people look stupid? He's spending GOBS of CASH to KEEP his birth certificate HIDDEN, why would he put all that money and effort in jeopardy? Doesn't make sense. The theory that he's doing it to make people look stupid is fundamentally flawed. There's another reason. Ask yourself what.

I think we just view this situation different. You make a valid point but I just think the Birth Certificate is a non-issue that marginalizes those who persue it.

There are 2 seperate newspaper articles from HI in 1961 announcing Barry's birth.

Well, again PP, you're ill informed. The newspaper ads were nothing more than notices that a certification of live birth had been ISSUED. They did not say what hospital he was born in, and they even got his address wrong. They prove nothing. They're worthless. He still could have been born in Kenya, had been issued the COLB, and those notices would still have been printed. Put it all together and you still have NOTHING.
OK... I'll explain it to you simple enough so that anyone should understand it...


OK, see how that's backfiring on obama if his intent is to make people look stupid? He's spending GOBS of CASH to KEEP his birth certificate HIDDEN, why would he put all that money and effort in jeopardy? Doesn't make sense. The theory that he's doing it to make people look stupid is fundamentally flawed. There's another reason. Ask yourself what.

I think we just view this situation different. You make a valid point but I just think the Birth Certificate is a non-issue that marginalizes those who persue it.

There are 2 seperate newspaper articles from HI in 1961 announcing Barry's birth.

Well, again PP, you're ill informed. The newspaper ads were nothing more than notices that a certification of live birth had been ISSUED. They did not say what hospital he was born in, and they even got his address wrong. They prove nothing. They're worthless. He still could have been born in Kenya, had been issued the COLB, and those notices would still have been printed. Put it all together and you still have NOTHING.
Except those notices came from the Dept of Health.
The Hawaiian Dept of Health does not issue Kenyan Certificates of Live Birth.
C'mon man newspapers printed an announcement of his birth...why would a HI newspaper do that in 1961 unless he was born there?

I'm sure that 48 years ago they didn't know he would run for president.

Like I said we just view it different. I'm not going to change my view and you wont change yours. Lets be civil and just dissagree.

I'll leave your thread alone now.
Sorry Pale but RETROACTIVE laws are unconstitutional.........At best he would need to produce them to run in 2012 but it will never get passed so don't worry about it.......By the way wasn't it the Republicans who were batting around the idea of doing away with the "natiral born" thing so Arno;d could run for Pres?
I think we just view this situation different. You make a valid point but I just think the Birth Certificate is a non-issue that marginalizes those who persue it.

There are 2 seperate newspaper articles from HI in 1961 announcing Barry's birth.

Well, again PP, you're ill informed. The newspaper ads were nothing more than notices that a certification of live birth had been ISSUED. They did not say what hospital he was born in, and they even got his address wrong. They prove nothing. They're worthless. He still could have been born in Kenya, had been issued the COLB, and those notices would still have been printed. Put it all together and you still have NOTHING.
Except those notices came from the Dept of Health.
The Hawaiian Dept of Health does not issue Kenyan Certificates of Live Birth.

No, they didn't. The NEWSPAPER did a daily check of COLB's that had been issued and printed a notice. The DofH had nothing whatsoever to do with the notices being printed in the paper.

I said nothing about a Kenyan COLB.
C'mon man newspapers printed an announcement of his birth...why would a HI newspaper do that in 1961 unless he was born there?

No, they didn't PP. What was in the newspaper was nothing more than a generic notice printed BY the newspaper that a COLB had been issued.

So if you people that are so convinced obama was born in Hawaii actually took the time to read up on it, you'd find that you're wrong about a great many things.

I do appreciate however PP, you being civil in your debate. Something most opposed to obama having to prove where he was born appear to be incapable of.
Sorry Pale but RETROACTIVE laws are unconstitutional.........At best he would need to produce them to run in 2012 but it will never get passed so don't worry about it.......By the way wasn't it the Republicans who were batting around the idea of doing away with the "natiral born" thing so Arno;d could run for Pres?

I guess we'll see. If Hawaii says the new law will force obama to release the real deal, then obama will have to release the real deal. In any case, this issue is rapidly coming to a head. The man is NOT going to be able to KEEP HIDING this document, or all the myriad of other documents he's keeping hidden. The dam is about to bust. His time is running out.

And I don't believe they'd ever amend the constitution so that someone NOT a natural born citizen could be President. However, I believe by virtue of deception and total incompetence, that's what we have now.
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I'm still asking the same question I've been asking for a week now.

Why doesn't Obama just release the long form birth certificate?

More and more people are asking the same question.

President Transparency is hiding something from the American people.

What it is we won't know until the birth certificate is released.
I'm sorry to point this out to you Pale but if you are counting on the "birthers" to help you win back some seats in 2010 then you are not very bright. The fact is those lunatics are DRIVING away moderates and independents by the truck load.
I'm sorry to point this out to you Pale but if you are counting on the "birthers" to help you win back some seats in 2010 then you are not very bright. The fact is those lunatics are DRIVING away moderates and independents by the truck load.

Well cherry, your opinion and spin isn't really worth squat now is it.
Two things:

First, this guy has "announced that he plans to introduce legislation..." Sounds to me like he doesn't even have the thing drafted yet, let alone ready to submit.

Then, of course, it would have to go to committee, where they would discover that releasing ALL information relating to births would violate federal law and regulation. Then they would have to consider the danger of identity theft, so they would probably limit the release of such information to those who had a legitimate reason to be seeking it. Wait, isn't that what the law is now? :lol:

Point being, get back to us if and when Hawaii passes this legislation to allow open access to Hawaiian vital records.

Second, the Director of the Hawaii Department of Health has already verified that the President was born in Hawaii. Really, what else do y'all think is there?
I'm sorry to point this out to you Pale but if you are counting on the "birthers" to help you win back some seats in 2010 then you are not very bright. The fact is those lunatics are DRIVING away moderates and independents by the truck load.

If 46% of Americans think Obama should release the LF Certificate, then your theory is flawed.

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