Bill Would Require US National Soccer Teams Stand for National Anthem

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The bill would suspend taxpayer funding for teams that disrespected the United States.
How does protesting white supremacy "disrespect" the US?

Five Truths About Black History

"What the bill does

"A new bill would suspend federal taxpayer funding for the 2022 and 2026 soccer World Cups, unless the U.S. Soccer Federation repeals its policies allowing players to kneel during the national anthem.

"The 2026 World Cup is scheduled to be held across multiple locations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

"As far as GovTrack Insider can tell, this is the first legislation introduced regarding the 'kneeling for the national anthem' controversy."

What does it say about a "free country" that mandate$ patrioti$m?
Sports should not be the place for politics.

"What the bill does

"A new bill would suspend federal taxpayer funding for the 2022 and 2026 soccer World Cups, unless the U.S. Soccer Federation repeals its policies allowing players to kneel during the national anthem.

"The 2026 World Cup is scheduled to be held across multiple locations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

"As far as GovTrack Insider can tell, this is the first legislation introduced regarding the 'kneeling for the national anthem' controversy."

What does it say about a "free country" that mandate$ patrioti$m?
Sports should not be the place for politics.

"Sports should not be the place for politics."


so stop being political by forcing people to stand during the national anthem

"What the bill does

"A new bill would suspend federal taxpayer funding for the 2022 and 2026 soccer World Cups, unless the U.S. Soccer Federation repeals its policies allowing players to kneel during the national anthem.

"The 2026 World Cup is scheduled to be held across multiple locations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

"As far as GovTrack Insider can tell, this is the first legislation introduced regarding the 'kneeling for the national anthem' controversy."

What does it say about a "free country" that mandate$ patrioti$m?
Sports should not be the place for politics.

Players shouldn't kneel during the national anthem.

They should all bring flags with them, hug them like they are about to have sex with them, dance around like an idiot and then conduct the band!

Ain't nothing more American than restricting someone's freedom of speech.
There is no restricting anything. Consider it proper behavior to allow the fans to enjoy a game without being arrogant about politics. Should we allow the players to honor their right to push their religious beliefs on the fans, too. I can just see their signs now....CATHOLICS ARE COO COO! Would you like that at the beginning of each game?

"What the bill does

"A new bill would suspend federal taxpayer funding for the 2022 and 2026 soccer World Cups, unless the U.S. Soccer Federation repeals its policies allowing players to kneel during the national anthem.

"The 2026 World Cup is scheduled to be held across multiple locations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

"As far as GovTrack Insider can tell, this is the first legislation introduced regarding the 'kneeling for the national anthem' controversy."

What does it say about a "free country" that mandate$ patrioti$m?
Sports should not be the place for politics.

"Sports should not be the place for politics."


so stop being political by forcing people to stand during the national anthem
Standing for the Anthem is not politics. :rolleyes:
Ain't nothing more American than restricting someone's freedom of speech.
There is no restricting anything. Consider it proper behavior to allow the fans to enjoy a game without being arrogant about politics. Should we allow the players to honor their right to push their religious beliefs on the fans, too. I can just see their signs now....CATHOLICS ARE COO COO! Would you like that at the beginning of each game?

People thank God in sports all the time.

"What the bill does

"A new bill would suspend federal taxpayer funding for the 2022 and 2026 soccer World Cups, unless the U.S. Soccer Federation repeals its policies allowing players to kneel during the national anthem.

"The 2026 World Cup is scheduled to be held across multiple locations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

"As far as GovTrack Insider can tell, this is the first legislation introduced regarding the 'kneeling for the national anthem' controversy."

What does it say about a "free country" that mandate$ patrioti$m?
What do you have against a simple song and a piece of cloth?
What do you have against a simple song and a piece of cloth?
Their association with slavery and other historical aspects of white supremacy in the US, for starters:

Five Truths About Black History

"A war fought for slavery

"Research conducted by the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2017 shows that our schools are failing to teach the truth about African enslavement.

"Only 8 percent of high school seniors surveyed can identify slavery as the central cause of the Civil War.

"Two-thirds (68 percent) don’t know that it took a constitutional amendment to formally end slavery.

"Fewer than one in four students (22 percent) can correctly identify how provisions in the Constitution gave advantages to slaveholders.

"The truth is clear if we choose to see it."
What do you have against a simple song and a piece of cloth?
Their association with slavery and other historical aspects of white supremacy in the US, for starters:

Five Truths About Black History

"A war fought for slavery

"Research conducted by the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2017 shows that our schools are failing to teach the truth about African enslavement.

"Only 8 percent of high school seniors surveyed can identify slavery as the central cause of the Civil War.

"Two-thirds (68 percent) don’t know that it took a constitutional amendment to formally end slavery.

"Fewer than one in four students (22 percent) can correctly identify how provisions in the Constitution gave advantages to slaveholders.

"The truth is clear if we choose to see it."
What does that have to do with a piece of cloth and a song? History is always written by winners. Slavery was bad but we evolved. Not sure what you're trying to fix? Jews were slaves too, should we go and bash Egyptians?

"What the bill does

"A new bill would suspend federal taxpayer funding for the 2022 and 2026 soccer World Cups, unless the U.S. Soccer Federation repeals its policies allowing players to kneel during the national anthem.

"The 2026 World Cup is scheduled to be held across multiple locations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

"As far as GovTrack Insider can tell, this is the first legislation introduced regarding the 'kneeling for the national anthem' controversy."

What does it say about a "free country" that mandate$ patrioti$m?

Nothing says FREEDOM like force!

when trump steals the next election don't be surprised when they pass a bill mandating christian prayer

Sounds good to me, we need all the help we can get to destroy the evil mentally challenged left
Sports should not be the place for politics.
Is that even possible?

Politics - Wikipedia

"According to Harold Lasswell, politics is 'who gets what, when, how'.[13]

"For David Easton, it is about 'the authoritative allocation of values for a society'.[14]

"To Vladimir Lenin, 'politics is the most concentrated expression of economics'.[15]

"Bernard Crick argued that 'politics is a distinctive form of rule whereby people act together through institutionalized procedures to resolve differences, to conciliate diverse interests and values and to make public policies in the pursuit of common purposes'".

Sports might be the toy store in society, but it also is where the government goes to inflate enlistment numbers in the Armed Forces and conflate the often diverse interests of patriotism and human rights.
Sports should not be the place for politics.
Is that even possible?

Politics - Wikipedia

"According to Harold Lasswell, politics is 'who gets what, when, how'.[13]

"For David Easton, it is about 'the authoritative allocation of values for a society'.[14]

"To Vladimir Lenin, 'politics is the most concentrated expression of economics'.[15]

"Bernard Crick argued that 'politics is a distinctive form of rule whereby people act together through institutionalized procedures to resolve differences, to conciliate diverse interests and values and to make public policies in the pursuit of common purposes'".

Sports might be the toy store in society, but it also is where the government goes to inflate enlistment numbers in the Armed Forces and conflate the often diverse interests of patriotism and human rights.
Mayans were killers. Should we go and bash ancient Mayans?
This one might actually be a violation of the First Amendment.

Congress shall pass no law restricting.......

If this bill is made law then it will indeed restrict freedom of speech as we define it.
Most of those millions who dream of coming here have no knowledge of the influence of white supremacy and many are too greedy to care.

The fact that China, Russia, and North Korea have less regard for human rights than US bigots is just another lame strawman arguments conservatives always fall back on when they can't defend their own racist instincts.

The vast majority of the people who come to the US to be citizens know more about the history of the United States than the ignorant, rampaging Leftists and domestic terrorists. I seriously doubt YOU could pass the test immigrants have to take to become US citizens. Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats and domestic terrorists turned-academics have turned the US education system into anti-American socialist indoctrination camps. Bill Ayers, Barry's terrorist buddy, realized long ago that bombing and killing 1st responders would turn no one to their cause, that the way to victory was to take over the education systems to indoctrinate and teach ignorance and hate to generations to follow.

The fact that China, Russia, and North Korea are even more oppressive than the Democrats are becoming today could not be any further from a 'strawman'.

The fact that the ignorant, uneducated, foreign-funded/inspired, violent thugs, thieves, looters, arsonists, murderers, and domestic terrorists have crossed the line in taking advantage of this country's freedoms (& the criminal/terrorist-supporting Democrats) yet would be mowed down, killed, tortured, locked away in some dungeon for decades proves they love in the greatest, free-est country in the world. Again, these sons of bitches should be grateful but are NOT - they are emotionally-manipulated, indoctrinated, hate-driven, herded sheep conned into a violent mob-mentality.

Liberals and Democrats have manipulated and indoctrinated these domestic terrorists and protestors into believing the United States is a horrible nation built on the sins of our forefathers, built on the dead / enslaved / murdered, a nation that needs to cease to exist and be rebuilt ... based on Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat - Social Justice - Minorities led to believe that they are nothing but victims, who are OWED everything.

The United States is the greatest nation in the world. It has the greatest constitution, the most amount of freedom of any nation. There is a reason that so many risk everything to come here.

And don't give me the BULLSHIT about we have to talk about 'Black Lives Matter' but in that discussion we are forbidden to bring up the dynamics and problem of fatherless children, we can't talk about the number of abortions, we can't talk about how THERE HAVE BEEN 9 (NINE) CASES OF BLACKS KILLED BY 8 WHITE COPS SOFAR THIS YEAR BUT IN CHICAGO ALONE THIS PAST WEEKEND 100 BLACKS WERE SHOT BY BLACKS. We can't talk about how many blacks are taught to disrespect the police, taught to hate the police, taught to distrust the police, how many resist arrest - sometimes violently. One black told me the POLICE are the only ones in a confrontation between a white policeman and a black person who needs to / has to be polite / respectful and willing to cooperate - WTF?

Sorry, but if you are belligerent, uncooperative, disrespectful, combative - if you resist arrest, you have just refused to fulfill 'your half of the social contract, you have just 'poked the beast', you are asking for trouble. Barry's professor buddy was a prime example of this. The police showed up due to a report of a possible break-in of a house, which they explained to the professor. They explained this and asked to see some identification, which is perfectly reasonable / expected in this situation when responding to such a call. Instead of being reasonable, social, and cooperating with the police, Barry's buddy refused to cooperate, refused to show ID...and ended up getting arrested, In cases like this, it is not the white cop who is to blame. The only 'racist' involved in this case was Barry's buddy who reacted with a racial animosity-based response.

Unless you address THESE problems / issues as well, issues that contribute to the plight / circumstances of Blacks, no one is REALLY serious about the currently hollow 'bumper sticker slogan': 'BLACK LIVES MATTER'. What people are REALLY saying is THE ONLY BLACK LIVES THAT MATTER ARE THE INFREQUENT, FEW WHO ARE KILLED BY WHITE COPS. They are trying to declare that all of the majority of horrible things happening to blacks is due to the rare / infrequent white-on-black police violence, refusing to even talk about the larger problems of single-parent families, abortions, black-on-black crime, the propensity to loot, destroy, burn, murder, etc....


Thanks for the list of things that have nothing to do with capitalism.
Can you follow this math?
Capitalism = Racism.

Five Truths About Black History

"Terrorism, even if we refuse to acknowledge it

"The largest terrorist attack in Oklahoma was not at the Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995.

"It was down the road in Tulsa in 1921.

"The Greenwood neighborhood of Tulsa, Oklahoma, was unique. In the early 20th century, it was referred to as 'Black Wall Street' and was home to Black and Native Americans who had become wealthy from oil discoveries."

Can you follow this math?
Capitalism = Racism.

You're silly. And stupid.
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