Bill Would Require US National Soccer Teams Stand for National Anthem

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Mayans were killers. Should we go and bash ancient Mayans?
Jews are killing non-Jews in Palestine; should we bomb Jerusalem?

There is no such thing as Palestine. You mean Judea? Palestine was a name given to Judea by the conquering Romans. Islam was invented 500+ years after the Jews were living in Judea. At least learn your history.

"What the bill does

"A new bill would suspend federal taxpayer funding for the 2022 and 2026 soccer World Cups, unless the U.S. Soccer Federation repeals its policies allowing players to kneel during the national anthem.

"The 2026 World Cup is scheduled to be held across multiple locations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

"As far as GovTrack Insider can tell, this is the first legislation introduced regarding the 'kneeling for the national anthem' controversy."

What does it say about a "free country" that mandate$ patrioti$m?
Nobody is required to play on the team
What does that have to do with a piece of cloth and a song? History is always written by winners. Slavery was bad but we evolved
Evolved to Jim Crow. redlining, and regular incidents of police brutality like this one from 2019 which have only become common knowledge since cell phone cameras became prevalent:

“Atrocious”: Police Killed Elijah McClain in 2019. Why Did It Take Colorado So Long to Launch Probe?

White supremacy is alive and well in the US and almost as deadly as Zionism in Palestine.
There is no such thing as Palestine. You mean Judea? Palestine was a name given to Judea by the conquering Romans. Islam was invented 500+ years after the Jews were living in Judea. At least learn your history.
History didn't end in the 20th Century, did it?

"the establishment in Palestine...nothing shall be done which may prejudice the...rights of...non-Jewish communities in Palestine..."

Have you noticed any Jewish prejudice against non-Jews in Palestine lately?

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia
What does that have to do with a piece of cloth and a song? History is always written by winners. Slavery was bad but we evolved
Evolved to Jim Crow. redlining, and regular incidents of police brutality like this one from 2019 which have only become common knowledge since cell phone cameras became prevalent:

“Atrocious”: Police Killed Elijah McClain in 2019. Why Did It Take Colorado So Long to Launch Probe?

White supremacy is alive and well in the US and almost as deadly as Zionism in Palestine.
All lies and again Palestine was a name given to Judea by Romans when they conquered the Jews. You don’t know history. You’re stupid.
Mayans were killers. Should we go and bash ancient Mayans?
European capitalists took care of Mayan payback.
What do we do about this?

Do you have the slightest concern for the millions of innocent human beings killed by the US military since 1945?
Such as ISIS? No. Why do you spit on our soldiers graves?
There is no such thing as Palestine. You mean Judea? Palestine was a name given to Judea by the conquering Romans. Islam was invented 500+ years after the Jews were living in Judea. At least learn your history.
History didn't end in the 20th Century, did it?

"the establishment in Palestine...nothing shall be done which may prejudice the...rights of...non-Jewish communities in Palestine..."

Have you noticed any Jewish prejudice against non-Jews in Palestine lately?

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia
Palestine was a name given to Judea by the Romans. There was no such thing as a Palestinian until 1964 when, Arafat, an Egyptian, called the people Palestinians. Islam was founded 500 years after Romans called the land Palestine as an insult to the Jews as they conquered them and Jews sworn enemies at the time were the Philistines. Shame you don’t know history other than what you see on MSDNC and CNN.
This one might actually be a violation of the First Amendment.

Congress shall pass no law restricting.......

If this bill is made law then it will indeed restrict freedom of speech as we define it.
Apparently this bill has a chance of passing that's close to zero, but it does reveal a hard-core authoritarian culture inside US athletics. Not standing for the Anthem at some NFL games can be hazardous to your health.
Ain't nothing more American than restricting someone's freedom of speech.
first amendment! second amendment! ya can't just cherry pick cuz they fall like dominoes...if you oppose just one you cannot complain when its your turn

I support them all. Do you?
Find one post where I don't...I'm even pro choice and there is no language in the constitution to support you believe liberals are not attacking the second amendment?

"What the bill does

"A new bill would suspend federal taxpayer funding for the 2022 and 2026 soccer World Cups, unless the U.S. Soccer Federation repeals its policies allowing players to kneel during the national anthem.

"The 2026 World Cup is scheduled to be held across multiple locations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

"As far as GovTrack Insider can tell, this is the first legislation introduced regarding the 'kneeling for the national anthem' controversy."

What does it say about a "free country" that mandate$ patrioti$m?
What makes these assfucks think the majority of tax payers want this dick to use their tax money to force their views onto others.
Ain't nothing more American than restricting someone's freedom of speech.
first amendment! second amendment! ya can't just cherry pick cuz they fall like dominoes...if you oppose just one you cannot complain when its your turn

I support them all. Do you?
Find one post where I don't...I'm even pro choice and there is no language in the constitution to support you believe liberals are not attacking the second amendment?

Both sides attack our rights. Mostly simply to try and keep people divided.
Ain't nothing more American than restricting someone's freedom of speech.
Wrong. They are representing the United States. If they have a problem with it, they shouldn’t be on the team. They can “protest” all they want in their own personal time when not wearing the US team uniform.

That isn't how free speech works. But you know that. They are exemplifying everything this country is supposed to be about.
Yes, it is how freedom is speech works. Funny how it’s okay to get people fired from their jobs for criticizing BLM terrorists, yet not okay to fire a team member for breaking the team’s policy?

Yes, rightly or wrongly a private company can punish people for their speech unlike the government.

But this bill is going nowhere anyway.
LOL, yes the government can fire you for violating policy.

Gawd you’re dumb.
Ask anyone in the military, they have strict rules on political expression. Do you actually believe anyone in the military can take a knee? If so you are dumber than a door knob
Both sides attack our rights. Mostly simply to try and keep people divided.
That's seperate from my point and let me know where you stand on free speech [and the example in the op does not violate the constitution] but I am interested in if you feel the lefts stance on the second amendment is a violation of the constitution

Yes and by your statement you are showing yourself to be a hypocrite.

This is most certainly a violation of free speech rights. That's why its going nowhere.
All lies and again Palestine was a name given to Judea by Romans when they conquered the Jews. You don’t know history. You’re stupid
Israel was the name Lord Rothschild gave to Palestine one hundred years ago; try to focus on the present reality and not your racist, stupid mythology:

"Balfour Declaration letter written

"On November 2, 1917, Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour writes an important letter to Britain’s most illustrious Jewish citizen, Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild, expressing the British government’s support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

"The letter would eventually become known as the Balfour Declaration.

"Britain’s support for the Zionist movement came from its concerns regarding the direction of the First World War.

"Aside from a genuine belief in the righteousness of Zionism, held by Lloyd George among others, Britain’s leaders hoped that a statement supporting Zionism would help gain Jewish support for the Allies."

Rich Brits wanted a "little, loyal Jewish Ulster" at the headwaters of the Suez Canal a century ago, and they needed US support to make that happen.

That's where your racist, apartheid state came from, not from Moses.
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