Bill Would Require US National Soccer Teams Stand for National Anthem

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The bill wouldn't "require" anything. Only democrats require certain conduct. The bill would suspend taxpayer funding for teams that disrespected the United States. Why do taxpayers fund freaking soccer teams anyway?
There should be no federal money for soccer, whether they stand or not. Let’s hope USSF decides to let players kneel. Save the taxpayers some money.
That may turn out to be a dangerous underestimation of the future of US soccer?

Infographic: Super Bowl Can't Hold the Candle to the Biggest Game in Soccer

Wow, it looks like soccer could support it’s self. BTW, I realize how popular soccer is. I don’t believe we should fund any sports. I’d say the same about football, basketball or fishing, it is a waste of taxpayer money. I would also end all other corporate welfare. If a business needs subsidized, then they have a poor process in place and they either need to fix it, or go out of business.
They don't have to play the World Cup in the U.S.. But doing so generates billions of dollars for the economy. Why shouldn't the government encourage them to bring it here by funding part of it to meet FIFA standards?

Good with billions being made, taxpayers should not need to fund it. Let private enterprise that will rake in billions fund it. That is capitalism at work.
Nonsense. Legislators, at all levels, give money, or other incentives, to businesses that help the economy.

And we shouldn’t. The question isn’t do they or don’t they, it is should they or shouldn’t they. We don’t need to fund businesses, corporations, foreign countries, sports or anything else. There is no purpose. If there is love of the sport, then let them foot the bill.

The government is under no obligation to fund any of it and is in no position to fund it.
No one said the government is obligated. You’re not offering any reason for why the government shouldn't foster businesses that are good for the community. They bring jobs and revenue.

Nuh-uh, is not a reason.

Aren’t you the people that claim if a business can’t pay a living wage they should not be in business. Yet, you want to fund businesses? You people make no sense. We are $22trillion in debt and you just want to fund nonsense like soccer. How does having a soccer team help the general welfare of the nation? Seems like a silly waste of money. I had several businesses and didn’t take any corporate well fare. Is a waste of money.
This thread is about providing funds for the World Cup, the most watched sporting event on the planet. So no, we're not talking about nonsense. And no, not a silly waste of money; but one that will generate billions of dollars. Bringing that to America, benefits America.

Oh, and we're not $22 trillion in debt... we're over $26 trillion in debt.

So what would happen if the US did not make the World Cup in 2022?
Why would that make a difference?
I’m sorry you aren’t getting my point. If the US doesn’t make the World Cup in 2022, what difference would that make in the life of any American? If we don’t go to the Olympics, what difference does that make for the average American? Do we really need soccer or the Olympics? If one thing I have learned with this virus is sports aren’t really missed. They aren’t necessary and not importan, and I am a sports guy.
Ain't nothing more American than restricting someone's freedom of speech.
Wrong. They are representing the United States. If they have a problem with it, they shouldn’t be on the team. They can “protest” all they want in their own personal time when not wearing the US team uniform.

That isn't how free speech works. But you know that. They are exemplifying everything this country is supposed to be about.

Turns out free speech isn't free after all is it?

This bill is going nowhere.
Unconstitutional. Fuck that slimeball little c*nt and the orange asshole he lives in.

Please quote what part of the constitution makes it illegal to withhold federal money from a soccer team.

You get it backwards, as usual. Trying to legislate away 1st amendment freedoms is authoritarian and wrong headed. The team should not only defy any such ruling, but they should tell this government to cram their funding and stick it where the sun never shines.
The bill wouldn't "require" anything. Only democrats require certain conduct. The bill would suspend taxpayer funding for teams that disrespected the United States. Why do taxpayers fund freaking soccer teams anyway?

No one can seem to answer that, so far the only reasons is the other guys will be there. Soccer if it is that big and great should be able to fund themselves.
Unconstitutional. Fuck that slimeball little c*nt and the orange asshole he lives in.

Please quote what part of the constitution makes it illegal to withhold federal money from a soccer team.

You get it backwards, as usual. Trying to legislate away 1st amendment freedoms is authoritarian and wrong headed. The team should not only defy any such ruling, but they should tell this government to cram their funding and stick it where the sun never shines.

I agree soccer should not accept a dime from the US government.
Unconstitutional. Fuck that slimeball little c*nt and the orange asshole he lives in.

Please quote what part of the constitution makes it illegal to withhold federal money from a soccer team.

You get it backwards, as usual. Trying to legislate away 1st amendment freedoms is authoritarian and wrong headed. The team should not only defy any such ruling, but they should tell this government to cram their funding and stick it where the sun never shines.

I agree soccer should not accept a dime from the US government.

I have no issue with that. I wasn't even aware they did. But do you support such a pointless bill in the first place? Are you okay with your government fucking with a protected right based on nothing but a misguided sense of patriotism? Because I oppose the shit out of authoritarianism for any reason.
Unconstitutional. Fuck that slimeball little c*nt and the orange asshole he lives in.

Please quote what part of the constitution makes it illegal to withhold federal money from a soccer team.

You get it backwards, as usual. Trying to legislate away 1st amendment freedoms is authoritarian and wrong headed. The team should not only defy any such ruling, but they should tell this government to cram their funding and stick it where the sun never shines.

I agree soccer should not accept a dime from the US government.

I have no issue with that. I wasn't even aware they did. But do you support such a pointless bill in the first place? Are you okay with your government fucking with a protected right based on nothing but a misguided sense of patriotism? Because I oppose the shit out of authoritarianism for any reason.
No more for sports. Not a friggin dime more. Let the leagues collapse and then redo them with salaries 90/95% less. Everything reduced to real numbers. Then we live with the stadiums we got for fifty years.
Unconstitutional. Fuck that slimeball little c*nt and the orange asshole he lives in.

Please quote what part of the constitution makes it illegal to withhold federal money from a soccer team.

You get it backwards, as usual. Trying to legislate away 1st amendment freedoms is authoritarian and wrong headed. The team should not only defy any such ruling, but they should tell this government to cram their funding and stick it where the sun never shines.

I agree soccer should not accept a dime from the US government.

I have no issue with that. I wasn't even aware they did. But do you support such a pointless bill in the first place? Are you okay with your government fucking with a protected right based on nothing but a misguided sense of patriotism? Because I oppose the shit out of authoritarianism for any reason.
No more for sports. Not a friggin dime more. Let the leagues collapse and then redo them with salaries 90/95% less. Everything reduced to real numbers. Then we live with the stadiums we got for fifty years.

Wouldn't bother me at all
Wow, it looks like soccer could support it’s self. BTW, I realize how popular soccer is. I don’t believe we should fund any sports. I’d say the same about football, basketball
When you consider the large number of taxpayers who can no longer afford the price of a ticket to football, basketball, and baseball games, I'm inclined to agree. Billionaires have enough.
There should be no federal money for soccer, whether they stand or not. Let’s hope USSF decides to let players kneel. Save the taxpayers some money.
That may turn out to be a dangerous underestimation of the future of US soccer?

Infographic: Super Bowl Can't Hold the Candle to the Biggest Game in Soccer

Wow, it looks like soccer could support it’s self. BTW, I realize how popular soccer is. I don’t believe we should fund any sports. I’d say the same about football, basketball or fishing, it is a waste of taxpayer money. I would also end all other corporate welfare. If a business needs subsidized, then they have a poor process in place and they either need to fix it, or go out of business.
They don't have to play the World Cup in the U.S.. But doing so generates billions of dollars for the economy. Why shouldn't the government encourage them to bring it here by funding part of it to meet FIFA standards?

Good with billions being made, taxpayers should not need to fund it. Let private enterprise that will rake in billions fund it. That is capitalism at work.
Nonsense. Legislators, at all levels, give money, or other incentives, to businesses that help the economy.

And we shouldn’t. The question isn’t do they or don’t they, it is should they or shouldn’t they. We don’t need to fund businesses, corporations, foreign countries, sports or anything else. There is no purpose. If there is love of the sport, then let them foot the bill.

The government is under no obligation to fund any of it and is in no position to fund it.
No one said the government is obligated. You’re not offering any reason for why the government shouldn't foster businesses that are good for the community. They bring jobs and revenue.

Nuh-uh, is not a reason.

Aren’t you the people that claim if a business can’t pay a living wage they should not be in business. Yet, you want to fund businesses? You people make no sense. We are $22trillion in debt and you just want to fund nonsense like soccer. How does having a soccer team help the general welfare of the nation? Seems like a silly waste of money. I had several businesses and didn’t take any corporate well fare. Is a waste of money.
This thread is about providing funds for the World Cup, the most watched sporting event on the planet. So no, we're not talking about nonsense. And no, not a silly waste of money; but one that will generate billions of dollars. Bringing that to America, benefits America.

Oh, and we're not $22 trillion in debt... we're over $26 trillion in debt.
We ain't winning that. So why fund it anyway?
Because the point in providing funds is to bring the World Cup here to reap the economic benefits that come with it. That benefit occurs regardless of whether or not we win.
Unconstitutional. Fuck that slimeball little c*nt and the orange asshole he lives in.

Please quote what part of the constitution makes it illegal to withhold federal money from a soccer team.

You get it backwards, as usual. Trying to legislate away 1st amendment freedoms is authoritarian and wrong headed. The team should not only defy any such ruling, but they should tell this government to cram their funding and stick it where the sun never shines.

I agree soccer should not accept a dime from the US government.

I have no issue with that. I wasn't even aware they did. But do you support such a pointless bill in the first place? Are you okay with your government fucking with a protected right based on nothing but a misguided sense of patriotism? Because I oppose the shit out of authoritarianism for any reason.
Answered that early on. Anyone can disrespect flag, kneel, stand on their head, the government shouldn’t use money to control behavior. The team they are funding can set appropriate rules of conduct. In my opinion, I don’t care.
There should be no federal money for soccer, whether they stand or not. Let’s hope USSF decides to let players kneel. Save the taxpayers some money.
That may turn out to be a dangerous underestimation of the future of US soccer?

Infographic: Super Bowl Can't Hold the Candle to the Biggest Game in Soccer

Wow, it looks like soccer could support it’s self. BTW, I realize how popular soccer is. I don’t believe we should fund any sports. I’d say the same about football, basketball or fishing, it is a waste of taxpayer money. I would also end all other corporate welfare. If a business needs subsidized, then they have a poor process in place and they either need to fix it, or go out of business.
They don't have to play the World Cup in the U.S.. But doing so generates billions of dollars for the economy. Why shouldn't the government encourage them to bring it here by funding part of it to meet FIFA standards?

Good with billions being made, taxpayers should not need to fund it. Let private enterprise that will rake in billions fund it. That is capitalism at work.
Nonsense. Legislators, at all levels, give money, or other incentives, to businesses that help the economy.

And we shouldn’t. The question isn’t do they or don’t they, it is should they or shouldn’t they. We don’t need to fund businesses, corporations, foreign countries, sports or anything else. There is no purpose. If there is love of the sport, then let them foot the bill.

The government is under no obligation to fund any of it and is in no position to fund it.
No one said the government is obligated. You’re not offering any reason for why the government shouldn't foster businesses that are good for the community. They bring jobs and revenue.

Nuh-uh, is not a reason.

Aren’t you the people that claim if a business can’t pay a living wage they should not be in business. Yet, you want to fund businesses? You people make no sense. We are $22trillion in debt and you just want to fund nonsense like soccer. How does having a soccer team help the general welfare of the nation? Seems like a silly waste of money. I had several businesses and didn’t take any corporate well fare. Is a waste of money.
This thread is about providing funds for the World Cup, the most watched sporting event on the planet. So no, we're not talking about nonsense. And no, not a silly waste of money; but one that will generate billions of dollars. Bringing that to America, benefits America.

Oh, and we're not $22 trillion in debt... we're over $26 trillion in debt.
We ain't winning that. So why fund it anyway?
Because the point in providing funds is to bring the World Cup here to reap the economic benefits that come with it. That benefit occurs regardless of whether or not we win.

Good let them fund their own selves, leave the taxpayers alone.
Repeating Commie propaganda doesn't magically make it true.
Clinging to capitalism in spite of its many failures is magical thinking:

How Racism is an Essential Tool for Maintaining the Capitalist Order -

"Police and prisons were to 'keep the lid on,' 'tame,' 'patrol and control' the restive portions of the shock-absorber communities sequestered in slums or ghettos. Interactions with police coupled with cycling and recycling through prisons were the chosen means to manage capitalism’s collateral damage.

"Those means generated collateral damage of their own: the long, tragic record of police violence, use of excessive force, the harshness and violence of incarceration, and the killing especially of African Americans."
Ain't nothing more American than restricting someone's freedom of speech.
Wrong. They are representing the United States. If they have a problem with it, they shouldn’t be on the team. They can “protest” all they want in their own personal time when not wearing the US team uniform.

That isn't how free speech works. But you know that. They are exemplifying everything this country is supposed to be about.
Yes, it is how freedom is speech works. Funny how it’s okay to get people fired from their jobs for criticizing BLM terrorists, yet not okay to fire a team member for breaking the team’s policy?
It seems unconstitutional. 1st amendment--free speech (if it's construed as that) and right to protest are both hands off as far as the government goes. Last I checked, Congress is the government. I'm surprised they're even trying this.
Not unconstitutional to have team rules that do not allow players to shit on America on the international stage.

Players still have free speech rights. Just not the right to be on the. national team.

Otherwise, just don't put out a team. Either that or I will support Uruguay forever.
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