Billionaire to his cohort: “lighten up about Elizabeth Warren”

The only people consumed by greed are the covetous looter progs, who never earned an honest buck in their lives.
When the typical American thinks of a "rich" person, they really have no idea what the typical rich person is up to. High-powered corporate execs are not typical, nor are gazillionaire sports or entertainment figures. These people are unfortunate from a tax standpoint because their income is highly visible and not easily manipulated. These are the people who are paying well-over half their gross income in federal, state, and local income taxes. But they are not typical of "rich" people.

Most rich people are either investors or own thriving "small" businesses. And they have a great deal of control over how much their taxable income is, and how much they will pay in taxes. They can defer income, hide income, take it in creative ways, or structure their affairs to take advantage of deductions, allowances, exclusions and so on.

Regardless of what the tax tables indicate, they pay 17-18% of their income in FIT. This was true when the highest marginal tax rate was 72% and when it was half that. And you can be assured that even if Meg Warren is elected along with a Democrat congress, they will not be paying anywhere near the top rate that shows up in the headlines. The Progs (other than Bernie) get most of their money from Rich People, and they are not going to slay the goose that lays those golden eggs.
It’s good to encounter a billionaire not consumed by greed. Trump supporters who for the most part will NEVER be billionaires, think they understand the economic ramifications of rich people paying more in taxes but they really don’t.

Billionaire Tells Wealthy To 'Lighten Up' About Elizabeth Warren: 'You're Not Victims'
But you do?
I don’t. I just know them paying more in taxes does not risk them losing their status.
The only people consumed by greed are the covetous looter progs, who never earned an honest buck in their lives.
Lol that is such a tired, lame cliche about progressives. I get it though. It gives you a false sense of manliness and superiority because you are apparently very insecure otherwise.
It’s good to encounter a billionaire not consumed by greed. Trump supporters who for the most part will NEVER be billionaires, think they understand the economic ramifications of rich people paying more in taxes but they really don’t.

Billionaire Tells Wealthy To 'Lighten Up' About Elizabeth Warren: 'You're Not Victims'

What the fuck do you know ?

Warren is batshit crazy and it's the hope of everyone on the right that she is nominated.

She'll get slaughtered and all her dumbass ideas will be carried on by the SFOS (AOC) group which will continue to ensure the domination of the republican party for decades to come.
Elizabeth Warren is a compulsive liar.

She should drop everything and go away.
It’s good to encounter a billionaire not consumed by greed. Trump supporters who for the most part will NEVER be billionaires, think they understand the economic ramifications of rich people paying more in taxes but they really don’t.

Billionaire Tells Wealthy To 'Lighten Up' About Elizabeth Warren: 'You're Not Victims'
But you do?
I don’t. I just know them paying more in taxes does not risk them losing their status.

And it won't do a fucking thing for this country.

You and the legacy of your shit-for-brains ideology have this country in a bind.

I am all for raising taxes on the rich. For every dollar you raise, you cut 4 dollars of spending. Pure and simple.

You could never do it.
Billionaire and former Goldman Sachs partner Michael Novogratz urged his rich friends to “lighten up” about Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and her plans to impose a wealth tax if she’s elected president.

“You’re not victims; you’re the richest people in the world,” Novogratz said Friday in an interview with Bloomberg. “How in God’s name do you feel like a victim?”

“It’s insanity,” he said. ”‘They’re going to come and get us.’ No! You’re going to get taxed a little more. Lighten up!”

Novogratz, who is now invested in cryptocurrency, said it makes sense to tax the wealthy to help those who are struggling in the nation.


Good thing we don't get to tell where to shove his advice.

Anyone who hasn't watched the progressive taxation of this country does not have fucking clue as to how they have created an entitled class.

How much taxes used to be and why ? They were lower and it wasn't because the rich paid more. They didn't. There simply were not the number of people asking us to carry their water becasue of the stupid assed decisions they've made.

Fuck off.
Anybody who claims Warren will only go after billionaires is a trolling left wing socialist. The reason Warren won't answer a simple question like "will you raise taxes on the middle class" is simple. She will. Every candidate in the laughable socialist clown car will drain the life and productivity out of America to finance their crazy schemes if they get a chance. The fact that the media lets them dodge the questions makes them even more dangerous. .
Anybody who claims Warren will only go after billionaires is a trolling left wing socialist. The reason Warren won't answer a simple question like "will you raise taxes on the middle class" is simple. She will. Every candidate in the laughable socialist clown car will drain the life and productivity out of America to finance their crazy schemes if they get a chance. The fact that the media lets them dodge the questions makes them even more dangerous. .

You bet.

One way or the other she's gonna make sure the entitled class get all the health care their pot smoking oversized asses want.

How she pays for it...she doesn't give a fuck.
It’s good to encounter a billionaire not consumed by greed. Trump supporters who for the most part will NEVER be billionaires, think they understand the economic ramifications of rich people paying more in taxes but they really don’t.

Billionaire Tells Wealthy To 'Lighten Up' About Elizabeth Warren: 'You're Not Victims'
Now that is funny.

Here you guys are, talking about taking other people's money.... and then in the same post, saying it's good to see people not consumed by greed.

I'm seeing a political cartoon in the making....

A picture of a robber yanking the money out of a half dozen guys pockets, and one guy saying to the rest "Guys don't get all worked up about it", and the robber saying "nice to see someone isn't greedy. Now give me the rest of your money".
It’s good to encounter a billionaire not consumed by greed. Trump supporters who for the most part will NEVER be billionaires, think they understand the economic ramifications of rich people paying more in taxes but they really don’t.

Billionaire Tells Wealthy To 'Lighten Up' About Elizabeth Warren: 'You're Not Victims'
Now that is funny.

Here you guys are, talking about taking other people's money.... and then in the same post, saying it's good to see people not consumed by greed.

I'm seeing a political cartoon in the making....

A picture of a robber yanking the money out of a half dozen guys pockets, and one guy saying to the rest "Guys don't get all worked up about it", and the robber saying "nice to see someone isn't greedy. Now give me the rest of your money".
How am I taking someone else’s money? You do know I pay taxes either way right? Do you morons not get how government spending is paid for?
It’s good to encounter a billionaire not consumed by greed. Trump supporters who for the most part will NEVER be billionaires, think they understand the economic ramifications of rich people paying more in taxes but they really don’t.

Billionaire Tells Wealthy To 'Lighten Up' About Elizabeth Warren: 'You're Not Victims'
Now that is funny.

Here you guys are, talking about taking other people's money.... and then in the same post, saying it's good to see people not consumed by greed.

I'm seeing a political cartoon in the making....

A picture of a robber yanking the money out of a half dozen guys pockets, and one guy saying to the rest "Guys don't get all worked up about it", and the robber saying "nice to see someone isn't greedy. Now give me the rest of your money".
How am I taking someone else’s money? You do know I pay taxes either way right? Do you morons not get how government spending is paid for?

Yeah, we want less of that. Regardless, if you advocate taking more of other people's money... which is what Warren has said... then you are taking someone else's money.
It’s good to encounter a billionaire not consumed by greed. Trump supporters who for the most part will NEVER be billionaires, think they understand the economic ramifications of rich people paying more in taxes but they really don’t.

Billionaire Tells Wealthy To 'Lighten Up' About Elizabeth Warren: 'You're Not Victims'

Thiers only like 1500 billionaires on the planet

The first trllionarie will be the retard who figure out how to cheaply mine the moon
If civilization makes it .....I hAve my doubts ....d3rp

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