Billions for UN Crooks —— Food Stamps for Americans


Sep 23, 2010
It is impossible to believe there is one person on the planet who still believes the global warming scam. There are plenty of hustlers pushing the scam to be sure, but by now even the “true believers” must know they are mouthing empty talking points.

It’s no secret that climate hustlers are after the money, but how many of those American “true believers” who are hurting know that Hussein is giving them food stamps while he sends billions to a few United Nations crooks:

[ame=]Inhofe: Obama Quietly Handing Over Billions of Dollars to the UN in the Name of Global Warming - YouTube[/ame]

If you watched the video you heard Senator Inhofe say:

“While he has been racking up huge deficits and talking up tax increases, the president has already sent billions of American taxpayer dollars to the United Nations – and he’s managed to do it quietly so that no one will notice,” Inhofe said.

“How many billions have already been handed over in the last three years? It’s hard to tell. There appears to be little in the way of transparency.

Notice that a leading Senator does not know how much money is involved. Assuming House Republicans who control the public purse know the amount how come they don’t tell Inhofe? and how come they let Hussein get away with it?

The next question is: How does that piece of scum in the White House get his hands on the money?

Next question: Where did Hussein get the authority to give tax dollars to a proven scam?

As far as I know, Hussein never said the following; so maybe somebody can tell me where one of his scum drops gets the authority to speak for the American people:

“Of course, this is just the beginning. United Nations Climate Chief Christiana Figueres explained her job this way: ‘It is the most inspiring job in the world because what we are doing here is we are inspiring government, private sector, and civil society to [make] the biggest transformation that they have ever undertaken. The Industrial Revolution was also a transformation, but it wasn’t a guided transformation from a centralized policy perspective. This is a centralized transformation that is taking place because governments have decided that they need to listen to science. So it’s a very, very different transformation and one that is going to make the life of everyone on the planet very different.’

Inspiring my ass. Taking tax dollars by force and giving them to America’s enemies only inspires crooks and sick freaks with a touchy-feely political agenda like Figueres. It sure as hell does not inspire the people paying the taxes, nor does it inspire the people who are being hurt by the climate change fraud.

NOTE: The manmade climate change SCAM hurts mankind a helluva lot more than naturally-occurring temperature fluctuations.

Make no mistake about this. The attendees at United Nations Conferences on Climate Change are there representing themselves and the ruling class in their native countries. They will get the money. The poor in Third World countries will never see a penny or a benefit. You have be a complete idiot to believe that hundreds of millions of poor people in Third World countries know anything about climate change. There’s no point, or profit, in scamming people who have nothing. Manmade global warming is a scam engineered by the United Nations to ripoff working people in First World countries. Demonstrating when they are told is the only thing the poor know about manmade global warming.

Christiana Figueres gets the Bullshit Award of the Year for this one:

This is a centralized transformation that is taking place because governments have decided that they need to listen to science.

Sharpshooters who know how to manipulate governments decided that designer-science is more profitable than real science.

In another article Ron Arnold says this:

Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, said the agenda in Doha -- in addition to the usual items, like stopping hydrocarbon use, transfering wealth, regulating economic growth and controlling people's lives -- is to bring about "a complete economic transformation of the world."

Translation: "Wealthy nations, you will give $100 billion a year to the United Nations' Green Climate Fund so we can dole it out to our kleptocrat friends in poor nations who will claim to use it for global warming purposes from their yachts."

The least those pirates could do is convert their petroleum-guzzling yachts to sail. After all, they claim they love wind power!

This excerpt pinpoints the danger in the coming years:

CFACT President David Rothbard – after some pointed remarks about Doha's slow, ancient buses shuttling to and from the lavish conference center with "Share The Ride -- Cut The Carbon" painted on their grimy sides -- seconded Rucker's comment: "Even if President Obama doesn't get what he wants in Congress, he'll try getting it by executive order. Remember, in 1997, senators voted by 95 to zip not to accept any treaty that requires us to do as the U.N. secretariat says. Yet President Clinton's Environmental Protection Agency imposed Kyoto-like regulations. The point is to have no treaty."

The Clintons got away with it. There is no evidence coming from Congress that Hussein will be stopped. Hell, I’d settle for a sign that the movers and shakers in Congress want to stop him.

Finally, for years I railed against ratifying UN treaties. Time and time again I pointed out that the EPA is a United Nations agency. I, and countless others, warned about the EPA to no avail. A few state governments had little success opposing the EPA. So what do I say when a treaty is enforced without being ratified?

Here are the links to the articles I quoted:

Senator says Obama sent billions to U.N.
'And he's managed to do it quietly so that no one will notice'
Published: 17 hours ago

Senator says Obama sent billions to U.N.


Obama is negotiating the plunder of America's wealth
December 6, 2012 | 8:00 pm
Ron Arnold
The Washington Examiner

Obama is negotiating the plunder of America's wealth |
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