Bill's Wife: 'Intent and Consciousness of Guilt'

No....Scooter Libby was a victim of Patrick Fitzgerald, the same guy who stopped the investigation that was leading to the White House....but of course you lie about libby......Fitzgerald knew that Richard Armitage was the leak on the first day of the investigation.......and still went forward as a democrat tool.....

Patrick Fitzgerald is a Republican.

As a matter of fact, I do think that Libby's prosecution was a travesty.

So were most of the people Ken Starr prosecuted for a deal they lost money on.

So were most of the people who Lawrence Walsh prosecuted for trying to free hostages from Lebanon.

But that's the problem with "Special Prosecutors"... they spend all this money and dammit they are going to get someone for something!!!!

Yes....moron......look at the donors to the clinton foundation and the clintons.............tell us how they put the needs of the poor first you twit....

Gee- again, the poor did pretty well when Clinton was President. So did the middle class. So did most of us.

SO the Clintons shook down rich people to help bring clean water and medicines to poor areas of the world... and only a tool like you would see this as a bad thing.
No....Scooter Libby was a victim of Patrick Fitzgerald, the same guy who stopped the investigation that was leading to the White House....but of course you lie about libby......Fitzgerald knew that Richard Armitage was the leak on the first day of the investigation.......and still went forward as a democrat tool.....

Patrick Fitzgerald is a Republican.

As a matter of fact, I do think that Libby's prosecution was a travesty.

So were most of the people Ken Starr prosecuted for a deal they lost money on.

So were most of the people who Lawrence Walsh prosecuted for trying to free hostages from Lebanon.

But that's the problem with "Special Prosecutors"... they spend all this money and dammit they are going to get someone for something!!!!

Yes....moron......look at the donors to the clinton foundation and the clintons.............tell us how they put the needs of the poor first you twit....

Gee- again, the poor did pretty well when Clinton was President. So did the middle class. So did most of us.

SO the Clintons shook down rich people to help bring clean water and medicines to poor areas of the world... and only a tool like you would see this as a bad thing.

the poor did well? The only way the poor can do well is to no longer be poor. What does that mean? Are you saying the poor got more handouts for doing nothing?

Only a tool like you thinks shaking down someone else because those that support certain ideas won't fund it themselves is a good thing.
No....Scooter Libby was a victim of Patrick Fitzgerald, the same guy who stopped the investigation that was leading to the White House....but of course you lie about libby......Fitzgerald knew that Richard Armitage was the leak on the first day of the investigation.......and still went forward as a democrat tool.....

Patrick Fitzgerald is a Republican.

As a matter of fact, I do think that Libby's prosecution was a travesty.

So were most of the people Ken Starr prosecuted for a deal they lost money on.

So were most of the people who Lawrence Walsh prosecuted for trying to free hostages from Lebanon.

But that's the problem with "Special Prosecutors"... they spend all this money and dammit they are going to get someone for something!!!!

Yes....moron......look at the donors to the clinton foundation and the clintons.............tell us how they put the needs of the poor first you twit....

Gee- again, the poor did pretty well when Clinton was President. So did the middle class. So did most of us.

SO the Clintons shook down rich people to help bring clean water and medicines to poor areas of the world... and only a tool like you would see this as a bad thing.

the poor did well? The only way the poor can do well is to no longer be poor. What does that mean? Are you saying the poor got more handouts for doing nothing?

Only a tool like you thinks shaking down someone else because those that support certain ideas won't fund it themselves is a good thing.

Under Clinton, I earned everything back that I lost under Bush Senior and St. Ronald. Republicans have always screwed the working man, and Democrats always helped him.
No....Scooter Libby was a victim of Patrick Fitzgerald, the same guy who stopped the investigation that was leading to the White House....but of course you lie about libby......Fitzgerald knew that Richard Armitage was the leak on the first day of the investigation.......and still went forward as a democrat tool.....

Patrick Fitzgerald is a Republican.

As a matter of fact, I do think that Libby's prosecution was a travesty.

So were most of the people Ken Starr prosecuted for a deal they lost money on.

So were most of the people who Lawrence Walsh prosecuted for trying to free hostages from Lebanon.

But that's the problem with "Special Prosecutors"... they spend all this money and dammit they are going to get someone for something!!!!

Yes....moron......look at the donors to the clinton foundation and the clintons.............tell us how they put the needs of the poor first you twit....

Gee- again, the poor did pretty well when Clinton was President. So did the middle class. So did most of us.

SO the Clintons shook down rich people to help bring clean water and medicines to poor areas of the world... and only a tool like you would see this as a bad thing.

the poor did well? The only way the poor can do well is to no longer be poor. What does that mean? Are you saying the poor got more handouts for doing nothing?

Only a tool like you thinks shaking down someone else because those that support certain ideas won't fund it themselves is a good thing.

Under Clinton, I earned everything back that I lost under Bush Senior and St. Ronald. Republicans have always screwed the working man, and Democrats always helped him.

Democrats handing someone something they didn't earn isn't helping them. It's enabling them to continue to want it for nothing.

I did well under Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II.
No....Scooter Libby was a victim of Patrick Fitzgerald, the same guy who stopped the investigation that was leading to the White House....but of course you lie about libby......Fitzgerald knew that Richard Armitage was the leak on the first day of the investigation.......and still went forward as a democrat tool.....

Patrick Fitzgerald is a Republican.

As a matter of fact, I do think that Libby's prosecution was a travesty.

So were most of the people Ken Starr prosecuted for a deal they lost money on.

So were most of the people who Lawrence Walsh prosecuted for trying to free hostages from Lebanon.

But that's the problem with "Special Prosecutors"... they spend all this money and dammit they are going to get someone for something!!!!

Yes....moron......look at the donors to the clinton foundation and the clintons.............tell us how they put the needs of the poor first you twit....

Gee- again, the poor did pretty well when Clinton was President. So did the middle class. So did most of us.

SO the Clintons shook down rich people to help bring clean water and medicines to poor areas of the world... and only a tool like you would see this as a bad thing.

the poor did well? The only way the poor can do well is to no longer be poor. What does that mean? Are you saying the poor got more handouts for doing nothing?

Only a tool like you thinks shaking down someone else because those that support certain ideas won't fund it themselves is a good thing.

Under Clinton, I earned everything back that I lost under Bush Senior and St. Ronald. Republicans have always screwed the working man, and Democrats always helped him.

Democrats handing someone something they didn't earn isn't helping them. It's enabling them to continue to want it for nothing.

I did well under Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II.

Again, where is all that free stuff. I have never been given anything.
No....Scooter Libby was a victim of Patrick Fitzgerald, the same guy who stopped the investigation that was leading to the White House....but of course you lie about libby......Fitzgerald knew that Richard Armitage was the leak on the first day of the investigation.......and still went forward as a democrat tool.....

Patrick Fitzgerald is a Republican.

As a matter of fact, I do think that Libby's prosecution was a travesty.

So were most of the people Ken Starr prosecuted for a deal they lost money on.

So were most of the people who Lawrence Walsh prosecuted for trying to free hostages from Lebanon.

But that's the problem with "Special Prosecutors"... they spend all this money and dammit they are going to get someone for something!!!!

Yes....moron......look at the donors to the clinton foundation and the clintons.............tell us how they put the needs of the poor first you twit....

Gee- again, the poor did pretty well when Clinton was President. So did the middle class. So did most of us.

SO the Clintons shook down rich people to help bring clean water and medicines to poor areas of the world... and only a tool like you would see this as a bad thing.

the poor did well? The only way the poor can do well is to no longer be poor. What does that mean? Are you saying the poor got more handouts for doing nothing?

Only a tool like you thinks shaking down someone else because those that support certain ideas won't fund it themselves is a good thing.

Under Clinton, I earned everything back that I lost under Bush Senior and St. Ronald. Republicans have always screwed the working man, and Democrats always helped him.

Democrats handing someone something they didn't earn isn't helping them. It's enabling them to continue to want it for nothing.

I did well under Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II.

Again, where is all that free stuff. I have never been given anything.

Prove it.
Patrick Fitzgerald is a Republican.

As a matter of fact, I do think that Libby's prosecution was a travesty.

So were most of the people Ken Starr prosecuted for a deal they lost money on.

So were most of the people who Lawrence Walsh prosecuted for trying to free hostages from Lebanon.

But that's the problem with "Special Prosecutors"... they spend all this money and dammit they are going to get someone for something!!!!

Gee- again, the poor did pretty well when Clinton was President. So did the middle class. So did most of us.

SO the Clintons shook down rich people to help bring clean water and medicines to poor areas of the world... and only a tool like you would see this as a bad thing.

the poor did well? The only way the poor can do well is to no longer be poor. What does that mean? Are you saying the poor got more handouts for doing nothing?

Only a tool like you thinks shaking down someone else because those that support certain ideas won't fund it themselves is a good thing.

Under Clinton, I earned everything back that I lost under Bush Senior and St. Ronald. Republicans have always screwed the working man, and Democrats always helped him.

Democrats handing someone something they didn't earn isn't helping them. It's enabling them to continue to want it for nothing.

I did well under Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II.

Again, where is all that free stuff. I have never been given anything.

Prove it.

What would you accept as proof?
the poor did well? The only way the poor can do well is to no longer be poor. What does that mean? Are you saying the poor got more handouts for doing nothing?

No, I mean a lot of them got jobs because Clinton got the unemployment rate down to 3% and they had topay them a decent amount.

Don't worry, you boy Bush fuckedthat up for everyone.
Only a tool like you thinks shaking down someone else because those that support certain ideas won't fund it themselves is a good thing.

Naw, guy, a tool is someone who bends over and smiles when the 1% fucks him.
the poor did well? The only way the poor can do well is to no longer be poor. What does that mean? Are you saying the poor got more handouts for doing nothing?

No, I mean a lot of them got jobs because Clinton got the unemployment rate down to 3% and they had topay them a decent amount.

Don't worry, you boy Bush fuckedthat up for everyone.
Only a tool like you thinks shaking down someone else because those that support certain ideas won't fund it themselves is a good thing.

Naw, guy, a tool is someone who bends over and smiles when the 1% fucks him.
Because after he signed NAFTA companies ran overproduction in order to fill warehouses to meet distribution demands and them move to Mexico.I know. Trust me..I fucking know and I will NEVER forget. resistant as you have been shown to coming right up:

Just a few (25) of the scandals, lies, and criminal activity of Hillary Clinton.

And she's spews the full metal crazy...

You know what, I simply don't give a fuck.

PLEASE point out how any one of those lies has made my life worse?

Just one.

Here's the thing, if you said to me, "During Hillary's term, you will see a 20% increase in income, but she's going to send out a SEAL Team to whack Monica Lewinsky."

My response. "Sucks to be you, Monica!!!"

Oh, wait. I just made an inadvertent pun there. Sucking is what got Monica into trouble.

Anyway, here's why you couldn't get the Clinton's 20 years ago and you won't get them now.

People are basically selfish bastards. Nobody is going to say, "I'm going to take a huge cut in pay so I can have an honest president."

As corrupt as you claim Hillary is, she'll run the country reasonable well. That mental patient you recruited from Reality TV... not so much.

Get it?

I don't care if you show me film of Hillary Drowning Puppies. Tell me how YOUR guy is going to make my life better. Then I might listen.

Because right now, he's just pushing the same "Voodoo Economics" you guys have been pushing for the last 40 years that have made our lives worse.

The vulgarity reveals that you recognize....once again....that I am completely correct and accurate about the candidate you have chosen to support...
...and how it reflects on your character.

This post, after the OP specifically states a series of her lies.

May your significant other relate to you in the very same manner.

Since people like Clinton have no character, lying isn't a problem to her because you can't destroy what you don't have. Same with Bulldog.

As always, your opinion will be given the consideration it deserves.


Everything posted about this couple is accurate and correct.

What is revealed in your posts is the abject lack of upbringing on your part.
So tell me again why he didn't advise prosecution?

You are so dense that light bends around you.

Start here: did Comey just admit that Bill's wife is guilty of a series of lies?

And, a trip down memory lane:

1. [May 29, 1953 Sir Edmund Hillary and Norgay Climb Mount Everest: After years of dreaming about it and seven weeks of climbing, New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Nepalese Tenzing Norgay reached the top of Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world, at 11:30 a.m. on May 29, 1953.

....the most transparent lie told by a politician:

"On a first-lady goodwill tour of Asia in April 1995—the kind of banal trip that she now claims as part of her foreign-policy "experience"—Mrs. Clinton had been in Nepal and been briefly introduced to the late Sir Edmund Hillary, conqueror of Mount Everest. Ever ready to milk the moment, she announced that her mother had actually named her for this famous and intrepid explorer. The claim "worked" well enough to be repeated at other stops and even showed up in Bill Clinton's memoirs almost a decade later, as one more instance of the gutsy tradition that undergirds the junior senator from New York.

Clinton was born in 1947, and Sir Edmund Hillary and his partner Tenzing Norgay did not ascend Mount Everest until 1953, so the story was self-evidently untrue and eventually yielded to fact-checking.

For Sen. Clinton, something is true if it validates the myth of her striving and her "greatness" (her overweening ambition in other words) and only ceases to be true when it no longer serves that limitless purpose. "
The case against Hillary Clinton. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine]

2. "In 1978 and 1979, lawyer and First Lady of Arkansas Hillary Rodham engaged in a series of trades of cattle futures contracts. Her initial $1,000 investment had generated nearly $100,000 when she stopped trading after ten months."
Hillary Rodham cattle futures controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In actuality, Bill's wife was the 'bagman' who collected the bribe from Purdue to Governor Clinton, to allow pollution of Arkansas' waterways.

"She is utterly corrupt. Back when Bill Clinton was in the White House, Hillary received $100,000 in bribes in return for putting $1,000 into the cattle futures market. The odds that Hillary did that honestly have been computed at 1 in 31 trillion. That was small potatoes compared to the deals Bill and Hillary appear to have cut with foreign governments. Enormous sums went directly into Bill’s pockets for doing speeches or to the scammy Clinton Foundation and next thing you know, the State Department was doing favors for those shady deep pocketed donors."
Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department

. "Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

The Clinton's whole existence is built on lies, fraud and corruption. There once was a time when these things, although they existed, were unacceptable with the general public at large, now they seem to be. Just more proof of the degeneration of our society. If a women like this, can being elected president, with everybody knowing shes corrupt, even her supporters know it. it 'd be a sad day for this country.

Your whole opinion of the Clintons is built on accusations of lies, fraud, and corruption. Why don't you go down that long list of reasons you hate them, and count how many of those accusations have been proven to be false. Your problem is that you can never accept the fact that accusations are not the same as guilt. If she had actually done 1/10 of the things the right has accused her of, she would have been in jail long ago. The right whining about Hillary has become nothing more than "the little boy who cried wolf". Everybody knows the right will accuse her of anything that pops into their mind, but your history of false accusations has removed any credibility you might have once had.

At every level of investigation the clintons have been in control of the investigation.......they controlled the Attorney Generals office in Arkansas when bill the rapist was the AG,and then also when he was governor...when they reached the White House they fired all the Federal Attorney's and replaced them with their people and appointed an Attorney General whose sole reason for being there was covering up for the clinton's...

They understand that the first thing they need to do is control those who should be investigating them.......and they do that completely and without hesitation.......she learned from her time on Watergate......

Everything you wrote is bullshit, but even using your own reasoning, you should realize the right is out classed, and you don't stand a chance against her. All you can do is sit in the corner and whine.


A rapist, and has exhibited racism at every level of his political life.

His wife? An acknowledged congenital liar.

You....a lock-step Liberal, behaving more like iron filings in a magnetic field than a sentient human being.
It is amazing to me that so many of the clinton minions are willing to take the fall for every level, in every scandal, these people just lie down and happily go to jail, lie, and do whatever is necessary to keep bill and hilary politically viable.......what do they have on these people that make them so willing to spend years in jail?

Uh, guy, that happens on BOTH sides.

How many people went to jail to cover for Ronald Reagan's senile ass during Iran Contra?
How about your boy Scooter Libby? Well, his memory was about to get better, so they commuted his sentence.

Again, here's a crazy idea. Let's stop using the criminal justice system to acheive what you can't get done at the ballot box.

If you don't like Hillary, there's a place to do that. It's the ballot box. Probably not going to happen this tiem because you guys nominated a crazy person.

No....Scooter Libby was a victim of Patrick Fitzgerald, the same guy who stopped the investigation that was leading to the White House....but of course you lie about libby......Fitzgerald knew that Richard Armitage was the leak on the first day of the investigation.......and still went forward as a democrat tool.....

You are absolutely correct about the situation.....Democrat shill Joe Wilson...husband of Valerie Plame, was the liar at the center of the Liberal farrago.

"I see Instapundit as well as both the Associated Press and the Washington Post has already beaten me to the punch on this one, but it's a point that needs to be made. Joe Wilson is a liar and not a particularly good one at that. As the report, starting on p. 39 and going through p. 47 very carefully explains, the claims that Wilson during his media blitz and subsequent canonization as a representative of all that is righteous and pure within anti-war circles were every bit as misleading if not factually inaccurate as anything that one may charge that the administration had done. Even more so, I would argue, if only for the fact that he was making claims about a number of issues, for example the forged documents referring to Niger, of which he had no actual knowledge - a very polite way of saying that the man was blowing smoke out his ass.

In conventional anti-war mythology, the name of Wilson's wife was leaked to the press in order to punish him for having "debunked" the administration's claims with respect to Iraq attempting to purchase uranium from Africa. As the report very clearly indicates, this was simply not the case and while it is indeed puzzling why the administration allowed him to go on as long as he did during his 15 minutes of fame without airing some of this information to the public given the considerable damage that he did to the president's reputation during this period."
The Senate Intelligence Committee Report - Winds of Change.NET

"If anyone other than Plame bears responsibility for Plame's outing, it's her martyr-playing husband, Joe Wilson. As I've written before, Wilson repeatedly lied about how he got his assignment and why."
Captain's Quarters

Scooter Libby....a victim of the lying Liberals.
the poor did well? The only way the poor can do well is to no longer be poor. What does that mean? Are you saying the poor got more handouts for doing nothing?

Only a tool like you thinks shaking down someone else because those that support certain ideas won't fund it themselves is a good thing.

Under Clinton, I earned everything back that I lost under Bush Senior and St. Ronald. Republicans have always screwed the working man, and Democrats always helped him.

Democrats handing someone something they didn't earn isn't helping them. It's enabling them to continue to want it for nothing.

I did well under Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II.

Again, where is all that free stuff. I have never been given anything.

Prove it.

What would you accept as proof?

Tax returns.
the poor did well? The only way the poor can do well is to no longer be poor. What does that mean? Are you saying the poor got more handouts for doing nothing?

No, I mean a lot of them got jobs because Clinton got the unemployment rate down to 3% and they had topay them a decent amount.

Don't worry, you boy Bush fuckedthat up for everyone.
Only a tool like you thinks shaking down someone else because those that support certain ideas won't fund it themselves is a good thing.

Naw, guy, a tool is someone who bends over and smiles when the 1% fucks him.

Yet they were still poor despite what you say they made.

Don't worry, unlike you I did well under Bush.
ou are absolutely correct about the situation.....Democrat shill Joe Wilson...husband of Valerie Plame, was the liar at the center of the Liberal farrago.

"I see Instapundit as well as both the Associated Press and the Washington Post has already beaten me to the punch on this one....

So what? Point was, Scooter Libby STILL Lied to the special prosecutor. He was contradicted by several reporters, including the late Tim Russert. Whether or not Joe Wilson was full of himself is completely besides the point.

Now, I think his prosecution was over the top, and an abuse of prosecutorial discretion, but so was spending 70 million dollars to find out if Clinton got his cock sucked or not.
ou are absolutely correct about the situation.....Democrat shill Joe Wilson...husband of Valerie Plame, was the liar at the center of the Liberal farrago.

"I see Instapundit as well as both the Associated Press and the Washington Post has already beaten me to the punch on this one....

So what? Point was, Scooter Libby STILL Lied to the special prosecutor. He was contradicted by several reporters, including the late Tim Russert. Whether or not Joe Wilson was full of himself is completely besides the point.

Now, I think his prosecution was over the top, and an abuse of prosecutorial discretion, but so was spending 70 million dollars to find out if Clinton got his cock sucked or not.

Libby did no such thing.

The prime liar was Joe Wilson....facilitated by the Liberal establishment, and advanced by dolts like you.
The Clinton's whole existence is built on lies, fraud and corruption. There once was a time when these things, although they existed, were unacceptable with the general public at large, now they seem to be. Just more proof of the degeneration of our society. If a women like this, can being elected president, with everybody knowing shes corrupt, even her supporters know it. it 'd be a sad day for this country.

Guy, Grow up.

Real world. Both sides do this. Both sides are bought and paid for by special interests.

Hillary will get elected because Trump is unacceptable, and the GOP didn't have the balls to take him off the ballot.

Cronyism and corruption are two different things. Trump isn't bought and paid for. Hillary should be in prison for money laundering and revealing state secrets,but you're a dumbass, and could give a crap about your country:slap:

Clinton worked to advance Russian military tech

Hillary Clinton worked as secretary of state to funnel U.S. dollars into Russia's technological development, including military technology, in exchange for Russian investment in the United States, a new report claims.

Though the activity was legal, the report further illuminates the tangled alliances Clinton developed in her role leading the State Department, the lengths she went in trying to develop a relationship with Russian leaders, and the common ground that donors to the nonprofit Clinton Foundation appeared to share with donors tied to the Kremlin.

Report: Clinton worked to advance Russian military tech
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