Bin Laden caught


May 7, 2004
Its known that a few months back the CIA group set up to hunt for Bin Laden was disbanded.

An immediate conclusion one might draw is that Bush isn't really interested in finding Bin Laden.

But if you think a little deeper, you'll realize that is absurd. Of course Bush is interested in finding BIn Laden, it would be an enormous boost to his credibility! That should be obvious. What should also be obvious is that real reason this group was disbanded. Why would you disband a group set up to hunt for somebody? Because you've caught them.

Bin Laden is in CIA custody as we speak, and has been for months now.

Why is Bush revealing his secret prison program? He apparently has no benefit in doing so - and he's certainly not known for revealing information he does not think is beneficial to him.

Bush has revealed his secret prison program so that when the capture of Bin Laden is revealed sometime before the Novemember elections, he can be completely honest and say that yes, Bin Laden was caught months ago, and placed in a secret prison, for your safety.

Another fact that fits in is that the President of Pakistan has made an agreement with the Taliban to mutually leave each other alone. Yet, the Bush administration is not up in arms over this. Its because Pakistan got a green light from the U.S. to go ahead and do whatever they need to do to end the fighting, since we already have Bin Laden.

The capture of Bin Laden will be revealed soon, perhaps in the next few weeks.
Its known that a few months back the CIA group set up to hunt for Bin Laden was disbanded.

An immediate conclusion one might draw is that Bush isn't really interested in finding Bin Laden.

But if you think a little deeper, you'll realize that is absurd. Of course Bush is interested in finding BIn Laden, it would be an enormous boost to his credibility! That should be obvious. What should also be obvious is that real reason this group was disbanded. Why would you disband a group set up to hunt for somebody? Because you've caught them.

Bin Laden is in CIA custody as we speak, and has been for months now.

Why is Bush revealing his secret prison program? He apparently has no benefit in doing so - and he's certainly not known for revealing information he does not think is beneficial to him.

Bush has revealed his secret prison program so that when the capture of Bin Laden is revealed sometime before the Novemember elections, he can be completely honest and say that yes, Bin Laden was caught months ago, and placed in a secret prison, for your safety.

Another fact that fits in is that the President of Pakistan has made an agreement with the Taliban to mutually leave each other alone. Yet, the Bush administration is not up in arms over this. Its because Pakistan got a green light from the U.S. to go ahead and do whatever they need to do to end the fighting, since we already have Bin Laden.

The capture of Bin Laden will be revealed soon, perhaps in the next few weeks.

ok I'll bite--gotta link?
Its known that a few months back the CIA group set up to hunt for Bin Laden was disbanded.

An immediate conclusion one might draw is that Bush isn't really interested in finding Bin Laden.

But if you think a little deeper, you'll realize that is absurd. Of course Bush is interested in finding BIn Laden, it would be an enormous boost to his credibility! That should be obvious. What should also be obvious is that real reason this group was disbanded. Why would you disband a group set up to hunt for somebody? Because you've caught them.

Bin Laden is in CIA custody as we speak, and has been for months now.

Why is Bush revealing his secret prison program? He apparently has no benefit in doing so - and he's certainly not known for revealing information he does not think is beneficial to him.

Bush has revealed his secret prison program so that when the capture of Bin Laden is revealed sometime before the Novemember elections, he can be completely honest and say that yes, Bin Laden was caught months ago, and placed in a secret prison, for your safety.

Another fact that fits in is that the President of Pakistan has made an agreement with the Taliban to mutually leave each other alone. Yet, the Bush administration is not up in arms over this. Its because Pakistan got a green light from the U.S. to go ahead and do whatever they need to do to end the fighting, since we already have Bin Laden.

The capture of Bin Laden will be revealed soon, perhaps in the next few weeks.

Damn that stupid Bush is SO smart hey Tuber? Ya gotta admit it now. Tell everyone right before an election "we got him" what a guy.:rotflmao:

You MORON!!!!
Damn that stupid Bush is SO smart hey Tuber? Ya gotta admit it now. Tell everyone right before an election "we got him" what a guy.:rotflmao:

You MORON!!!!

Fess up Mr P !!! you got him locked up in your garage !!!
How many times have I told you. He's up here, delivering for Dial-A-Bottle.
I wasn't really sure, that the left was completly fucked,but, hey, I am now.

Nice post Spiderman.:shocked1:
Its known that a few months back the CIA group set up to hunt for Bin Laden was disbanded.

An immediate conclusion one might draw is that Bush isn't really interested in finding Bin Laden.

But if you think a little deeper, you'll realize that is absurd. Of course Bush is interested in finding BIn Laden, it would be an enormous boost to his credibility! That should be obvious. What should also be obvious is that real reason this group was disbanded. Why would you disband a group set up to hunt for somebody? Because you've caught them.

Bin Laden is in CIA custody as we speak, and has been for months now.

Why is Bush revealing his secret prison program? He apparently has no benefit in doing so - and he's certainly not known for revealing information he does not think is beneficial to him.

Bush has revealed his secret prison program so that when the capture of Bin Laden is revealed sometime before the Novemember elections, he can be completely honest and say that yes, Bin Laden was caught months ago, and placed in a secret prison, for your safety.

Another fact that fits in is that the President of Pakistan has made an agreement with the Taliban to mutually leave each other alone. Yet, the Bush administration is not up in arms over this. Its because Pakistan got a green light from the U.S. to go ahead and do whatever they need to do to end the fighting, since we already have Bin Laden.

The capture of Bin Laden will be revealed soon, perhaps in the next few weeks.

Must you post your fantasy world on the board?
You mean why is it bad to let politics be the sole deciding factor in a national security related decision?

Do I seriously need to answer that?

So what your saying is it's bad that Osama Bin Laden could be captured because it would benefit Republicans in an election?
IN YOUR DREAMS!!! If Bin Laden was caught Bush would surely show him to the world . Right now opinion polls in the U.S are not swinging in Bush's favour so he would surely try to gain face in the States by showing the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. Also , if Bin Laden has been caught his so called followers or jihadists would surely retaliate. There hasen't been much word of Osama just the regular sightings by some shepherds and villagers in some remote corner of Afghansitan. Hell , he might even be in Iran right now under Mahmoud's patronage!!! Who knows??? And for Bush admitting about CIA cells in the world , its nothing new.Obviously a superpower nation with a sophisticated and huge intell. network would have bases and hideouts around the globe. WHo cares ??? As long as every American sleeps peacefully at night without having dreams of Al Qaeda dropping a nuke on them who cares what CIA does to its prisoners?????? I think the U.S should continue searching for Osama on the widest scale possible before he does anything drastic!!! Remember , Osama can't keep hiding in the same place every time he is always on the move. Today , Afghanistan tommorow Iran day after back to Afghansitan. My hunch is that he is holed up somewhere along the numerous hills on the Iran-Afghan border.

Its known that a few months back the CIA group set up to hunt for Bin Laden was disbanded.

An immediate conclusion one might draw is that Bush isn't really interested in finding Bin Laden.

But if you think a little deeper, you'll realize that is absurd. Of course Bush is interested in finding BIn Laden, it would be an enormous boost to his credibility! That should be obvious. What should also be obvious is that real reason this group was disbanded. Why would you disband a group set up to hunt for somebody? Because you've caught them.

Bin Laden is in CIA custody as we speak, and has been for months now.

Why is Bush revealing his secret prison program? He apparently has no benefit in doing so - and he's certainly not known for revealing information he does not think is beneficial to him.

Bush has revealed his secret prison program so that when the capture of Bin Laden is revealed sometime before the Novemember elections, he can be completely honest and say that yes, Bin Laden was caught months ago, and placed in a secret prison, for your safety.

Another fact that fits in is that the President of Pakistan has made an agreement with the Taliban to mutually leave each other alone. Yet, the Bush administration is not up in arms over this. Its because Pakistan got a green light from the U.S. to go ahead and do whatever they need to do to end the fighting, since we already have Bin Laden.

The capture of Bin Laden will be revealed soon, perhaps in the next few weeks.

Don't fool yourself. Bin Laden will remain free as long as the right-wing, authoritarian, dictator wannabes running this country need a boogey-man to frighten the American electorate with.
Don't fool yourself. Bin Laden will remain free as long as the right-wing, authoritarian, dictator wannabes running this country need a boogey-man to frighten the American electorate with.

The only ones being fooled are you radical lefties with your before-the-fact accusations. Bin Laden is nothing more than the physical manifestation of a warped set of ideals that will remain, bin Laden or no. If caught, he should be held accountable for his crimes, but radical Islam will hardly go away.

Capturing or killing bin Laden couldn't be a good thing if a Republican administration is responsible. :bs1:
The only ones being fooled are you radical lefties with your before-the-fact accusations. Bin Laden is nothing more than the physical manifestation of a warped set of ideals that will remain, bin Laden or no. If caught, he should be held accountable for his crimes, but radical Islam will hardly go away.

Capturing or killing bin Laden couldn't be a good thing if a Republican administration is responsible. :bs1:

Personally if I caught him, I'd interrogate him until I was satisfied I had it all. Then I'd kill him and no one would find the body. Obviously I would tell no one.
Personally if I caught him, I'd interrogate him until I was satisfied I had it all. Then I'd kill him and no one would find the body. Obviously I would tell no one.

That is what I want to hear. Thanks!
Its known that a few months back the CIA group set up to hunt for Bin Laden was disbanded.

An immediate conclusion one might draw is that Bush isn't really interested in finding Bin Laden.

But if you think a little deeper, you'll realize that is absurd. Of course Bush is interested in finding BIn Laden, it would be an enormous boost to his credibility! That should be obvious. What should also be obvious is that real reason this group was disbanded. Why would you disband a group set up to hunt for somebody? Because you've caught them.

Bin Laden is in CIA custody as we speak, and has been for months now.

Why is Bush revealing his secret prison program? He apparently has no benefit in doing so - and he's certainly not known for revealing information he does not think is beneficial to him.

Bush has revealed his secret prison program so that when the capture of Bin Laden is revealed sometime before the Novemember elections, he can be completely honest and say that yes, Bin Laden was caught months ago, and placed in a secret prison, for your safety.

Another fact that fits in is that the President of Pakistan has made an agreement with the Taliban to mutually leave each other alone. Yet, the Bush administration is not up in arms over this. Its because Pakistan got a green light from the U.S. to go ahead and do whatever they need to do to end the fighting, since we already have Bin Laden.

The capture of Bin Laden will be revealed soon, perhaps in the next few weeks.

You're entire theory is based on this one sentence:
"Its known that a few months back the CIA group set up to hunt for Bin Laden was disbanded."??????

OMG!!!!! weak, so very very weak.

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